Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 786: Old man (second more)

Will never thought about how dangerous it would be to practice the gods of the green elites.

"How many green spirits should **** when the green spirits practice?"

"Wait, how can I compare human physique with green essence? What is extremely dangerous for human beings might be a supplement to green essence?"

"The reason why human beings are not learning like green spirits and orcs, but are going to the difficult and meticulous path of wizards is not unreasonable."

"In addition to not being suitable for yourself, more because ..."


The wizard, in a sense, is a parasite of monsters.

But even if it was a parasite, it survived and became the overlord of the earth.

Do you learn trolls?

The largest gathering place of the trolls, Parasu province, was wiped out by Will.

The only Tier 1 Troll King was wiped out by Will.

Do you learn dwarves?

Every adult dwarf has a combat strength comparable to that of a big knight. He can fight against a paladin when he wears a weapon, but he hides in the mine for the rest of his life and looks at other race faces.

If Will wants, the dwarf can be extinguished in minutes.

Do you learn green essence?

Hidden in the forest all his life, he can only fight against one of the three empires of the eastern continent.


The orcs are indeed quite powerful, but they are far from human opponents. They just look strong on the eastern continent.

And that's what it used to be. The Cairo Empire now has a second-level wizard Will, with a population of hundreds of millions, and has ... the overall strength is not much weaker than the orcs.

"It is too difficult to develop a cultivation system on your own. The lower limit is as low as one."

"Upper limit? I don't see where the upper limit goes."

"Learning monsters, transplanting monster blood and flesh, how easy is it? Even when the monsters are in the world, there are three conscious wizards in humans who can contend with monsters.

In the past, Will has been committed to creating a human cultivation system.

Want to carry forward the knight system and turn it into a powerful profession that does not belong to the wizard system.

Slowly, this idea also dropped.

"The wizard is the main, and the knight is the second choice."

"It's not that I don't like knights. I prefer people to call me knights than wizards, but—"

"The wizard is too strong!"


Thoughts flashed through my mind.

Then, after thinking about why the spine was exploded, summed up experience, and improved the practice, Will once again entered the practice of green refining divine method.

"Pappa ..."

The spine rang again.

If you stop immediately, the spine will not explode.

But if you practice to the extreme, your spine will blow up, and you will gather much more information.

The fried spine is not life-threatening for him, why not?

Since then.

"Boom Boom Boom ..."

All day long the spine crackled like popcorn.

Will "touched" his chin. "After feeling blown a few times, there is an inexplicable pleasure?"


Fail again and again, try again and again.

The Green Refined God Dharma is the first step in getting started, and it has stuck Will for a full three months, which is more difficult than the orc's practice.

However, Will didn't give up, because he knew that the reason why the orc exercises couldn't be practiced was because of the essential difference between the human and the orcs.

The Green Refined God's Law is not.

It's just that simple exercises are not suitable for human beings. As long as you keep trying, trying and improving, you will be able to succeed.

half year later.

After Will improved and practiced again, he began to practice again.

With the deepening of the practice, the spine trembles slightly, but unlike before, there is no abnormal noise this time.

Vertebral tremor becomes more and more intense, and the frequency becomes faster and faster.

The whole spine swayed left and right on his back, swimming like a wandering snake.

The spine is okay for the time being, but the other bones and internal organs of the body are suffering. Bones like ribs do not know how many times they have broken, and the internal organs do not know how many times they have broken.

When Will thought he was about to fail, the spine suddenly heard a "buzzing" sound.

"what happened?"

He has stopped practicing and his spine has not moved yet, but the "buzzing" has not stopped.

"Wait!" Will's face changed, "This sound is not caused by physical shock, but directly sounded in my consciousness!"

"My spine is actually conscious? Is it trying to communicate with me?"

Will felt like he had a parasite in his body, not to mention how sick it was.

"It's just one spine. When the muscles, internal organs and bones are conscious, what will it look like?" Will was a little regretful, thinking about whether to continue to practice.

"Don't you think that the consciousness of the spine does not exist before?" Phoenix said suddenly.


"The human body is made up of large and small cells. Although the cell's consciousness is simple, there are still some. Why do you think that the organization made up of cells will be unconscious?" Phoenix explained.

"It makes sense."

Understanding is one thing, feeling uncomfortable is another.

"You don't give the spine consciousness, but the consciousness that can perceive it, that's all." Phoenix said.

"... Will it resist me in the future?" Will is most concerned about this issue.

In the anime, TV, and novels I watched before, there are often plots of villains of the villains against the villains.

"Can you always put human thoughts on other creatures?"

"How to say?"

"Have you ever thought about why the sun rises and falls? Why does the planet rotate? Why do people grow older with time?"

"Of course I did."

"Yes, you thought about it, you even know the principle, so do you think this kind of thing is unreasonable?"

"This is the law of nature and the theorem of the universe. Why is it unreasonable?" Will answered without thinking.

"So, your thoughts can be perfectly placed on your spine. Why should it rebel against you? It is not a natural law to listen to your command, be under your control, live for you, and die for you? Is it better to say that you can feel To its consciousness, you can exploit it better. "

"It still feels a little ..." Will frowned.

"Even if you don't believe me, you should believe in green spirit? The green spirit family has been practicing for so many years, is it still nothing?"

"It makes sense."

To be honest, Will is still hesitating, thinking about giving up first? Anyway, his current strength is also very strong, and it is not too late to study after becoming a third-level wizard.

Phoenix certainly knew that Will was hesitating, it didn't continue to waste his persuasion, and finally just said a sentence, "You don't always use the ethics of the old man to restrain yourself."

Will stunned, murmured: "Old man?"

Will stared blankly at his hands, to be honest, besides being a human, what other point is he now the same as the average person?

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