World of Warcraft Murloc City Guide

Chapter 252 Deep Sea Creatures

Thief Eye, the leader of the Blackfin Clan, has already led the murlocs to ambush at the bottom of the sea. She knows that humans hunt the black plesiosaurs in order to relight the lighthouse.

Thieving Eye doesn't want to see the lighthouse lit again, and she tries her best to stop these humans' reckless actions.

Not long after the Rumeng Guild's sailboat set sail from Theramore's port, the Blackfin Murloc ambushers lurking outside the port discovered the situation immediately, so they quickly reported this information to Thieving Eyes.

The blackfin murlocs were well prepared, and they found the right opportunity to surround the eight sailboats of Rumeng Guild from the bottom of the sea.

Blackfin murlocs emerge from the water, throwing harpoons and spears at the humans on board.

The fishman ambushers took the opportunity to approach the bottom of the boat, preparing to cut through the bottom of the boat with the dagger in their hands. As long as the humans on the boat fall into the sea, they are at the mercy of the fish-men.

"Don't panic, blow the conch quickly."

"Keep all the boats together and don't jump into the water easily."

"Archers go to the side of the ship and shoot the murlocs that appear."

Wu Tianyun and Chu Yu remained calm in the face of danger. They both called for the commanding personnel to challenge the fishmen.

The murlocs were already the old rivals of Rumeng Guild, and they were well prepared for the murlocs' ambush.

The sound of conchs was heard one after another, and white waves stirred up on the distant sea surface. After hearing the sound of conchs, the slippery lobstermen vigorously slapped their huge shrimp tails and swam quickly towards the sailboat.

"Boss, there's a fight between fish, humans, and lobster people over there." Ben Bolba was inexplicably excited when he saw the fight.

"Yes, I saw that fish-man named Thieving Eye is also there." Yang Yi said while looking at the rolling waves of the battlefield.

Thief Eye was hiding in the distance of the battlefield to direct the battle. She held a staff in her hand and was surrounded by three water shields. Yang Yi found her immediately.

The battle in the sea did not last long. The blackfin murlocs wanted to rely on the old trick of ambush to kill the ships and people of Rumeng Guild.

However, adventurers learn from adversity and have already prepared counter-ambushes.

The blackfin murloc and the slippery lobster man started fighting in the water. The thieves realized something was wrong and immediately ordered the blackfin murloc to retreat.

"Boss, that fishman named Thieving Eye is going to run away, what should I do?" Ben Bolba asked anxiously.

"There are too many murlocs around Thief Eye, so don't worry yet."

Yang Yi saw that Thief Eye quickly organized the blackfin murlocs together, and then quickly retreated towards a large island.

Those Slippery Shell Lobster people probably also knew that the nearby islands were the territory of the Blackfin Fish people, and they did not dare to pursue them too closely. The two sides quickly distanced themselves.

Finally, Thief Eye led all the blackfin murlocs to the island.

"At least we have found the traces of Thief Eye now, so keep an eye on this island."

"Guji, you go back to Warrior Island and notify Brak to bring the fighting murlocs."

Guji rode the plesiosaur and swam quickly to Warrior Island.

It will take about a day for Guji to ride the plesiosaur back to Warrior Island, and it will take a few more days for Brak to arrive with the fighting murlocs.

This trip was very time-consuming. Yang Yi arranged for Benbolba, Mojimus and Gudong to watch the situation around the island while he sneaked onto the island again.

According to what the wise men of the Black Fin Clan had said before, Thief Eye's residence on this island is on a cliff facing the sea.

Yang Yi had already been here once before, so he was familiar with the road and soon arrived in front of the fishman hut on the cliff.

Thieving Eye is very cautious, leaving a dozen murlocs outside the murloc hut on the cliff to protect her, and there are also many murloc ambushers lurking around.

Relying on the effect of [Secondary Detection Invisibility Potion], Yang Yi successfully avoided the murloc ambushers lurking on the road and approached Thieving Eye's murloc hut.

This murloc hut is built on the highest point of the entire island, and because it is built near the sea, you can directly see the old lighthouse on the sea in the distance.

Yang Yi looked at the fishman's hut, where Thieves was sitting on a large wooden armchair with a shabby book in his hand.

Murlocs usually sit on the floor. It is very magical to see a murloc sitting on an armchair like a human. It is even more magical to see a murloc sitting on an armchair and reading a book seriously.

"I don't know which human I learned this Thief Eye from. It's really a unique fish-man. And she has been promoted to level 6. She is now level 6."

Yang Yi suddenly felt reluctant to kill this Thieving Eye. Ratchet Town was really short of murlocs, and this Thieving Eye was a B-level murloc, which was a rare talent.

Thieving glanced at the book and suddenly stood up, as if he had made some kind of decision.

She threw down the book in her hand, then called the fishmen around the fishman hut, and they went down the cliff together.

"What did Thieving Eye do with so many murlocs?" Yang Yi watched in confusion as Thieving Eye left with a group of murlocs.

Yang Yi did not follow Thieving Eye immediately, but took this opportunity to sneak into the fishman's hut and picked up the old books on the ground.

"Despicable creatures of the deep."

Because the cover was too worn, Yang Yi read the title of this old book word by word.

This book is not written in Aquatic language, but in human language. It seems to be the work of an indigenous human.

"So, it's really not easy for Thieving Eye, a fish-man, to be able to understand human writing."

Yang Yi was surprised that Thieving Eye understood the human language, so he opened the book casually.

This book mainly records various powerful creatures in the ocean, including a giant shark that is longer than a multi-masted sailboat, a hydra that is taller than a lighthouse, and a giant octopus that is larger than an island.

The text in the book describes these marine giants in exaggerated ways, and some are even accompanied by exaggerated sketches, making people doubt whether the creatures described in the book really exist.

Yang Yi looked at this old book and found the description in the book very ridiculous.

"The author probably wrote this book based on hearsay from sailors who went to sea and listened to their bragging stories."

Yang Yi flipped through the book quickly without taking it seriously. He didn't stop until he saw an illustration of a giant monster on a heavily worn page.

"Isn't this the sea monster Tethyr?"

Yang Yi stopped and looked carefully at the text description under the illustration.

"The Kraken, the deep sea monsters, when they appear on the sea, they are like a tower standing in the sea water. This kind of deep sea monster is the first creature to live in the world of Azeroth. They have witnessed the rule of the ancient gods. The world is watching the rise of the age of magic again.”

"Kraken once followed the great water elemental lord Neptulon the Tidehunter, guarding the waters of lakes, rivers, and oceans. Those who dared to ignore their wrath and sail through the waves; and those who entered them without permission. Anyone in the area will be swept over, submerged, and carried away by the huge waves they whip up.”

The author of this book's description of the sea monster Kraken is still very exaggerated. The illustrations make it look like Kraken can swallow all the water in the ocean with one mouth.

In addition, the book also records in detail the Kraken's various living habits, such as their preference to dive into the deep sea when dormant, their special preference for bright light, etc.

"The author of this book writes as if he had raised a Kraken himself. If I hadn't seen the sea monster Tethyr, I wouldn't have believed that a creature like the Kraken existed in this world."

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