Oga Mihua also greeted Suzuki Jirokichi politely. 09

"What a proud young man!" Turning to look at the back of Mu Qiye and his party, Suzuki Jiroji sighed with a smile.From beginning to end, Mu Qiye didn't call him uncle or any other honorable title.

Of course, it's not disrespectful, after all, Mu Qiye is also a big chaebol now.

Well, with the Dahe family?At least [*]% of the shares.According to market valuation, it is estimated that as long as the asset integration is completed, it will almost reach the threshold of the top chaebol.

Mu Qiye also has his dignity and pride.

What's wrong with being older?The strong is the boss. This is a rule that is also recognized by foreign countries. What is age?

"Uncle, what are you thinking!"

Suzuki Sonoko asked curiously from the side, what's so beautiful about the back?

"No." Suzuki Jiroji laughed.

He turned to look at Da He Miao, Da He Chen Ye, and Da He Yazhi a few.Dahe Miao left in a hurry, Dahe Chenyao and Dahe Yazhi stopped in a flattering way and called Mr. Jiroji, Suzuki,

Today is different from the past, the Suzuki family is already high above.

"Haha, Sonoko, let's go and eat!"

Suzuki Jiroji just smiled and nodded, and he didn't care to congratulate him, and directly greeted Sonoko and strode towards the Togetsu Palace Hall!

It's enough to be happy, the current Dahe family is not qualified.The ridicule is to flatter them, and he can't afford to lose face, including Da He Miao!

"Uncle, wait for me..."


Dahe Meihua was busy returning to Huis Ten Bosch for the transfer of the Dahe family's property, Nakamura naturally provided legal aid, and Concubine Mile was busy returning to Edogawa District to hand over copies of documents to Taro Sakai and the others. Let them take over quickly and send people to these companies and industrial locations to avoid chaos.

So in the parking lot, Mu Qiye separated from Concubine Mile, Nakamura, and Dahe Meihua.

on the way back.

"Seven nights, this..."

Kato Akane took out the stack of transfer documents in her hand and was going to give it to Mu Qiye.

She is very satisfied with everything she has now. She doesn't want this [*]% equity at all, and it will always remind her that this is what her father's death bought!

"Okay, take what's given to you!"

He reached out and rubbed Katori Akane's hair, pulled her over, and pulled her to lie on his lap.Katori Akane's face turned red, and she lay down obediently, closing her eyes tightly, her eyelashes trembling.

Mu Qiye just smiled, stretched out his hand across her cheek, and landed on... the feeling of being shocked and blasting a river of spring water always made people feel extremely exciting, as if gently....

"Well, I'll go back and ask Miles to write an entrustment contract for you. You entrust me to manage it and just collect the money."

"Well~, well, you can take this document too. I have enough money now, um, I don't need the other ones, they're all in the pawn shop..."

"Okay, if you have time, you can find someone to count it as a share, and you will invest it as a partner."


Katori Akane, who seems innocent and obedient, has not encountered many.Gui Yanye and Qiong are not counted.Mu Qiye thought about it for a while, but still couldn't hold back, so he turned around and took Akane Katori back to Chiyoda Villa.


The rain hits the bananas, swallowing thousands of miles like a tiger.


After three o'clock in the afternoon, Mu Qiye went out for lunch.

When I checked the text message on my backup phone, I learned that Gin had brought what I wanted, so I simply called Gin.

in a pharmacy.

Seeing the caller ID, Jin Jiu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

In order to make a deal with Mu Qiye, he didn't even bother to go up and perform tasks these days. He felt that he was really slack, and he was ashamed of the organization!

Went to a room, closed the door, Gin went inside, and answered the phone.

"Jiuzi, long time no see!" Mu Qiye said with a smile.

This familiar greeting still made Gin almost break the defense.

With a black line on his head, his cheeks jumped, he took a deep breath, and said coldly: "When is the deal? The Dutch Van Gogh can hand it over to the man with the code name Arrogant, and there is another man named Chianti, who is a sniper. , The ability is good, but the character is a bit poor, do you want it?"

"Huh? Chianti?"

Mu Qiye was stunned for a moment, but Van Gogh of the Netherlands didn't say that he had already thought about the direction in charge and the positioning.Chianti?That foreign girl with short hair and a good figure?Although it looks a little bad, but occasionally adjust it, coupled with that little hot character, it is still very interesting!

"Okay. It doesn't matter how many people there are, but after they come, they won't belong to you. Of course, they won't be enemies with you. I can also try to ensure the memories of his 040s, but you know the exception. "

Mu Qiye shrugged, because he wanted to test, plug people, increase contact, etc. It was all right, anyway, he didn't care, and it was them in the end!

"Okay, I'll inform them!" Jin Jiu couldn't help but sighed in relief.Thinking about the situation of Masami Hirota, he still has lingering fears now, that is basically to reset the person again, similar to a doll.

Besides, he didn't really care about it.

Before cooperating with Mu Qiye, at least we didn't know who was behind Mu Qiye's backstage and what his power was, the organization maintained a cooperative attitude!

Dutch Van Gogh is a killer. According to his character, it is better to die if he is disabled.

Chianti violated the rules of the organization, but because she was loyal enough to the organization, it was excusable, and handing it over to Mu Qiye was another way to save her life.

(Thanks to LL for rewarding 2000 vip points again.)

(Thanks to Feixiang for the two monthly tickets, thanks to salesperson 45 for the two monthly tickets, thanks to the monthly tickets of *Qing÷Xin*, thanks to the monthly tickets of 136, 1555, 9813, thanks to the monthly tickets of 1837, 8398, 309, thanks to Feng Mingjun for his continuous support , thank you for your support, thank you very much!!!)

Chapter 379: Fortunately, there is vodka!

"When is the time, the things will be delivered." Jin Jiu asked, and he also remembered that for the sake of safety in this matter, he still set the time and place to be safe.

Mu Qiye didn't care either: "Today, I have something to do tomorrow."


Gin also thought about tomorrow, the [*]th anniversary of the Suzuki family's opening, looked at the time, and nodded lightly: "It won't be more than five o'clock, I'll call you then, there's a lot of things, don't drive a sports car, of course, If you can open what I provide."

"Huh? Not at night?"

Thinking that they were a terrorist organization, Mu Qiye touched the tip of his nose and said, "Okay, call me then."


Gin's voice came out again.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Mu Qiye stopped hanging up the phone and asked curiously.

Jin Jiu took a few steps, thought about it, and said, "The third person in our organization who knows your information will probably go too, um, woman, you know it."

"Female? Know?" Mu Qiye was slightly taken aback.

Rum seems to be a man, the organization boss is the second, and the woman who knows and can think of, knows, it is estimated that it is a Belmod.

"Okay, got it."

Mu Qiye smiled and hung up the phone.

Compared to Rum, who doesn't know who he is, it's not a bad thing to know Belmod, at least familiar with it, and also worried... If you really get her to bed, you won't be able to hide it for a long time, and it will be considered a shortage of places.

It's just that the woman in the original book is also a twenty-five boy.Whether it is a betrayal of the winery or not, it is also giving Conan all kinds of water. Now... not sure, it is unlikely that Maorilan is in prison.

Of course, it doesn't matter if you have it, what's the big deal?

Lazily yawning, Mu Qiye stretched out his hand, and the imprint of Shuichi Akai's slave contract appeared in his hand.

Yusaku Kudo has changed too much, so let's bring a newcomer to show his strength!

On Jinjiu's side, after hanging up the phone, he frowned instead.

"So plain~"?"

Even if you already know that there is a third person who knows, but this is a direct meeting, you don't need to be so bland, right?

not give a damn about?

Or... I already knew that it was Belmod!

His expression was even more solemn.

If it is the next one, it will undoubtedly be very scary.

Of course, nothing too unexpected.

I could tell that there were at least five things in the organization with codenames as traitors, and when Akemi Miyano appeared directly around the organization's base, I guessed that there was such a possibility.

It's just an instinctive rejection, and an unwillingness to accept it.

Shake his head to put those away.

Gin focused his attention on his mobile phone and found Belmod's mobile phone number. After thinking about it, he edited a text message and sent it.

Putting the phone in his coat pocket, Gin walked out of the room.

He stopped abruptly, frowned, and looked left and right. He seemed to have noticed it just now, but he didn't.

"Brother, what's wrong?"

On the opposite right, the younger brother Vodka, who knew that the elder brother was here, hurried over to ask.

Is it vodka?

Jin Jiu's expression relaxed, and he shook his head gently: "No."

"Brother, are you going out today?" Vodka asked excitedly.


Gin didn't know what to say, Vodka had asked about it many times.This time I'm going out, but I can't bring him...

"Well, something happened."

Glancing at the vodka, Gin nodded lightly: "I'll be back soon, I want to drink at night."

"Really? Big brother, I'll prepare now!"

Thinking of going out drinking with Gin, Vodka forgot about Gin and he was going to go alone.

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