Wizarding World Beekeeper

Chapter 192 Leader!

"It can be said that it was influenced by you."


"Back then, I remember it was during the Ice Age. You expressed your views on the large-scale invasion of magical beasts in the north in front of the ministers. The way you spoke impassionedly left a deep impression on me.

"At that time, I was thinking, when will I be able to say something of such caliber like you?"

Karen smiled at the memory:

“Since then, I have started to follow your example in reading and thinking, hoping that one day I can discuss current affairs on an equal footing with you.

"Actually, no child would be interested in boring government affairs. I think even you are just responding to everyone's expectations. And I just wanted to get your attention at the beginning.

"But you kept treating me like nothing, which frustrated me. I started to study harder, naively thinking that when I caught up with you, you would naturally see me.

"Yes, Tisaya, you are like my guide. Therefore, no matter what interference there is from the outside world, I can eventually return to the original path and continue to follow your footsteps.

"Until a few days ago, in my mind, I was still the little girl running hard behind you... You just walked forward, did you ever look back?"

At this point, Karen sighed.

There is no need to say anything else.

The emotion I want to express is obvious.

There is only regret.

Now one of them is inside and the other is outside.

It’s impossible to go the same way again.

This was the first time they held hands, and probably the last time.

"Goodbye, my sister."

Karen let go of her hand, not only her eyes but also her voice became cold.

It's like talking to a stranger.

Looking at her back as she turned away resolutely.

For the first time in her life, Disaya had mixed feelings.

"Based on our relationship, is it necessary to be so businesslike?"

Karen held up her face and tilted her head to look at him, with a "You're so boring" expression on her face.

"Your Highness, there is a saying that goes well, talking about feelings hurts money."

Hua Mi said seriously: "You should know the importance of the normal operation of the economy to a country. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the lifeblood. When it comes to specific implementation, every business should be handled in a business-like manner."

With that said, Hua Mi pulled Carter forward from behind and said, "Let me introduce you, this is my most capable assistant. He will be in contact with your royal family for this honey transaction."

Carter did not dare to neglect and saluted her hurriedly: "Carter Neo, please see your highness."

Karen forced a smile and nodded at him.

In view of the outstanding performance of the eight heavily armored knights that night, the king not surprisingly approved the formation plan of the Knights of Holy Light.

and left the project entirely in Karen's hands.

She is now more than just a little princess.

He is also the crown prince of Tulum.

Fully qualified to handle this kind of thing.

"Carter...right?" Karen stood up, "I will send someone to explain the honey trade to you. Your boss and I have more important things to do."

"Something more important?"

As a person involved, Hua Mi didn't know what she was referring to.

Karen said with great interest: "Of course it's a matter for the leader. The Knights of Holy Light need an experienced leader."

Hua Mi and Karen, accompanied by the female officer and several knights, passed through the centaur portal and came to the black forest.

Didn't go back to the cabin.

Go straight to the Ashes Cemetery.

On the way, Hua Mi reminded: "As I said before, the leader's ghost is trapped in the cemetery and cannot leave. Moreover, in the spirit state, he can no longer serve as the leader of the knights. At most, he can only let He provides experience and training, and I’m afraid I’ll have to find someone else to be the leader.”

Karen said mysteriously: "My direct troops cannot just find someone to be the leader. Just wait and see, I have my own way."

Seeing how confident she is, there must be a way for Captain Erwin to break through the ghost's limitations.

What could it be?

It can't be the reincarnation of dirty soil!

It would be an exaggeration to be able to survive after being dead for so many years.

Soon, the group arrived at the Ashes Cemetery.

The place is as desolate and deserted as ever, with an atmosphere of death.

As you move forward, you can see illusory light groups appearing and disappearing from time to time.

Those are the true bodies of ghosts.

Usually the ghosts are in that state, almost exactly the same, with different shades of color at most, making it difficult to tell which one is which with the naked eye.

Only when socializing, the ghost will change into what it was like when it was alive based on its memory.

Several knights and female officers were very vigilant and protected the little princess in the middle.

Not all of the tombstones here are memorials to members of the Order of Ashes - only some of the ones inside are.

And in these tombs outside, people who died in the black forest are buried.

"Corpse collectors" will regularly patrol the adventure area and dispose of some ownerless corpses.

Hua Mi saw them looking like they were facing a formidable enemy and smiled: "Don't worry, there are no evil spirits here, they are all kind ghosts."

As he said this, several ghosts turned into human forms and came to greet Hua Mi.

After all, he had saved the Ashes Cemetery and was a hero in the eyes of these ghosts.

You will be welcomed every time you come.

As for the princess and her party, they were pushed aside and quite neglected.

Everyone is dead, so who cares about your secular royal power?

"Are you familiar with them?" Karen asked curiously.

"So be it."

Hua Mi briefly told what happened before.

"So there is such a thing in the past." Karen nodded, "Then things will be easier to handle. You are kind to them."

The important task of negotiating with the group leader fell on Hua Mi's shoulders.

"Erwin was the leader of the Ash Knights a long time ago, so I would be happy to ask him to make a comeback now." Hua Mi thought to herself.

Come to the middle of the cemetery.

The ghost of a gentle woman dressed classically floated over, held up the hem of her skirt and gave him an ancient female salute. She said in a voice that could not distinguish the distance: "Bee Whisperer, welcome to your arrival, what can I do for you?" Are you here to help?"

Hua Mi said: "I'm looking for Captain Erwin, can you ask him to come out?"

The female ghost said lightly: "Captain Erwin seems to be in some kind of distress recently. His mental state is not very good. We don't know what he is distressed about. Maybe you can find out the reason and enlighten him."

As she spoke, the female ghost turned into a ball of light and burrowed into the ground.

"Can ghosts also be troubled?" Karen asked curiously before the leader came out: "I remember reading in a book that the reason why people are distressed is because some kind of emotional substance is produced in the body. Let the brain produce corresponding feelings. How can a ghost produce emotions if it doesn't even have a physical body?"


Hua Mi thought that you might be on to something.

He also thought about the relationship between the spirit body and the physical body.

And another question arises: Why can’t ghosts be seen on earth?

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