Wizards of the North

Chapter 404: gloom

After complaining, Shuangyi City put Bran aside, not knowing what he was plotting. Bran doesn't care about this either. The danger has been lifted, and no matter how tossing Shuangyi City, it is impossible to provoke the enemy back immediately.

The paving of the magic network will continue, and a lot of effort is still required. Taking advantage of the current space, Bran decided to completely spread the magic net within the northern region. It also happens to take this opportunity to contain part of the energy of Double Wing City.

At present, the magic net is in the shape of a band, which surrounds most of the border of the Northland. When the whole line is expanded, the consumption of magic is amazing. Fortunately, Bran swallowed the assimilation characteristics, allowing him to pass most of the burden.

His wicked behavior immediately made Double Wing City feel the pressure. But Shuang Wing City, which was in a state of cold war, apparently refused to bow his head at this time, and confronted Bran in silence.

With the large-scale devouring, Bran quickly realized that the more types and complexity of magic power, the easier he swallowed. This reminded him of the hard bone in his belly-the amphibious man.

He pretended to be bold, and introduced a trace of the mixed power in the magic net-the effect was good. So he introduced more and more magical powers, and the amphibious man began to quickly dissolve in pain.

Seeing that the conjecture was confirmed, Bran temporarily gave up this self-interested behavior. It's not how noble he is, but that the expanding magic network has no time to meet the needs.

Moreover, he has a better goal-the sea of ​​magic.

Bran, who had found a cooking method, was surrounded by the long-lost urge to eat and hunger, so he resolutely extended his black hand.

Bran's body in the sea of ​​magic split into many trickles, trying to extend to other tributaries. Finally, a small stream formed a vortex on the edge of the tributary.

The tributaries have their own will, even if their will is chaotic and difficult to understand, Bran dare not reach out and grab it. But he knew how to do it, how not to cause these chaotic will attacks.

Zoya's tributary had warned him that Huahua's tributary was willing to share part of his power with him. And the tributaries he was in even acquiesced in his existence, allowing him to draw strength.

They don't care about the small existence of Bran, as long as they don't get in the way. And if you want to know if it's in the way, you just need a simple temptation.

Bran's change quickly attracted the attention of Shuangyi City. In fact, there have been people in Double Wing City who have been observing and recording Bran's changes in the sea of ​​magic.

So the wizards in Double Wing City could no longer help being curious and took the lead in giving up the Cold War.

They started asking what Bran was doing? And Bran gave the answer simply and neatly-play!

"What are you playing?"

"I will tell you when I understand it."

Bran’s answer made the hearts of the little wizards more itchy...

The temptation in the sea of ​​magic power will take a long time to complete, at least until a certain number of hooks are connected, Bran will not stop. And the little wizards were also reminded by this, remembering their plan to build another net in the sea of ​​magic.

So they suddenly became enthusiastic and expressed their willingness to help Bran. Although it is not clear what medicine is sold in this group of little bastards, Bran will not refuse this kind of beneficial and harmless help.

While Bran was busy in the sea of ​​magic, the Northland City was still busy. The celebration was supposed to be full of joy, but at this time there was a repressive atmosphere.

It is the high-ranking adults who cause all this. Although in Beidi City, these so-called adult farts are not enough, but there are still many people who need to take their breath.

No one knows, and no one dared to ask who made these big people upset. In fact, there is no need to ask, there are not many people in Northland City who can make many big people unhappy at the same time.

And people don’t care about it, they just don’t know how to deal with it. Everyone should be laughing on this supposedly festive day, but facing the upset master, I really dare not laugh. If you don’t laugh, and you’re afraid of causing other people’s dislike...

Bran still shows up at the dinner table every evening to discuss the use of magic with family members. By now, he is more of an observer than a guide.

After the initial entry stage, the differences between the two sides began to become more and more obvious. Because the basis for using power is different, Bran’s many experiences can easily lead them into confusion. It is better to explore in practice and act with intuition.

Watching their enthusiastic arguments, and then coming up with new ideas from time to time, Bran will also enjoy warmth and happiness from it.

Jenny and Luy have been worried about these days. Even if they have not focused on the wedding, they have already felt the depression and heaviness that shouldn't be there.

Faced with the strong smiles of his mother's family, I felt a little uncomfortable. The two who had been unable to find the right time, finally couldn't help but raise questions at the dinner table.

"Patriarch," Jenny continued to ask when Bran looked over, "Do you have any more requirements for this wedding?"

"You like it."

"Will this wedding be too noisy and disturb your rest?"

Bran was a little strange, turned his head and looked at Dani to figure out what's wrong? During this period of time, I first focused on dealing with the outside world, and then focused my energy on the expansion of the magic network, and did not pay attention to Northland City at all. And the old trees in the house didn't have any warnings, so the problems that suddenly appeared made him feel baffled.

Seeing Danni shaking his head slightly, he turned his head back: "If you have something to say, you don't have to go around in circles."

"They seem to be worried, and I'm afraid they offended you inadvertently."

"Worry..." Bran finally remembered the previous prank, he lightly patted his forehead, "That's it, you know about this matter-we have been fighting against the great wizard outside recently."

Seeing the two nodded, Bran continued: "Because of your relationship, I think your mother's family is more or less a family, so some things are not hidden.

Seeing that they have always wanted to know the current situation, I told some of the truth out of kindness. "

Dani sitting on the side looked up and down all over Lan, couldn't help but smile, and continued to watch Bran's performance.

"You don't need to shy away from this aspect. You can directly ask them after you have eaten." Bran Tan said, "You have been married for a while, and you have some understanding of this family, so don't think too much."

When it comes to fighting with the outside world, everyone present is full of spirits.

Dani asked aloud on behalf of the crowd: "What's the situation now?"

"I retreat temporarily, but the finishing touch will be more troublesome. I took a few heads back and was thrown at Beidi Port. I must have received the letter there, right?" Seeing Dani nodded, Bran continued. Those people will not die for a while, so soon someone will come to negotiate with us.

The negotiation is left to you. Whatever you want, just ask them. If you want to return to the head, tell them to do it on the terms of Yuren. "

"Didn't you reach an agreement with Yuren? Keep it secret for them."

"Yeah, that's why I said that it should be done according to Yuren's terms. Let them ask Yuren to inquire about the conditions." Bran pouted, "Furthermore, the fruit that Yuren owed me was not delivered in time. It clearly doesn't favor us. , I want to go wrong.

Always teach them some lessons. "

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