World of Warcraft Murloc City Guide

Chapter 355 Underground River Passage

The backwater village was forcibly commandeered by the orcs of the tribe.

After the orc sergeants settled in the open space by the lake, they became the mainstay. The walls and corners of the backwater village were planted with tribal flags.

Yang Yi came out of the orc camp and learned some information from Eitrigg.

First of all, the purpose of the orc army requisitioning the backwater village was to deal with the Kokar centaurs entrenched in the sweetwater oasis. It is the headquarters of the Centaur of the Barrens and the home of Hezrul Bloodseal, the warchief of the Kokar Centaur.

As long as the Kokar centaurs and Hezruul Bloodseal are eliminated in the Sweetwater Oasis, the centaur rebellion in the Barrens can be quelled.

Secondly, this orc army stationed in the backwater village belongs to the Warsong Legion. K'Gul Bloodaxe is the Warsong General, and the roaring orc image printed on the uniforms of the orc soldiers is the symbol of the Warsong Legion.

During the battle in the Ashen Valley, the War Song Legion frightened the enemy with its shocking war songs and war drums.

This time, the orcs deployed this army in the Barrens, probably thinking of stabilizing the rear area first, and then fighting the night elves in Ashenvale.

Yang Yi returned to the town center of Backwater Village.

At this time, the murlocs had been untied and freed, but they still gathered in the square in front of the town center and did not disperse.

The sudden appearance of the orc army left the murlocs at a loss, and they were all waiting for Yang Yi's instructions.

Yang Yi searched the crowd of murlocs and found no empty wine barrel.

After asking, I found out that the empty wine barrel of the little murloc had not been caught by the orcs before, and now he did not know where it was.

When the orcs flew to the backwater village, some fishmen happened to be hunting or fishing in the lake. When they saw the orcs being so powerful, they ran away in fear.

Except for a few who ran back to see the situation and were captured by the orcs, the other murlocs with quick heads either hid or ran towards Ratchet Town.

Yang Yi thought that the little fishman Empty Wine Barrel had a clever mind and must have escaped, so he didn't take it to heart very much.

The only troublesome thing is that neither Slak nor Empty Wine Barrel, who manages the backwater village, are here, so he, the mayor, has to take on the management responsibilities.

According to Eitrigg's request, Yang Yi explained the situation to the murlocs in the square. He asked the fishmen to stay in the designated area. Except for fetching water and fishing from the lake, they were not allowed to approach the lake where the orc army was camped. And before the orc army launches an offensive on the Sweetwater Oasis, all fishmen are not allowed to leave the backwater village.

The fish people slowly dispersed after receiving Yang Yi's instructions. Yang Yi stayed alone in the center of the town thinking about what to do next.

"Etrigg said that the orcs were only temporarily requisitioning the backwater village, and they would return the backwater village to the fishmen after they defeated the Kokar centaur in the Sweetwater Oasis." Yang Yi recalled the conversation in the camp just now.

"If the orcs are unable to capture the Sweetwater Oasis, then won't they keep occupying the Backwater Village?"

"Besides, it's easier to invite a god than to send him away. After the orcs conquered the Sweetwater Oasis, what if they shamelessly refused to leave the Backwater Village?"

The more Yang Yi thought about it, the more powerless he felt.

Facing an orc hero like Eitrigg and a massive orc army, Ratchet Town was powerless to resist.

"Can you believe Eitrigg's words? This old orc is also an advisor to the chief of the tribe. With this kind of status, he should always keep his word."

After thinking about it, Yang Yi seemed to have the only choice to believe Eitrigg's words in order to comfort himself.

If you don't believe it, what can you do?

Yang Yi was troubled, the orcs were watching, and he couldn't leave the backwater village.

The Orc Legion has not launched an offensive against the Sweetwater Oasis since it was stationed in the Backwater Village. Yang Yi, who was trapped in the Backwater Village, could only find something to do casually to pass the time.

There are very few recreational activities in the backwater village. The only thing Yang Yi can do is to fish on the edge of the lake with a fishing rod.

As the leader of the fishmen, Yang Yi stayed at the edge of the lake fishing all day long and was not driven away by the orc soldiers, which was considered his privilege.

Yang Yi first checked his attributes. His current fishing level is level 4, which is stuck at "Fishing 35/40".

"My fishing has been neglected for a long time. It's time to improve my fishing level."

Yang Yi was thinking while using his fishing skills, and then his body automatically started to bait, throw the rod, and fish.

Using fishing skills is so convenient, you just need to pay attention to the timing of closing the pole when the fish takes the bait.

With nothing to do, Yang Yi decided to do two things at once, so he took out a dirty book.

This is [Nat's Fishing Log], which Yang Yi got by stealing from Nat Pagle when he was drunk.

Opening the journal, the smell of rancid fish bait and alcohol wafted out from the pages.

"Good guy, it's been so long and it still smells so strong."

Yang Yi shook the pages of the book to let the smell dissipate, and then started reading page by page.

This fishing log is very rich in content, not only recording Nat Pagle’s fishing skills, but also knowledge of fish, as well as methods of making various types of bait and fishing rods.

"Completely different from me who spends three days fishing and two days drying nets. It seems Nat Pagle really likes fishing."

Yang Yi just read the diary and fished at the same time. Sometimes he was so fascinated that he didn't notice the fish was hooked. He didn't care about the two fish that escaped. Anyway, he had plenty of time now and could relax and fish slowly.

After a few days, Yang Yi has caught several baskets of fish, including a lot of [mutated fish].

For some reason, Yang Yi felt that he was getting better and better at fishing, and the number of [mutated fish] he caught every day was 10% or 20% more than the day before.

This kind of progress can be said to be extremely rapid.

At noon that day, Yang Yi was looking at the fishing log carefully when he suddenly felt his right hand holding the fishing rod being pulled.

He has become very experienced in multitasking during this time, and he can tell by feeling that a fish is biting the hook.

Pull hard with your right hand, hold the fishing rod under your arm, and then quickly lift the rod to reel in the line.

The whole process was done with just one hand, without even taking his eyes off the journal page.

What took the bait was a ferocious [mutated fish].

"Ding, the fishing skill has been upgraded to level 5."

Yang Yi only reacted after hearing the prompt. He looked at his fishing-related attributes.

(Fishing 41/50).

"My fishing skill has been upgraded to level 5 so quickly, so I am already a high-level fisherman. This upgrade is too easy."

Yang Yi felt a little strange. Although fishing, as an auxiliary occupation in life occupations, upgrades faster than majors such as alchemy and blacksmithing, the upgrade speed is also a bit too fast.

Yang Yi looked at [Nat's Fishing Diary] in his hand. He felt that there was something fishy about this diary.

"Could it be possible that reading this diary can improve fishing skills?" Yang Yi wondered.

Yang Yi untied the [mutated fish] he caught and threw it into a fish basket woven with aquatic plants.

In just one morning, the fish basket was already full, filled with [mutated fish]. Other fish were not valuable. After Yang Yi caught them, he threw them on the ground. When fishermen came to the lake to fetch water or fish, they picked them up and took them back to the village.

Yang Yi roughly counted, and there were more than thirty [mutated fish] in the basket.

"Last time at the Thunder Bluff Auction House, a [Delicious Wind Snake] sold for 1 gold. A [Mutated Fish] can make a [Delicious Wind Snake]. If I catch fish here for a day, I will make hundreds of dollars a day." gold!"

Thinking of the golden coins made Yang Yi even more motivated to fish.

He doesn't care now whether overfishing will make the [mutated fish] extinct. Given the current situation in Backwater Village, it is not certain who will own it in the future. Hurry up and catch as much as you can during this period. The fish hunters in the village are also fishing in the lake all day long.

Yang Yi asked a murloc hunter who was fishing in the lake to carry the filled fish basket back to the village. Then he found an empty fish basket and continued fishing while reading a book.

After catching a few more [mutated fish], Yang Yi, who was staring at the page, suddenly heard a crash.

A fishman emerged from the water near the float he threw, causing ripples.

"Another fish-man hunter without eyesight."

Yang Yi was dissatisfied. Every once in a while, a clumsy fishman hunter would approach his float while fishing, frightening the fish away.

Yang Yi's eyes left the page and glanced at the lake.

He saw a little fish-man emerging from the water. It turned out to be the empty wine barrel of the little fish-man that he hadn't seen for a few days.

"Mayor, I'm back!" the little murloc empty wine barrel shouted happily after seeing Yang Yi.

"Empty Wine Barrel, why are you in the lake?" Yang Yi was confused. He always thought that Empty Wine Barrel was hiding.

The little fish man's empty wine barrel quickly swam ashore, came to Yang Yi, and then sat down on the wet soil on the lake shore. He looked exhausted.

"Mayor, have those vicious orcs left?" the little murloc asked the empty wine barrel.

"No, the orcs are still in the backwater village." Yang Yi replied.

"Ah?" The little murloc scratched his head at the empty wine barrel, puzzled, "The orcs are still there, why is the mayor fishing by the lake, and why are the murlocs in the village fishing in the lake."

"Hey, it's a long story, so I won't talk about it." Yang Yi sighed, feeling it was too hard to talk about it, so he simply stopped talking and let the little murloc empty the wine barrel and go back to the water village to ask other murlocs. "Empty wine barrel, where have you been these past few days? Why did you appear in the lake?"

The little fish man's empty wine barrel imitated Yang Yi and sighed, and then said: "Hey, this matter is also a long story, so I won't go into it."


Yang Yi slapped his fish-man on the forehead. "You little guy is still learning. It's a long story, so let's make it short."

"It hurts." The little fishman stroked his forehead with the empty wine barrel and said aggrievedly: "When the orcs came that day, I happened to be by the lake, so I hid at the bottom of the lake. Later, I saw that the orcs never left, so I Drilled into the underground river entrance at the bottom of the lake."

"So, you have been hiding in the underground river these days?" Yang Yi asked.

"Yes, I have been in the underground river. I have made a major discovery, and the mayor is going to reward me again." said the little fishman Empty Wine Barrel, raising his head proudly.

"What major discovery? If it is really valuable, your reward will be indispensable." Yang Yi said with a smile.

"I discovered the underground river passage." The little fishman said from the empty wine barrel.

"Underground river passage?" Yang Yi asked.

"It's the underground river passage mentioned by the tauren Jerrick. He said that underground underground rivers extend in all directions, but there must be one leading to the west. I searched for a long time and finally found that passage." The little murloc empty wine barrel said proudly arrive.

"Really? Where is the other end of the passage?" Yang Yi asked hurriedly.

"I don't know where it is over there." The little murloc said with an empty wine barrel, "There is a lake bigger than here. I saw a centaur camp by the lake. There were countless centaurs and many tents there. ”

"A larger lake and the centaur camp beside the lake must be a sweet water oasis!" Yang Yi said.

Jerrick's guess was correct. There is a passage to the Sweet Water Oasis at the bottom of the lake in the Backwater Oasis.

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