World of Warcraft Murloc City Guide

Chapter 246 School Graduation

After Benbolba learned how to make the water totem, Yang Yi and the fishmen said goodbye to the tauren and the old fishmen respectively, and then returned to Ratchet Town.

Yang Yi was relatively relieved that Ratchet Town had the deputy mayor, Old Blind Eye, in charge.

As soon as Yang Yi came back, the old blind man came over immediately.

"Lord, we have found more than one hundred and fifty adult fishmen from Ratchet Bay these days. According to the lord's instructions, the old blind eye has arranged for them all to go to the farmland east of the town to help harvest ragweed." The old blind man reported.

"Only a hundred and fifty adult fishmen were collected from Ratchet Bay, which is even less than previously estimated." Yang Yi was a little surprised, but it was reasonable after thinking about it. After all, most of the murlocs who did not live in Ratchet Town at the beginning had other reasons. Just like the old murloc he met before who was missing a leg, he had no intention of entering Ratchet Town in the end.

"Currently there are only about 500 acres of farmland in the town. Until the construction workers Gulu and the others build more farmland, plus the manpower of more than a hundred murlocs to farm in a short period of time, it should be enough," Yang Yi said.

"Lord, these fishmen who are assigned to harvest ragweed have been complaining. Because the weather is too hot, the mucus on the fish scales dries quickly, making the fishmen very uncomfortable." The old blind man said.

This is indeed a big problem.

The fishmen are really not suitable for staying on dry land for a long time. The previous fishman farmer apprentices stayed in the gravel vine jungle to grow mushrooms, and most of the time they did not need to be exposed to the sun.

And farming requires facing the loess with your back to the sky. The sun over this barren land is very poisonous.

Knowing this, Yang Yi began to feel worried again.

In order for Ratchet Town to be able to explode its population in the future, the supply of food must be greatly increased.

Land farming and bay farming are the two most important directions for increasing grain production in Yang Yi's vision, and they must be pursued in both directions.

So Yang Yi said: "Farming is indeed hard work for the fish people. For now, let the fish people persist for a while. After all, this is just the beginning. Maybe some fish people can find a way to adapt. After a while, if Ratchet Town gets Some slaves were assigned to farm.”

Yang Yi didn't think of any other better way for a while, so he could only arrange it this way.

If the next phase of the operation against the Blackfin Clan's murlocs goes smoothly, Yang Yi plans to let the captured Blackfin Clan slave murlocs do farming.

The farming matter can only be settled like this for the time being.

Apart from this incident, the old blind man did bring good news.

"Lord, it's time for the first batch of little fishmen in the fishman school to leave the school as planned."

"Time flies so fast. I didn't expect that there would be fishmen graduating from school so soon." Yang Yi sighed with emotion, and then he said: "How about this, gather the fishmen in the town and let's hold a graduation ceremony. "

"Graduation ceremony?" The old blind man didn't understand what it was.

"Yes, the graduation ceremony is a big event for us in Ratchet Town. You go and gather the fishmen in the square first."

"Yes, Lord."

When the old blind man heard Yang Yi say that the graduation ceremony was a big event for Ratchet Town, he immediately ran to make arrangements according to Yang Yi's instructions.

This time, due to the haste, Yang Yi only asked Old Blind Eye to gather the fishmen in Ratchet Town.

At this time, in addition to the fighting murlocs who were responsible for guarding, the people staying in Ratchet Town were mainly the life professionals in the town, as well as the small murlocs.

There was a hustle and bustle, and nearly a thousand adult murlocs slowly gathered in the central square of Ratchet Town, as well as more small murlocs.

These adult murlocs were fine. Most of them just looked around curiously after arriving at the square. As soon as the thousands of little fishmen arrived at the square, they started chasing and playing, making a lot of noise and making a fuss.

Yang Yi had already expected such a scene, so soon the old blind man rushed to the scene with a large team of beach patrolling murlocs.

The arrival of these beach patrolling murlocs, in addition to teaching the noisy little murlocs a lesson, also has an important task, which is to distribute a piece of food to every murloc present.

For fish people, it doesn't matter what the graduation ceremony is, but having something to eat is the most important.

The little fish people are also foodies. They heard that only by standing quietly can they get food, so they all instantly turned into wooden figures.

As soon as the big trick of sharing food was used, the noisy situation was immediately controlled, and the scene quickly became quiet.

Yang Yi walked onto the platform in the center of the town with satisfaction, preparing to host the first graduation ceremony of the Murloc School in Ratchet Town.

The Fishman School was built next to the town center square. However, due to the limited space of the school and the lack of a ceremony platform, Yang Yi temporarily used the town center as a ceremony platform.

"Today is the graduation ceremony of the first class of the fishman school. It is an important day for us in Ratchet Town." Yang Yi shouted at the fishman's loud voice. His voice was loud enough and there was no need for a loudspeaker. Come and amplify.

"The mayor said it well, everyone applauds." Ben Boerba stood at the front of the crowd. As soon as Yang Yi stopped talking, he immediately took the lead in applauding.

Seeing this, other fishmen also applauded.

"Okay, this lord has now decided to give the fishman school a name. It will be called Ratchet Tide Academy." Yang Yi announced loudly.

Croak, croak, croak.

When they heard the name was given, the fishmen in the audience immediately burst into applause.

Yang Yi was very satisfied when he heard the warm applause. He was also very satisfied with the name of Ratchet Tide Academy. He thought hard just now and finally didn't name it Ratchet Academy directly.

"You will applaud carefully later and don't make noises. Fishmen who perform well can receive another piece of food after the graduation ceremony." Yang Yi said.

Blah blah blah!

The thunderous applause lasted for a long time.

The big and small fish people shouted long live the mayor, and the graduation ceremony suddenly reached its climax.

When the applause and shouts finally stopped, Yang Yi asked Old Blind Eye to lead the graduating murloc team up to the platform in the center of the town.

The fishman school in Ratchet Town, also known as Ratchet Tide Academy, has actually been built for a year and a half. Yang Yi originally planned to graduate the fishman after one year of study, but because the school had just been put into operation in the first half year, the school's teachers and students were not all the same, so the first graduation was delayed by a few years.

There are about two hundred little fishmen graduating this time, most of them three to five years old.

One and a half years is actually a very short time for school study. By the time they graduate, these little murlocs have only mastered some basic knowledge and learned some crafts from the professional murlocs in the town.

The most important thing is that through study, these little fish people have learned to read and write. Although they don't know much words, they can at least read and write simple announcements.

It is gratifying that the illiteracy rate of Ratchet Town fish people has a chance to be reduced to less than 95%.

In order to reflect the importance of the graduation ceremony, Yang Yi decided to personally issue graduation certificates to each graduating Xiaoyuren.

The graduated fishmen were divided into teams of ten, one team at a time, and Yang Yi distributed a shell to them in turn.

This shell was specially made by Yang Yi by the water forger in the town, and it was used as a graduation certificate from Ratchet Tide Academy.

The shells are made from small immature hard-shelled clams. Hard-shelled clams are hard and easy to store for a long time, so they are perfect for graduation certificates.

The purpose of breeding hard-shelled clams in Ratchet Town is to provide water blacksmiths with the ability to forge clamshell shields, so clamshells with small shells are picked out from the breeding farm early in the morning.

The clam meat produced from hard-shelled clams is called "fishy-smelling clam meat". As soon as you hear the name, you know that it is not suitable for consumption, so these small hard-shelled clams are basically thrown away after being picked out.

However, the fishmen have a natural habit of collecting sea shells. For a long time, seashells were even used as the currency of the fishmen, so these clam shells were picked up by the fishmen and piled in the fishman hut.

Yang Yi saw that the shells of these small hard-shelled clams could be used, so he asked the water forger to take them and forge them into diplomas.

Water forging is a special forging process that has no other technology in the entire Kalimdor continent. Therefore, although the shell diploma is simply water forged, it is not easy to imitate.

The first team of ten little murlocs who came to the stage to receive their diplomas included Ben Bolba and Mojimus. These two little guys have graduated from school, but the Guji Gudong sisters will have to wait until this time next year to get their graduation certificates. graduate.

Benbolba and Mojimus came forward first. There was a large turtle shell on the ground, which contained light yellow ink.

"Dip the palm of your right hand in ink, and then print it on a shell." Yang Yi explained.

"Boss, what are you doing with your fingerprints on the shells?" Ben Bolba asked with curiosity on his face.

"You talk a lot. If I ask you to seal it, you will seal it." Yang Yi scolded.

Mojimus had no objection at all. As soon as Yang Yi finished speaking, he filled the turtle shell with ink with his right hand, and then pressed it firmly on a small hard-shell clam.

When Momos removed his hand, a yellow palm print was clearly printed on the small hard-shell clam.

Well, Yang Yi took a look at the effect and was very satisfied.

The light yellow ink in the turtle shell is "moonlight ink". This ink is named because it emits a slight light yellow light under the moonlight.

[Moonlight Ink] is often used by low-level inscription masters to draw inscription scrolls and glyphs. A small bottle of [Moonlight Ink] sells for 5 silver coins.

More than twenty bottles of [Moonlight Ink] were poured into this big turtle shell. Yang Yi was ruthless and spent a lot of money this time.

After being scolded by Yang Yi, Benbolba immediately imitated Mojimus and imprinted his fingerprints on another clam shell.

Since there are about two hundred minnow graduates, the process is simple. The little fish people went up to the stage one by one in teams, took their fingerprints, waited for Yang Yi to hand out their diplomas one by one, and then went down.

Yang Yi issued graduation certificates one by one, and at the same time looked at the attribute information of these little fish people with the eyes of the lord.

In the end, Yang Yi discovered that apart from the two Xiaoyumen with A-level qualifications, Ben Bolba and Mojimus, among the approximately 200 Xiaoyumen graduates, 18 had D-level qualifications, and more than 100 Xiaoyumen had D-level qualifications. It is E-rated, and the rest are F-rated.

These are the murlocs that Yang Yi selected with his lord's eyes when he entered school. Otherwise, the proportion of murlocs among the murlocs with G-level qualifications would be more than half, which means that more than half of the murlocs would be given For a certain amount of training, most can only stay at the apprentice level.

"Just wait until the next session. There will be many good young fishmen among the next session, and many of them are likely to be the children of the old blind man and the Brak brothers." Yang Yi could only comfort himself in this way. .

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