World of Warcraft Murloc City Guide

Chapter 285 Magic Charging

Yang Yi obtained the [Tide Stone] and learned through the Lord's Eye that this stone could give the user the power to control water.

He tried it immediately, but found that the effect of the item could not be triggered.

"Does it mean that if you want to use this Tide Stone, you must use a special method to trigger the effect?"

Yang Yi took a closer look and found that there was no special explanation on the item information.

"If this sea giant Dagun really relies on this Tide Stone to summon tsunamis, then he must know how to use this stone."

It's a pity that Dagun was already unconscious at this time, and Yang Yi couldn't ask him if he wanted to.

Yang Yi had no choice but to figure it out by himself. He held the Tide Stone in his hand and looked at it carefully. I found nothing special about this blue stone except for the floating milky white lines that made people feel strange.

"It's not a gem used to be inlaid on equipment, right?" Yang Yi made a random guess.

Yang Yi heard that there are some equipment in this world that can improve attributes by inlaying various gems, but he has never encountered such equipment.

Yang Yi tried to put the [Tide Stone] against the [Sea Monster Harpoon].


I saw the white lines floating on the Tide Stone glowing with white light and gradually brightening.

"There's something wrong. The white light emitted by the stone must be triggering something." Yang Yi was pleasantly surprised.

But Yang Yi didn't see what the white light represented.

Yang Yi tried to keep the tide stone away from the sea monster harpoon, and the white light on the stone disappeared immediately. When he placed the Tide Stone against the sea monster's harpoon again, the white light lit up again.

"It seems that the effect is triggered by getting close to the equipment, but I don't know what the white light is used for."

Yang Yi was studying the effect of the white light on the Tide Stone. He suddenly discovered that the sea monster harpoon that was close to the stone had also changed.

The sea monster harpoon is a high-quality piece of equipment. The tip of the harpoon originally had a metallic luster and was very sharp at first glance.

At this time, it was only a short period of time, and the metallic luster on the harpoon had obviously dimmed, and the entire harpoon seemed to be aging rapidly.

Upon seeing this, Yang Yi quickly separated the tide stone and the sea monster harpoon.

"It turns out that the white light on the Tide Stone is due to the absorption of the 'energy' of the sea monster's harpoon."

Yang Yi was thoughtful, thinking of the old equipment and pearls in the big wooden box he found before.

"It seems that the reason why all the equipment and pearls were damaged was caused by this Tide Stone. Thief Eye said that Dagun likes things with magic power. Is it just to let the Tide Stone absorb the magic power from those things? "

In fact, potions, food, drinks, equipment, etc. with various effects are called magic items.

For example, alchemical potions are called magic potions, and pandaren wines such as [Old Chen's Stormstout] are called magic wine.

Therefore, equipment that can improve character attributes or have special effects is also called magic equipment.

[Sea Monster Harpoon] is naturally a magical equipment, so it must also contain magic power.

"So this tide stone is charged by absorbing the magic power of magic items. Only when the energy is charged to a certain level can it be used."

Yang Yi guessed that he felt that the method of using the Tide Stone must be similar to what he guessed.

Yang Yi put away the Tide Stone. He looked at the cave and felt that there was nothing else of value, so he planned to go back.

"Little Naga, this sea giant doesn't know if he will wake up in three to five days. Let's go back." Yang Yi said.

"Mayor, the little Naga did very well this time."

"You behave well. I'll reward you with a few more bottles of [Autumn Acorn Wine] when you go back."

"Hehe, the mayor is really a good fish man."

Yang Yi and the little naga returned to Ratchet Town riding on the head of the sea monster Tethyr.

After returning to Ratchet Town, the first thing Yang Yi had to do was test the Tide Stone.

If you want to test the Tide Stone, you must first have enough magical items. Yang Yi thought about it for a while. He was unwilling to use the equipment in the town to have its magic sucked away and turn into waste. He decided to use pearls to experiment first.

The pearls in Ratchet Town are basically obtained from shellfish farms, so Yang Yi doesn't feel distressed when using them.

Yang Yi asked the fishman to take out all the pearls in the town.

As the shellfish farms become larger and larger, with more and more levels, Ratchet Town's pearl harvest also increases.

Currently, the pearls harvested in Ratchet Town are mainly divided into three types. The first is rough and ordinary quality pearls, the second is level 2 excellent quality [glossy small pearls], and the third is level 3 excellent quality. 【Colored Pearls】.

Rough and ordinary quality pearls account for the largest number, and these pearls can only be sold to aboriginal people, or used to make handicrafts for fishmen.

Level 2 excellent quality [Small Glossy Pearls] are the main harvest in Ratchet Town. Such pearls can often be found in [Small Clam Shells]. Yang Yi took a rough look and saw that there were nearly three thousand small shiny pearls in front of him.

Level 3 excellent quality [Colored Pearls] have a small chance to appear in small clam shells, mainly from [Hard Shell Clams]. The harvest of this kind of pearls is not large, only more than 600.

"Due to the large influx of adventurers, prices have been rising recently. The price of a small shiny pearl is about 16 to 20 silver, and the price of a colored pearl is about 60 to 80 silver, so these two excellent quality pearls The total is about one thousand gold coins." Yang Yi briefly estimated the value of these pearls.

Yang Yi first experimented with rough and ordinary quality pearls. As expected, [Tide Stone] had no reaction at all when it came close to these pearls.

After that, Yang Yi took a small shiny pearl and placed it on the Tide Stone. The milky white lines floating on the Tide Stone immediately lit up.

The Tide Stone absorbed the magic power of the pearl, and the small shiny pearl of excellent quality gradually lost its roundness and luster, turning into an ordinary quality pearl.

"It really works."

When Yang Yi saw the reaction of the Tide Stone, he simply placed the Tide Stone in a small shiny pearl wooden barrel, allowing the Tide Stone to fully absorb the magic power.

After about a few minutes, all the shiny little pearls in the barrel turned into ordinary quality pearls.

"It seems that it still takes time for the Tide Stone to absorb magic power, rather than absorbing it instantly."

After that, Yang Yi put the Tide Stone in and out of the buckets containing pearls, absorbing all the magic power of the pearls in the buckets.

The milky white lines on the Tide Stone became clearer and brighter, and Yang Yi felt more and more heartbroken.

This sucks away not only magic power, but also money!

After half a day, the Tide Stone was finally filled with magic power, and it no longer reacted when it was close to the pearl.

"One thousand gold coins! There is a whole thousand gold coins in this!" Yang Yi held the Tide Stone in both hands and shouted silently in his heart.

Yang Yi's original plan was to wait for the Tide Stone to absorb the magic power and immediately go to Ratchet Bay to try it. Knowing that the price of one use would probably be one thousand gold coins, he hesitated.

"This Tide Stone is simply a stone of ruin!" Yang Yi became more and more heartbroken as he thought about it.

"Forget it, let's first observe whether the magic power of the Tide Stone will gradually decrease over time after it is filled with magic power." Yang Yi found a reason to comfort himself, and then he took the Tide Stone with peace of mind. Put it away.

Then Yang Yi stayed in Ratchet Town.

Soon, the new month arrived, and Yang Yi got a new lottery opportunity in the early morning.

This time Yang Yi drew the construction drawings of the fish-man temple at the first level of the town.

Yang Yi is very satisfied with the result. The biggest shortage in Ratchet Town is construction workers, and there is no fear that the construction task will not be completed.

After dawn, Yang Yi asked the old blind man to arrange for fish-man construction workers to upgrade the fish-man temple.

The Murloc Temple is a special building of the Murloc tribe. According to the requirements on the architectural drawings, the Murloc Temple requires a Murloc statue, and the effect is unknown.

Yang Yi previously found a [rough fish-man statue] at a fish-man gathering organized by the Black Fin Clan and placed it in the fish-man temple. The only known effect so far is that the pond in front of the temple can improve the "flowing water" of the fish-men. Elemental" feat.

This day is not a peaceful day.

Yang Yi got news from the Knights of the Holy Sword in the evening. Today during the day, there was a war between the Horde and the Alliance in Ashenvale. The final result of the war was that the Alliance Night Elves' Silver Winged Sentinels defeated the Horde Orcs. The Warsong clan.

After Yang Yi got the news, he immediately connected to the forum to check the news.

In order to compete for the land of Ashenvale and its timber resources, Grom Hellscream, the chief of the Warsong clan, once fought an earth-shattering battle with Cenarius, the demigod of the night elves. In the end, Grom Hellscream drank the blood of the Abyss Demon Lord Mannoroth and killed the demigod Cenarius.

Since then, the Warsong clan of the orcs has been engaged in a long-term battle with the Silver Winged Sentinels of the night elves.

The remnants of the Warsong clan built a huge fortress and named it the Warsong Lumber Camp, where they cut down trees on a large scale to raise war resources for the tribe.

In order to prevent the orcs from continuing to destroy the fragile ecological environment of Ashenvale, the night elves' elite force, the Silver Wing Sentinels, launched an attack on Warsong Lumber Camp and established an outpost, Silver Wing Fortress.

The two sides have fought many times, but it has always been difficult to determine the winner.

Each battle usually involves the Warsong Clan occupying one of the opponent's outposts, or the Silver Winged Sentinels destroying several of the opponent's outposts. It is difficult for both sides to achieve significant results on the other side.

But on the first day of the new year, the Silver Sentinels used a strategy to lure the Warsong clan into an ambush, and defeated their opponents with an outnumbered enemy.

Even though the orc shaman forcibly summoned a huge lava element in the end, plunging Ashenvale into a sea of ​​fire, it was eventually destroyed by the wrath of nature guided by the druids on the side of the Silver Wing Sentinels. .

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