World of Warcraft Murloc City Guide

Chapter 249 Self-destructing bat

It was almost noon when Yang Yi came out of the hotel after breakfast. This morning he stayed at the hotel table and meditated, and he still achieved some results.

It is basically impossible to find out the blood relationship of the current murlocs in Ratchet Town. In order to prevent inbreeding, it is best to give each murloc a different surname.

But the workload was too much, so Yang Yi chose to be lazy and give fishmen of the same profession the same surname.

According to the ruling system of the Jinyu people, the future roles that Jinyu people will play in the tribe are determined by the tribal elders soon after they are born.

Yang Yi wants to copy the system of the Jinyu people. From now on, the descendants of the fish people with the surname of "Ratchet Construction Worker" will be arranged to learn to be a fish people construction worker as soon as they are born. The fish with the surname of "Ratchet Tide Walker" The descendants of human beings are naturally prepared to be trained as fish-man beach walkers from an early age.

In this way, there will be no need for Yang Yi to make arrangements for the newly born little fish people one by one. The fish people in the town will naturally know the direction of the development of the little fish people.

Only when there are individual Xiaoyu people with good qualifications and expertise that are different from their parents, Yang Yi will personally make other arrangements.

These are only Yang Yi's temporary plans, and some inappropriate places need to be revised.

Regarding the surname of the fish people in Ratchet Town, Yang Yi planned to give it another thought and wait until a suitable time before announcing it to all the fish people.

Yang Yi left the hotel and as soon as he reached the center of the town, two little fishmen, Benbolba and Mojimus, ran over together.

These two little followers have graduated from school, and Yang Yi did not let them continue to study in school. After all, with the current limited teaching staff and school conditions of Ratchet Tide College, the smarter little fishman can only study in school for a year and a half. That’s about it.

The main task that Yang Yi assigned to Benbolba and Mojimus was to improve their combat strength. In the morning, Benbolba mainly stayed at the Murloc Prophet Altar to study, while Mojimus mainly stayed at the Murloc Beach Walker Camp for training.

"Boss, what are we going to do today? Aren't we going to patrol Ratchet Town again, right? Bullba's calves can't even walk." Bullba muttered as soon as he arrived.

"You kid just knows how to complain. Ratchet Town is so big now. How can we manage it well if we don't do this?" Yang Yi scolded.

The total number of large and small murlocs in Ratchet Town exceeds 10,000. This scale is incomparable with the big cities of the Alliance and Horde, but this is already very troublesome for Yang Yi.

Yang Yi had no management experience at all before, and he did everything by himself.

So he could only force himself to spend more time and walk around Ratchet Town, but he couldn't think of any other way.

Ben Bolba became wilted as soon as he heard Yang Yi's words, and it seemed that he was going to break his leg again today.

"Boss, why don't we ask the fishmen in charge of management to come to the town center and let them report the situation, so that we don't have to go to them one by one." In order to be lazy, Benbolba came up with an idea.

When Yang Yi heard it, he felt it made sense.

According to Jia Gu, the tribal elders of the Jinyu people will convene the high-ranking Jinyu people in the tribe to gather together for discussion every year to solve major problems in the tribe and decide the tribe's affairs for the next year.

"Speaking of which, Ratchet Town has not yet held a single collective meeting since its development. Even the Qin Kun Meeting often holds meetings to discuss matters such as territory and interest division." Yang Yi thought for a while, I think it's time to have a meeting.

"Ben Bol Ba, your idea is not bad." Yang Yi said.

When Benbolba heard Yang Yi's praise, he immediately raised his dorsal fin proudly and demonstrated to Mojimus on the side. The two little fishmen are now competing with each other every day.

"However, we still need to patrol Ratchet Town." Yang Yi added, "You two should first talk about what else needs to be solved in the town recently."

There are more and more things happening in Ratchet Town, and Yang Yi is afraid that he won't be able to remember them all by himself, so now he asks his two followers to remember things that need to be done to remind him.

"Boss, there is a lack of water in the farmland, a lack of wood for construction, and the wild boar people who grow red-leaf potatoes haven't arrived yet." Mojimus kept Yang Yi's words in mind and immediately started reporting.

These are all things that Ratchet Town urgently needs to solve.

Water shortages in farmland include water used to irrigate crops and water needed by murloc farmers to keep their bodies moist.

There is very little rainfall in the barren land, and the lack of water in the fields has always been a persistent problem. In addition, the farmers in Ratchet Town are all fishmen, which makes this problem even more acute.

Although the oats chosen to grow in Ratchet Town are a drought-tolerant crop, lack of water will still lead to a reduction in harvest, so Yang Yi has been thinking of ways.

The first thing Yang Yi thought of was the Nushui River east of Ratchet Town.

The Raging River originates from the southern part of Mount Hyjal and flows southward into Ratchet Bay.

This river has the largest drainage area and is also the longest river on the continent of Kalimdor.

Jia Gu had also long ago proposed to cultivate farmland along the Nushui River, but the coast of the Nushui River was too far away from Ratchet Town and was not within the scope of Ratchet Town.

Yang Yi planned to wait until later to build the stronghold of Ratchet Town on Jingji Ridge, which could overlook and protect one side of the Nushui River, and then cultivate and plant a large area along the Nushui River.

The problem of lack of wood is also an old problem.

The main materials used in building construction are stone and wood. Stone for construction can be mined everywhere in the Barrens, but only in the north near Ashenvale are there abundant timber resources.

Ashenvale is now a territory that is contested by the tribe and the alliance. Wars are ongoing and logging work is often forced to stop, so timber has become a scarce resource.

Regarding the timber, Yang Yi could only purchase it externally at a high price for the time being.

Planting red-leaf potatoes is also one of Yang Yi's plans to increase grain production.

Ratchet Town had previously sent murlocs to look for the Wild Boars. Ratchet Town had worked well with the Wild Boars led by the Wild Boar Tooth. However, something seemed to have happened on the quilboar side, making it impossible to send anyone to Ratchet Town.

The wild boar people don't come, and the fish people don't know how to grow red-leaf potatoes. Yang Yi asked the murloc farmers to plant mushrooms and oats, but asked the kobold slaves to continue digging more caves for growing red-leaf potatoes.

"Boss, how are we going to solve these three things?" Ben Bolba couldn't help asking when he saw that Yang Yi was silent.

"I went to Tanaris before and saw that the desert residents there have many methods of storing and diverting water, especially some specially invented large-scale engineering equipment. If they are introduced to Ratchet Town, it may be able to solve the water shortage in farmland. question." Yang Yi thought for a while and said.

"What about the other two things?" Ben Bolba asked.

"I haven't thought of the solutions to the other two things yet, so please remember this first." Yang Yi said.

When Mojimus heard this, he immediately tried to remember what Yang Yi said in his mind.

Ben Bolba took out a small notebook bound with parchment paper, took out a charcoal pen, and started recording.

"Oh, you also know how to write it down in notes, that's good." Yang Yi praised.

Ben Bolba usually gets scolded by Yang Yi. It was a miracle that he was praised twice in a row this day. He looked at Mojimus proudly, a row of dorsal fins raised higher.

Next, Yang Yi rode on the big turtle and took two small followers to patrol Ratchet Town.

When Yang Yi and the others returned to the square in the center of the town, they found that the old blind man and several fishmen were already waiting there.

When the old blind man saw Yang Yi, he quickly ran over with his men: "Lord, something happened. The Ratchet One sailboat was attacked and sank into the sea."

"Ratchet One was attacked and sunk?"

Yang Yi took a look and saw that Mojitov, the captain of Ratchet One, was also there.

Ratchet 1 was supposed to be heading to Durotar, and at this point in time, it shouldn't have returned yet. Captain Mojitov returned to Ratchet Town at this time, and it seemed that something had indeed happened to Ratchet One.

"Tell me, what happened?"

"Mayor, we were driving Ratchet One through the strait between Sen'jin Village and the Echo Islands when we encountered a team of Troll Bat Riders. This Troll was riding on a huge flying bat and saw that there were people on our ship. The fishmen then started throwing incendiary bombs at us."

"The liquid left behind after these incendiary bombs fell on the ship burned through the ship's planks. Ratchet One was burned and sank, and we murlocs all jumped into the sea."

Mojitov quickly told what happened.

"We fishmen have all jumped into the sea, but what about humans? Where's Big Chin? Why didn't you see him?" Yang Yi asked urgently.

"When humans took advantage of a troll bat to swoop close to Ratchet One, they jumped on the back of the big bat, knocked out the troll, and controlled a bat." Mojitov said excitedly. It seemed that he had a big chin at that time. His performance left a deep impression on him.

"He jumped directly on the back of the bat, and the big chin is really awesome!" Yang Yi couldn't help but sigh, "What happened next? What happened to the big chin?"

"Later, humans controlled the bat mount and shot down almost all the troll bat riders. But in the end, the bat exploded by itself." Mojitov said.

"The bat blew itself up?"

"Yes, the bat exploded in the air, and humans didn't know where they were blown.".

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