Wizarding World Beekeeper

Chapter 143 An unexpected performance

The pale green light emitted by the trees on the other side seemed to penetrate the fog.

Light up the surrounding area.

In the picture sent back by the scout bee, there were three basilisks lying around the tree on the other side.

Judging by their size, they are all adult basilisks.

The body length is nearly two meters, and the body surface is dark gray.

As a level four monster, it is not very strong. It has no claws or fangs, is not powerful enough, and its movements are not very agile.

But it has a special magical skill.

A special magic field can be released through the eyes to petrify living things.

You must know that the angle of view rotates very quickly. Once targeted, if there is no special means, you will basically have to fight against the petrification magic field.

Of course, it is not absolutely possible to be petrified, it also depends on the target's mental strength and magic resistance.

"There are three basilisks ahead."

Hua Mi told the two of them.

The original intention was to discuss the tactical division of labor.

He planned to use the "Summoning Earth Giant" scroll to attract the attention of the basilisk.

Perhaps the earth giants will also be controlled by petrification, but it can give them opportunities to attack.

Unexpectedly, Drain touched his fists, and electric arcs crackled: "It's just three, I can do it by myself!"

So confident?

I just don’t know if I’m bragging or if I’m really capable.

At this time Aojie also said: "Don't worry, leave it to him. He can kill Lei Peng by himself, not to mention three level four monsters."

Although I don’t know what Lei Peng is, judging from her tone, it should be some kind of high-level magical beast.

It seems that this Tianleiding man is really capable.

Since both brothers and sisters said so.

No matter how he disagrees, he actually looks down on the other party.

After thinking about it, I gave him some Thunderbolt Flower Nectar Pills and Hagoromo Thousand Fantasy Honey Pills.

The former is a perfect match for the thunder-type Drane.

The latter mainly lets the Holy Light protect him.

As for the attack method of "Holy Light Transformation Blade", it is more difficult to operate and requires a lot of practice. It will definitely not be mastered in a while.

Drane said domineeringly that there was no need to take drugs.

After saying that, he turned over and got off the deer, and moved his hands and feet.

Electric light lingered on the calf, and the whole person disappeared into the mist like an arrow, leaving only a trace of thunder and lightning in the air.

Hua Mi also hurriedly urged Lu Fei to catch up.

Before they even arrived at the scene, there was already a fight over there.

In the perspective transmitted back by the scout bee, Drane did not hesitate at all. He stepped on the ruins of the wall and jumped high into the air. When he landed, he punched the ground.

Just listen to a piercing thunder.

Starting from where he landed, three thunderbolts rushed towards the three basilisks.

It hit the target almost instantly.

Three basilisks twisted in pain in the thunder and lightning.

But that's it.

The basilisk's body shows little sign of damage.

What's even more strange is that a faint green color emerges from their bodies, shrouding their bodies in it, and they are gradually isolated from the power of thunder and lightning.



That's not the ability of the Basilisk at all.

Drane didn't have time to think too much. Before they could completely get out of control, he ran to the nearest basilisk, took out a cone-shaped dagger with his backhand, with blue and white electric light lingering on it, and stabbed the basilisk's vitals.

But suddenly, the basilisk, which had not completely escaped control, rolled its eyes and stared at Drane.

The pupils that should have been light gray were now filled with a faint layer of green.

Something's wrong!

The tip of the dagger stopped a few centimeters in front of the basilisk's throat, making it difficult to move any further.

Drane's pupils dilated, and he clearly felt that his hands and feet were slowly becoming stiff.

At this time, the other two basilisks had also gotten rid of control and aimed their sights at him.

Drane's body, starting from his limbs, transformed into gray at a speed visible to the naked eye, and hardened and petrified little by little.


"Be careful! There's something wrong with the basilisk here!"

Drane heard Aojie's cry behind him and hurriedly called out a warning.

But the petrification had spread to his chest, and his voice had been restricted. He didn't know if the other party heard him.

"Damn it, you underestimated the enemy."

Drane concentrated on trying to resist the petrification magic, but to no avail.

These three abnormal basilisks are very powerful together.

Will he die here?

Suddenly, a buzzing sound sounded behind him.

From the corner of his eye, he saw a large group of "blood mist" pressing over here.

It was divided into three strands and attached to the body surface of three petrified lizards.

The basilisk made a "chichi" sound, twisted its body, and looked away from him.

The petrification also temporarily stopped at his chest.

From top to bottom, there was almost only one head left that had not been petrified.

"That's...a bug?"

Drane realized that the "blood mist" seemed to be composed of individual insects.

The green light on the basilisk's body seems to have been swallowed by the insect swarm.

One of the basilisks roared and pointed its gaze at the other basilisk.

very smart.

They cannot petrify the swarm they are attached to, but can do so to each other.

The effect is immediate.

In an instant, a large number of insects petrified and fell to the ground.

The remaining insect swarms dispersed with a "buzz" sound and flew towards the sky.

At this moment, a figure suddenly broke into his field of vision.

It's the green deer!

The man who calls himself the "Bee Whisperer" and Aojie are riding on the back of the deer one behind the other.

The former was exuding a holy light. He was holding a light blade and flew past a basilisk. He raised the knife and cut off the head of the basilisk.

The two of them rushed into the fog and disappeared from his sight in the blink of an eye.

But then, they rushed back in the opposite direction from the other side of the tree.

Aojie held a round weapon with a sharp edge, and dense arcs of electricity emitted from the edge.

The electric wheel spun and flew towards the two basilisks.

Although it missed, it attracted their attention.

At the same time, the Bee Whisperer flew over, the light blade in his hand transformed into a spear form.


The spear formed by the holy light pierced through the bodies of the two basilisks.

Hua Mi opened the stomach bag of a basilisk and poured the gastric juice onto Drane's body.

The petrified parts turned back into flesh and blood little by little.

After about half a minute, it was fully recovered.

Basilisk's gastric juice can lift the petrified state.

The premise is that the petrification time cannot be too long, otherwise it will completely turn into stone and the gastric juice will be useless.


Drain exhaled and pretended to be relaxed and said: "I was originally planning to use all my strength, but I didn't expect you to come over at this time. I was afraid of accidentally hurting you, so I didn't use my strength."

Aojie rolled her eyes, too lazy to pay attention to him, and looked at Hua Mi aside. The latter looked up at the trees on the other side.

"Ahem," Drain coughed dryly. In order to ease the embarrassment, he changed the subject and said, "By the way, these three basilisks seem to have an unusual power in their bodies. Do you have any clues?"

Aojie shook her head.

Hua Mi also said that she didn’t know.

"Maybe it's influenced by the tree on the other side."

Hua Mi said, walking towards the other side tree, controlling the bee swarm to fly up to the height of the tree crown, and picking off a other side flower.

There is only one seed in this flower.

With these trees full of Bana flowers, it must only be necessary to plant three or four trees, which will be enough for the bees to collect nectar.

But to be on the safe side, he took a dozen seeds.

Just as he was about to go down, his eyes accidentally caught sight of something, and his heart suddenly skipped a beat.

The trunk of the other side tree does not look like a whole, but is composed of thin vine-like trunks intertwined together.

Through the gap between them, Hua Mi saw what seemed to be a human figure among them.

About to get closer and take a closer look.

Suddenly I heard Drain shout: "Who is there!"

Hua Mi turned around and looked.

I saw a figure walking out of the mist.

Holding the staff high, the tip of the staff emits green light, dispersing the fog in the area.

"I am the guardian of the Misty Mountains."

That druid?

The introduction in the adventure manual immediately came to Hua Mi's mind.

It's a bit different from what I imagined.

She has a wild beauty in her appearance, with her brown hair hanging loosely, a grass ring on her head, shabby clothes, and bare feet.

I don't know whether the paint was applied intentionally or the dirt was accidentally rubbed on her face. It was even impossible to tell what she looked like.

In short, it is infinitely close to the savages.

She shouldn't be an enemy.

Of course, that's assuming you don't offend her.

By the way, she couldn't have placed these three basilisks here, right?

The reason for the abnormal behavior may be due to the druid's spell.

As for their purpose here, maybe it is to guard the tree on the other side?

Or maybe it was the figure in the tree that the guard had just glimpsed.

For a time, many thoughts popped into Hua Mi's mind.

At this moment, Lu Fei trotted towards her happily.

Under Hua Mi's surprised gaze, he lowered his head and rubbed his head on the Druid's arm.

The latter also took advantage of the situation and touched its head.

The interaction between the two parties was very intimate and loving!

Hua Mi felt very sad.

"Is this a druid trick?"


I didn't notice her using magic just now.

Lu Fei didn't look out of the ordinary, his behavior was natural, and he seemed to have passed by spontaneously.

"Did she create Lu Fei?"

Just like the tree demon, it is also the creation of the druid.

No wonder it feels a lot like reactive wood.

"It turns out that I am the third party..."

At this time, another figure emerged from the mist and appeared next to the druid.

But it's a familiar face.

Centaur, Nite.

"The blight curse was released by the Abyss Research Association?"

The secret told by the centaur was actually not a shock to the few people present.

The brother and sister did not know much about this association.

Hua Mi didn't feel anything like a visitor from another world.

In contrast, the figure in the tree interested him more.

The druid waved his staff, and the tree trunks separated from both sides.

Inside was a young man with exaggerated makeup, wearing a gorgeous purple dress, but it was damaged in many places and even stained with blood.

According to the Druid, he was a bard who accidentally learned the secret of the blight curse. He was hunted by the Association and hid in the Misty Mountains.

When he was on the verge of death, he was saved by this druid, who used the properties of the tree on the other side to nourish his damaged spirit body.

After this period of nourishment, he has almost recovered.

The druid used a spell to awaken him.

"I will expose the association's crimes to the public," said the bard who called himself Jimmy. "Soon, everyone in Mordu will know what they have done. The character I am talking about will either be famous forever or be infamy forever. That one The president will obviously be the latter.”

It can be seen that he has deep resentment.

Nite also said that he would cooperate with the bard and provide him with the signs of the wilderness that he had collected and interpreted.

Centaur is a race with high credibility, and the information he provides must be convincing enough.

However, he also suggested that it would be best to make a plan.

To catch them off guard.

Let the story have the maximum impact once it is revealed.

To achieve this effect, the timing and occasion must be carefully selected.

The bard agreed.

Hua Mi felt that this matter had little to do with him, he was just a common man.

But regarding the timing and occasion, he did have a suggestion.

"Princess Karen's coming of age ceremony will be in a few days."

"It was a really good stage, but we didn't have tickets."

"I have a way."

The path Hua Mi mentioned was, of course, Alais.

"By the way, there is one more thing I want to ask you for help with." The bard was still a little weak and took a breath before continuing: "I thought I was dead before, so I used my ability to inform me about the curse. A friend of mine. I received the message he sent back. His companion, a mage named Carter, came to Modu to find me on his behalf. He must be found as soon as possible to avoid putting him in danger."


What a coincidence. This isn't it.

Hua Mi lamented that the world is so small.

"Leave it to us to find someone!"

The two people from Tianlei Ding had been listening in confusion, but they finally understood one thing, and they immediately stepped forward: "Don't worry, we have unique skills to find people~"

What also pleased Hua Mi was that when he finally left, Lu Fei still chose to follow him.

And the druid didn't stop it.

He just pressed his forehead against it, whispered a few words, and then let it follow Hua Mi away.

This made Hua Mi's impression of this druid much better.

Three days later.

There is an artificially constructed highland near the royal palace in Modu City.

The mountain road winds up and reaches the palace at the top.

Royal nobles often hold celebration banquets here or entertain foreign envoys.

Princess Karen's coming-of-age ceremony is being held here tonight, and it's particularly lively.

From the bottom to the top of the mountain road, there are lights and colorful decorations all the way, making the entire artificial mountain magnificently decorated.

A group of mages relay firework spells on the top of a mountain.

This kind of scene is rare for ordinary people to see.

The dance ended.

The people dancing in the hall left the stage with unfinished content, leaving the stage for the following drama program.

But few people looked towards the stage.

The people who came to attend this banquet were all famous people, nobles, officials, and rich people. They just took this opportunity to get closer to each other.

Princess Karen was finally able to escape. She sneaked out of the banquet hall unprepared and found Susie and Alais chatting outside.

"I'm so exhausted. I've never been to such a tiring banquet." Karen slumped down on the chair regardless of her appearance.

"You are the protagonist tonight." Susie snickered.

"Who would like to be such a protagonist?" Karen sat up straight and asked Alais, "By the way, didn't you say that the alchemist also came to the banquet? Where is he?"

"I don't know," Alais said, "but he asked me to tell His Highness that there will be a wonderful show going on later."

"They're all old tricks. How can they be exciting?"

On the stage of the banquet hall, a play was in progress.

Even though few people looked at the stage, the actors still performed to their best.

Suddenly, the background music that was playing stopped abruptly, and the actor who was reading his lines suddenly got stuck and shouted in surprise: "Who are you?"

The sudden performance attracted the attention of the audience.

I saw a masked man dressed as a bard walking onto the stage: "You don't need to know who I am, you just need to know what I will reveal next."

After saying that, he bowed towards the door of the hall: "Dear Princess, with your light, I will reveal a shocking conspiracy here."

The actors looked at each other, collectively confused.

what's the situation?

Why don't you follow the script?

I saw the masked man walking to the stage, spreading his arms, and began to recite loudly: "He has a heavy responsibility, but he acts recklessly; he is well-dressed, but he has hidden evil intentions; he sounds grand, but in fact he is full of lies..."

The rhythmic and rhythmic chanting and the magnetic voice attracted many eyes in the hall.

As the masked man narrated the poem, a picture slowly unfolded in front of everyone's eyes.

They stare into the abyss.

They study the abyss.

They seek to master the power of the Abyss.

For this reason, he risked his life to draw the curse from the abyss.

In the end, the curse was found to be difficult to control.

When things were about to be revealed, they chose to divide the curse into several parts and secretly release them everywhere.

Pieces of forest land became scorched earth.

Countless lives were lost as a result.

Some people have already realized that this is the bard's special ability.

This kind of picture cannot be imagined by personal imagination alone.

"...Your Majesty, please allow me to reveal it to you here!" the bard said, taking off his mask, revealing a face with exaggerated and funny makeup, and raised his other hand to point to the audience, " The culprit is right there!"

For a moment, it was as if a spotlight shone on the man.

Lines of sight focused on the past.

There was a lot of chatter in the hall.

The man on the stage was referring to none other than the president of the Abyss Research Association.

The president held a wine glass in his hand and stood there expressionlessly. His uncomfortable fluorescent green eyes showed no particular emotion.

The people around him subconsciously stayed away from him.

The first reaction of many people present was - he is finished.

It is groundless, regardless of whether there is evidence or not. Once this accusation comes out, combined with the previous rumors that the abyss scholars have lost control, his position as the president may not be stable.

"I can vouch for that."

A deep voice came from the doorway.

It was a centaur who walked in.

Most people have a respectful but distant attitude toward this race.

"I am willing to cooperate with the investigation and provide any wilderness signs I have."

The hall fell into dead silence for a moment.

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