Wizarding World Beekeeper

Chapter 101 Gift Flower Honey

This kind of honey, let alone on earth, would probably not be easy to sell even in this other world.

Should I say that I am truly a bee born from a curse?

Not only is the ability somewhat evil, but even the honey produced is so weird.

"It won't mutate if you eat it, right?"

Anyway, he didn't dare to try it easily.

Never mind what special effects it has.

I'm afraid that this appearance alone will put him in the evil camp, further deepening the public's stereotype of wild alchemists.

Hua Mi brought a small spoon and an empty bottle and dug out a spoonful of blood honey.

The viscosity of this honey is not high, and the Baume concentration is estimated to be 42 at most.

Generally speaking, the lower the concentration of Baume in honey, the higher the water content.

But this honey is hard to say.

Maybe there's something else inside.

Or some special magical effect caused external changes.

Hua Mi penetrated it with his mental energy and didn't notice anything unusual.

The seven little ones gathered around and used talent appraisal on Xue Mi.

It was concluded that no harmful substances were contained.

But it contains some weird magical energy that they can't fathom.

Not to mention any magical energy, the smell alone is weird enough.

This time, even the most gluttonous Xiao Zi had no desire to eat at all.

She didn't like the taste and couldn't put it down at all.

After observing, the little flower essence also told him through telepathy.

The characteristics of this blood honey have nothing to do with the gift of the Mother Goddess. It seems to have been distorted by an overbearing force.

From a magical perspective, this is completely unreasonable.

"I'm afraid the formation of this blood honey is related to a curse. I don't know what magical effects it will cause if you eat it. It's better not to seek death."

On the other side, in the Perak Flower Field area, he also placed a blood-sucking beehive.

After the honey over there is brewed, let’s see if it has the same virtue.

Hua Mi put aside the blood honey for the time being and walked quickly to check the Dali beehive.

Fortunately, the appearance of the honey brewed by Powerful Bee is normal.

The color is relatively light and white.

The flavor is extremely strong.

The fragrance is stronger and sweeter than the previous ones, so that after smelling it for a long time, it will feel a bit cloying.

Hua Mi took a spoon and container, scooped up a spoonful of honey, slowly poured it into the bottle, and observed its viscosity and color.

The viscosity was very high, almost like glue, and it took a long time to flow into the bottle.

Explain that the moisture content in honey is very small.

According to common measurement standards, the Baume concentration is estimated to be 44 or even 45...

Compared with the honey on the market, it is already amazing.

But what Hua Mi is most concerned about is its effectiveness.

The honey brewed from rare flowers should be very effective.

The fake flower essences were identified as containing no harmful substances.

As for the effect.

This time the little flower essence quickly came to a conclusion and told Hua Mi:

This honey gives the user temporary fire-kindling properties.

What is "tinder characteristic"?

According to Hua Mi's understanding, there are mainly two aspects of gain.

First of all, it can trigger the resonance of the fire of life in oneself and continuously increase the mental power.

Of course, the upper limit will not exceed the current maximum mental power.

On the other hand, the fire property can be of great use in the field of alchemy.

The alchemist's magic power is equipped with fire properties, which can not only speed up the reaction speed of alchemy, but also improve the utilization rate of materials and energy conversion rate.

In layman's terms, it allows alchemists to complete refining faster and better.

Alchemy is not just about mixing the materials together and stirring them up, the process also requires the alchemist to continuously use magic to participate in it.

Hua Mi has no magic power, so this buff has no effect on him.

But increasing his mental power is very useful to him.

"I wonder how long a spoonful will last... give it a try and see."

Hua Mi took a spoonful.

The honey tastes equally silky in the mouth.

But it's really greasy, even a little sticky.

The thick fragrance of the gift flower spread, and instantly he felt that even his breath was filled with fragrance.

Not long after swallowing it, he felt a buzz in his head, and his mind seemed to have established a connection with something.

A steady stream of warmth nourished his spirit.

The mental energy consumed so far today began to slowly recover.

It took about 5 minutes and my mental energy was fully restored.

Hua Mi continued to feel her mental state while using bee control to consume her mental energy.

The effect lasted about 10 minutes.

He has a clear understanding of the effect of the Gift Flower on restoring mental power.

If you start from an exhausted state, eating only one spoonful is obviously not enough to restore fullness, and it is estimated that you can only restore about one-third.

Like Pili Blossom Honey, the duration of the effect increases as the amount of food consumed increases.

Hua Mi thought in her mind.

The production this time is relatively small, with only about 400 bottles in this batch.

Moreover, this honey has no effect on people on earth, but it can shine in other worlds.

Whether it is used simply as a recovery potion or as an auxiliary potion for alchemy, it is a perfect existence.

Especially the latter, what alchemist can resist this temptation?

Therefore, it is better not to sell it on the earth this time, it is too wasteful.

"Go back and make another announcement."

Hua Mi also thought about whether to sell honey on earth.

In fact, his work focus has undoubtedly shifted to the other world. The gold coins obtained here are enough for him. As the reputation spreads, the business will get better and better in the future.

Continuing to sell magic honey on Earth is a bit of a charity. Maybe he also has a kind of rural sentiment at work, hoping to bring some benefits or positive influence to his hometown.

Generally speaking, the honey produced by relatively common nectar flowers, such as moonflower and leopard flower, is often not too magical, and mostly just improves people's daily life.

This kind of everyday honey can be sold in both places. And relatively speaking, it will be more popular on the other side of the earth.

As for the honey from rare flowers such as Thunderbolt Flower and Mother Goddess' Gift, it would be better to stay here to realize their value.

As usual, the first bottle in the can is still reserved for the seven little ones to taste.

They don't seem to find the gift flowers too sweet.

The novelty of the new flavor of honey completely outweighed some of the flaws.

"Won't you try it?"

The little flower essence shook her head, with a calm expression on her face.

She followed Hua Mi throughout the canning process, curiously watching him operate the machine.

A total of 463 bottles of gift honey were produced.

Then Hua Mi endured nausea and nausea and canned the box of blood honey.

A total of 14 bottles were filled.

It was already late at night to finish these tasks.

The seven little ones could no longer hold on and went back to rest.

But the little flower essence stayed with him tenaciously until the end.

Sometimes it sat on his shoulder, sometimes it lay on his head, and sometimes it got into his pocket.

Finally, I yawned profusely.

If it doesn't end, she probably won't be able to hold on.

Hua Mi packed up her things, returned to the earth, logged into the backend of the online store, and prepared to send another pigeon notification.

As expected, there were many comments in the comment section.

"Didn't you say new ones will be available soon? It's been a few months."

"Boss, have you traveled through time? You can't do business anymore!"

"Open the door, open the door for me!"

"February Hong comes to ask for honey!"

"Don't rush me, everyone. The boss may have returned to his home planet. Please wait patiently for a few light years before he comes back."

"Upstairs, light years are units of distance."

"Of course I know that light-year is a unit of distance. The 'several light-years' I'm talking about here is the abbreviation of 'a few years'. I use an inverted sentence structure here. If you don't understand, don't talk nonsense."

"Boss, please give me some honey to cure a stiff mouth."

After glancing at these messages, Hua Mi planned to reply to a few.

But think about it and forget it.

I was already a pigeon, so it would be a bit unkind to lie to them again.

You can't tell them about other world affairs.

So I just posted a new announcement, saying that due to force majeure, the new update has been postponed. Thank you everyone for your support and waiting. I will definitely do it next time!

After sending it, quickly log in and run away.

the next day.

The blizzard lasted all day and night and finally stopped.

The outside is full of freshness after the wind and snow, and the sky seems to have been washed and is exceptionally clear.

Hua Mi cleared the snow in front of the door and placed several bottles of gift flower honey on the shelves.

As for the price tag.

He thought about it last night and priced it at 30 gold coins.

In addition to considering the effect of honey itself, there is also a quantity issue to consider.

After all, they are consumables.

This bottle of honey can be used at most twenty or thirty times if the dose is one spoonful at a time.

Take an alchemist as an example. He took the gift honey and performed alchemy, which saved time and improved the quality of the finished product. Ideally, it would not be a problem for the optimization of these two aspects to bring him a gain of one or two gold coins.

Not to mention that honey itself has a restorative effect.

So he thought the price was 30 gold coins, which was quite appropriate.

Depending on the situation, further adjustments can be made.

In the afternoon.

Clark suddenly came to visit.

He came to say goodbye.

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