World of Warcraft Murloc City Guide

Chapter 254 Exploded to the Sky

The eight ships of the Rumeng Guild that came out to hunt the black plesiosaurs were about to return to Theramore Port. On the way, they discovered the blackfin murlocs who were about to blow up the lighthouse.

"The one with the round gem staff is the fish-man clan leader!"

"Hurry and inform Xiaofan that the leader of the fish-men tribe has come out and is on the island!"

"Can you also be called 'Xiaofan'?"

"That's what I like to call, do you want to take care of it? The lobster man has returned to his lair, why don't you hurry up and notify the people in the guild to come over!"

The people in Rumeng Guild were noisy, and soon someone lay down on the board of the ship, preparing to disconnect and log off to notify other members of the guild.

The struggle between the Rumeng Guild and the Blackfin Fishmen has been going on for a long time. Through the efforts of the guild members, the details of the Blackfin Fishmen were finally found out not long ago.

The leader of the blackfin murlocs is the stealthy Thief Eye, and her distinctive feature is the round gem staff in her hand.

Wu Tianyun and Chu Yu had both seen the portrait of the blackfin murloc leader distributed in the guild, and they recognized Thieving Eye immediately.

Seeing the Murloc leader Thief Eye on a small lighthouse island very close to Theramore Port, they knew that time was urgent and immediately asked people to paddle towards the lighthouse island at a faster speed.

"This is a good opportunity to show off. If you can kill the leader of the Blackfin Fishmen, you will definitely be rewarded by Sergeant Aimilin. Maybe even Major Mills, who looks down on us, will look at our Rumeng Guild differently. "

"Xiaofan can't you thank me properly then? Hehe."

Wu Tianyun and Chu Yu dreamed with silly smiles. They did not wait for reinforcements to arrive, but directly led people to the island and rushed towards the fishmen.

"Boss, there's another fight over there. Should we continue watching the show?" Ben Bolba asked.

"Yes, let's continue watching the show." Yang Yi returned.

There were only a few fishmen like Yang Yi and they couldn't do anything. They could only retreat and hide in the sea and watch from a distance.

Adventurers passed information online and offline, and soon several large ships sailed out of Theramore Port.

The big ship speeds towards the lighthouse island where Thieving Eye is located.

Yang Yi saw that the masts of these large ships were all hung with unified flags. The white flags were dotted with blue anchors. This was the flag of Theramore.

"It seems that the humans in Theramore also hate Thief Eye deeply. Looking at this battle, they have sent out a lot of people."

Yang Yi watched the progress of the situation from a distance.

Wu Tianyun and Chu Yu had already jumped off the boat with the people from Rumeng Guild, and fought hand to hand with the fishmen on the beach of the island.

There are almost a hundred blackfin fishmen on the island, and they are all very powerful.

People from Rumeng Guild came out to hunt plesiosaurs, and they didn't bring many people with them, only about sixty, so they were at a numerical disadvantage.

But Wu Tianyun and Chu Yu knew that Theramore's port was not far from the island, and Mengfan would arrive soon with Theramore's people after getting the news.

By that time, the one hundred fishmen on the island were no match at all.

"As long as we hold back the leader of the blackfin murloc and prevent this murloc from escaping, we will have achieved great success this time."

While Wu Tianyun and Chu Yu stared at the thief's eyes, they frequently looked back towards the direction of Theramore Port.

The leader of the blackfin murlocs did not choose to escape immediately, but stayed on the island to direct the murlocs in the battle.

The people from Rumeng Guild were no match for the blackfin murlocs, and those who rushed in front fell dead or injured one by one.

Seeing this situation, the blackfin murloc became very energetic.

The more the fishmen fight, the more ferocious they become, and the more they fight, the more bloodthirsty they become.

Seeing everyone in the guild fall down one by one, Wu Tianyun and Chu Yu secretly rejoiced. The leader of the blackfin murloc seemed not to realize that the danger was coming. The murloc seemed to feel that he had a chance to win, so he was in no hurry to leave.

Not long after, Wu Tianyun and Chu Yu saw the silhouette of Theramore's sailing ship. The reinforcements they were waiting for arrived.

Theramore's sailboat washed up on the shoal of the lighthouse island, and Theramore's sailors and members of the Dream Guild jumped off the ship.

"Major Mills, the leader of the blackfin fish people is under the lighthouse!" Wu Tianyun and Chu Yu both ran over to report the situation to the leading aboriginal human.

Major Mills is a middle-aged man. He is wearing a white Theramore Navy officer's uniform. He has short, light-blond hair and a short, energetic beard. He looks like a stable person.

Major Mills looked at the lighthouse. Under the lighthouse, a murloc holding a round gemstone staff was protected by other murlocs. Sure enough, he was the leader of the blackfin murlocs.

"You guys did a good job!" Major Mills praised the two of them, and then he immediately waved his hand and ordered: "Let the soldiers surround us on both sides. We must kill this big fish today."

The small area of ​​this lighthouse island exposed above the sea is very small. More than a hundred people crowded on the small beach have blocked the path of Theramore soldiers. So Theramore soldiers, under the command of Major Mills, waded across the island from both sides, hoping to cut off the fishmen's retreat.

Murlocs have an absolute advantage over humans in the water. As long as the murlocs are not allowed to escape into the sea, it will be much easier for humans to deal with murlocs on land.

But things didn't go as smoothly as Major Mills expected.

Two groups of Theramore soldiers jumped into the water in two groups. They had just swam a dozen meters around the island when they were immediately attacked by underwater fishmen.

The Theramore humans did not expect that the blackfin murlocs would arrange a large number of murloc ambushers to lurk in the seawater from the beginning. The Theramore soldiers were ambushed while swimming in the seawater.

The water was churning, blood was rolling, and the waves on both sides of the lighthouse island were quickly stained red with the blood of Theramore soldiers, becoming a place of killing.

"Report Major, the ship is under attack! There are murlocs digging into the ship at the bottom!" A Theramore soldier jumped off the ship and hurriedly ran over to report to Major Mills.

"Major Mills, the leader of the blackfin murlocs wants to escape, what should we do now?" Wu Tianyun and Chu Yu discovered that the Thieving Eye, which had been staying under the lighthouse, began to move backwards.

The two of them were a little anxious now. The people who rushed to the front on the island were all members of Rumeng Guild. Their people had already suffered heavy casualties in the battle with the fishmen.

"Let all the soldiers disembark from the boat and rush across the island together. We must kill the leader of the blackfin murlocs!" Major Mills ordered in a firm tone.

The Theramore soldiers obeyed the order and all abandoned the ship and landed on the lighthouse island.

They have fought against the blackfin murlocs many times, and even suffered losses at the hands of the blackfin murlocs. This time they will not give up until they kill the leader of the blackfin murlocs.

The battle was getting more and more intense. Yang Yi watched with interest from a distance. He did not expect that Thief Eye had set up an ambush.

The Blackfin Clan has trained a lot of Murloc ambushers. As long as this team of stealthy fighting Murlocs is arranged in the right position, it can indeed surprise people and achieve unexpected results.

"After Ratchet Town takes down the Blackfin clan, we must let the Blackfin murlocs train more murloc ambushers for Ratchet Town." Yang Yi thought this way.



Fire shot into the sky, and a series of huge explosions came from the lighthouse island.

"Boss, look, there's an explosion over there! The whole island has been blown up, and the fish and humans on the island have been blown up to the sky!" Ben Bol Ba shouted, his tone inexplicably excited. .

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