World of Warcraft Murloc City Guide

Chapter 208 Patrol and Warning

By the time Yang Yi led his people to the Backwater Oasis, it was already late at night. The Backwater Oasis was quiet, and no centaur was found.

At first glance, Yang Ye saw that all the village level 3 log walls originally built in Backwater Village had been demolished, and a town level 3 earth wall was built in place of the village level 3 log walls.

There are two earthen walls. The southern wall has been repaired, and the northern wall is under construction.

After repair, the third-level earthen city wall of the town is five meters high, and the cross-section of the earthen city wall is approximately a right-angled trapezoid. The bottom foundation of the city wall is three meters wide, the top of the wall is one meter wide, and there are also wall stacks. The width of one meter is slightly narrow, but it can already organize a small team to defend on the top of the wall.

The earthen city wall under construction in the north faces the avenues of Ratchet Town and the Crossroads. Because the construction of the earthen city wall relies on compacted earth, dense logs were built diagonally from bottom to top on both sides of the wall during the construction process. Scaffolding so construction workers can come.

Yang Yi took a look at the northern earth city wall that was still under construction. It took time to collect and purchase the wood for the log frames, and it was even more labor-intensive to build. He was worried that the centaurs would set fire to these frames and destroy the city wall when they arrived. construction.

And what's very important is that when the centaurs attacked last time and set fire to the village's third-level log fence, Yang Yi discovered that the unfinished fence couldn't withstand the damage at all, and was basically burned to the ground with a single fire. This is probably a feature of building buildings built with skills. Buildings built with skills have hidden defense values ​​after they are completed, but buildings under construction do not seem to have them, so they are easily destroyed.

Yang Yi is worried about Lu Xiaoming and others from the Qin Kun Association. As long as they keep the Centaur informed of the construction progress of the backwater village city wall, the Centaur can come and destroy it every time before the city wall is built. If the city wall is to be built, it will Difficult.

What's more important is that even if Ratchet Town has time and materials to spend with the centaurs, the builders of the Defias Brotherhood will not stay here for a long time to help. Without the help of these builders, these earthen city walls will not be able to rely on The fishmen in Ratchet Town can't build anything at all.

After Yang Yi saw the earth city wall, he walked into the backwater village. The construction workers who built the earth city wall were already sleeping after a hard day's work.

After entering the backwater village, Silak, who was in charge of the garrison, came up to him. Yang Yi asked Silak to arrange for his entourage to rest.

This time Yang Yi brought another hundred fighting murlocs from Ratchet Town, as well as a hundred lobster slaves. Yang Yi hopes to be able to defend the backwater village. As long as the earthen city wall can be built, the threat of centaurs will be greatly reduced in the future.

There were originally 300 fighting murlocs stationed in Backwater Village. With the addition of the fighting murlocs brought here this time, there were a total of 400 fighting murlocs.

"It is not easy to withstand the Centaur attack with this number. The last time the Centaur team came to attack the Backwater Village, there were 800 people, and that was not the main force of the Centaur force in the Sweetwater Oasis. The Kokar Centaur can gallop through the barren land. Having survived for so many years and having so many enemies, it shows how strong I am.”

Yang Yi was unsure, especially since he had a conflict with the tribe's orcs in the backwater oasis last time. He didn't know if the tribe's reinforcements would come to rescue him when the centaurs attacked again.

After settling the accompanying people, Yang Yi also went to the hotel in Backwater Village to rest.

The next day, Yang Yi got up early.

Walking out of the hotel door, Yang Ye found that the construction workers were already in full swing.

Most of the daytime conditions in the Barrens are hot and dry, so construction workers get to work before the sun sets in the sky.

An excavation site was excavated at the foot of Thunder Peak Mountain. The level 2 kobold geomancer, Sandtooth Geomancer, was leading more than a hundred kobolds to excavate earth and rocks. This kobold geomancer was already very old. His stooped body can no longer do heavy work, so he can only help direct from the side. A squadron of fighting murlocs lined up to supervise the work of these kobold slaves. If any kobold slave dared to be lazy, these fighting murlocs would rush over and kick and punch them, giving them a good beating.

The earth and rocks excavated by the kobolds are all used as construction materials for the earth city wall, and those responsible for transporting the earth and rocks are the more than eighty stone hammer ogre slaves. The ogre is tall and strong, but his brain is a little awkward, so he is just suitable for the pure coolie work of transportation. Each of these ogres wear iron shackles and handcuffs made by goblins, which makes them unable to resist the enslavement of the fighting murlocs.

The construction site of the earth city wall is mainly occupied by murloc construction workers. However, these murloc construction workers are basically hands-on. The main construction is supervised by the stonemasons of the Defias Brotherhood. These former stonemasons of the Stormwind City Stonemasons Guild are worthy of being the master architects who built Stormwind City. Even though they are commanding races such as kobolds, ogres and murlocs that are considered to have low IQs, the construction progress of the earth city wall has not been affected. And procrastinate.

Under the general command of Garn Mathers of the Defias Brotherhood, the construction work of the masons was carried out in an orderly manner.

Yang Yi just looked at the construction site and did not bother them.

"It seems that with Garn Mathers and the others there, there should be no problem with the construction of the earth city wall. The only problem now is the centaurs. If the centaurs come to destroy the city wall before it is built, the construction of the city wall will be delayed again. Especially if the craftsmen of the Defias Brotherhood are here this time, they will suffer if they are attacked by the centaurs." Yang Yi was worried about the centaurs.

The last time the centaurs attacked, Yang Yi asked the fishmen to hide in the lake, while the kobolds asked them to find caves to hide. Yang Yi didn't care much about the life and death of the kobolds. He could also let them hide themselves and seek happiness. The kobolds didn't dare to protest anyway. But he couldn't deal with the stonemasons of the Defias Brotherhood like this.

"This time we can't be as careless as last time. It wasn't until the centaur team arrived nearby that the tauren blew the trumpet to alert us. Now that we know that the centaur is coming, we should send out scouts to investigate first." Yang Yi decided to do something .

Yang Yi found Brak and Swart.

Swart is the captain of the Murloc Ambusher Team. As a stalker, Murloc Ambushers are suitable for scouting. However, there are less than two Murloc Ambushers in Ratchet Town, which is not enough to monitor Centaur movements on a large scale, so Yang Yi called Brak over.

"Swat, you lead the murloc ambush team and try to sneak as far as possible to the Sweetwater Oasis in the west, and observe whether the centaurs there have made a large-scale movement. Try to stay in a stealth state, and don't let the centaurs and alien humans discover you." Yang Yi first issued a task to Swart.

"Yes!" Swart nodded.

"Brack, you take a large group of fighting murlocs out, and ask the fighting murlocs to patrol and guard in teams of ten, and report the news as soon as a centaur team appears. Before the centaur team arrives, we need a certain amount of time to arrange the evacuation. "Brak, your task is very important to organize defense. Remember not to cause conflicts with unrelated people outside."

"Yes! Lord! Brak promises to complete the mission and will not let a centaur sneak over!" Brak vowed and patted his chest.

After Yang Yi handed over the mission, he asked Brak and Swart to organize the battle against the fishmen, and then he found three people himself.

These three people are all adventurers, and they are all members of the Knights of the Holy Sword.

The leader, a thin, seemingly stunted boy, is the leader of the Knights of the Holy Sword, a Knight of the Holy Sword; the other girl, who is also thin and has a shy look on her face, is Er, whom Yang Yi has met before. There are three Knights of the Holy Sword; the remaining one is a slightly strong boy with a big crew cut and looks very energetic. He is the three Knights of the Holy Sword.

Yang Yi is still wary of most adventurers, but he has a good impression of this member of the Knights of the Holy Sword. The leader of the group, a Holy Sword Knight, was the first adventurer to say that he wanted to invest in the backwater village of the backwater oasis. More importantly, when the backwater village was destroyed by the centaurs and no other adventurers wanted to take back the investment in the backwater village, only the Holy Sword Knight wanted to invest in the backwater village. The Knights of the Sword signaled continued investment.

In addition, this time there was something strange happening to the Kokar Centaur in Sweetwater Oasis, and the Knights of the Holy Sword took the initiative to report the news to the Ratchet Fishman. Yang Yi became even more fond of these little boys and girls.

Of course, Yang Yi himself is not very old. He is less than twenty years old now, and he is not much older than the three of them.

"You guys from the Knights of the Holy Sword are all classmates, right?" Yang Yi asked curiously.

"Yes, Brother Fishman Mayor, the seven of us in the Knights of the Holy Sword are all in the same class."

The leader of the group, a Holy Sword Knight, answered. The boy had a shy smile on his young face, but Yang Yi thought it was a bit wretched no matter how he looked at it, especially the shout of "Brother, Fishman Mayor" was so embarrassing. grow numb.

A Holy Sword Knight then introduced Yang Yi: "Second, the second Holy Sword Knight, she is the study committee member of our class. She can write and do math. She speaks the common language of Azeroth very well. She is learning Orc language recently. The third child, the three holy sword knights, is our class sports committee member, has participated in the Sanda class, and was officially upgraded to a second-level warrior not long ago. The fourth child, the fifth child, and the sixth child are currently watching the centaurs at the Sweet Water Oasis. Still staying outside Ratchet Town."

"The third child is the sports committee member of the class, and the second child is the study committee member. So you are the team leader because you are the squad leader in the class?" Yang Yi asked.

"I'm not the squad leader. Me being the group leader has nothing to do with it." A holy sword knight shook his head in embarrassment.

"Because he is the son of the head teacher." The other two people said in unison, looking very resentful.

The son of the head teacher, it is natural that he should be the leader. Yang Yi thought this made sense. He had relied on his father to be the chairman of the chairman to show off his power, and Lu Xiaoming also relied on the fact that he was the chairman's son to go sideways.

What Yang Ye is concerned about is why these three people came to him at this time. .

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