Wizards of the North

Chapter 307: Natural disaster

There was no sign of natural disasters just like this, and the amphibians suffered heavy injuries. Those who were hidden in the dark, the real messengers were also in consternation.

No one thought it would suddenly appear here, and could not help but say that it would kill. The legend about it has long been annihilated in the torrent of time.

Only those nearly immortal beings remember it, including the shadows hiding behind the amphibious people. As an amphibious person, living with the sea will inevitably have some contact with it, even if this contact is mostly passed by.

For ordinary people, it is an insignificant vortex in the ocean current, neither good nor bad. Occasionally it will swallow the humans and animals who strayed into it, and occasionally bring a lot of fish and shrimp.

But this is only the memory of ordinary people, like a nest of ants will not panic because of people's approach. But for a very small number of people, it is an existence that cannot be ignored, a former opponent and prey.

For amphibians, the ocean is also their indispensable home. If this monster can be captured and tamed, it will bring immeasurable help.

First persuade, then round up, but to no avail. Fighting against an ocean current in the ocean is inherently difficult, and after repeated trials, it was discovered that this monster has no fatal point at all. Breaking up, or even taking away a part of it, only arouses its anger. If the situation is not good, it will dive into the water and run away without looking back. After a long time, when you have forgotten this hatred, it suddenly takes revenge. Once and twice, no one will provoke it.

Others try to find things it cares about, such as the same family. But after searching, people gradually realized that it was just a lonely wanderer. Either lurking in the deep sea and sleeping, or wandering with the ocean currents.

After understanding, for this kind of guy without any scruples, everyone began to let it go. This monster may not have a very good temper, but more often it is half-dreaming and half-awake, acting on instinct and instinct. Even if it causes some damage, it is very limited because it never leaves the ocean for half a step.

And as long as it does not leave the ocean, then no one can subdue it. Similarly, as long as it does not leave the ocean, its threat to the continent is limited.

Observe, understand, and then forget. Many people remember it as an ancient being, and they don’t even remember it. When passing by by chance, it suddenly remembered that it was still alive. The legend in the ocean, the monster named "Sina".

The threat is limited, but it definitely does not include this scene. The south coast is now full of corpses, but more are undulating and rolling in the waves, drifting toward the shore.

Ola wanted to cry without tears, and the guardian as an amphibious man was powerless to stop all this. Fighting? It's not that I haven't thought about it, but I dare not. If the monster Xina was stopped, it would only stir up a bigger storm here and cause more casualties.

They were too far away, there was no time to stop them in advance, and they could only watch the wind and waves pass by.

Scruples! Without scruples, it is the most terrible.

Just like the struggle countless years ago, they fight each other but will not drive each other's clansmen to death. At least until the guardian of the other party truly falls, he won't rush to extinction.

The collision and capture of each other is more like cutting meat with a blunt knife, the blood dripping from the cutting of the opponent, slowly draining all his energy and strength, and then giving a fatal blow at the end.

The calculations and dangers during the period are really unbearable. But many things are like this, if you do not advance, you will retreat. When the fruit is ripe, if you don't take it, others will take it. The strong and the weak are slowly changing in the accumulation of countless years.

Magic has made them, and it is also oppressing them. Magic is the existence of miracles, and the salted fish turning over is not unheard of. A little carelessness can lead to death, especially for guardians like them who are almost immortal. Time has become meaningless, and the battle of life and death countless years ago seemed to be yesterday, right in front of us. Countless corpses piled up here, piled up on this beach, but at that time there were more corpses of aliens.

Ola doesn't like it here, especially when winter comes, the cold wind will freeze the ocean. At that time, he would take his people back to the warm south for a while.

Only this time, how many people can he take back?

Who brought it! In his anger, Ola wanted revenge, but not the rootless duckweed-like monster-Sina, but the person who provoked it. Because Ola knew that Sina would never make waves for no reason.

With the resentment and the thought of revenge, Ola's figure gradually disappeared from the place.

The wind and waves rushed along the coastline, destroying everything that could be destroyed along the way. Dragon Knight, who had already had experience in dealing with this, had already moved away from the coast and watched all this nervously.

The roaring waves swept across the east coast like a gust of wind, leaving only the dragon knights looking at each other.

Maya squatted on the coast, and it was the news it brought back a few days in advance, which gave Dragon Knight plenty of time to prepare. Seeing the wind and rain in the distance, it let out its body with a low growl.

A few days ago, a familiar breath ran across it, making it unable to help but scream up to the sky. Irene asked what was wrong, but it couldn't tell. It is just under the influence of magic, there is an urge to try.

After hesitating for a while, Maya motioned to Irene to go over and have a look, so one person and one dragon began to look at each other in panic. Irene could feel Maya's hesitation, could feel Maya actually wish to stop it. But Irene didn't know why, and wanted to see what happened.

Irene nodded, "I will go with you."


Perhaps the water of the Perpetual River is too clear, and the junction between water and water at the mouth of the sea is not obvious. Branpan sat on the river as if he had no weight. The wind and rain in the distance approached, but he didn't realize it.

The rain and fog grew thicker, but it couldn't hide his figure. The wind and rain seemed to encounter an invisible wall, repelled at the junction of river and sea water.

The wind and rain are getting heavier, and the rain on the sea is getting thicker, but the river behind Bran is shining with waves.

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