Wizarding World Beekeeper

Chapter 151 Invading the Meditation Ball

Hua Mi had been trying to access this thing before, but unfortunately she never had enough mental strength.

Now his mental power has reached the "5th Stage of Bee Power". After this exploration in the Misty Mountains, his control over his mental power has improved a lot.

This world does not have a clear hierarchical classification system for spiritual power.

Because most professions don't pay much attention to spiritual training and adhere to the principle of "enough is enough".

Just like mages, although training their mental power is a compulsory course, they often don't put too much thought into it. As long as they can leverage their mana enough, it will not exceed a critical value at most.

What is the critical value? It means that once mental power is increased to a certain level, the improvement effect on spell casting speed and other aspects will drop off a cliff. At this time, instead of spending a lot of time on mental power training, it is better to practice more magic power or learn a few more spells.

Therefore, there is a generally accepted view among the mage community: spiritual power cultivation has an end point, but mana cultivation is endless.

Huami is different.

His growth mainly relies on mental power.

The higher the mental power, the stronger the ability to control the swarm.

Therefore, in order to objectively measure his own strength, he formulated a rough ranking system, which is also the simplest and most simple way: segmentation.

Basically, there are as many segments as there are bee colonies that can be controlled at the same time.

According to the fact that the number of bees in a bee colony is between 10,000 and 20,000, the number of bees controlled at the same time and the number of levels of mental power are basically the same.

The same 20,000 bees, if they come from one bee colony, are relatively simple to control. If there are 10,000 bees from two bee colonies each, then the control difficulty will be between 1 and 2 bee colonies.

All in all, he believed that with his current mental strength of level 5, he could try to break through the "firewall" of the meditation ball.

So I took out the meditation ball, released my mental power, and forced myself into it!

Facts have proved that with his current "5th level" mental strength, it is still not easy to forcefully break through.

Hua Mi concentrated her energy on one point, formed a "sharp blade", and started a tug-of-war with the barrier in the meditation ball.

With his persistence, he finally succeeded in breaking through a little.

The mental blade poked a hole in the barrier of the meditation ball.

The next step is to achieve success in a matter of seconds.

Hua Mi's mental power successfully penetrated into the meditation ball.

This is a fragmented space surrounded by white mist.

The first thing I noticed was a line of golden symbols suspended above the mist.

It wasn't human language, nor was it Elvish language. In fact, he didn't even know if it was a language. There didn't seem to be anything wrong with saying it was an abstract stick figure.

Being recorded in the meditation ball only shows that this string of symbols must be very important to Gray Robe.

"Is it a password or something?"

Hua Mi couldn't help but guess whether he had hidden the treasure somewhere, and this symbol was the password to unlock the treasure.

However, it's useless if you only have a password and don't even know where the treasure is.

Hua Mi ignored this string of symbols for the time being.

There are other things recorded in the meditation ball.

The mental power continued to deepen.

In the mist, an image emerged.

It seems to be from a first-person perspective, and the picture is very clear, but a bit shaky.

It seemed to be a small, dark room.

The four walls were made of uneven stones, and there wasn't even a window. The light came from a few lanterns, and the lampshades were dirty, blocking the light.

There was a corpse placed on the operating table directly in front of him. It looked like he had been dead for a while, and his body was rotten in many places. A ferocious magic circle was painted in blood red on the pale belly.

There were many bottles and jars of different sizes placed next to them, most of which contained turbid liquid, and some weird organs were soaked in the liquid.

"What a weird scene."

Hua Mi's mental power has broken through the defense of the meditation ball, and he has been completely released here.

He can control the playback speed of this video at will and realize fast forward, fast rewind and other operations.

When the entire video was played quickly, Hua Mi realized that this was the entire process of making the Resurrection Corpse.

The ritual is mainly divided into three parts, the disposal of the corpse, the summoning of the spirit body, and finally the combination of the two.

Hua Mi has no intention of learning or practicing this taboo ritual.

There must be a reason why it is called taboo.

During the ceremony, who knows what the price will be.

"By the way, isn't there a devil summoning ritual recorded here?"

Hua Mi skipped this image and continued to deepen her mental power, walking through the fog.

He saw a piece of paper.

The white characters on a black background seem a bit strange. The edge of the paper is painted with gold threads, which looks quite gorgeous.

He also couldn't understand the words above.

It is obviously not the same writing system as the previous string of symbols, and is very different.

However, upon closer inspection, I discovered that underneath the unknown words, there were also labels in human common language, but the human language labels were too small in comparison, so I didn't see them at first.

Without waiting to take a closer look, Hua Mi suddenly felt a throbbing in her heart.

Although he couldn't understand what was written on the paper, those earthworm-like words caught his eye, and they seemed to stir up his emotions instantly. A cold, crazy feeling arose spontaneously, and murmurs appeared in his ears.

The Robe of Calmness seems to have lost its intended effect.

With his current mental strength and the effect of the calm robe, he was unable to resist this influence.

Hua Mi hurriedly diverted her mental energy and stopped exploring the contents of this piece of paper.

These unknown words themselves seem to have some kind of power. Even if they cannot understand them, they can still have some influence on those who observe them.

Staring for too long may cause irreversible consequences.

The devil's writing?

Hua Mi guessed that this might be the contract signed by the gray robe and the devil.

Although he has recently been working on learning the languages ​​​​of other species.

But Devil's Word was not part of the plan.

His attitude toward the devils in the Nine Hells was to keep a respectful distance.

After death, the soul falls into the nine hells, which can be said to be the most tragic fate. The most cruel thing to curse a person in this world is "May your soul fall into the nine hells after death."

Hua Mi's mental power continued to deepen, and she soon found the last part of the content recorded in the meditation ball.

It's a picture.

To be precise, half the picture.

There are incomplete magic circles and incomplete annotations painted on it...

Fortunately, the text annotated here is finally in human language.

It says that this picture records an ancient secret technique - [Spirit Wandering Technique].

Simply put, the function of this technique is to allow your soul to move freely outside the body while you are still alive.

Of course, it is different from the soul that separates after death. It is freer and more powerful. It can complete many tasks that cannot be done in the physical state, such as going to places where the physical body is limited or cannot go at all.

The most important prerequisite for mastering this secret technique is that your mental power needs to be strong to a certain extent.

Secondly, it requires the assistance of magic circle and some materials and spells.

Gray Robe didn't know where he got this secret skill record, but it was a pity that it was only half of it.

The magic circle, materials, and spells are all missing.

Otherwise, Hua Mi could really learn from it.

He majored in spiritual power, which was a perfect match for this technique.

"Keep it, maybe you can get the other half by chance in the future."

After Hua Mi explored the information inside, he withdrew his mental power.

It's okay, it's not worth waiting for him for so long.

Although the contents recorded here cannot bring him immediate benefits, they are all very valuable and deserve to be properly preserved.

Hua Mi put away the meditation ball and thought to herself:

"Let's not talk about anything else. If the first string of ciphertext discovered is really a password, what will it be used for?"

The first thing he thought of was the Principality of Sulka where Gray Robe had stayed for some time.

According to Zelica, Gray Robe spent about two years in Sentilla Village in the Principality of Sulka, which was quite a long time. During that time, he lived in a tower outside the village and had little contact with people.

There might be some secret inside.

You can go explore it.

As for when to go... well, I've been a little busy lately.

With Da Xiong's hard work, Lu Fei's single room was successfully completed.

Overall, it was in line with Hua Mi's expectations.

Although the appearance is not very beautiful, it is durable and easy to get in and out.

To celebrate the completion, Hua Mi invited Big Bear to have a feast.

After this period of contact, the two became more familiar with each other, and Daxiong gradually opened up to him.

While eating, he took the initiative to bring up his unbearable past.

To put it simply, it is a tragedy, very cliché.

But it is enough to make the person involved regret for the rest of his life.

One full-moon night, he transformed completely into a beast, accidentally broke free, and killed his wife.

"She has always trusted me and supported me. She never paid attention to other people's gossip and always stood firmly by my side..." Da Xiong's voice choked up, "I can't imagine how desperate she must have been before she died... She should have had more Good home.”

Big Bear hoped that the law would kill him.

However, according to the laws of the Kingdom of Tulum, lycanthropes will not be held legally responsible for their actions when they lose their minds and become fully lycanthropic.

Therefore, after it was confirmed that he was indeed in a fully animal state when he killed, he was acquitted.

Big Bear couldn't forgive himself.

He once wanted to commit suicide, but was unwilling to fall into the Nine Hells.

So I began to passively avoid the world and hid in this dark forest that no one cared about.

After running away that night and unexpectedly meeting Hua Mi, he changed his mind under the influence of Qian Huan Hua's honey.

He wants to atone.

Recently he is committed to maintaining the ecological environment of the Black Forest.

For example, picking up the garbage left by adventurers, helping some monsters survive and reproduce better, hoping to enrich the species in the Black Forest.

He also wanted to go to Blackstone Town to help the townspeople for free and take on tasks.

"I just don't know if they can accept me as a lycanthrope."

Hua Mi felt that the folk customs in Blackstone Town were relatively tough, and a mere lycanthrope would not cause them to make a fuss.

For example, Cole lives there peacefully.

So Hua Mi encouraged him to do it boldly.

After revealing his true feelings, Big Bear became much more relaxed and seemed more determined about the future path.

In the following days, Hua Mi successively harvested the fourth batch of Perak Flower Honey, the second batch of Qianhuanhua Honey, and the second batch of Yuyi Qianhuan Honey.

As for the by-product, I got another piece of blood lapis lazuli, so now there are 2 pieces in total. He decided that when he saved up to 5 yuan, he would go to the City of Brass to strengthen it.

Furthermore, nothing has been accomplished regarding bee-breeding hybridization.

The newly obtained measuring bee is also a lone star of Tiansha, and is reproductively isolated from other bee species.

Time flies so fast, and the bellflower honey will be brewed in a few days.

At that time, the second issue of "Bee Whisperer Cabin" will be on the shelves.

On this day, Hua Mi was reading in the wooden house.

I heard a bustling sound outside.

The sound of footsteps and voices, from far to near.

Looking up and looking outside, a group of people were walking towards the cabin.

All are familiar faces.

At the front were Carter and Clark, both of whom were recovering well.

Jimmy the Minstrel followed, dressed in coquettish purple and still wearing exaggerated and funny makeup on his face.

Centaurite walked at the back, as deep and low-pressure as ever.

It seems that the Modu incident has come to an end.

Nite brought them here through the centaur's portal.

"The guy with green eyes has fallen." The bard said with a happy expression as if he had been avenged. "The joint delegation from various countries has officially taken over the association and is discussing a name change."

"That guy really did a lot of appalling things behind his back..." Carter sighed with emotion, "What a madman."

Hua Mi hasn't paid much attention to outside news recently, so she didn't hear about this incident.

Carter brought a newspaper, which reported extensively that the president had been imprisoned in Kuya Prison—the highest-security prison in the Western Continent, located on the Exile Island. Once you get in, you basically can’t get out.

The report also mentioned that some abyss scholars refused to be investigated and are still on the run.

This incident has caused an uproar in the Western Continent. Even the most remote villages and towns have been discussing this matter recently.

The bard was in high spirits and felt that this victory was worth celebrating.

So I volunteered to give everyone the most exciting performance to date for free.

Hua Mi has heard a little about the bard's ability.

I had witnessed his temporary performance in the palace before.

That kind of visual sense and emotional appeal cannot be compared with even movies.

Watch the show for free, why not.

But the centaur left beforehand.

The remaining three people, plus the eight little ones, enjoyed a drama with ups and downs here.

Although it was a one-man show, Jimmy performed an epic performance.

A person's mouth, coupled with some appropriate body movements and simple props, can provide excellent emotional value to the audience.

No wonder bards are so popular in this world.

It was getting late when a few people left.

Xiaobai had already fallen asleep beside him.

Hua Mi planned to finish today's tasks before going to sleep.

Read on under the light.

Unconsciously, sleepiness came over me and I yawned.

He held his chin with one hand, intending to squint for a while.

When I woke up, the cold morning light filtered through the window.

"My sleep quality is really high now, I can still fall asleep like this."

Hua Mi laughed at herself and stood up to open the door, intending to take a breath of fresh air and stretch as usual.

But when he opened the door and took a look, he was stunned.

"It's getting foggy?"

I saw a vast white mist filling the forest.

And this fog is very strange, the concentration changes obviously with height.

Above one meter, the fog is very light.

One meter below, the fog was so thick that you couldn’t see your calves.

The snow on the ground disappeared and seemed to have turned into mist.

It's not scientific...and it's not very magical.

At this time, he saw a flash of red.

"Brother, good morning." Xiao Hong flew over to greet him.

"Morning..." Hua Mi was stunned, "What did you call me?"



Something is wrong.

Hua Mi raised her hand to hold her head.

Something must be wrong.

"Wait, this is..."

Only then did he realize that he was wearing coarse cloth.

Where is my black robe?

Where is my cool robe that is warm in winter and cool in summer, comfortable and well-fitting!

Happy Double Holidays, I’ll give you ten thousand words~

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