Religion plays a very important role in murloc society, and murlocs usually worship water and the powerful things in it.

Apart from water, there is no fixed object of belief in the religion of the fishmen.

Any new powerful ocean power that the murlocs encounter is likely to worship them, and the murlocs are also willing to introduce or abandon certain species to suit the current situation.

For example, a group of fishmen may worship a Naga Sea Witch, and they will perform various weird religious rituals to pray to the Naga Sea Witch. Until one day, a big shark ate the Naga Sea Witch. At this time, the shark replaced the Naga Sea Witch and became the object of the fishman's prayers.

In the religious rituals of the fish people, the only constant is the water itself, which is regarded by the fish people as the mother of life.

The Blackfin clan also has an object of worship when performing religious rituals. Currently, the object of the Blackfin murlocs' prayers is a sea giant who can control the tides.

The sea was rough.

The sea giant Dagun walked on the waves. Every time his stone pillar-like legs took a step forward, the surrounding sea would stir up violent waves.

As Dagun moved towards the island of the Altar of the Oath, he impatiently slapped the sea surface with the weapon in his hand, making a huge noise.

The weapon in Dagun's hand looks like a spear, but is actually a mast that he removed from a sailboat, which shows how huge he is.

Dagun set foot on the island. He could move a long distance with one step, and he reached the uphill slope of the Altar of Oaths in a few steps.

The fishmen in Ratchet Town were blocked at the narrow intersection leading uphill, but the sea giant Dagun did not need to walk uphill at all. He stood on the sand below the uphill slope, and his shoulders were already level with the Altar of Oaths. together.

"Who summoned Dagun?"

Dagun's voice was like thunder and his breath was like clouds. As soon as he spoke, he caused a small storm around the Altar of Oaths.

"It''s me."

Thief Eye's body was shaking in the whirlwind and she couldn't stand still. She shouted to the sea giant despite the strong wind.

"It's you little fish-man again." Dagun seemed to be dissatisfied when he spoke, "Where is my sacrifice?"

"The sacrifices will be brought over immediately."

Since it was a temporary decision to use the Altar of Oaths, the sacrifices were not placed on the altar in advance. Thieving Eyes had already asked the fishmen to carry the sacrifices in the cave.

At the entrance of the cave, the fishmen carrying the sacrifices were frightened by the sea giant's tall body and unfriendly tone. None of them dared to come out carrying their things.

"Bring the sacrifice quickly!" Thieving Eye shouted angrily.

Thieving Eye usually has a lot of power, and when the fishman heard her roar, he could only bite the bullet and walk out of the cave.

Soon, the altar of vows was filled with all kinds of food, and a large white clam shell was placed in the middle.

"That's it? Huh?"

Seeing these sacrifices, the sea giant Dagun roared in his throat. It was obvious that he was extremely dissatisfied with the altar and was already angry.

Thieving Eyes felt bitter in her heart. Since the incident happened suddenly and she had no time to prepare, she could only use the food stored in the cave as an emergency.

Thief Eye remembered the last time the entire Blackfin clan was prepared and summoned Dagun. In the end, because he was dissatisfied with the sacrifice, he made a big fuss on the island and almost destroyed most of the buildings on the island.

Thinking of that scene, Thieving Eye was terrified. This Dagun was an extremely greedy sea giant.

Thieving Eye approached the Altar of Oaths. There was a large white clam shell placed on the stone platform of the altar. Inside the clam shell was her own collection of jewelry processing.

As a fish-men tribe that rarely trades with the outside world, it is not easy to collect various gems, metals and other materials for jewelry processing. It took Thieves a long time to collect the materials and make some good quality finished products.

"The real sacrifice is inside this clam shell. Inside are the magical items I collected and made." Thief Eye said to Dagun.

Sea giants like magical items, and Thief Eye knows this very well.


When the sea giant heard that there were magic items, he immediately became interested, and he put his head close to the Altar of Oaths.

"Open it quickly!"

Under Dagun's urging, Thieving Eye slowly opened the big clam shell with both hands.

There is nothing inside the clam shell!

Thief's eyes were as stunned as a wooden chicken.

"Little fishman, you are playing tricks on Dagun!"


The mast of the sailboat in Dagun's hand roared down, and Thief Eye's murloc hut was shattered into pieces, and Thief Eye was also blown away by the huge shock wave.

The sea giant Dagun was completely furious.

Of course there was nothing in the cunning clam shell, because the contents inside had already been stolen by Yang Yi. Yang Yi was worried about being discovered too soon, so he buried the clam shell back in the sand.

The sea giant became enraged and went on a killing spree, spreading his anger on everything in sight.

The Ratchet fishmen who were still on the island suffered a disaster, and they also became the targets of the sea giants.

Yang Yi quickly told the murlocs in Ratchet Town to disperse and escape. Otherwise, if they got together and were swept by a sea giant's mast, the entire team would be directly disabled.

"Little Naga, let Tesir fight this sea giant!"

Yang Yi quickly asked the little naga to go back and command Tethyr. The Kraken sea monster was the only one on the scene who had the ability to fight the sea giant.

The little naga quickly ran towards Tethyr. She climbed on Tethyr's head and directed it to spit water arrows at the sea giant.

The sea monster Tethyr and the sea giant Dagun fought on the sea, and the huge waves were like tsunamis.

The murlocs on the island are in chaos, and neither the blackfin murlocs nor the ratchet murlocs are interested in fighting anymore.

Yang Yi glanced around and found that just after the sea giant vented his anger and beat him randomly, Thieving Eye had taken advantage of the Ratchet fish-men to disperse and escape.

"Everyone retreat, get out of here!" Yang Yi ordered decisively.

Elephants fight and trample ants to death, so we can no longer stay here.

Yang Yi didn't bother to organize the murloc team again to chase Thief Eye. He first let the ratchet murloc escape.

Brak was left behind by Yang Yi in order to reassemble the escaped fishmen.

Yang Yi took Ben Bolba and several other small fishmen to chase Thief Eye.

Thieving Eyes is smart and cunning, and has already swam very far in the sea.

Yang Yi and the others found a big turtle and a plesiosaur mount and gave chase.

Thief Eye discovered the pursuers behind her. This time she did not choose to go to another island in the bay, but fled to the coast.

Yang Yi and the others followed Thieving Eye all the way to the coast, but Thieving Eye had already dived into the swamp on the shore.

The swampland of Dustwallow Swamp is lush with vegetation, reeds and wormwood are everywhere, and trees such as water pines are everywhere.

As soon as Thief Eye entered the swamp, Yang Yi lost track of her.

"Go quickly and bring the wise men of the Blackfin clan over." Yang Yi said to the Guji Gudong sisters.

The environment in the swamp was complicated, and Yang Yi didn't know what was going on inside, so he didn't risk going in.

Guji rode a plesiosaur and went back to bring the wise man of the Blackfin clan over.

"Tell me! Does Thieving Eye have a place to live in the swamp?" Yang Yi asked the wise man of the Blackfin clan.

"I don't know." The wise man of the Blackfin clan replied.

"Don't know?" Yang Yi was confused.

Yang Yi noticed that the wise man of the Blackfin clan said he didn't know, rather than answering yes or no.

"Thief Eyes also entered the swamp before?" Yang Yi asked again.

"Yes, the clan leader often goes to the swamp, but he never lets the fishmen in the clan follow him."

"You are still so mysterious. What other secrets are there that you haven't told us?" Yang Yi asked.

"No, I told everything I know." The wise man of the Blackfin clan was frightened. "I only know that when the clan leader comes back from the swamp, he often brings back some jewelry and accessories."

"Bring back jewelry and accessories?"

Yang Yi was thoughtful, and it seemed that Thieving Eye's advanced jewelry processing skills were probably related to this swamp.

"Think carefully about where the thieves may be hiding in this swamp, or I will shock you!" Ben Bolba threatened.

"I can't think of it, I really can't think of it." The wise man of the Blackfin clan was so frightened that he kept shaking his head.

Yang Yi could see that continuing to intimidate the wise men of the Blackfin clan would probably have no effect, so he said: "If you can catch the thief, I can consider letting you go."

The wise man of the Blackfin clan is the second-in-command of the Blackfin fish people and the right-hand man of Thieving Eye. Yang Yi does not believe that he does not know any clues.

Hearing Yang Yi's words, the wise man of the Blackfin clan suddenly stopped shaking his head and became silent.

Sure enough, this wise man from the Blackfin clan still knew something.

"Think about it again."

Yang Yi said, motioning for Mojimus to go over and loosen the bindings on the wise man of the Black Fin Clan.

"Can I believe what you say?" The wise man of the Blackfin clan began to loosen his attitude after being released.

"My Lord, I will keep my word." Yang Yi confirmed.

The wise man of the Black Fin Clan looked into Yang Yi's eyes. Yang Yi had nothing to lie about. If he could exchange his thieves' eyes for the wise man of the Black Fin Clan, it would be a very cost-effective deal.

"I know a place where our clan leader may go, but I'm not sure." The wise man of the Blackfin clan said slowly, "If you find our clan leader there, you have to let me go."

"Take us there. As long as you catch the thief, I will let you go." Yang Yi promised.

"Okay, I'll take you there."

The wise men of the Blackfin Clan led Yang Yi and the others through the edge of the swamp, all the way to a remote place.

A fishman village is located in a valley leading from Dread Bay to the swamp. The fishman village is small in size, with only two to three hundred people.

Fishman villages usually do not have walls, and Yang Yi can clearly see the situation in the village from outside the village.

In the fishman village, a large group of fishmen gathered around and shouted loudly, as if they were quarreling.

What surprised Yang Yi was that all these murlocs were tall and strong, and the whole village was like a giant murloc village.

"Why are these fishmen so tall?" Yang Yi was surprised.

"The murlocs in this murloc village have always been like this. They are born to grow so tall." The wise man of the Blackfin clan replied nonchalantly. He continued: "These murlocs only know how to eat every day, and their brains are stupid and useless. of."

Yang Yi recalled the time on the island.

At that time, the lobsterman slaves wanted to rush to Thief Eye's residence, but were blocked by a group of tall murlocs at the intersection. It seemed that those tall murlocs came from this murloc village.

Yang Yi knew that there were abnormally tall hobgoblins, giant trolls, and giant naga. This was the first time he knew that murlocs could grow so big. .

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