Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 769: Dragon and Turtle Death

It is not an exaggeration to say that a huge wave with a height of 100 meters is called a wave of extinction.

At the moment when "Lu" na and others thought about how to block it, the hot dragon erupted from the center of Lake Venero, and all the water within a few hundred meters around the area suddenly turned into mist.

The surface of the water seemed to explode, and Baidu's high-temperature steam was like hundreds of millions of horses running at supersonic speeds, pouring into the surroundings.

Stones are broken, trees are destroyed, animals are rotting ... Within a few dozen kilometers, they are shrouded in high-temperature steam.

"Die to me--"

Will clenched his fists, attacking the back of the dragon turtle with tens of thousands of fists per second.

Each blow is accompanied by a dragon inflammation of hundreds of millions of degrees Celsius, and has the power to easily flatten a small hill, and the withering power that can corrode all life and spirit.

However, these forces failed to break through the dragon and turtle defense.

However, its powerful force pressed the dragon turtle with a volume of nearly 1,000 kilometers, and the dragon turtle could only howl frantically, controlling the water flow attack and desperately attacking Will, but it had no effect.

The dragon and the turtle are too big and the attack is too monotonous. Will not hurt Will at all and can only let Will attack.

Will pressed the dragon turtle down for several kilometers, and as he approached the bottom of Lake Venero, his intensive and powerful attack finally broke the dragon turtle's shell.

Looking at the small crack that only took a few seconds for him to appear, the dragon turtle is nearly a kilometer long. When will the dragon turtle be killed at this speed?

"It's a tortoise and its defense is really strong."

Will turned around and came right under the dragon turtle.

"Get me up!"

Suddenly using both hands and feet, it turned into a ruthless pile driver, hitting the dragon turtle with a frequency of tens of thousands of attacks per second.

The dragon turtle controlled the flow of water and rolled towards Will, but before touching Will's body, they were all turned into water mist by the hot dragon.

The dragon and the turtle tried to explode the magic power, and used the magic power to pop Will away, but the outward magic power was absorbed by Will.


Will growled.

"Boom boom ..."

Dense thumping sounds echoed between heaven and earth, and birds fleeing in the sky hundreds of kilometers away died in droves, and the beasts that ran fast fell down like foams.

If it were not for evacuating the crowd in advance, there would be no one within a few hundred miles, and the casualties do not know how big.

Under Will's mad attack, a dragon that is one kilometer long and three hundred meters wide flew into the sky.

"Keep flying for me--"

Will split out three avatars to hold the dragon turtle, and the avatar sprayed "shooting" Longyan to lift the dragon turtle into the sky as if it were an island.

After the dragon turtle flew to a height of thousands of meters, Will's mouth opened wide, and the red and black "colors", with the hot energy of destruction, protruded and gathered in his throat.

"Dragon Flame Roar-Light of Destruction!"

With a light wave of dragon flame of 2 billion degrees Celsius, "shot" the dragon turtle in the sky at three thousand times the speed of sound.

This move is the strongest physical attack he can issue at this stage!


The sky shattered, the ground shook, the temperature of the air within a hundred miles of the sky kept rising, and the water of Lake Venero, tens of kilometers in diameter, was almost evaporated.

The high-temperature water vapor flew away, and maybe even thousands of miles away, it would rain high-temperature steam.

"Lu" Na, Ande and Repa glanced at each other and took action.

"Lu" Na opened her dragon wings and flew into the sky, her figure swayed, and she scored dozens of magic dragon avatars to block the dense fog.

Although Ender and Repa can't fly, it is no problem to use magic to condense the ladder and levitate in the air. They expand the magic barrier in the air to block the high-temperature water vapor.

The dragon and turtle screamed in the air under the flames of the red and black dragon.

auzw.com After three seconds. Save the book br> The light of destruction gradually dissipated, and "Dragon" showed the figure of the dragon and the turtle.

The body of the dragon turtle is shrunk inside the tortoise shell. The tortoise shell shows that it is black and covered with cracks.

"Two more lights of destruction will kill the dragon and the turtle completely."

But after a moment of hesitation, Will abandoned the idea of ​​launching the light of destruction again.

"It's too much."

"The impact on the surrounding environment is too great."

"And I have a better way."

Will squirted "shooting" Dragon Flame flying towards the dragon turtle.

"Space crack!"

Will's figure suddenly entered the body of the dragon and the turtle, constantly jumping through the cracks in the space, and soon came to a cavity surrounded by the meat wall.

Will frowned and felt his incomplete body. "The space crack is really too dangerous. If you accidentally pull yourself in."

After regenerating his body, Will looked around and felt the dragon's fear, and he smiled slightly.

"Dragon inflammation broke out!"

The red and black "color" dragon inflammation erupted from his body and rushed around.

"Wow--wow wow wow--"

The dragon turtle screamed in the sky, and dragon inflammation sprayed out from his nose, mouth and eyes.


The dragon turtle fell on the surface of the lake, the body was weak and floated on the water, and the red and black "color" dragon inflammation kept burning its spirit and flesh.

Will drilled from the body of the dragon, suspended it in the sky and looked down at the dragon.

"I admit defeat, and I am willing to surrender." The proud dragon turtle lowered his head and said.

"Have you ever regretted what you did? Have you ever apologized to people for your actions?"

"I regret it, I apologize, I ..." The dragon turtle groaned painfully, eyes staring at Will pleadingly.

"I forgive you."

"Thank you Master forgiveness." The dragon and the turtle twisted their bodies in pain. "Please also extinguish the flames on me."

"You don't think you need to accept the punishment if you apologize?" Will's eyes were cold.

"You mean?"

"For thousands of years, there have been more than one million people who died directly or indirectly because of you? Since you have realized your sins, you should consciously use your own life to confess the dead."

"Do not--"

The screams of the dragon and turtle gradually became smaller, and after a few minutes, they became silent.

"What a good pet, just killed like this?" Phoenix looked at the dragon and regretted it.

"Think you can do anything you want with extraordinary power? You don't need to atone for your sins? You don't need to accept sanctions for becoming a second-level Warcraft?" Will looked at the dead dragon turtle coldly, "In my heart, The weight of a beggar is much heavier than it. "

"Yes, letting it go is not in line with your personality. You guys think that human beings are the masters of all things, the pinnacle of the food chain, and the most noble." Phoenix shook his head and smiled.

"Sir Will, is it dead?" Three Luna approached Will.

"Daliro Province, the Imperial Granary, finally returned to our hands." Will clenched his fists with emotion: "The troll and the dragon and the turtle, the five Jedi have gone to the second, and the next is the same as planned. "


"You have dealt with the dragon and turtle first, repaired the damaged terrain around, and then came over."


Will's body "boomed" and accelerated towards the third Jedi.

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