World of Warcraft Murloc City Guide

Chapter 276 Thunder Bluff

Yang Yi followed Dahei Niu to the dead water tauren village built on a small mountain peak.

The construction scale of this tauren village is far smaller than that of the murloc village by the lake. The buildings in the village are all in standard tauren style. Except for the two tall tauren totem poles standing at the entrance of the village, the others are tauren tents made of wood and animal skins.

In the tauren village, Yang Yi saw Bain and Mu Xiaolan, as well as an old acquaintance - the tauren Tujia Rune Totem.

The village chief Makaba Biantu prepared a table of sumptuous food to entertain them. Unfortunately, the food on this table was full of green, which seemed a bit bland for the carnivorous Yang Yi.

The rescued Kaya Flathoof sat obediently next to her father, looking as if she was happy to escape the clutches of the Grimtotem and return.

"This black and white spotted cow is acting very big." Yang Yi chuckled secretly.

Bain and Mu Xiaolan also knew about Kaya's situation, and like Yang Yi, they didn't say much at the dinner table.

Because the atmosphere was a bit weird, the thank you meal didn't last long and ended.

After the meal, Makaba Flathoof said that he was welcome to come to the Tauren Village at any time, and then arranged for his daughter to rest.

Yang Yi and Bain visited the Tauren Village. They planned to leave the Tauren Village, but they saw Mu Xiaolan and the Tauren Tujia studying something together.

The tauren Tujia held a turtle shell and observed it carefully, his expression solemn.

Yang Yi took a look at the turtle shell, and he quickly recognized it as the shell of a snap-mouthed turtle that lives in a lake in a backwater oasis.

This snap-mouthed turtle is easy to identify because of its strange spots on its shell.

"This is a kind of spot that I have never seen before. It is very important to study these plants and animals. I suspect that they are affected by the oasis and the abnormal energy you discovered." Tuga's tone was the same as his expression dignified.

"The backwater oasis is the home of this kind of snap-mouthed turtle, and their population has surged recently. What's more serious is that these usually gentle animals have become manic." Mu Xiaolan said.

"I am convinced that the water in the oasis is the cause of these spots. I can even feel the chaos they have brought to this land. This land is now lifeless, as if it has been asleep for a long time." Touga said.

"These oases have some special powers, and I don't know where these powers come from," Mu Xiaolan said.

Mu Xiaolan and Tujia were discussing each other's words on the turtle's shell, and Yang Yi found that he couldn't get a word in.

Yang Yi was familiar with the backwater oasis. He also knew the spots on the shell of the snap-billed turtle. He had already known that they were like this due to the pollution of the lake water.

"Aren't these things obvious? Is there something hidden in it?"

Yang Yi was puzzled. He patiently listened to the long talk of one man and one cow for a long time out of curiosity.

"The Wailing Cave must be the source of all these problems." The tauren Tuga said with certainty.

Finally, Yang Yi felt that he finally heard the key point.

"Should I go investigate the Wailing Cave?" Mu Xiaolan asked.

"Before you go there to investigate, go talk to Druid Elder Hamuul Runetotem. I asked someone to send him a message and tell him everything that happened in the Barrens. . This knowledgeable elder should be able to give you a lot of advice.”

"But the Druid elder is in Thunder Bluff, and I can't enter there."

"You take this letter from me and go to Thunder Bluff. The Druid Elder is on the Elder's Plateau in Thunder Bluff."


Mu Xiaolan accepted Tujia's letter, her voice trembling slightly.

Although Mu Xiaolan appeared calm on the surface, she was actually very excited inside.

Yang Yi knew what Mu Xiaolan was excited about. Thunder Bluff was the main city of the tauren, and it would not be easy for adventurers, nicknamed by the aborigines as land-walking murlocs, to enter.

So far, I have only heard that Zorro Hikaru, the first person in the adventurer level, can openly enter the main city of humanity, Stormwind City.

Yang Yi looked at Bain, who was teasing a little black calf, and thought that he might be able to enter Thunder Bluff through Bain's relationship.

"Bain, didn't you say that your father asked you to go back to Thunder Bluff? I want to go with you." Yang Yi tried to say.

"You want to go to Thunder Bluff too?" Bain asked.

"Yes, I want to visit Thunder Bluff and buy some engineering materials." Yang Yi said.

"Okay, come back to Thunder Bluff with me." Bain said casually.

Sure enough, no problem!

Isn't it just a trip to Thunder Bluff? Mu Xiaolan was so excited that her voice changed when she spoke. To me, it was just a matter of words.

I'm really awesome.

After receiving Bain's affirmative reply, Yang Yi felt extremely upset.

Mu Xiaolan felt uncomfortable listening to the conversation between Yang Yi and Bain.

For this autographed letter from Tujia, Mu Xiaolan took the people from the Qin Kun Society to the three major oases in the Barrens, and had to sneak into the oases to complete various investigations at the risk of being discovered by centaurs.

It took countless hours and countless costs.

In the end, this fishman just said casually that he could follow Bain to Thunder Bluff.

"But this fishman is an aborigine after all. There is no need for us adventurers to compare with the aborigines." Mu Xiaolan thought about it and felt better.

Yang Yi, Bain and Mu Xiaolan all wanted to go to Thunder Bluff, so the three decided to go together.

The three of them went to the crossroads, got on the flying dragon and flew to Mulgore, and flew to the tauren city Thunder Bluff.

Mogolei is connected to the Stonetalon Mountains to the north and is surrounded by mountains on all sides, forming a natural barrier. A trail in the mountains leads to the Southern Barrens to the west.

The lush plains of Mulgore have been home to the tauren since ancient times.

Yang Yi looked down at the land of Mogaolei from the air.

A variety of wild beasts roam the vast plains, providing excellent hunting grounds for tauren hunters.

Although Mogolei seemed to have peaceful scenery and pine-scented breeze from the air, Yang Yi heard from Bain that this grassland was now in danger.

The Red Cloud Terrace to the south is overrun with quilboars.

The Windfury Harpy tribe commandeered the mountains at the northern and southern ends of Mulgore.

The Alliance set up camp on the western fringe, and the dwarves scoured the mountains for relics of their ancestors.

The Whitemane Gnolls not only settled in the cave called "Whitemane Stone", but even established a camp in the southern foothills.

The goblin-run venture capital company affects three of the tauren's water wells, and they even mine in the mountains to the west.

It is said that Bain's father Kane called him back this time to deal with these crises.

The scenery of Mogaolei was so beautiful that Yang Yi was mesmerized by it, and the flight reached the destination without even realizing it.

Thunder Bluff sits on a mesa of verdant pastures in northern Mulgore.

Yang Yi saw the elevators in Thunder Bluff and the wooden rope ladders connecting each platform. On the platforms, you can see tauren-style tents, totem poles and soul cabins everywhere.

Three bipedal flying dragons stopped in a giant totem pole in the middle of the largest platform in Thunder Bluff.

The middle of this huge totem pole was hollowed out. The upper part of the totem pole was used as a stopping point for flying mounts, and the lower part was dug out with spiral staircases leading to various platforms of different heights.

Mu Xiaolan was going to find Druid elder Hamuul Runetotem. She first went to the Elders' Highlands under the leadership of a tauren guard.

"Poseidon, I want to see my father first." Bain said to Yang Yi, "I will arrange for a tauren to take you to find the engineering supplier in Thunder Bluff. I will take you to visit Thunder Bluff later. ”

"You go ahead and take a look around," Yang Yi said.

Bain knew that Yang Yi came to Thunder Bluff to buy some engineering materials, so he called a tauren guard to lead Yang Yi.

The engineering supplier of Thunder Bluff is located on the edge of a lake on the large mesa in the middle. Under the leadership of the tauren guards, Yang Yi soon found the tauren engineer Cang Hoof.

The tauren holds a wooden hammer and an oversized leather engineering parts bag beside him.

"A fish man?" Engineer Cang Ti asked after seeing Yang Yi.

Yang Yi has become accustomed to it. The tauren he met along the way basically had this reaction.

Fortunately, the tauren were relatively friendly to him, unlike the orcs who often glared and roared at him when he entered a crossroads.

"It was little Bain who brought this murloc to Thunder Bluff. This murloc is called Poseidon." The tauren guard said.

"You can't call him little Bain anymore. Bain has already completed the hunting trial and passed the Earth Mother Ceremony. He has already won a place for himself in Thunder Bluff." Engineer Cangho said with a smile.

The tauren race has a relatively long lifespan. For example, Bain's father Kane was 99 years old during the Third War, and now he is over a hundred years old.

Yang Yi listened to the conversation between the two tauren and heard that the relationship between these tauren was very good, and he also showed a smile.

Although Yang Yi's fishman smile looked very cruel to the two tauren.

"Poseidon, the fish man, do you want to buy some engineering materials? Don't worry, you can definitely find the materials you want here." Engineer Cang Tu proudly patted the large engineering materials beside him with his big hand. Parts bag, "Tell me what you want, gunpowder? Bronze tubes? Gears?"

Yang Yi shook his head: "The materials I want to buy mainly include [Mithril Ingot], [True Silver Transformer], [Earth Core], [Pure Water Ball], [Lazuli Stone], and [Mithril Rod]."

"Hmm..." Engineer Cang Tu anxiously scratched the cow's leg with his hand, probably because he suddenly felt a little itchy.

"Ah haha, you don't even have any of the materials the murlocs want in this big bag of yours." The tauren guard let out a hearty laugh.

"Go, go, you little brat, go back and stand guard." Engineer Cangho looked a little confused, and he drove away the tauren guards.

"I'm talking about Poseidon, the engineering materials you want to buy are not sold in ordinary engineering stores. To be honest, I am already the largest engineering supplier in Thunder Bluff, but what you want I still don’t have anything here,” engineer Cang Ti said.

"Nothing?" Yang Yi was disappointed.

Yang Yi didn't expect that even a big city like Thunder Bluff couldn't find the needed materials.

"But it doesn't matter. In two days it will be time for Thunder Bluff's end-of-month auction to start. The auction house is across the lake. The list of auction items is already out. You can go and look for it on the list." Engineer Cang Hoo said. .

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