Wizarding World Beekeeper

Chapter 185 The Successor in the Dream

"What do you think of him?"

The carriage drove steadily on the road, and the curtains were opened.

The ninja followed the side of the carriage, heard the questions coming from inside the carriage, and replied:

"Weak. I feel the aura of weakness from him. Last night, if Princess Karen's people hadn't sheltered him, I would have defeated him effortlessly."

Tisaya's voice sounded calm: "In other words, when necessary, I can safely hand him over to you, right?"

The ninja replied affirmatively, "Yes, Your Highness! He poses no threat to you."

The car curtain was lowered.

Tissaya in the car said nothing more.

The carriage rumbled forward, picking up speed.


Five days later.

"It's tonight."

The day for the king to decide his successor is tonight.

The magic crystal ball was taken out of the treasury with great ceremony, and after careful inspection, it was sent to the king's bedroom.

Tonight the king will go to bed alone, sleeping with his arms around the ball.

This night, the moon is hidden, the stars are sparse, and the sky is dark.

It's a good day for a good nap.

Hua Mi and Karen met in a dream.

There are shadows all around.

In the mist, the outlines of some buildings can be vaguely seen, and from time to time, figures of people and even the shadows of Warcraft can be seen walking through them.

But when you walk over, you will find nothing.

These are all subconscious projections. Due to insufficient energy, they cannot be fully manifested and can only appear in the form of phantoms, like mirages.

The two stood there, looking in a certain direction.

A bubble slowly formed in the mist there.

That is the boundary of the king's dream.

Unlike Karen’s pink girl’s dream, the borders of this dream appear solemn blue and black.

But it's not fully formed yet, and the bubble is only about the size of a fist.

Temporarily inaccessible.

Karen looked a little nervous, maybe excited.

Or maybe it’s because I drank a little more mead tonight and my mental state is a little high——

In order to prolong the dream state, the two blew on the bottle.

In short, it seemed that she couldn't stand the absolute silence at this time. In order to relieve her mood at this time, she opened her mouth to confirm the action plan again:

"According to you, dreams are born before personal consciousness. Therefore, as long as we enter before father's personal consciousness enters the dream, we can see who is on the throne in advance, right?"


He has tested this many times.

Dreams are always born before the dreamer's personal will.

No exception.

It's like the stage must be set up before the actors can perform on stage.

When dreaming, you also need to perfect the "stage" of the dream first.

After the dream is established, the dreamer's consciousness will still be in a chaotic and unobservable state for a period of time.

It takes about 3 minutes in reality before the dreamer's personal consciousness - or spiritual body - condenses and takes shape and appears in the dream.

It is these precious 3 minutes that they plan to use.

In fact, Hua Mi had another consideration in her mind that she had not mentioned to Karen.

So far, they have only tested ordinary dreams—dreams that occur naturally to ordinary people.

However, it is unknown whether the divination dreams generated under the influence of the magic crystal ball will be different.

Theoretically, both are dreams and the mechanism of their creation is the same.

They are all "bubbles" blown out by human spiritual energy on the basis of the dream world.

It's just that there is some kind of magical effect intervention in the divination dream.

Will this magical effect affect the effectiveness of the mead?

This is what Hua Mi is worried about.

There is no other way to know until you try.

After waiting for a while, the two of them watched the blue-black bubble getting bigger.

The color also becomes lighter as the size increases.

Eventually it turned into a dark blue.

The bubble has developed into a complete body, which is as big as an ordinary room, and is no longer growing.

This means that the dreamland is completed.

The two stood in front of the bubble and saw that there were quite complicated black lines on the surface of the bubble, which were constantly changing.

The color and texture of the bubble surface are different for everyone.

It may have something to do with your personal constitution and the type of dream you have.

But after spiritual perception, there is no difference between the precognitive dream in front of me and ordinary dreams.

This is a good sign.

"Let's go."

Hua Mi said, tentatively reaching out to Bubbles.

The moment his palm touched the surface of the bubble, he felt a mental repulsion.

This repulsive force was stronger than any dream he had ever experimented with before.

It can even be said to be several times stronger!

So much so that with Hua Mi's mental strength far beyond that of ordinary people, it took some effort to insert the palm of his hand.

"As expected of a king, his spirit is much stronger than that of ordinary people."

Karen next to her made no move.

She looked a little confused.

"Is it really appropriate for us to do this? It concerns the future of Tulum..."


It seems that she still hasn't completely overcome the hurdle in her heart.

When things came to a close, he hesitated.

"The aggrieved look on my face makes it look like I'm a bad guy trying to trick an ignorant girl."

Hua Mi didn't have time to patiently enlighten her at this time. After all, she only had three minutes.

It’s not like Hua Mi didn’t take this unexpected situation into consideration.

If she really escapes, Hua Mi has prepared a plan B in advance:

He can only go in by himself and find a way to mess up this prophetic dream.

The king should think that this divination failed.

As for whether the crystal ball will enter the cooling period after the failure, it is unknown.

There is no way around it.

"You only have three minutes, are you sure you want to give up this opportunity?"

Hua Mi said, half of her body had already fallen into dreamland.

After you open a gap with your palms and concentrate on it, it will be much easier to move through.

Hua Mi passed through effortlessly.

It feels... slightly different.

But I can’t tell.

The feeling of the spiritual body is completely different from that of the physical body, and it is difficult to describe it in words.

I can only express it superficially, it’s a very uncomfortable feeling.

Hua Mi crossed the boundary of the dreamland, and a purple color appeared in front of her eyes——

The undertone of this dream is purple.

The scene in front of me was swaying like water plants, as if separated by a film of water.

It seems unstable.

But Hua Mi could sense that this dream was actually very stable, much more stable than ordinary dreams.

The scene is very simple, just a palace.

It is exactly the audience hall in the royal palace in reality.

Almost immediately after him, Karen walked through.

The expression on his face is no longer tangled.

Fortunately, it seemed that she didn't hesitate for too long and decided to proceed as planned.

Who is the heir in the divination?

The answer lies within.

The two walked into the hall one after another.

Hua Mi looked at the throne at the end of the hall.

There is indeed a figure sitting on it.

A familiar figure.

But it was beyond his expectation.

"Why is it him?"

That's right, it's "he", not "she".

Karen then came in, also looking like she had seen a ghost:

"Brother Er Wang?!"

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