Wizards of the North

Chapter 402: requite

The person who had just been entangled by Bran quietly wiped his sweat, and couldn't help being afraid after a while. Fortunately, the anger began to burn, which grandson provided this information?

If the other party just wanted to use him to draw other people out, I'm afraid it was himself who lost his head to the effect.

Looking at the headless corpse standing there, no! It can't be counted as a corpse yet, like their existence, even if the head is separated, they can still breathe for a long time.

And the other party obviously had other intentions, the head was taken away completely. Someone has walked to the headless body, and when he was about to say something, he made a sound of surprise, eh!

Beside the wound of the headless body, a claw mark is particularly dazzling...

Only then did people think of the strangeness of Bran's ordinary attire. According to the intelligence, Bran always showed up with a hood and a robe. Although the two arrow sleeves of the black robe make the whole person look neat and tidy, the hem of the robe is somewhat in the way of traveling.

People think this is Bran's special hobby for clothes, and this has become his logo. As long as people see that outfit, Bran is the first thing people think of.

It's not that no one imitated Bran's costume, it's just that the pitch black color made everyone helpless. So the black that seems to be able to swallow everything, as long as it appears, it will only make people think of Bran.

In fact, there is no way to know the whole picture of Bran under the hood since the fight between the two sides. After playing for a long time, they realized that they were not even sure whether their opponent was Bran.

But their details were touched by the other party, especially the final shot without reservation. This caused an ominous feeling in the hearts of everyone present...

At this time, Bran had already carried the head and returned to the mouth of the Perpetual River. With her feet on the ground, Huahua emerged from the hem of her robe, and several leaps and disappeared without a trace.

Only then did Bran take over the body again.

After that, things gradually became incomprehensible. The originally aggressive amphibious man suddenly became shrunk, but Bran often took the initiative to attack under the cover of night.

Everyone has nothing to do with him. Above this barren ocean, in an environment that is very fair to everyone, no one can keep him, even a moment of entanglement.

He comes as he wants, and leaves as he likes. And his target of attack is very clear, grabbing the helpers invited by the amphibians and hitting them to death! They don't care about amphibians.

Crazy, even fighting for life.

At least for a long time, people thought he was fighting for life. Everyone is here to take advantage, not to fight desperately. Even amphibious people who are bent on revenge will not really fight hard.

People also understand in their hearts that Bran is just showing an attitude-this is a matter between him and the amphibians, whoever dares to intervene, he will continue to die!

Moreover, he has this ability.

In a night attack, when most of his body was beaten to pieces, before everyone could breathe, he violently took away a head. Like flying a kite, the lower half of the body dragged a pile of bits and pieces of the upper body, making bursts of weird laughter like a night owl, and ran away...

What is even more disturbing is that when people thought that such a serious injury required at least a period of recuperation, he actually killed a carbine. Then he hugged a human head again and ran away again with the pile of bits and pieces...

Faced with this totally desperate style, some people have begun to shrink back. Bran's ability made everyone feel a headache. He was clearly in front of him, but he seemed to be facing a mass of nothingness.

Fear, and with the understanding, more and more frightened.

Whenever people think that they have found a way to deal with him, he will make new tricks. He used people's cognitive errors to tease everyone.

He showed his strength little by little, leaping from one area to another. Like a prank, it constantly breaks people's cognition.

In their anxiety, they received news from several other directions...

This time it was an all-round trial and attack. The east coast of the Barren Continent is not the whole story. Now that Bran is actively preparing for it, people naturally don't want to face him head-on. Going to the realm of a great wizard with cyclical support, even if you win, it will not be worth the loss.

With regard to the East Coast, people hold the attitude of hitting if they can, and dragging if not. Because, there are still several forces that have penetrated into the north from other directions.

But in almost every direction, Bran's figure appeared. Some people were even swallowed by the torrent of black ink gushing out of the void.

And it's still the usual bad style, only helping.

But this time there are finally new discoveries, but the price is a bit high. Someone was condensed into an ice sculpture by a cloud of cold air, and later someone saw a little girl appear there. Looking at the ice sculpture in distress, it seems that he is worried about how to carry it.

After receiving this news, all actions were terminated.

It takes time and energy to build a cycle. Now that Bran has planned the battlefield and hopes to attract everyone here, does it mean that other places are still very fragile.

In order to build this fortress, did the Northland devote a lot of energy to it to allow Bran’s cycle to be completed first? People think that this is the only way that Bran’s cycle will expand so rapidly. So, they decided to hold back and avoid here.

But after some testing, it was discovered that the entire Northland was in a very strange state, and a complete cycle had begun to take shape.

They saw Bran's shadow from the little girl who suddenly appeared. They are sharing a cycle, which is a different cycle.

The blessing provided by this cycle is far beyond their cognition, and the person who strayed into the cycle is instantly subdued, and there is no way to fight back.

This has exceeded the estimate too much, and the previous plan was simply a self-investment. Fortunately, these people were careful enough to not rush in blindly. Even so, they still depreciated two people.

Several people gathered on the east coast again. Because after some tossing, some people thought: If Bran fanned out, it was to push them in several other directions? Those places are silent, are they already full of traps? Otherwise, how can you keep quiet?

But in the face of Bran, who was in the open, they were equally helpless.

Just when everyone was distressed about this, news came from the foggy coast: The living mountain, which had been sleeping for a long time, suddenly broke out shortly after they left.

People who went to investigate have disappeared one after another. Although they have aroused people's vigilance, they have not paid too much attention. People thought that a monster was born with the volcano.

There is no shortage of powerful monsters in this world. When there is a conflict, more powerful people are sent to resolve it. But I didn’t expect that the monster this time was a bit too tyrannical...

Until it alarmed the amphibians who stayed behind. When he arrived in a hurry, there was an earth-shattering battle with the monsters there.

At the end of the battle, fiery lava shot out, entangled their guards like a snake's tail, and dragged him into the crater.

Hearing this, the amphibious man could no longer sit still.

That volcano is only a small part of the misty coast. Even if you give it up, it doesn't matter. But such an innocuous volcano has swallowed a genuine guardian.

Until this time, no one has connected this matter to the Northland. In the eyes of everyone, the Barren Continent is still at an absolute disadvantage, even if they have constructed a unique cycle.

But the cycle also needs to go through the test of time. Being different does not mean perfect, nor does it mean stability. Maybe it only takes a little time, and this new thing will naturally die. Such things, they have experienced too much and too much in the long years.

The amphibians' troubles just provided everyone with an excuse for a while.

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