Chapter 119 Scare you to death

“What you said makes sense.”

There was a bit of embarrassment on Kelitian’s face. When Kelitian said what Kelitian said, Shen Long also nodded. At this moment, Shen Long spoke to Kelitian without hesitation.

“You know what I said makes sense, then I hope you will realize a more important thing next.

Listening to Shen Long’s words, Ke Litian’s face became a little ugly, Ke Litian frowned, not knowing what to say.

In this moment, Shen Long looked at Kelitian and said without hesitation.

“For the next period of time, I hope you can stay by my side and don’t go anywhere? Because you know that 253 you go to other places, it must be dangerous.”

Hearing what Shen Long said, Kelitian nodded, Kelitian had no objection, but Kelitian said with a sad face when he looked at Shen Long.

“But this time I also dragged you down.”

Ke Litian’s eyes were full of deepness. When Ke Litian said what she said, Shen Long just smiled calmly. At this moment, Shen Long looked at Ke Litian and said helplessly.

“The two of us are friends of life or death. Now it is meaningless to say such a thing. Please take a good look at the reactions of these (dbfe) people!”

As Shen Long said, he pointed to the young people behind him. Hearing Shen Long’s words, Ke Litian looked back, and Ke Litian didn’t think of it at this time.

There are countless insects crawling in their hands. And they are all white eggs.

Seeing such a scene, Ke Litian almost vomited.

Ke Litian turned his head away and didn’t dare to look more. Shen Long saw Ke Litian’s appearance and laughed for a while.

At this moment, Shen Long patted Ke Litian on the shoulder and said calmly.

“Don’t panic either, these things are nothing.

Although he said it like this, Ke Litian’s face became very ugly, and Ke Litian frowned, not knowing what to say.

Shen Long smiled for a moment when he saw Ke Litian like that. He patted Ke Litian on the shoulder and said calmly.

“You never thought that something like this would happen?”

Kelitian nodded.

These young people were even more frightened. Their faces were full of fear. They kept taking these bugs down, but they were catching them at the same time.

There were countless insects crawling out of the palms of their hands. They were stunned. They didn’t believe what they saw.

They frowned and burst out screams after another.

Seeing them like that, Shen Long laughed, and Shen Long stared at them and said calmly.

“This kind of method is actually a bit of abuse. I explicitly banned my subordinates from using it a long time ago, but I think that for you people, doing it this way is the best punishment.”

Shen Long’s face was full of seriousness. When Shen Long said something, their complexion became extremely ugly. They frowned, not knowing what to say.

In this moment, Shen Long stared at them and said without hesitation.

“Although I don’t know how to punish you, I also know that the government will release you quickly, but I also know that this method is insidious, but this is also a permanent solution.”

Shen Long’s face was full of excitement, and Shen Long’s words rang in his ears. .

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