With a Door In Mind

Chapter 216: , library encounter

After sending Zhou Xiaomei off, he didn't go back either. Anyway, Yang Yuemei has already asked for leave.

After inquiring about the location, I rode to the destination library.

See if you can find a book on mechanic.

When I came to the place, I looked at the house in front of me, it was really small. It's about 250 square feet.

There are five or six brand new large tile houses in a row, and the cement walls are painted with a layer of white powder. The roof is ordinary black tiles.

This house should have been newly built not long ago, otherwise cement would not have been used.

After locking the car, he walked in. In front of a service desk at the door, a middle-aged man in a blue tunic was sorting out the things in his hand.

When the other party saw Zhou Xiaochuan coming in, he just glanced at it and didn't care.

"The place is not big, but there are quite a lot of books."

Zhou Xiaochuan looked at this library, which was only over 200 square meters.

Several large tile-roofed houses are completely connected, and books are densely placed on rows of relatively new wooden bookshelves. There are estimated to be thousands of copies.

It may be just after the New Year, either visiting relatives or going to work.

There were not many people in the library at this time, but he still saw a familiar figure.

Chu Yanyan.

The other party was sitting on the table in the lounge area, reading a book about painting in his hand.

Maybe Zhou Xiaochuan made some noise when he came in. The other party looked up and saw him standing at the door. After all, the library is so big.

Chu Yanyan smiled in surprise: "Little genius, it's rare to meet you!"

Zhou Xiaochuan smiled awkwardly when he heard her words. "Don't call it that! How did you come here? Not at home?"

"Oh... Grandpa's students are coming to pay New Year's greetings to Grandpa these days. There are too many people in the family, and I can't understand what I'm talking about. I just come out when I'm bored. What about you? Why are you here?"

Zhou Xiaochuan nodded when he heard the words, the university professor can really say that the whole world is full of peaches and plums to describe it. If you are in a city, you really need to come and see it during Chinese New Year.

"I'm looking for some books on car repair."

"Shouldn't you go to the auto repair shop to find a book for car repairs? There shouldn't be any here, right?"

"I don't know, so come and take a look."

Chu Yanyan heard the words lightly.

A person reading a book next to him frowned when he heard the conversation between the two, but he didn't say anything.

Seeing this, Zhou Xiaochuan smiled and said, "Then look at you, I'll go look for it."

Chu Yanyan nodded lightly when she heard the words.

He pretended to be looking for books on the bookshelf, but his thoughts had spread out, and there were all kinds of books, but after looking around, he couldn't find any books on car repair, even if he didn't find any books on construction machinery.

Seeing him come back empty-handed after wandering around, Chu Yanyan asked, "Didn't you find it?"

Zhou Xiaochuan nodded when he heard the words.


"Oh... aren't you in the mechanic class? There should be one there, right?"

Zhou Xiaochuan smiled when he heard the words, but it was hard to tell her that he was just using this as a cover in the mechanic class.

Seeing Zhou Xiaochuan's expression, Chu Yanyan thought that he was being pushed out of the machine repair class, she thought for a while, and said to him, "I'll go back and ask my grandfather. He should know someone."

Zhou Xiaochuan hesitated for a while after hearing the words, and said, "Forget it, I'll look for it myself."

With the status of the old man Chu, even if he is engaged in agriculture, there will always be some classmates and the like. But he didn't feel the need for such a big fanfare.

But Chu Yanyan said indifferently

"It's not a big deal. If you can find it, you can find it. If you can't find it, then you can only find a way."

Then she thought of something and asked Zhou Xiaochuan:

"By the way, where do you live? I found it and sent it to you."

Seeing that the other party had already said this, he didn't make any more excuses.

"Okay! Then thank you, my family lives in..."

"Why are you so polite? We are classmates." Chu Yanyan smiled while writing the address on the paper.

Seeing this, Zhou Xiaochuan dismissed the idea of ​​continuing to look here.

"Then I'll go first and look elsewhere."

Chu Yanyan nodded when she heard the words.

After saying goodbye to each other, he rode his car and left.

Today is the third year of junior high, and the family of that house should have moved out. He has to go to the basement secret room to have a look.

Riding a car to the place, I saw that the courtyard door was closed with a lock hanging on it.

Take out the key given by the other party before, open it and go in directly.

The yard is nothing to look at, it's just some burnt cinders spread on the dirt floor.

Opening the door of the main room, one by one looked up.

The furniture has not been taken away, but these are made of common materials. It's not like the home I live in now is made of mahogany. Therefore, the other party did not raise the price because of the furniture problem.

I looked at several rooms, empty and not very clean.

There were obvious signs that the cabinets and bed had been moved in the room, and it was estimated that they were still rummaging around before leaving.

After thinking for a while, he turned around and closed the door to the front yard and the main room. Only then did he turn back to the upper cabinet of the incense case.

This is the only older item in the house.

The red paint above has been cracked, and it is estimated that it is because someone took care of it, so not a lot of it has fallen off.

But the switch in the basement has nothing to do with this cabinet.

The switch is on the wall behind the cabinet, and the upper cabinet is closed to expose the bricks behind it. At this time, in the row of bricks behind, there is a brick recessed a little bit, which is relatively slight.

It is estimated that someone has pressed it, and this is the switch of the organ.

It may be because it has not been used for a long time, and there is a carbonized wood in it, which has rotted and broken in it.

So the trap is not triggered when the brick is pressed down.

In other words, the switch has actually been discovered, and it is estimated that they just thought the wall was hollow and didn't care.

I took out the wood in the organ with my mind, and found a similar size in the space and put it on it.

Gently pressing it, a sound came from the next room.

I walked in and saw an opening in the corner of the house ~www.readwn.com~ about a square meter.

After waiting for a while, I felt that the air inside was almost dissipated, so I took out a horse lantern from the space.

There is a wooden ladder at the entrance. I tried it and found that it could hold his weight, so I went down the ladder.

At this time, he only looked at the basement, it was really not small. There are seventy or eighty square, about three meters high.

There are several pillars supporting it.

In the middle are several rotten sacks, revealing some rotten grains.

These should all have been saved by the previous people in an emergency.

There is a box next to it. The box is made of mahogany. After opening it, there are some gold and silver jewelry and Yuan Datou wrapped in red paper.

At the bottom are more than a dozen large yellow croakers.

Putting these things into the space, he looked at the four Bogu racks on the side.

There are not many things, only forty or fifty things in total.

There are porcelain, jade carvings, and some bronze utensils. The variety is very complicated.

Zhou Xiaochuan was dazzled when he saw it. It was the first time he had received this bronze ware. No matter how you got it in future generations, it is estimated that it started in ten years.

Although I don't understand the other things, they all look fine. One of the porcelains has a dragon pattern on it. This is either a person in the palace or a family member of the royal family.

After all, there are not many folks who dare to use dragon patterns.

It seems that the family used to be a cautious person. After all, there are a lot of basement people, but there are really not many people with organs.

Put everything in the space, and then come out and close the entrance.

However, there are obvious traces of the entrance at this time.

But everything was taken away. Found nothing.

After cleaning up, I locked the door and left.

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