World of Cultivation

: The ninth ninety-fourth section

"Become a younger brother!" The grandson warmly greeted him and gave him a big hug. Yu Yucheng has always been addicted to his own support, and he has not seen his family. He has not seen him for a long time.

The two men followed the Momo from the Araki reef, and the feelings were naturally different.

The grandson of the grandson received a surprise from the paper crane of Yu Yucheng, and the younger brother wanted to come to the devil world, saying that it was the best for the support or the devil. The grandson is very clear that it is not surprising that the younger brother is enthusiastic about the maintenance. The small savage world was originally a good place, and it was basically under the control of the winter. However, considering the issue of security, Gongsunchang felt that it was more reassuring to put the younger brother on his side, and simply let the younger brother go to the Lanli world.

Here, the array of fortresses has begun to take shape, and with the Suzaku camp stationed, he sits on his own, and even if Tianhuan attacks, he is not afraid.

Yu Yucheng looked around curiously: "Here is the devil?"

"Well, called Lanlijie, the nearby boundary is called Wushijie, and it is occupied by Tianhuan. But we don't make river water now, they don't dare to make trouble." Gongsun is very casual to introduce.

The repairers along the way continued to say hello to the two.

"Then do you have a magic ride?" Yan Yucheng looked at his eyes and he regained his gaze and went straight to the subject.

I also want to talk about the old grandson and helpless face, but he also knows that the younger brother is this virtue. When he was prepared for this problem, he called Azag.

Azag is a native of the Mozu, very familiar with the magic ride, is a good introducer.

The Xingluo natives have a breeding magical ride. When they hear the little girl call it a younger brother, Azag immediately understands the status of this seemingly foolish boy in Turtle Island and does not dare to slack off.

He found all kinds of magic rides that everyone in the war department, and detailed their various situations.

As soon as I saw the magic ride, Yu Yucheng immediately became addicted and couldn’t extricate herself. She never looked at Xiao Niang again. Xiao Niang knew his character and was not angry. He told Azag a few words and was ready to go on his own.

Suddenly, a detective hurriedly rushed over.

Xiao Niang stopped and looked at the look of the whistle. He knew that something had happened.

"Adult! The Wushi community was attacked by a demon warhead!"

The Wushijie was attacked by the Yaozu!

Xiao Niang suddenly smiled. Some days ago, the Ministry of War and the Department of War broke away from the Wushijie and flew toward the other. Now she has been copied from the old nest.

He can imagine that Gongye Xiaorong heard the news and his face must be very exciting!

Xiao Niang is interested in this sudden appearance of the Yaozu War Department. Here is the territory of the Mozu, there is a demon war department, some are not normal. Moreover, the timing of the selection of this Yaozu war department is just around the corner. From any angle, this is a premeditated and very successful raid.

Gongye Xiaorong is too big!

He did not raise his head, and he did not respond to this news at all.

Aza was surprised. He suddenly remembered and quickly said: "Adult! Your subordinate knows this war!"

"Do you know?" Gongsun was a little surprised.

"Adults! There is a chaotic crack in the Wushijie, which leads to the demon world. It is the site of Gonghu Mu's. This time, the ethnic group combined with the various tribes to form a coalition army to prepare against the Gongye Xiaorong, and an invitation was sent to Miyako Muh. They sent a little girl named Muxi to come over. If it is the Yaozu war department, it is very likely that this is the one! They are not dead?" Azag’s face was unbelievable.

"Miyako Mu's?" The grandson murmured himself and threw the problem aside.

Suddenly, another detective whistle flew in a hurry. When it was not landing, he hurriedly said: "Adults, Tianhuan suffered a fierce attack, sent people to ask for help, and was stopped by our people! They asked for an adult! They must have a post-report! ”

When the grandson was a little embarrassed, he couldn’t help but feel funny: "Is it a help? It’s really sick and sick!"

Seeing the whistle is still waiting for his orders, swinging his hand: "I said that I am not here."

Azagson on the side, the star Luo and the Tianhuan hate deeply, and naturally they are not willing to rescue.

The grandson of the grandson said to himself: "Tianhuan? I would rather have Wushijie in the hands of the Yaozu!"

For a moment, there was a detective to report.

"Adult! The Wushijie Tianhuan is lost! Their remnants are coming to us!"

Azag almost jumped up: "They want to bring the demon warhead!"

Gongsun sneer: "Don't bother, we just have to see this demon war department. It's really fast, this warrior warfare is not simple!"

After a few hours, a warrior with a look of urgency appeared in the sky. Behind them, a demon warfare army was rigorously shaped, so that it would be shocked and sometimes shocked.

"It's a master!" Xiao Niang's eyes narrowed, and the rhythm of the Yaozu War Department was very good, and it always maintained the pressure on the Tianhua War Department. Sustained nerves and tight escapes are extremely easy to collapse.

Azag showed excitement, and he could also see that Muxi was so powerful that he could not wait for the remnants of this Tianhuan army to be destroyed.

The Tianhuan War Department saw the group of characters on this side, just like the drowning person caught a life-saving straw, and hulated and flew toward it.

Not waiting for them to fly near, under their feet, a large array of lights lit up.

Hundreds of large-scale arrays, the common light, make the whole valley bright and white. Looking down from the sky, this hundred large arrays of characters, extending from the chaotic cracks, form a scalloped surface that stretches for dozens of kilometers, one layer at a time, for a total of seven lines of defense!

The demon warfare department saw such a strict defense, the formation of a stagnation, impact such a line of defense, and no difference in looking for death.

The horror of the squadrons of Tianhuan was mixed with shock, and it took so long for the other party to make a sound of the fortress!

A huge array of symbols, the human, material and financial resources that need to be consumed are quite scary!

What kind of power does the grandson difference belong to?

The war of the remnants of the Tianhuan will face each other and see the deep fear in each other's eyes.

"What to do?" one asked hesitantly.

"I rushed to say! Do they dare to kill us all?" Another person bite his teeth.

"I have to sin against our Tianhuan, they don't want to have a good life! They don't dare! Rush!" Another person echoed.

Soon, they unified their opinions and ordered the dynasty to rush. Ordinary warfare did not think so much, the horror on their faces, suddenly turned into ecstasy, those groups of people, let them feel an unprecedented sense of security.

Many people think in their minds, if the martial art also established such a group of characters, how could the demon war department attack it?

"Don't attack! Don't attack!"

"If you are going to save, I will have a restatement..."

Looking at the remnants that rushed to them, the eyes of Gongsun’s eyes slammed cold, and they were as sharp as a knife. They screamed: “The impact lineman, kill!”

Almost his voice just fell, the front line of the line of defense, a sudden radiance!

The battle of the Tianhuan War Department will be shocked: "Rewind!"

Their exclamations quickly annihilated in a light rain.

The dazzling light rain, like a group of locusts, pounces from the ground to the sky, covering the sky!

Puff puff!

Those who rushed to the line of defense had a white vision, and the body had a severe pain and quickly lost consciousness.

They are dead, and their faces are full of incredulity.

The other party actually dared to attack...

They are the sky ring...

The warlors who gave orders, all eyes wide open, unbelievably looking at the empty sky, the eyes immediately covered with bloodshot eyes.

A warrior screamed: "Gongsun is poor! You are so good! Tianhuan will not let you go..."

On the ground, the grandson smiled slightly and spit out two words: "Idiot!"

The forefront of the symbol is once again shining, and the intense spiritual fluctuations are frightening.

The warrior saw the situation, a bite of his teeth, and the face of the blame led the remnant to flee in the other direction.

"This is why we have offended the Tianhuan." Yu Chengcheng, who was awakened, looked up and said.

"Get used to it." Gongsun was a casual face.

Before the Liangzi of Gongye Xiaorong was settled. For the big sects like Tianhuan, as long as there are Liangzi, they are waiting to be destroyed. Unless in its eyes, you are as powerful as it is, like the other three sects, it will remain restrained.

Obviously, the grandson does not think that Tianhuan will treat them as the No. 1 opponent. If he waits for Gongye Xiaorong to sweep the belt clean, he will definitely free his hands and sweep them clean.

On the side of the couch, let others sleep?

Instead of doing this, it is better to start with a strong one, and Yin, a little girl, but I am very much looking forward to how Gongye Xiaorong will respond.

It’s a pleasure to think about it!


Mu Xi witnessed the whole process, and his face was not surprised by the appearance of a few points.

This war department is obviously not all the way to the ring, and there may be hostility between the two sides. The Tianhuan Remnant brought himself to this place, but it was also very pleasant, but they obviously underestimated the hotness of the other leader. Even Mu Xi, when he saw the following group of people attacking, they were not surprised.

The degree of danger of the other party immediately rose sharply in her heart.

Neighbors have such a wolf, you have to be careful. She carefully looked at the other's group of characters, arranged very perfectly, completely without a dead end. Hard attack such a group of characters, she needs at least 8,000 warheads, and certainly have to pay a very heavy price.

She sent a small team to pursue the remnants of the heavens that fled. The morale of this remnant is low to the extreme, as long as the harassment continues, the other party is not far from collapse.

At the moment, the most important thing for her is not to destroy this remnant, but to hold on to the Wushijie. Originally, she was only going to return to the demon world, but when she saw the conflict between the two sides, she suddenly changed her mind and planned to abide by the Wushi world.

Just now this war department has torn the skin with Tianhuan. In other words, they have also become enemies of the Tianhuan. Gongye Xiaorong will certainly be prepared for them and will not dare to attack the Wushijie.

As a result, she is much more likely to hold the Wushi community.

After a moment, she made a decision. She needs to return to the Wushi community immediately and needs family support. Gongye Xiaorong has already got the news, I am afraid that he is already rushing back.

Time is urgent.

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Thank you jiadelao classmates! Little mother, one plus nine, ten!

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