Wizarding World Beekeeper

Chapter 107 Return to the City of Brass

The trip went smoothly, but there was an incident in the middle that was not worth mentioning.

Hua Mi returned home with the collected seeds and unexpected prey.

If we want to talk about the more valuable thing on the griffin, that is its "sounding body".

Located in its throat, it can produce highly penetrating sound waves, which can frighten the target. If your mental strength is not high enough and you are yelled at, you will easily enter a blank state of mind, and the griffon will take this opportunity to use a dive attack to kill with one hit.

Hua Mi slit its throat and took out the singing body.

It is almost as big as a walnut, has a wrinkled surface, is very elastic, and is rich in wind elements. It is a commonly used alchemy material.

Like the previous body parts of the Shifting Beast, they were first frozen and preserved.

These are real, useful resources that you can exchange for money even if you don’t use them.

The rest of the gryphon's body parts are of little value.

Hua Mi threw it directly into the well of the greenhouse to fertilize the fields.

The next main tasks are greenhouse expansion and Qianhuanhua breeding.

A week later, the purchased materials began to arrive at her doorstep, and Hua Mi put them all into the well.

There is no need to worry about waste, the extra parts will be permanently stored in the material library for next use. As long as the greenhouse is still there, these materials will not disappear. So there is no need to calculate the dosage, just do it without thinking.

Huami has expanded two areas on the original basis, and now the total area inside the greenhouse is about 40 acres.

Of these two new areas, one is the Thousand Fantasy Flowers area and the other is the Thousand Fantasy Flowers+Leather Flowers mixed area.

Now that he had more than 20,000 Thousand Fantasy Flower seeds on hand, Hua Mi decided to plant this part first.

When he was collecting seeds in the canyon, he specifically observed the distance between the remaining bodies of Thousand Fantasy Flowers on the ground, and had a rough estimate of the planting intervals of this flower.


It can be said that it is the one with the largest planting interval among the existing flower species.

More than 20,000 Qianhuanhua seeds were planted, using nearly 4 acres of land.

In this case, if we continue to breed at the original rate, we will be able to plant the entire field in almost one go.

The mixed area on the other side requires only half of the Thousand Fantasy Flower seeds here.

"In another two weeks, the planting work in the new field will be almost completed."

As the flower fields expand, so do the bees.

Hua Mi bought a total of 89 ordinary Chinese bees from several different suppliers in batches.

Why 89?

Because he originally had one ordinary Chinese bee colony left.

It adds up just enough to satisfy the obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Among these 90 ordinary bees, he transformed 60 vigorous bees, 10 blue fire bees, and 10 blood-sucking bees.

60 vigorous bees and 10 blue fire bees were all used to collect honey in the Xintian area, and the two sides were divided in half.

As for the 10 blood-sucking bees, plus the original 2, there are 12 in total, 8 of which are evenly distributed in the four fields and used to collect honey, and the remaining 4 are carried as combat bees.

Blue fire bees and blood-sucking bees are mainly for their by-products, and their contribution to honey production is not that big.

Vampire bees are fairly productive because of their fast flight speed.

But what it produces is blood honey, which can only be supplied to vampires or spawns... and he only knows one spawn now, so the quantity doesn't need to be too much.

These workflows are already familiar and are a no-brainer.

After working on the greenhouse and the bee colony, Hua Mi took some time to go to Alais and ask her if she could help build a portal to the City of Brass.

The ore-like by-product produced by vampire bees when they brewed thunderbolt honey has always concerned him, and he would always think about it if he didn't understand it clearly.

This time the little flower essence also came.

Since her birth, she has been curiously observing the world.

This is a rare opportunity, and she also wants to visit the City of Brass.

Unlike fake flower essences, flower essences do not depend on a certain environment.

From the moment of her birth, she is an independent entity and can theoretically go anywhere.

Considering that there is no danger in this trip, and to a certain extent, the City of Brass is half of her hometown.

Hua Mi did not reject her.

"You seem to be very popular with the fey." Looking at the little flower essence sitting on his shoulder, Alais teased him.

"I'm lucky. I don't know why, but I always meet interesting souls."

After a few jokes, we got down to business.

Alais told him that you are indeed lucky. The remaining materials she has are just enough to restart the portal.

If he wanted to use it next time, he would need to prepare the materials in advance.

This isn't a big problem, since he won't run there all day anyway.

Naturally, she couldn't come empty-handed when she wanted something from someone, so Hua Mi brought her several bottles of gift flower honey.

Although Alais stays at home all day long, he never leaves the house.

But it's not just fighting that consumes mental energy.

Studying architectural design and spatial magic for such a long time like her is also quite energy-consuming.

The gift of flower honey would be a welcome gift for her.

Sure enough, after hearing him explain the functions of this honey, Alais happily accepted it with a smile on his face.

With the foundation left last time, this time we only need to restart.

It didn't take long for Alais to open the portal.

Remembering the precautions given by Alais, Hua Mi and the little flower essence walked through the portal.

After a brief feeling of weightlessness and squeezing, Hua Mi stepped on the grass again.

The familiar hot air, the familiar light pollution...

Everything seemed to be the same as the last time I came.

"is that you?"

The little flower essence suddenly noticed something and tilted her head to look behind him.

Hua Mi looked back.


I saw another statue next to the original statue of King Nunu in the square.

It was a human in a robe, wearing a hood, with one hand slightly raised and stretched forward, and the other hand held a heavy-looking sword on his shoulder, with a righteous look on his face.

I have to admire Huonu's forging craftsmanship again.

This statue is so lifelike that it looks exactly like him.

This is an honor.

But I don’t know why, but I feel a sense of shame...

Maybe this posture is a little too good.

Did I make this move at that time?


At that time, I was numb from the neurotoxin, so I was not in the mood to pose.

It should be the imagination of the fire slaves.

We walked not far towards the palace of King Huonu.

Three fire slaves came out to greet him.

One of them was the translator from last time, the fire slave who looked like a can.

Because he was running too fast, he accidentally tripped and fell to the ground and rolled down the steps.

Because it is so round, it rolls very fast.

Hua Mi controlled the swarm to help him slow down and stopped him in time.

Can Can quickly got up and said respectfully:

"Sir Sword Holder, welcome to the City of Brass again!"

"Long time no see, Can."

Huo Nu was stunned: "Canned food?"


Uh, that's easy to say.

Seeing that he looked like a can, I gave him this nickname in my mind.

By the way, what's his name?


This time it was embarrassing.

Can Can was stunned for a while, but suddenly jumped up and shouted happily: "The sword bearer gave me a name! From today on, I will be called Can Can!"


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