Wizarding World Beekeeper

Chapter 127: Fierce Eyes, Qian Huan Yuyi

Next, open the five Blue Fire Beehives in sequence.

I don’t know why, but I’m very lucky today.

Canghuo Beehive actually also shipped something.

From one of the beehives, a small drop-shaped object fell out.

The size is slightly larger than melon seeds.

The whole body is not solid, only the surface layer is a waxy film, and the inside is filled with liquid.

After identification, it was found that there was nothing special about the waxy film on the surface, it was just ordinary beeswax.

The liquid inside has some kind of warming and evolutionary effect.

Drop it on your eyeballs and let them be fully absorbed.

The eyes will gain the property of "breaking illusions".

The so-called "breaking illusion", in addition to making the eyesight sharper and enabling night vision, is more importantly able to see through illusions and get to the essence of things.

No additional consumption of magic power is required, just spiritual power is required.

Another type of strengthening oneself.

Naturally, the more of this by-product, the better.

Hua Mi immediately punctured the wax film and prepared to drop the liquid inside into her eyes.

The density of the liquid inside is twice that of pure water, and it has a certain viscosity, but the viscosity is much smaller than that of honey.

Hua Mi evenly dripped the liquid inside the film onto both eyeballs, just like using eye drops.

The eyelids automatically close immediately under the action of conditioned reflex.

But the eyeballs did not feel particularly irritating, but instead felt a smooth and comfortable feeling.

Hua Mi couldn't help but turn her eyeballs with her eyes closed to fully contact the liquid.

My eyeballs felt warm and numb, and I could intuitively feel that the liquid outside was absorbed into the inside of my eyeballs.


Hua Mi's eyes lit up with dazzling white light.

Although his eyes were closed, he seemed to be looking directly at the sun.

There seemed to be a pale flame burning violently in his field of vision.

The eyeballs burned for a while.

Tears flowed down like crazy and I couldn't stop them.

It is really not an exaggeration to use the word "tears" to describe his current state.

I can't even open my eyes.

At one point he thought he was going to cry his eyes out.

Fortunately, this abnormal state did not last long.

After about ten seconds, the burning sensation disappeared and the tears finally stopped.

After the brief discomfort, my eyes felt a clear and relaxed feeling that I had not seen for a long time.

Hua Mi opened her eyes.

The first thing that caught his eye was the astonished expression of the eight little ones.

Hua Mi first told them that she was fine, then blinked and looked around.

If he looked in the mirror at this time, he would find that his eyeballs were very bright, like a newborn baby.

The improvement in vision is also quite obvious.

The world in front of him seemed to take on a new look, and he noticed many details that he usually ignored.

If the scenes we usually see are high-definition, then at least they are ultra-high definition now.

Including the colors of objects, they became more distinct in his field of vision.

For example, Little Seven's hair color looks brighter than before.

In addition, he could even effortlessly see the fuzz on the body of a giant bee a few meters away, as if he were holding a magnifying glass.

And all this can be achieved with just a trace of spiritual power.

Of course, this is just the basis.

What's truly amazing is the ability of these eyes to see through illusions.

Hua Mi summoned her mental power and injected it into her eyeballs.

The eyeballs were slightly warm, and the pupil flashed with light, like a pinch of fire.

The field of vision instantly became different from the normal state. It is difficult to describe this state. If I had to use one word to describe it, it would be much "sharper".

From this perspective, it will be easier for him to see the essence of things - including finding loopholes in battle.

Moreover, we are still far from reaching the limit of what can be achieved.

This ability can continue to improve.

As long as you continue to drip this special liquid into your eyes, your eyes will continue to strengthen.

"This is so dazzling."

Next, Hua Mi continued to open the remaining thirty vigorous bee hives.

Not shipped.

The probability of Popeye producing by-products seems to be relatively low.

However, this wave produced two useful by-products at once, which is already very satisfying.

"Then there are the characteristics of Hagoromo Chigen's honey..."

Hua Mi appraises the honey.

After possessing the "fierce eyes and golden eyes", he made identifications more quickly and accurately.

The appearance of this honey is very unusual.

Exuding a dreamlike light.

Not reflected light.

Rather, it emanates from itself.

It's even more obvious when it's in a bottle. Pure light surrounds the bottle, like a solid object, yet untouchable.

"Praise the Light."

Regardless of whether it is the Holy Light or not, that’s what it’s called.

Theoretically speaking, since it emits light, it means that it is releasing energy outwards.

In other words, one day, it will run out of energy and lose the corresponding magical effect.

This scientific theory is correct when applied to this magic honey. Like Thunderbolt Honey, it does continuously release magical energy.

However, the release rate is very, very slow.

It will take at least hundreds or thousands of years to release this bottle completely...

After taking Hagoromo Sengen Honey, this light-like energy will be transformed into a more solid existence in the body - a special existence between energy and matter.

This intermediate state exists in the body and will enhance the user's magic resistance and physical defense.

Hua Mi takes one spoonful.

The taste is unexpectedly bland, it can only be said to be slightly sweet, like taking a sip of a particularly thick Nongfu Sanquan.

It doesn't look like honey at all.

Immediately afterwards, he felt that the "holy light" in his body began to fill up, evenly filling every corner of his body. Every cell is soaked in the "holy light", and the body feels slightly "enriched".

This intermediate state of holy light is much more unstable than the honey form, so the holy light leaks out much faster.

The amount of Holy Light contained in this spoonful of honey will be consumed automatically in about two to three minutes.

And external stimulation will further accelerate the release speed.

For example, if you take a heavy blow, you may be gone in an instant.

Holy light is normally evenly distributed in the body, but it seems that it can be controlled to transfer and gather in the body with mental power.

Hua Mi used her mental power to gather all the holy light into her right hand.

His right hand started to glow instantly.

And it's that kind of stimulating light that feels like silver needles constantly flying outward.

You can go further...


The holy light completely separated from his body, turning into a ball of light and flying towards the ground.

There was a soft "bang" sound, and a fist-sized hole was made in the soft soil.

"Yes, it can also be used as an attack method."

Hua Mi was not prepared just now and accidentally let the Holy Light fly out.

He felt that if he concentrated his energy and grasped it well, he might be able to keep the Holy Light in a suitable compromise state - sharp but not completely separated.

Worth a try.

Hua Mi ate several spoonfuls of honey in a row.

The density of the holy light in the body is several times higher than before.

He once again controlled the holy light to converge on his right hand, which glowed even more intensely than before.

Then, he used his powerful mental power to perform micro-manipulation and began to shape the Holy Light.

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