Steamwheedle Port is in Tanaris. Ratchet II departs from Port of Exile and needs to return to the Barrens and then continue south to reach its destination.

Before reaching the Barrens, you must first pass through the Echo Islands.

Yang Yi didn't want to waste time going around in a big circle, so he chose to cross the Echo Islands Strait at night.

I thought that sailing at night could avoid unnecessary complications, but I didn't expect that my luck was not good this time.

When Ratchet 2 was halfway through the strait, a row of fast-moving sparks appeared in the night sky ahead.

The navigator Talley had been observing the surrounding situation with [Eagle Eye Technique]. When he saw the spark, he immediately raised the alarm.

"There is a group of Bat Riders ahead, with incendiary bombs in their hands." Talley shouted.

After receiving the alarm, Yang Yi also used [Eagle Eye] to take a look. Sure enough, it was a group of troll Bat Knights holding incendiary bombs.

Incendiary bombs have limited fuel and must be thrown as soon as possible after being ignited.

The distance between this group of Bat Riders and Ratchet Two is a bit far, and the target of the incendiary bomb is not Ratchet Two.

The bat mount swooped down, and the troll knights threw incendiary bombs into the sea.

The incendiary bombs smashed down with the roar of the wind, and most of them fell into the sea water, causing a little splash before being swallowed up by the waves.

Under the light of the incendiary bombs, a dozen wooden boats could be seen on the sea heading towards the Echo Islands in the dark.

One of the incendiary bombs happened to land on a wooden boat. The wooden boat instantly burst into flames, and the people on the boat quickly jumped into the sea to escape.

After the first dive attack, the bat mount climbed into the air again, then organized into a formation and dived down again with incendiary bombs.

This time the troll knight had confirmed the target's location, and more incendiary bombs hit the wooden boat.

The people on the wooden boat either bent their bows or raised their guns to fight back against the swooping Troll Bat Knight.

"Judging from the shape, the wooden boat that was attacked was our Darkspear Troll's wooden boat." Talley said after observing the battle for a while.

Talre himself is a member of the Darkspear trolls and is very familiar with this.

"Troll fighting troll?" Yang Yi asked, "Are they different trolls on both sides?"

Yang Yi knew that there were many branches of trolls in the world of Azeroth, and each branch was divided into many clans, which were much more complicated than the murloc clan.

"No, there are Darkspear trolls on both sides." Talley answered.

"Are they all Dark Spear Trolls? Are the Dark Spear Trolls fighting among themselves?" Yang Yi asked.

"It's the medicine cat Zalazane, who betrayed the leader Vol'jin. Zalazane now lives on the Echo Islands, the islands that were once home to our Darkspear trolls. Zalazane continues to send his minions from there. Come to the mainland and use sorcery to control our compatriots and turn them into sorcery slaves," Talley said.

"The Zalazane you are talking about is also a troll from the Darkspear clan. Are these troll bat knights his minions?" Yang Yi asked.

"Yes, Zalazane is a troll from our Darkspear clan. He and the leader Vol'jin used to be good friends who grew up together. These troll bat knights were deprived of their free will by Zalazane using dark magic and were Forced to obey his orders and serve him, Zalazane's army continues to expand, and fewer and fewer Darkspear trolls have free will. The leader, Vol'jin, is afraid that all members of the clan will become Zalazane's witches. As a slave of magic, he led the remaining free-willed members of the Darkspear tribe to abandon the Echo Islands and establish the village of Sen'jin."

Yang Yi probably understood something after listening. It turned out that there was a traitor named Zalazane among the Darkspear trolls, and this traitor occupied the Echo Islands. The troll Batrider who destroyed Ratchet One was not from Sen'jin Village, but was a minion of Zalazane.

Yang Yi remembered that after Ratchet One sank, the murlocs in the town clamored to kill all the bats and eat barbecue to avenge Ratchet One. Because Ratchet Town was fighting the Blackfin Murlocs at that time, Yang Yi asked Ben Bolba to take out a small notebook and write down the revenge of the Darkspear Troll for sinking Ratchet One.

"Every wrongdoer has his own debtor. Now that we have met him, I will let you know that the fishmen in Ratchet Town are not easy to bully!"

Yang Yi called the captain Mojitov over and asked him to prepare for battle.

Many of the murloc sailors on Ratchet 2 had worked on Ratchet 1, and many murloc sailors escaped from the destroyed Ratchet 1. As soon as they heard that they were going to fight the troll Bat Rider, they all screamed and tried their best to get revenge.

Ratchet 2 filled its sails and headed towards the battlefield.

Soon, the two-masted schooner was spotted by the aerial troll Batrider.

The troll Batriders regarded all approaching ships as enemies, and they included Ratchet 2 as a target of incendiary bombs.

Compared with those wooden ships, Ratchet 2's target is much larger.

The Troll Bat Rider dived towards Ratchet 2. In order to avoid being hit by the sharp arrows or bullets on the ship, the Troll Bat Rider deliberately maintained a height during the dive to ensure that he was out of the range of bows, arrows and muskets. .

When approaching Ratchet 2, the troll Batrider dropped an incendiary bomb in advance, intending to use inertia to make the incendiary bomb fall on Ratchet 2.

The troll Batriders had control of the air and thought they were safe.

But reality is not like that.

When the troll Batrider dropped incendiary bombs from the sky, three bright sparks suddenly appeared on the deck of Ratchet Two.

Boom, boom, boom.

Three Dr. Wavell's special super firework beam launchers fired out firework beams almost at the same time. The target of the firework beams was the swooping Troll Bat Rider.

Boom, boom, boom.

A bunch of fireworks exploded next to the Troll Bat Rider, and dazzling golden fireworks bloomed in the night sky.

People sailing on the sea can see golden fireworks forming three big fish-man heads with bright smiles, which look lifelike and very exciting.

It's a pity that the troll Batrider who was among them did not have the blessing of enjoying the wonderful fireworks show. First, the huge roar of the fireworks explosion made them deafening, and then the dazzling light of the fireworks made them dizzy.

Compared to the blow to the troll knights, the bat mounts under their feet were more frightened.

The bat mount was frightened and lost control, flapping its wings in the air.

Some troll knights did not grab the reins and fell from the air into the sea.

Those troll knights who finally controlled their mounts quickly pulled the reins and let the bats escape in a direction away from Ratchet Two.

After a successful attack, the fishmen in Ratchet Town had no intention of letting go of these troll Bat Riders. In order to avenge Ratchet One, the fishman engineer controlled the firework beam launcher and continued to fire firework beams in the direction where the troll Batrider escaped.

Rumble, rumble, rumble...

The fishman engineer fired all the fireworks in the launcher and then stopped.

At this time, there was no longer a troll bat in the sky. Several bat mounts lost control and fell into the sea water. The rest all fled in panic.

The victory was achieved, and the murloc sailors on Ratchet 2 cheered.

"The sail has been hit by an incendiary bomb, put out the fire quickly!" Captain Mojitov shouted quickly.

The murloc sailors saw the sails being set on fire and hurriedly ran to fetch water to put out the fire.

Burning oil cannot be extinguished by water. The harder the fishman sailor splashes water, the faster and fiercer the fire becomes.

Ratchet Two's sails were ablaze, and the entire mast was ablaze.

Fortunately, the fire did not spread to the deck, otherwise Ratchet 2 would have sunk in the Echo Islands Channel again.

"Mayor, all the sails have been burned. Without sails, Ratchet 2 can only be driven by oarsmen. It can't go very far." Captain Mojitov ran over and said to Yang Yi.

Ratchet 2 has oarsmen, but it relies mainly on sails to move. Without sails, it loses its main power.

"Dock to the shore and repair the sail first." Yang Yi said.

"Mayor, where should we dock?" Captain Mojitov asked.

Ratchet 2 is now floating in the middle of the channel, with Sen'jin Village and the Echo Islands on both sides.

Yang Yi observed and found that the fleet that had been attacked by the Troll Bat Rider was taking the opportunity to sail towards the Echo Islands, which was the territory of the Darkspear Troll traitor witch doctor Zalazane.

It is obvious that the Echo Islands will face a big battle next.

The matter had nothing to do with him, and Yang Yi had no intention of participating. He asked Mojitov to direct Ratchet 2 to the direction of Senjin Village.

The murloc oarsmen paddled hard, and Ratchet Two struggled through the waves.

Not long after advancing, the navigator Talley noticed something strange.

"A burned wooden boat was found ahead, with a bat on it." Talley shouted.

Yang Yi heard the shouting and ran to the bow of the ship. He saw the wreckage of a wooden ship floating less than a hundred meters ahead. The wreckage rose and fell with the waves, and there was a black animal lying on it.

Taking a closer look, it was the big bat that the Troll Bat Rider was riding.

This bat mount seemed to have been injured in the previous battle and could no longer fly.

"Quickly, go and catch that bat back to the boat, alive." Yang Yi ordered.

Catching an injured bat floating at sea is a piece of cake.

Ratchet 2 approached the wreckage of the wooden ship. Several murlocs cast a murloc net on the side of the ship. Then the murloc sailors jumped off the boat. The bat mount, which had nowhere to escape, was carried onto Ratchet 2's body with all hands and feet. deck.

Yang Yi walked in and took a look. At this time, the bat mount was doused with sea water, looking as embarrassed as a large drowned rat.

"Mayor, this bat's right leg was injured. It should have been hit by the exploding fireworks." Talley said.

Although the power of fireworks explosions is not as powerful as that of explosives, they can still cause considerable damage if they are close to the explosion point. Yang Yi experienced this when he had an accident during his first fireworks show. At that time, Ratchet Town was injured Got a lot of murlocs.

"Since this big bat is injured, do you want to kill the barbecue and eat it?" Mojitov wiped his saliva and said.

Mojitov's proposal won the hearts of the fishmen, and the other fishmen crew members of Ratchet 2 were already salivating.

"Mayor, bat mounts are a scarce resource. It would be a pity to kill them and eat them." Talley quickly stopped these greedy murlocs.

Of course, Yang Yi was reluctant to kill this big bat. This was a flying mount. Killing the barbecue would be a waste of natural resources.

"If you don't kill it, it will be the mayor's mount from now on. The mayor finally has a flying mount, hahaha." Yang Yi laughed happily.

"Does the mayor know how to fly and ride?" Talley immediately poured cold water on Yang Yi.

"Uh, no." Yang Yi said, "It's okay. At worst, the mayor will spend money to hire a driver who can fly and ride."

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