World of Warcraft Murloc City Guide

Chapter 239 Real Estate Dealer

Yang Yi is now very familiar with the various stages of a merman from a merman egg to an adult. From a merman egg to a small merman that can go ashore, there are two stages in between: the merman embryo and the merman seedling.

Merman usually lay merman eggs in shallow sea rock cracks or coral reefs. It takes about a month for the fertilized egg to develop into a merman embryo.

The merman embryo will surge with the tide, and after about three months, it will enter the merman seedling stage after breaking out of the egg.

In the merman seedling stage, the small fins begin to develop, and it normally takes seven or eight months to grow into a small merman.

Until it grows into a small merman, the merman can breathe in the air with gills, and then it can leave the water and come to land.

Logically speaking, Cookie has only been in Ratchet Town for about two or three months. Even if he has a child, it is almost the stage of a merman embryo or a merman seedling.

The merman is still in the sea at these two stages, and it is not that difficult to distinguish which one is his child.

Therefore, when Yang Yi heard Cookie say that he wanted to find his child back, he felt very confused.

"Mayor Poseidon, because we deliberately found a place far away from Ratchet Town, where there is a small coral reef, and there are few other merfolk nearby." Cookie hesitated, embarrassed to say.

"We lay eggs and fertilize there." Female merfolk Chocolate added to Cookie very straightforwardly.

"I see." Yang Yi understood it now.

Merfolk rely on the power of the tide to drift in the embryonic stage, so some of them will not leave the spawning ground too far. Even when they reach the fry stage, they will not swim too far, and will basically move around coral reefs and other areas where it is easy to find food instinctively.

So if there are no other merfolks moving around the spawning ground, there is a relatively high probability that the merfolk embryo or merfolk fry is your child.

After all, according to probability, as long as there are no other merfolks laying eggs nearby in the same time period, then the main concern is that the merfolk eggs you lay will drift away with the waves after hatching, and you don't have to worry too much about other merfolk children mixing in.

After listening to Cookie and Chocolate, Yang Yi became interested in this matter, so he planned to go to the sea with Cookie and the others to find Cookie and Chocolate's child.

Yang Yi did this not because of curiosity, but because he wanted to see with his own eyes how effective Cookie's method was.

If Cookie's method is more feasible, it will be of great reference value to other fishmen in Ratchet Town.

Yang Yi hurriedly finished breakfast, and then went to find their children with Cookie and the others.

Passing by the central square of the town, Yang Yi called Benbol Ba to go with him. This kid knew that he didn't need to continue training, so he ran over happily.

So Yang Yi rode on the big turtle, took two little followers, and followed Cookie and Chocolate down to Ratchet Bay.

Behind the big turtle was Cookie's big pot, which Cookie planned to use to bring his child back, but it sounded incredible to use a soup pot to hold a child.

Yang Yi followed Cookie and the others in the sea water of Ratchet Bay for a long time, and then he knew how far Cookie's previous words "I found a place far away from Ratchet Town" were.

The place Cookie chose was near the Tidus Stairs on the Commercial Coast. It took a whole day to reach the destination. Thanks to Cookie and Chocolate's passion, they could hold on until here.

Fortunately, Yang Yi wisely chose to ride the big turtle mount at the beginning, so he could arrive here leisurely.

"It's in front." Cookie shouted happily after finding the place.

Yang Yi also saw a small coral reef in front. The whole coral reef covers an area of ​​less than 20 square meters. You can see that the surrounding water plants are lush. It is indeed a good spawning site.

After Cookie found the place, he swam over quickly and anxiously. He swam around the coral reef and soon found and collected a group of murloc seedlings.

After finding these murloc seedlings, Cookie was very happy, and his mouth was grinning to the back of his head.

Even the female merman Chocolate smiled happily when she saw these merman seedlings that might be her children. It seems that the maternal radiance of merman still exists.

Yang Yi also took a closer look and found that these merman seedlings were about the size of merman fingers. It seemed that they had just hatched from merman embryos.

"Cute little guys, there are quite a few of them." Yang Yi looked at these cute little merman seedlings and liked them very much.

"Mayor Poseidon, there are a total of 23 merman seedlings, they are all the children of Cookie and Chocolate." Cookie's words were full of pride and love.

"Twenty-three!" Yang Yi shouted, "This is going to be rich!"

At this time, Yang Yi wished that he could pair up the merman in Ratchet Town every day and let them all come to Ratchet Bay to lay eggs and fertilize.

Of course, merman can't lay eggs and fertilize every day.

Male merman is better. As long as he is energetic, he can fertilize merman eggs almost every day. But female merman is different. Although female merman does not need to carry the child in her belly, it still takes some time for the merman eggs to mature.

Female merfolk can sense when the merfolk eggs are ripe, so it is common for female merfolk to force male merfolk to go to the sea. This is usually because female merfolk feel that it is time to lay eggs.

But even so, it is amazing. One nest can give birth to more than 20 merfolks. If there are four or five nests, the population of a merfolk family will exceed 100.

"It seems that the matter of arranging the birth of fishmen in Ratchet Town to give birth to baby fishmen must be put on the agenda as soon as possible. Even if Ratchet Town cannot raise so many baby fishmen, it can still allow the designated fishmen to give birth to several more litters. , and then specially protect these little fishmen, which can at least improve the quality of the next generation of little fishmen. "

Yang Yi thought for a while and felt that he, the old bustard, should do it a few more times to try to exert the effect of the fish-man lord's eyes.

The two murlocs, Cookie and Chocolate, walked around the coral reef and nearby areas a few more times, carefully checking every corner until they were sure that there were no missing murlocs, and then they returned to Yang Yi.

In the end, Cookie and the others found a total of twenty-five fishmen.

According to Cookie and the two of them, the number of eggs that Chocolate actually spawned on the coral reef was much greater than this number. However, some murloc eggs may not have been fertilized, and some may have drifted away with the tide when they were murloc embryos or murloc fry.

"Mayor Poseidon, our child has been found." Cookie said happily.

Yang Yi looked at Cookie's twenty-five children and was amazed. This shy fish-man was a virgin fish-man some time ago. In the blink of an eye, he became a father, and he was also the father of twenty-five children. .

"No wonder the murlocs give birth to their offspring in the sea and then basically ignore them. The murlocs cannot afford to raise such a large litter of children, so they can only rely on the sea to support them." Yang Yi couldn't help but make a random guess.

In fact, most fishmen would be fine if they could support themselves, let alone raise fishmen's children.

"By the way, Cookie, how do you plan to arrange your children after you go back?" Yang Yi asked.

Cookie thought for a while: "Cookie plans to find a suitable place for the children to stay in the bay near Ratchet Town."

Should these fish-man fry be kept in the sea after being brought back? This is not a good idea. The fish-man fry in the sea will be carried away by waves and tides at any time.

Yang Yi thought for a while and said to Cookie: "Cookie, when I go back, this lord will ask the construction workers to build a murloc nursery pool specifically for you, so that you can raise your and Chocolate's children directly in Ratchet Town. But this The nursery pond is not given to you for free, you have to spend money to buy the nursery pond.”

"Really? Thank you, Mayor Poseidon, you are such a good fish man." Cookie was excited and grateful, "Cookie is willing to spend all his salary to buy a nursery pond."

Cookie was paid as a chef in the hotel, so he said he would use all his wages to buy a nursery pond.

But Cookie was wrong about one thing, that is, Yang Yi was not a good fishman.

At this time, Yang Yi was making calculations in his heart.

To build a nursery pond, not only building materials such as stone and wood are needed, but also murloc builders and a team of murloc hard workers as helpers, which costs a lot of money.

Also, the price of the land must be calculated. Whether the price is high or low is completely decided by the mayor.

By the way, you should first build a village-level murloc nursery pond. If you want to upgrade it later, you will have to pay extra.

You have to upgrade this level level by level, but you still have to pay for it time and time again.

With Cookie's salary, he would definitely not be able to pay the full amount, so he could only pay in installments.

As a result, Cookie will always owe Ratchet Town money.

"This is real estate!"

"After this, Cookie not only owes money to Ratchet Town, but the child will also stay in Ratchet Town. Let's see how he returns to the Defias Brotherhood."

Yang Yi chuckled inwardly and showed an evil murloc face to Cookie: "Cookie, work hard in the future. In addition to the nursery pool, there will also be spawning grounds, murloc huts, coral reefs, etc. Wait, you can buy it with the wages you earn from working.”

"Okay, thanks to Mayor Poseidon, Cookie will work hard!" Cookie promised, patting his chest.

"Very good, this lord is very optimistic about you. You have a great future." Yang Yi smiled even happier in his heart.

Yang Yi values ​​​​the fish-man Cookie very much.

As a chef, drinking turtle soup cooked by cookies can improve endurance and mental strength within a certain period of time.

In the world of Azeroth, endurance means vitality and spirit means recovery speed, both of which are very useful attributes.

Although the attributes of turtle soup are not as improved as those of alchemy, the raw materials of turtle soup are easy to obtain, and once boiled, it can make a large pot, which can satisfy the entire team of murlocs.

What's more important is that Cookie is an A-level fishman. In Yang Yi's view, Cookie's greatest value is that he is used as a stallion (fish breeder) for breeding. .

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