World of Immortality

Vol 2 Chapter 407: i know your details

Chapter 470 I Know Your Details

In the dirty conference room, Zuo Zuoan sat on a wooden chair, crossed his legs, and looked playfully at Yaya's graceful back.

At the door, Sonny had a smirk on his bruised face, shrugged his shoulders and said, "Beautiful lady, you can't just leave this room like this. That damned liquid creature... ate up my stockpile , it should pay a price, which makes sense, right?!"

Sister Yaya looked at the group of strong men in front of her, feeling indescribably bored. In fact, it is not shameful to set up cattle and horse organizations in the southern region, because this is the norm, and many people are doing this kind of work. Even from birth, their own parents, brothers and sisters are all engaged in this industry. From the perspective of social environment, many people have no choice.

But everything has a bottom line, the people in this house are obviously too greedy. Even from the standpoint of coming out to mess around, they used the Tree of Darkness to engage in gangsters and were later killed. This in itself is very embarrassing and unskillful operation.

Forcing compensation is purely bullying outsiders. They may not dare to do this to other cattle and horse organizations in St. Belem City.

Now that the money has been lost, and they have promised to return it to the Tree of Darkness, they still want the dumpling, which is purely a slap in the face.

However, there is no way to explain this kind of truth to arrogant and brain-dead people. It's not unreasonable not to use map guns, but to speak with facts. The south has always been in the backward area of ​​Blue Star. They are impulsive, irritable, and rejoicing when things happen. This kind of character defect is very obvious.

Porcelain does not touch pottery. Whether it is Wang Dabiao or Sister Yaya, they are all people who have been in the mall and the bottom for many years. They only took a look at Sonny's expression and chose to give in.

When you meet a lunatic, or a person who thinks he is awesome and has a very simple idea, then don't argue with him.

At the door, Sonny was blocking the way. Sister Yaya looked at his expression, and she instantly hated the person who helped her save the game today. Obviously, the other party is in the same group as Sonny and Zozoan.

There was emotion in her heart, but Sister Yaya still had a smile on her pretty face, and she responded softly: "Mr. Sonny, the dumpling is not a special mutant creature, it just has the ability to transform. If you want it to be Compensation, it's not difficult. Later, I will send it back."

Sonny was startled for a moment, then grinned and said, "You are such a beautiful and intelligent woman."

"Thank you, I still have something to do..." Sister Yaya took a step back with a smile on her face.


The two mutants in the growth stage took a step forward in an instant.

Wang Dabiao observed his words, stepped forward immediately, nodded and bowed to Sonny and said: "...Dear Mr. Sonny, I assure you that the matter of Tuanzi will not become a problem for us. To tell you the truth..."


Sonny suddenly raised his arm and slapped Wang Dabiao on the face, causing the latter to move two steps sideways on the spot.

He's so strong, it's like a professional basketball player for the average person.

Wang Dabiao bumped into the wall, and blood oozed out of his nostrils and corners of his mouth instantly.


The growth mutant on the left grabbed Sonny's wrist in an instant: "You are very rude, friend!"

Yaya glanced at the other party, turned her head and said, "Take Mr. Wang and go."

After the words fell, another mutant was protecting Wang Dabiao and was about to leave the second floor.

On the inside, Zozoan, who was sitting on a chair, stood up gracefully: "You have the humility unique to oriental people, and you have a strong endurance, just like camels, and you can't bear to hurt them. But it's a met They're a bunch of bastards. Especially the **** Sonny, he's never been very human."


As soon as the words fell, Arthur suddenly exploded, exuding energy halos all over his body, raised the scepter with his right hand to move forward, and circulated mutated energy with his left hand, hitting the side of the wall.

"Bang bang!"

Two muffled sounds sounded, the mutant who was about to control Sonny, and the super body protecting Wang Dabiao were instantly knocked into the air and fell heavily to the ground.



Under one blow, the internal organs of the two were shattered, and blood spurted out of their eyes, obviously severely injured.

Under the certainty of victory, Arthur made a decisive move. Holding the scepter, he turned to look at Yaya: "The gods will protect every aborigine in this land, even if he is a heinous bastard."


The black people in the room burst into laughter. This group of people is impulsive and irritable, but they are not fools. After Sonny suffered a loss in the morning, he immediately investigated Yaya, and knew that there were two mutants in the growth stage beside her, and Arthur himself had a super body of this level. People are enough to cope.


Sonny, who was out of trouble, punched Wang Dabiao in the ribs. Although the latter had a large tonnage, he was weak. This blow directly hit his liver almost to rupture, and he let out a miserable howl and sat down on the ground.

"You **** bastard, you dare to rob my goods! You let the chopping hand lose face and suffer heavy losses!" Sonny grabbed Wang Dabiao's arm and directly hit him with his knee.


The sound of bone cracking resounded.


Wang Dabiao sat paralyzed on the ground with a distorted expression, his body convulsed like an electric shocked animal.

"Yo hoo!"

"Kill him, Mr. Sonny!"

"No one can take a bang from your knee and smash his head off!"


The most primitive sense of ignorance and blood came over us. The moment Sonny made a move, all the black men around him burst into screams with excited eyes.

"After I get that black liquid, I will hang your head on the door to pay homage to my poor pets."

"Bang bang!"

Sonny vented all the grievances he had suffered throughout the day on Wang Dabiao, kicking the latter's head non-stop.

"If you insist on doing this, I will regret what happened now." Yaya said, looking at Sonny with a cold voice.


At this moment, an arm struck from behind without warning, and forcibly wrapped around Yaya's waist.


Yaya struggled to turn around.

Zozoan looked at her with a smile, and put his cheeks very close: "...don't try to threaten us, I know your details...a courtesan from the east, who has a close relationship with Deputy Commander Sara of the City Guard, what I said Is it right?"

"Let go of me!"

"Your angry look really looks like a doe in heat, very sexy!" Zozoan hugged Yaya fiercely with his thick and powerful arms: "I tell you...Deputy Commander Sara is very kind to us. There is no deterrence. He is an old man who is about to retire, haha, he lied to you, you can't get a safe asylum if you sell your own purple palace!"


Yaya swung her purse and smashed it on Zuo Zuoan's head in an instant.


The two parted, and the corners of Zuo Zuoan's eyes were red from being beaten by the leather bag. He stepped back and was startled for a moment, the smile on his face disappeared instantly, and he raised his arm and hit it down.


Sister Yaya blocked it with her arm, and her whole body was whipped and hit the conference table.

"Cheap cousin, you dare to hit me?!" Zuo Zuoan looked crazy, grabbed Sister Yaya's hair, pressed it on the conference table, and shouted: "I want to taste the deputy commander's courtesan too." , and hand you over to my soldiers! They are all strong...!"

"Yo hoo!!"

Excited shouts rang out again.


Zozoan tore Yaya's windbreaker, fixed her waist with his abdomen, turned his head and shouted: "Sonny, you **** idiot! Go contact their companions and send that black liquid creature right away!"

Sonny glanced at Sister Yaya with messy hair, and nodded reluctantly in his heart: "Okay, she's yours now."

At this moment, Yaya's cheeks were pressed against the table, distorted and deformed, but her eyes were fixed on Zozuan's side face, remembering his every expression.

By the sea, in a villa.

Zhang Yunxi, who was looking at the recipe and cooking, was humming a song in a beautiful mood, ready to show off his cooking skills.


The vibration of the communicator resounded, and he glanced down and saw an unknown communication code.

"Hello, who is it?!" Zhang Yunxi consciously agreed to the call application.

"I'm Sister Ling, we met yesterday in Dark Street..." A woman's face appeared on the holographic projection.

A minute later, Zhang Yunxi rushed out of the kitchen, raised his head and shouted: "Something went wrong, senior sister, Xiaolong, Tuanzi, copycat!"

Inside a hover car.

A man and a woman, one black and one white voluminous pastor Wearing masks on their cheeks, they couldn't see their faces clearly.

Sitting in the co-pilot, Sister Ling turned her head to look outside, thought for a moment and said, "Bai Mian will follow me, Jade Buddha will stay."

"The mutant atmosphere around is very chaotic," the man in the white robe reminded hoarsely, "Let me stay."

Sister Ling thought for a while: "Okay, you delay, I'll go down."


The man in white robe pushed the door and left the hover car.

Inside, a woman in a black robe reminded softly, "Be careful."

Under the light, the white-robed man's face was reflected under the street lamp. At this moment, it could be clearly seen that the "mask" on his face was completely covered, even covering his eyes.


But this did not affect the action of the man in white robe, he disappeared by the side of the road in an instant.

In the conference room, the savage madness continued.

Wang Dabiao was covered in blood, and his arms were slightly bent by the wall.

On the left side of the conference table, Zuo Zuoan pressed Sister Yaya's head, and was about to tear off her skirt with both hands: "Oh, why don't you resist? You enjoy it, right?! You...have countless people... !"



With a muffled sound, the wall on the second floor collapsed.

A white shadow rushed in, and Arthur, who was standing at the door, suddenly turned his head and raised his right arm.


The energies of the two shot out together, resulting in a collision in the air.


Zozoan's body shook slightly, he took a step back and exclaimed, "A sleeper from the east?!"

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