Baoyu's eyesight was not good to begin with. It wasn't until he heard Yang Yi calling his name that he realized there was a group of fishmen on the dirt road in front of him, which startled him.

Baoyu felt relieved when he saw clearly that the fish-man headed by him was Poseidon, the mayor of Ratchet Town.

"Wings of Sorrow, stop, uh~uhuh~"

Baoyu asked the flying dragon to stop in front of Yang Yi. The command sounded more like riding a horse than riding a flying dragon.

"Mayor Poseidon, long time no see, why are you here?" Baoyu asked curiously.

When Yang Yi saw the bipedal flying dragon that Baoyu was riding, he was so envious that the fish-man's eyes almost popped out of his sockets.

At this time, Yang Yi was not in the mood to chat with Baoyu. He pointed at the flying dragon and almost shouted at the top of his lungs: "Where did you get your mount?"

"This is the Wings of Sorrow, a bipedal flying dragon. This animal has the blood of a dragon and a griffon. It is a flying mount. It is very cool." Baoyu proudly introduced while sitting on the bipedal flying dragon.

"Cool, cool, very cool."

"Since it's a flying mount, why don't you ride it in the sky?" Yang Yi was puzzled.

"The sun is strong in the sky and the wind is cold, so there is no comfort on the ground. Besides, although it is beautiful to look down on the earth from the sky, there will always be times when you get tired of seeing the beautiful scenery after flying for a long time." Baoyu proudly said.


This guy was tricked by him.

"Bragging, I think you can't fly yet." Yang Yi said.

"Hmph, flying riding is so easy to learn." Baoyu blushed, "We'll talk some other time, my pursuers are about to arrive."

Baoyu's bragging was exposed and he quickly let the flying dragon run.

"Wings of Sorrow, this name is unlucky. Fortunately, it's not my mount." Yang Yi used the method of spiritual victory.

"I wish you a safe journey, be careful not to drop you to death." Yang Yi shouted towards Baoyu.

Baoyu was so excited that he almost fell off the back of the Wings of Sorrow.

"Jealousy changes you beyond recognition."

Baoyu replied, and then ignored Yang Yi again.

Not long after, a black dragon man ran from the dirt road. It seemed that this was the pursuer Baoyu mentioned.

The draconian is a kind of dragon with two wings on its back, two hands and four legs.

This black dragon man is nearly three meters tall, wearing a fiery red armor, holding a shield in one hand and a hammer in the other. He came humming all the way, spitting sparks from his mouth and blowing white smoke from his nostrils. It seemed that he had been chasing him for a while.

Yang Yi looked at it with the eyes of the lord.

[Name]: Firemane Guard

[Level]: Level 5 Black Dragon Warrior

[Race]: Black Dragon

【Gender】: Male

"It's none of our business. All fishmen should retreat and make way for the dragonmen to pass."

It's none of your business, just hang it up high.

The fish people obeyed Yang Yi's order and all retreated to the edge of the dirt road.

The black dragon man ran past Yang Yi and the others and ignored the fish man.

Bang, bang, bang...

Gunfire came from the front, and it was Baoyu who was riding on the back of the flying dragon and fired a few more shots at the dragon man.

It's a pity that this Baoyu not only has bad eyesight, but also has poor marksmanship. After several shots, not a single bullet hit the dragon man, but only made a outline of the dragon man's body.

On the other hand, Yang Yi, who retreated to the dirt road, was almost hit by a stray bullet and was so angry that he wanted to curse.

Although the black dragon man was not hit by the bullet, he regarded Baoyu's shooting as a naked provocation. The fireworks he exhaled from his mouth and nose became more intense, and he accelerated his pace angrily and chased after him.

Yang Yi originally thought that the black dragon man would chase Baoyu away like this, but unexpectedly, several people suddenly emerged from the bushes in front and ran to the dirt road.

Yang Yi took a look and saw that among the people holding long spears and carrying long bows, there was an acquaintance. They were Chen Nanfeng and his four members of Guns and Roses.

Chen Nanfeng and the others were followed by three Blood Swamp Sickle Claw Dragons. Spears were difficult to use in the bushes. These people originally planned to lure the Blood Swamp Sickle Claw Dragons to the open dirt road and then kill them. Unexpectedly, as soon as they came out of the bush, they ran into an angry dragon man on the dirt road.

The Bloodmarsh Scytheclaw Dragon is cunning by nature and knows that dragons are the overlords in Dustwallow Marsh. As soon as they see the dragon people appear, they all turn around and hide in the bushes.

The black dragon man ignored the sudden appearance of the people blocking his way, and without saying a word, he swung the hammer in his hand to fly away the weak human.

Is Chen Nanfeng a weak human being? With one move of his spear, he blocked the attack of the tall dragon man.

The companion was attacked, and the other four people exchanged brief glances, quickly moved their positions, and formed a five-star position with Chen Nanfeng, with five spears surrounding the dragon man in the middle.

"It's as fast as the wind."

"It's as gentle as the forest."

"Plunder like fire."

"Unmoving as a mountain."

The four of them are fast and slow, offensive and defensive, and each performs his or her duties.

The tall black dragon man was beaten around and was unable to resist.

"It moves like thunder, and breaks if it touches it!"

The person responsible for the finishing touch was Chen Nanfeng. The spear in his hand was as powerful as thunder, piercing the dragon man's throat in an instant.

After the spear penetrated the Dragon Man's throat, Chen Nanfeng quickly put away the gun. He turned his back on the Dragon Man without even looking at the Dragon Man, and then turned his back to the Dragon Man and his four companions in a very handsome and standard gun-carrying posture.

Behind Chen Nanfeng's frozen gun-raising posture, the tall body of the black dragon man gradually lost the strength to support his body and fell to the muddy ground.

The four people behind him were already used to it, and they all started to applaud Chen Nanfeng. The applause varied from big to small and sparse, sounding very perfunctory.

"Okay! Okay! Okay!"

Yang Yi, who was on the dirt track, cheered and applauded Chen Nanfeng vigorously.

Croak, croak, croak…

When other fishmen saw Yang Yi applauding, they all applauded too.

Chen Nanfeng didn't expect that there were so many spectators in the swamp. Although these spectators were fishmen, they clapped more seriously than the four of them.

So Chen Nanfeng's head was placed at the arrogant Chen 46-degree angle to receive the applause of the fishmen.

"Chen Nanfeng, why did you come to Dust Mud Swamp?" Yang Yi asked.

Chen Nanfeng then stopped raising his gun and hugged Yang Yi: "It's no big deal. Come find someone. Why did Mayor Poseidon go deep into the swamp? Is there anything wrong?"

Upon hearing this, Yang Yi knew that the other party didn't want to say anything, so he also clasped his fists and said, "I don't have anything serious, I just want to find a wild beast."

Chen Nanfeng laughed and said, "Mayor Poseidon is really an interesting fish man, let me introduce him to you."

"These four are all members of our guild, Wind's Ada, Lin's Erxu, Fire's Dance, and Mountain's Allen. They are the four kings of Guns and Roses."

Chen Nanfeng introduced them one by one. When he mentioned the "Four Heavenly Kings", the four of them sighed in unison, obviously unable to accept this secondary setting.

There was no way, who made Chen Nanfeng the president of the guild and the master who taught them marksmanship.

Among these four people, Yang Yi had already met Lin Zhierxu and Shan Zhilan before. The remaining Fengzhi Ada was a handsome young man with fine features, while Huo Zhiwu was a fiery beauty.

The people in Guns N' Roses are all handsome men and beautiful women. Yang Yi seriously doubted that Chen Nanfeng recruited people based on their appearance.

After Yang Yi and several people from Guns and Roses got to know each other, Baoyu, who had run away before, appeared again riding a flying dragon.

It turned out that Baoyu discovered that the pursuer was missing, so he rode his flying dragon back to see the situation.

The five members of Guns and Roses were all shocked when they saw Baoyu riding a flying dragon.

"This is a flying dragon, a flying mount!" Chen Nanfeng shouted, pointed at the flying dragon and jumped up.

"Knowledge, it's called Wings of Sorrow, and it's a bipedal flying dragon that I tamed." Baoyu proudly introduced.

Deng Deng Deng, Chen Nanfeng took three steps back after hearing this: "Impossible, this is impossible, how can you tame a bipedal flying dragon!"

"What's impossible? Wings of Sorrow has recognized me as its master." Baoyu said proudly.

Hearing Baoyu say that the flying dragon had recognized its owner, Chen Nanfeng, Guns and Roses all pricked up their ears.

The owners of Guns N' Roses follow the hunter route and keep many lions as pets, but they all tame them from lion cubs. They have not yet successfully tamed an adult lion.

"Adult beasts are wild and difficult to tame. You are not an aborigine with the skills to tame beasts. How did you make the flying dragon recognize its master?" Chen Nanfeng asked anxiously.

"I don't have that ability, so I only took away the Wings of Sorrow with the help of Beast King Rexxar," Baoyu said.

When Chen Nanfeng heard Baoyu mention Beast King Rexxar, he couldn't help but look at each other with his companions. In fact, they came to Dustwallow Swamp this time to find Beast King Rexxar, but they searched for a long time and found no trace of Beast King Rexxar.

Ever since they heard in the Backwater Oasis that the Beast King Rexxar was going to fly to Dustwallow Swamp on a wyvern, the five Guns and Roses set out to come here. The Beast King Rexxar is one of the best beast tamers in the world of Azeroth. Guns and Roses, who are looking for ways to tame beasts, naturally have to find ways to get in touch with the Beast King.

Yang Yi became excited when he heard this, and he also asked: "I didn't expect Beast King Rexxar to have this kind of business. Why would he help you?"

"It's not because I helped rescue the Stonemaul Ogre slave that I got help from the Beast King." Baoyu said.

"Are you talking about our Stonemaul Ogre slaves in Ratchet Town? They were the slaves I rescued from slave traders." Yang Yi said.

"Later you traded the Stonemaul Ogre slaves to me, and then I handed them over to the Beast King." Baoyu said.

I'll go. After hearing this, Yang Yi beat his chest and stamped his feet, his intestines turning green with regret.

It was supposed to be my Wings of Sorrow, and I almost got a flying mount.

This time I went to my second uncle and grandpa’s house!

"Where did Beast King Rexxar go?" Yang Yi asked.

"I don't know where Beast King Rexxar has gone." Baoyu spread his hands.

Yang Yi sighed after hearing this. He remembered that the tauren Bain said he would come to Dustwallow Swamp to help the Beast King Rexxar, so maybe he could find Bain by looking for the Beast King Rexxar. Maybe Baine can ask for a favor and ask the Beast King Rexxar to help him conquer a flying mount that is as popular as the Wings of Sorrow.

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