World of Warcraft Murloc City Guide

Chapter 278 Champion Team

Outside the entrance to the Pool of Foresight, Yang Yi discovered the pharmacist Zama whom he had met at the auction house before.

The Forgotten Apothecary was currently holding a crystal bottle in each hand, with bubbling green liquid still sloshing in the crystal bottle. Also scattered at her feet were some glassware and herbs, alchemical tools and materials she had salvaged from the cave.

"What happened to the Pool of Foresight? Why are you surrounding the entrance of the cave?" Bain quickly walked over to find a tauren and asked.

"An element suddenly appeared in the pool of foresight. It was an earth element! This earth element attacks everyone it encounters in the cave." The tauren replied immediately after seeing Bain who asked the question.

"A violent earth element?" Bain became nervous after hearing the sudden appearance of an earth element.

The sudden and violent behavior of the earth element indicates that the mountain spirit or the land is furious, and the pool of foresight is affected.

"Let me enter the Pool of Foresight and have a look." Bain said hurriedly.

"Bain, you can't enter the Pool of Foresight." A tauren walked out of the crowd and blocked Bain.

This is an elderly female tauren with a black mane. She is Magatha Wild Totem.

"Let us shamans handle the matter of the earth elements. We know how to deal with the elements best." Magatha Wild Totem said, and Bain also had an unquestionable tone when she spoke.

Magatha Wildtotem is the strongest shaman of the Wildtotem clan. She also serves as an important advisor to the tauren chief Kane.

Bain also had to remain respectful enough when facing Magatha, an elderly woman, so he forced his way into the Pool of Foresight.

What Bain is confused about is that Magatha usually lives in the Highlands of the Elders. He doesn't know why she appeared here as soon as the earth element suddenly appeared in the Foresight Pool in the Soul Highlands.

"I must tell my father about this immediately, and I can no longer take you to visit Thunder Bluff." Bain said.

"Go and do your work." Yang Yi and Mu Xiaolan said at the same time.

Bain went to find his father. Yang Yi and Mu Xiaolan looked at the entrance of the Pond of Foresight for a while and then left.

Yang Yi wanted to take advantage of the start of the auction to collect the three materials needed to make the portal: [True Silver Transformer], [Lazuli Stone] and [Mithril Rod].

In the next two days, Yang Yi found various foraging materials in Thunder Bluff and asked the tauren forging supplier to help forge the [Mithril Rod].

Yang Yi spent the rest of the time visiting Thunder Bluff, which allowed them to learn more about the tauren.

The Winter Veil Festival is still going on, and Yang Yi is not bored staying in Thunder Bluff.

The tauren understand winter and the legend of Winter Veil with their shamanistic consciousness and recent integration of druidic beliefs. Many tauren choose this time to express their gratitude for finding a new home in Mulgore.

In addition, Yang Yi has always been concerned about the situation of the Pool of Foresight, but the matter of the Pool of Foresight was not resolved immediately after Bain went to find his father, the tauren chief.

The tauren arranged a temporary residence for the forgotten people who originally lived in the cave of the Pool of Foresight, and did not let the shaman forcefully expel the earth elements.

The Thunder Bluff auction started two days later. Yang Yi successfully bid for the required materials and gathered all the materials to make the [Safety Portal].

After gathering the materials, Yang Yi had no other reason to keep Thunder Bluff except for being concerned about the portal in the Pool of Foresight.

The tauren don't seem to be worried at all about the appearance of the earth element in the Foresight Pool. This matter has been dragging on without any movement.

Shortly after the auction ended, Yang Yi wandered around Thunder Bluff alone.

After finally visiting the main city of the tauren, Yang Yi was still very curious.

There are many shops in Thunder Bluff with all kinds of goods, and Yang Yizheng is planning to make a big purchase.

At this time, Yang Yi discovered that many tauren on the middle platform of Thunder Bluff were rushing in the same direction.

Yang Yi asked a tauren and learned that there was a goblin airship that was about to reach Thunder Bluff.

Yang Yi had never seen a goblin airship up close, so he curiously ran with the tauren to see the excitement.

The goblin airship slowly flew in from the distance on the horizon. On the platform of Thunder Bluff, you could clearly see the airship slowly growing from a small black dot.

Yang Yi saw many tauren gathered under the airship tower, as well as many orcs and trolls. They were all discussing the incoming airship.

"Here he comes! Rhaegar is on the airship, and he also brought the Dire Maul champions."

"Come here quickly, Magatha has already gone to the elevator platform."

The airship finally appeared in Thunder Bluff. The passengers who planned to get off the airship in Thunder Bluff got off the airship one by one, and the hard workers were busy carrying cargo and luggage.

"Welcome Rhaegar Earthfury to Thunder Bluff. I heard that you are going to choose a tauren for your gladiator team." Magatha Wild Totem came to the elevator platform to welcome the champion team.

"Magatha Wild Totem, the elder of the Wild Totem clan, you personally come to welcome us. This is really an unexpected honor." Orc Rhaegar Earthfury said.

"Of course, the peacemaker Kane will not be interested in this, but as far as I know personally, there are several young tauren who will be strong candidates for your talent selection this time."

"Of course, they are not slaves, but they have all been contracted gladiators for a period of time. They all look forward to receiving combat training and want to prove their strength in the arena. The money they win will be used by you to train them cost," Magassa said.

"Thank you, Magatha. While I consider your suggestion, my two gladiators would like to take a dip in the Pool of Foresight," Rhaegar said.

"It might not be wise to do that. An earth element appears in the Pool of Foresight, and even the Forsaken dare not enter." Magatha said.

"Magasa, you are a master shaman, is it enough for you to expel one element?" Rega asked.

"Old fool Kane said he wanted to see what the earth element wanted. He said he didn't want to disturb the natural balance of that thing." Magatha's words were full of disrespect for the Tauren chief.

After listening to Magatha's words, Rhaegar looked back at the two gladiators behind him, a night elf druid and a human warrior.

Despite becoming champions, the two gladiators were still in chains. This was to prevent them from taking the opportunity to rebel and use the skills Rhaegar had taught them against their masters.

"Let's go to the Pool of Foresight and see it first," the Night Elf Druid said. .

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