Wizarding World Beekeeper

Chapter 104 Blight

The endless wilderness is covered with white snow and stretches continuously.

A griffon spreads its wings and glides high in the sky.

His sharp eyes looked down at the earth, struggling to find prey that could satisfy his hunger.

It’s always hard to fill your stomach during this time of year.

But in its less developed mind, it still remembered that there was a small forest not far ahead, where there would be food waiting for it.

Fly and fly.

As if on the endless white land, an ugly black spot suddenly appeared.

It was a dry, lifeless forest.

All the plants were withered, and the trees seemed to be scorched, leaving only the dark branches twisting and stretching.

This forest is dead.

The withered forest cannot support any living things, and the animals inside naturally fled here early.

Those who were unable to escape also died here, their bodies already rotting and smelly.

Griffons only hunt live animals and never eat rotting carcasses.

It hovered high in the sky for a while, but found no suitable target.

But it didn't matter, its underdeveloped brain remembered that there was another forest not far ahead.

That forest is bigger.

The gryphon is heading to its next destination.

Suddenly, somewhere near the edge of the forest caught its attention.

There, there are signs of biological activity.

It was a little human boy, sitting on his knees under a dead tree, constantly raising his hands to wipe away his tears.


The little boy's cry reached the griffin's ears, immediately stimulating its hunting instinct.

The griffin circled in the air, adjusted its posture, and dived suddenly towards the target.

The little boy heard the movement behind him and turned around tremblingly.

There was a look of fear on his tear-stained face.


The gryphon lets out a sharp crackle, trying to scare its prey into weakening its legs and preventing it from escaping.

This works great.

The little boy seemed to be frightened and stayed there motionless.

The prey is already at the mouth.


After being hungry for so many days, I will have a full meal soon.

at this time.


An arrow ripped through the air and was fired at it.

The griffon deflected its body and narrowly avoided the attack.

He immediately adjusted his flying posture and looked angrily towards the direction of the arrow.


Human archers on horseback?


The gryphon discovered that the human body and the horse body were combined.

The upper body is a human and the lower body is a horse.

It's a centaur!

The man is tall and the horse is big.

The naked upper body shows off the plump muscles, with lines representing strength painted with black paint.

The lower part of the horse is covered with hard armor.

The ultimate wilderness hunter.

The griffin's natural enemy.

The prey in its mouth was taken away, and the gryphon was furious. It didn't care to measure the difference in strength between the two sides, and neighed and dived towards the men and horses.

However, they saw that the men and horses were not in a hurry, put away their bows and arrows with their backhands, raised their spears, faced the flying griffons, and launched a charge!

Da da da--

In just a few breaths, the running speed has increased to a terrifying level. A light shines on the tip of the spear, and then spreads out from the center to form a dome-shaped light curtain.


A dazzling energy beam shot out from the spearhead, hitting the griffon's vitals.


The gryphon is worthy of being the little bully in the sky. At the critical moment, he twisted his body and avoided the vital point.

But he was still shot in the back leg by the energy beam.

The griffin howled miserably, and suddenly woke up from its furious state, fluttered its wings and flew high into the sky, and flew away from here without looking back.

The centaur raised its head and cast its penetrating gaze in the direction where the gryphon left.

Until it becomes a tiny dot and disappears from sight.

The men and horses then put away their attacking posture, put their spears behind them, stepped on their horses' hooves, and walked slowly towards the little boy.

The little boy stopped making any sound, but his tears still fell down.

In his hand he held a dying pseudo-flower essence.

In fact, it is difficult to connect the little guy in his hand with the weird and fake flower essence.

Her body had begun to wither, almost shapeless, and the color of her body was like dry leaves, showing a withered yellow color. It was obvious that her life was not long.

The pseudo-flower essence was born in this forest, and its vitality is closely related to the forest.

Theoretically, as long as the forest is not destroyed, she can continue to live.

But conversely, now that the forest is dead, she will disappear with it.

"Stop crying, this is not a sad thing..." The pseudo-flower essence made a thin gossamer voice, comforting the little boy in front of her, "Death is a normal phenomenon, I have lived in this world long enough. Time is just returning to nature... You will not be alone, I will continue to accompany you in another way..."

The little boy was choked and unable to speak. He nodded and wiped his tears hard, but tears still poured out of his eyes.

The men and horses slowly walked up to him and stopped.

The little boy raised his head and met Centaur's melancholy eyes: "Mr. Centaur, please save her. I will pay you any amount. As long as you can revive her, I am willing to do anything for you... …”

The centaur did not speak, but slowly shook his head, indicating that he was powerless.

"There must be a way. As long as the plants in the forest come alive, she can regain her health... There must be that kind of magic potion, right? There must be a magic potion that can cure plant wilt, there must be it!"

"it's useless."

The centaur bent his forelimbs, half-knelt on the ground, stretched out his thick and strong arms forward, pulled out a piece of dead grass on the ground, held it in front of his eyes and looked at it carefully for a moment, then crushed it into powder with his fingers.

"It's not a disease, it's a curse."

At this time, the fake flower essence in the little boy's hand finally exhaled his last breath, and his body collapsed completely, turning into a pile of ashes, drifting in the wind, and disappeared into the world without leaving any trace, as if it had never existed. .

The centaur stood up and asked in less standard human common language: "Where is the nearest forest from here?"

His voice is low, slow and magnetic, seeming to reach deep into people's hearts, making people unconsciously trust him.

But the little boy was so depressed at this time that he couldn't hear his words at all and just sat there slumped.

"Tell me, child," the centaur repeated softly, "unless you want this curse to continue to spread and harm other places."

The little boy came back to his senses, wiped his tears with his sleeve, frowned and thought for a while.

"I remember that the closest one to here is the Black Forest. The Black Witch's Forest... is in that direction."

"Thank you." The Centaur paused for a moment and gave him a message before leaving: "Stay brave and keep moving forward."

"Mr. Centaur!"

The little boy took a few steps after him.

The centaurs stopped at the sound and turned to look at him.

"You're going to fix this blight curse, right?"

"I'll try."

The centaur's melancholy eyes looked into the distance, as if they contained many thoughts.

"I've got a genius idea!"

Xiao Zi suddenly flew in front of Hua Mi, with her hands on her hips and a proud look on her face, her nostrils almost pointing to the sky.

What genius ideas can you come up with?

But Hua Mi still asked cooperatively: "What's your idea?"

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