With a Door In Mind

Vol 2 Chapter 1250: , special training

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Early the next morning, he hesitated between the military region and the unit, but he was still planning to visit the unit! The training can be done slowly in the space.

Then the messenger came directly to the place.

The rain had stopped at this time, but the sky was still cloudy, looking like a haze. Back at the unit, Zhang Jiaming walked over just as he sat down.

He said in a low voice: "Director Zhang called and asked you to go to the military area immediately after you arrive. She will wait for you there. There is something important! By the way, I want you to bring your things, she I'll know it when I tell you."

Zhou Xiaochuan was puzzled when he heard the words: "She's back?" As for what Zhang Guoguo said, he naturally knew it. "Well, the plane that just got off, she is also rushing there!"

Hearing this, Zhou Xiaochuan thought for a while and nodded: "That's ok, you will have to work **** the work at the unit. Remember to call there if you have any emergencies. I will come back as soon as possible."

"It's okay, I'll take care of you here." Seeing this, Zhou Xiaochuan nodded.

It is still quite far from the military area, and the bus is too slow.

Thinking of this, he asked about the unit's truck not being used today, and he drove away. But after a while there will be cars in the unit.

Although it is not a special car, it is only a car for job security, which is shared by the unit, but it is still a small car.

When the car drove outside the compound of the military region, he was speechless for a while. If he had known that he would have come here in the morning, he would have come back in the morning. As soon as he arrived at the door, he saw Zhang Guoguo who was waiting at the door.

The other party looked tired. Yawning from time to time.

The car stopped in front of the other party, Zhang Guoguo knew it was the unit's car, so he came over directly

The other party got into the car and said with a smile: "It's okay, I know that I drive the car of the unit, otherwise I don't know how long I will wait." As he said, he put things from his bag.

Zhou Xiaochuan saw that the other party's hair had been dyed back, and said nothing. He smiled and said, "This business trip is pretty fast!"

"Well, I'll be back after completing the mission. I have to thank your comrades over there for their help, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous."

After Zhang Guoguo finished speaking, he took out the things and handed them to him: "Take this pass and go in! Go directly to the sl department. Bring the things?" Zhou Xiaochuan took the things and looked at them. It was a special pass.

"Bring it! But the amount is not much, only enough for 7 people."

I only made ten bottles last time, and only so much is left after using 3 servings.

While talking, he started the car and walked towards the courtyard. After handing the pass to the other party, the car was let in. Follow Zhang Guoguo's guidance and drive inside.

Walking on the road, Zhang Guoguo asked him, "By the way, is it convenient to tell us the prescription? Can I have someone buy some supplies for you?"

Zhou Xiaochuan didn't care, took out a piece of paper and handed it to her: "This is the prescription and dosage, you can decide how much you need! But let me remind you first, if you use it privately and something happens, don't blame me body."

After speaking, he handed the things to her.

Zhang Guoguo took the things like a baby, and nodded with a smile: "Don't worry, everyone's use will be completed under your supervision, is that all right?"

Hearing this, Zhou Xiaochuan felt relieved.

Then he asked: "Why are you calling me here in such a hurry? Could it be that you are preparing for the experiment so soon?" It should be for this purpose.


Zhang Guoguo nodded upon hearing this, "I have contacted here to prepare a team before the training. I came here as soon as I got off the plane." Zhou Xiaochuan didn't say anything.

The car stopped in front of a three-story building, and the two got out of the car and walked towards the building.

Zhang Guoguo took out a certificate and handed it to the guard: "Yang sl notified us to come here, please check the record." The other party took the certificate and looked at the registration on it.

After saluting, he returned the things: "Comrade Zhang, please follow me." After speaking, he led the two of them up to the third floor.

stopped at an office door


There were also two guards at the door, and after handing over, they left conveniently.

The two men at the door didn't say anything, they knocked lightly on the door, and opened the door after hearing the sound. "Yang sl, Comrade Zhang Guoguo has brought someone over, do you want to meet now?"

The old man in the room nodded slightly, "Let them in!"

Seeing this, the other party said to Zhang Guoguo and the two: "You can go in, but you have to hand over your weapons." After speaking, he looked at the two of them.

Zhang Guoguo shook his head: "Neither of us is armed!"

Hearing this, the other party nodded lightly. Although the chief explained that there is no need for a body search, a routine questioning is still required. "Okay, you can go in."

Zhang Guoguo gestured to Zhou Xiaochuan and led him in.

After entering, the door was closed, Zhang Guoguo smiled at the old man, "Uncle Yang, I have to disturb you again this time."

Old man Yang stood up and laughed: "It's okay, what you do is a good thing! If it can be promoted, it will be a blessing for the country!" After finishing speaking, he looked at Zhou Xiaochuan and said with a smile: "Young man, do you still remember me? ?”

Zhou Xiaochuan nodded with a smile: "I was lucky enough to meet Yang Sl last time."

Hearing this, the old man put away his smile and said, "The training plan submitted by Guoguo has been approved by the above, and we will fully cooperate with your work here."

Then he said solemnly: "However, the people who are entrusted to you are all good seedlings from our place. If something big happens in your hands, I will not spare you.

I won't give Lao Zhang face either. "

Zhou Xiaochuan smiled when he heard this, and looked at Zhang Guoguo without saying anything. Love it or not!

Seeing this, Zhang Guoguo smoothed things over and said with a smile: "Uncle Yang came out of the hail of bullets on the battlefield, and he didn't want the good seedlings to be destroyed." After speaking, he said to the old man: "Uncle Yang, the people have already assembled Do you? Give us the information and act as soon as possible.”

Hearing this, old man Yang opened the drawer, took out a file bag and handed it to her.

Zhang Guoguo took the thing, opened it for a look, took out a certificate and a piece of paper from it, and handed it to Zhou Xiaochuan. "This is your certificate here, take it away and don't lose it. This is your accreditation certificate."

Zhou Xiaochuan took it and took a look.

The certificate is similar to the one given by Zhang Ping, and the level is also the certificate of an assistant teacher, but it is not a real job. And that certificate reads: 75912 Secret Research Institute.

Special Operations Adviser.

Zhou Xiaochuan looked at this and didn't say anything, it was just a title. Put things away.

After seeing the two of them finished reading, the old man shouted to the door: "Xiao Zhao!"

Hearing the sound, the door was opened, and one of the guards at the door walked in: "Chief!"

The old man pointed to the two of them and said, "Take them to the No. 36 training ground, it's ready there, just take them there." "Yes!"

Xiao Zhao responded, and looked at Zhang Guoguo and the others. "Come with me, two comrades!"

Then he went out the door.

Seeing this, Zhang Guoguo greeted with a soft smile: "Uncle Yang, let's go there first!" The old man smiled and waved his hands: "Okay, let's go!"

Then the two went downstairs.

After the two got off, Xiao Zhao pointed to the jeep next to him and said, "Take this car! Your car won't pass." Then he got into the car directly.

Seeing this, Zhang Guoguo said to him, "Where's your medicine? Where is it? Do you want to get it for me?" "It's fine, I'll just get it myself."

After Zhou Xiaochuan finished speaking, he turned around and went to the car he drove in next to him, opened the rear door, and came out with a cardboard box in his arms. Putting things on the car, the three of them drove towards Ruoshanli.

I encountered a lot of checkpoints along the way, and seeing the pass that Xiao Zhao took out, I let him in directly. The place is not too close, the car stopped at the gate at the foot of a hill in the first 20 minutes. Take out the documents and go in.

After entering, this is a small training ground


Shooting range, simple track, basketball court, small vegetable garden, it is a self-sufficient experimental base. The scope is not small, less than ten mu of land.

It is surrounded by a circle of brick walls. The car drove for a while.

We drove to a building surrounded by several separate two-story buildings. At this time, there were already many people waiting at the gate of the building.

The number is about thirty people.

Divided into three lines, stood there neatly, and a man in his thirties was standing there straight in front of him. I saw the car coming.

The other party trotted forward.

He saluted several people, "Hello, Chief!" The three of them also returned a military salute.

Seeing this, Xiao Zhao took out a notice and handed it to him: "Commissioner Zhang Guoguo and advisor Zhou Xiaochuan will temporarily take over the 36th special platoon. This is a notice."

The other party took a look at it, and then saluted Zhang Guoguo: "Report, Tang Sheng, the leader of No. 36 special platoon, is reporting to you." Then he saluted Zhou Xiaochuan.

The three responded again.

Seeing this, Xiao Zhao saluted Zhang Guoguo, "Okay, my task is completed, if you need anything, you can call the sl department. Find me!"

The three of them were polite, and drove away conveniently. After the people left, the three came to the front of the team.

"Report, Zhang Zhengwei, all the special platoons have assembled, and there are 33 people, and there are 31 people, please give instructions." Seeing this, Zhang Guoguo responded with a salute: "Platoon leader Tang, this is our first time here, let me introduce you briefly. Let's go!" "Yes!"

Then I talked about the situation of thirty people.

Ten special training classes, ten sanitation classes, ten people are logistics support, and two are on duty at the gate.

Zhang Guoguo nodded, looked at the thirty people in front of him, and said to Tang Sheng: "Let the comrades disband first, let's talk in the office." "Yes!"

The other party agreed and gave orders to the people behind him.

After they were all taken away, Tang Sheng led them to the office on the second floor. It's not a serious occasion, and the few people talking are not so serious.

"Zhang Zhengwei, Consultant Zhou, we came here immediately after receiving the notice a few days ago. Do you have any plans for the next experimental project?" Zhang Guoguo looked at Zhou Xiaochuan after hearing the words: "This time the experimental project has full authority. Consultant Zhou will be in charge, and you will be in charge of implementation.”

Tang Sheng was surprised when he heard this. But he quickly recovered his expression.

While talking, several people came to two adjacent offices: "Zhang Zhengwei, Advisor Zhou, this is the office prepared for the two of you. The information of the ten special training team members is on the table. They are all carefully selected top students. Bing, and the results are very close.

Ten hygienists are dedicated to measuring and collecting data for these people. Zhang Guoguo nodded upon hearing that.

When he came to this simple office, he picked up the documents on the table, flipped through them a bit, and handed them to Zhou Xiaochuan.

"Let's take a look, what operations are needed next? You need to tell me in advance, so we can prepare. Start training as soon as possible." Zhou Xiaochuan took the things and looked at them. There were various data written on them.

It is mainly various data of daily military training, which is basically extreme data.

Physical training mainly includes 100-meter sprint, 5x10 switchback run, 3000-meter long-distance run, single bar and parallel bars, push-ups, sit-ups, squats


Seeing the data, he put the list on the table.

Facing Zhang Guoguo, he said, "It's fine for you to be responsible for these training items. I just care about how these people improve their physical fitness according to my method."

Hearing this, Zhang Guoguo looked at Tang Sheng: "Then follow Advisor Zhou's method and listen to his arrangement!" "Yes!"

The other party agreed and asked, "Consultant Zhou, what do you think about the next arrangement? Do you want to familiarize yourself with the environment first, or warm up now."

"Is the data on this the latest collection?" Zhou Xiaochuan asked, pointing to the data on the table.

Tang Sheng nodded: "It's all the latest data, the data from the selection a few days ago."

Hearing this, Zhou Xiaochuan nodded lightly: "There are only seven people in my experiment, you can choose seven people out, just right, you can also compare the results of these people, if you need a large number of experiments, you have to do it again Accompanying medicine!"

After finishing speaking, he thought of something and said to him: "By the way, prepare enough food so that the energy will not keep up during the training." The other party nodded after hearing the words: "Okay, do you have any other orders? If not , I'll arrange it now."

Zhou Xiaochuan thought for a while and said: "The training here is indoors, because I have to take off my clothes, so let me remind you first. But you don't have to take off your clothes all the time, you can put on them after applying the medicine on your body.

The potion is in the box downstairs, you can take it when the time comes, I will go over and teach you how to use it later. Feeling that there are no other problems, he said, "That's all for now."

Hearing this, Tang Sheng nodded, said hello and left.

After the people left, Tang Guoguo said, "We'll be working here for a while, and we'll go back to work after we're done."

After speaking, he picked up the phone next to him: "Just now I forgot to bring the prescription to Director Zhao to take back. I'll make a call and ask their logistics to prepare these things."

Then made a phone call.

Zhou Xiaochuan didn't care, just watched from the side.

At this time, the building next to this building caught his attention because there were a lot of fitness equipment in it. Except that there are no electronic equipment like some later generations, ordinary fitness equipment such as barbells and dumbbells are available. This will be much more convenient.

After waiting for a while, Zhang Guoguo put down the phone: "People will come over to pick up the things in a while, what needs to be done, you just tell them to do it when the time comes."

Zhou Xiaochuan nodded, picked up the paper next to him and began to write the steps.

It's not too complicated, just the ordinary method of boiling medicine is fine, that is, there is a sequence and time for the preparation of various medicinal materials. After finishing it, I gave it to her.

Zhang Guoguo put away his things, and at this time Tang Sheng also trotted up.

"Zhang Zhengwei, you are ready, you can go to the training room next door."

Hearing this, Zhou Xiaochuan said: "Zhang Zhengwei doesn't need to go, I'll just go and wait for them to get dressed." Tang Sheng glanced at Zhang Guoguo, and nodded, seeing that it was indeed inappropriate. So he took Zhou Xiaochuan downstairs and came to the next door.

Coming to the building next door, Zhou Xiaochuan glanced at the room next door and said with a smile, "Platoon Leader Tang, why are there so many training equipment next door?"

Hearing this, the other party glanced at it and said with a smile, "Oh, this one, this one is used by the army for those who participate in the competition. Later, our experimental bases are equipped with some."

Zhou Xiaochuan nodded when he heard this, and followed the other party into the empty room next to him.

After entering, the tables and chairs had been moved around, only a table remained on the podium, which should be prepared for him.

After arriving, Zhou Xiaochuan saw that there were still a few female soldiers among the health workers, and said to Tang Sheng, "Let the female soldiers go to the door and wait for a while, and come in after they are done."

Tang Sheng nodded and said to a female soldier below: "Squad Leader Yang, take the female soldier out for a while, and come in after the notification." "Yes!"

A female soldier at the front of the health team agreed to come down and took the female soldier out.

After the people left, Zhou Xiaochuan took out the potion, put it on the table, looked at the seven people in front of him and said:

"Take off your clothes, put the left potion on your body, get soaked, I mean everywhere except the eyes. Then drink the right potion.

The dosage is half, and the remaining half is used in the afternoon. "Everyone looked at each other when they heard the words, but they didn't understand what was going on. "Can't you hear me? Execute the order!"

Seeing this, Tang Sheng shouted at the people below.

Seeing this, everyone followed his steps to operate.

After receiving the medicine, I took off all the clothes in a numb manner, without arguing

on what. These things have already been done when I joined the army.

For places that are out of reach of each other, let your comrades help to smear. Of course, special places must be done by yourself. After finishing it, he drank half a bottle of potion and put on his clothes again.

Taking the bottle to the table next to it and putting it away, they all looked at Zhou Xiaochuan quietly.

Zhou Xiaochuan didn't speak, but asked everyone: "How do you feel now?" "Report, look up!"

Suddenly someone spoke.

Zhou Xiaochuan froze for a moment, took a look, and then his head went black. "What about the others? How do you feel?"


Everyone heard the words and gave the same answer one after another, their bodies were very hot. Zhou Xiaochuan nodded lightly when he heard the words, it's almost done, we can start.

Then he said to everyone: "Now I will teach you a set of movements, you must do exactly what I said." Then he posed in a weird pose.

Seeing this, everyone followed suit.

Zhou Xiaochuan got up, came to several people, and adjusted his posture for the wrong person. "The arms are open, you can't use your strength..."

"Close your butt..."

"Thighs bent inward...

After adjusting, he began to teach the next movement.

There are only a dozen movements in total, and they must be coherent to have a good effect. But the first pass was very slow.

It has been an hour for more than a dozen actions. ???

"Okay, the movements are just a dozen or so movements. You follow me to connect this together, and you just treat it as a combination punch." Then he repeated the previous movements over and over again.

And the female soldier has come back.

They are all looking at the state of the person in charge, so as not to cause trouble. Three hours later, everyone stopped in sweat.

At this time, the medical staff hurried forward, took temperature and blood pressure... and checked the bodies of these seven people in one operation.

After waiting for a while, Squad Leader Yang of the health team came over and said to Tang Sheng: "Platoon Leader Tang, you can't train like this, the soldiers' body temperature and blood pressure obviously exceeded the values ​​after normal training, and things will happen if this continues. "

Hearing this, Tang Sheng hesitated and asked, "What change?"

Squad leader Yang said after hearing the words: "After normal strenuous exercise~www.readwn.com~ the body temperature will rise a little, but not too high, generally not more than one degree above the normal body temperature, but now the body temperature of these people is 39.5 This is already a high fever standard, and if it takes a long time, it will cause serious damage to the body.”

Hearing this, Tang Sheng looked hesitantly at Zhou Xiaochuan who was beside him.

Zhou Xiaochuan naturally knew about this situation, otherwise the medicine he drank would be useless, it was only used to protect the human body.

Then he said: "It just happened to stop now, take a break and look at the data. The food is ready, have you given them something to eat?" At this time, the stomachs of these people have begun to drum.

When Tang Sheng heard this, he was ready to arrange food.

However, Squad Leader Yang insisted: "You are sacrificing the potential of the human body in exchange for a short-term improvement. This is not advisable. These people may have meningitis at any time?

I do not recommend that this project continue. "Suddenly the atmosphere froze for a while.

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