World of Warcraft Murloc City Guide

Chapter 366 The third batch of little fishmen

Seeing that it was Kaya who came to Ratchet Town, Yang Yi greeted her.

Kaya is a student of the old woman Magatha, and Yang Yi has now taken over Magatha's task, so he is considered to be in the same boat.

When a fish and a cow meet, they both smile and greet each other warmly. They appear to be in harmony on the surface.

After saying hello, Kaya took out a Kodo skin bag and handed it to Yang Yi. "Go quickly."

"This is?"

"Don't ask me, I don't know either."

Kaya left a word, mounted the wyvern and flew away.

Yang Yi opened the leather bag in confusion. Inside there was a piece of note paper and a red feather from an unknown animal.

A sketch of the terrain was drawn with simple lines on a sticky note, and there was a small line of words under the sketch: (Tame it.)

Yang Yi read the note and stared at it carefully, fearing that it would spontaneously ignite, but there was no movement at all.

It seems that she must have secretly cast the spell in Magatha's tent.

"In addition to this note, there is only one feather in the bag. The owner of this feather must be the one Magatha asked me to tame."

"He told me to go quickly. Why are you so anxious? He's like a rusher."

While whispering, Yang Yi reached out to pick up the feather and check it. He felt an inexplicable tingling sensation just by touching it lightly with his fingers.

He quickly stopped, feeling suddenly in a trance.

This tingling feeling is very strange. How can I put it well? It's like a stinging pain that hits my soul and my head hurts.

Yang Yi didn't dare to move, so he quickly used the Lord's Eye to check.

[Name]: Sky Blade Azeri's Feather

[Remarks]: Just touching the feathers of Sky Blade Azeri will cause you to feel quite stinging.

"Sky Blade Ezeri? I seem to have seen this name somewhere. And the sketch drawn on the note should be a map near Taurajo camp."

Yang Yi thought for a while, ran to the mayor's office in the center of the town, and found the map of the barren land drawn by Baoyu.

I found the location of Taurajo Camp on the map, and sure enough it matched the pattern on the note.

Yang Yi then found the label "Sky Blade Azeri" south of Taurajo Camp on the Barrens map.

"Magatha asked me to tame it. He also drew a map and sent me a feather. It seems that this 'Sky Blade Azeri' is the name of a certain animal, just like the Lion King Huma and Achiaki. ”

Only the name was marked on the map, and Yang Yi couldn't tell what kind of animal it was just by looking at a feather. But with the name Sky Blade and the fact that it had feathers, it seemed like it was a flying animal.

"I already have two pets: Lion King Huma and Death Swamp Giant Crocodile. With the addition of Sky Blade Azeri, I have them all on land, sea and air."

Yang Yi thought this was pretty good. Although he didn't take the pets with him much after he caught them, he still had the heart to collect cool pets. In particular, the prefix of the name "Sky Blade" sounds very classy and suits his preferences.

Kaya confessed that she wanted to "go quickly", but Yang Yi did not set off immediately.

The most important thing now is the expedition. Yang Yi is worried. He wants to wait until the murloc team in the town sets off, and then set off on the bat mount.

The Taurazu camp is located on the passage from the Barrens to Mulgore. Ratchet Town's expedition to Mulgore happened to be passing there, and Yang Yi planned to find Sky Blade Azeri along the way.

In order to prepare for the expedition, Ratchet Town became busy. The murlocs in the town were running around like clockwork, hurriedly.

Yang Yi was not idle either. He took advantage of this time to inspect the town.

Before patrolling the town, he always liked to sit on the big turtle and watch the two little murlocs Benbolba and Mojimus trot behind. Of course, he had to bring the Death Swamp Giant Crocodile or the Lion King Huma to support the show. . At this moment, I saw that there were two little followers missing, and I felt a little boring, so I didn't even bring pets with me.

"Mojimus went to chase Bolba. I don't know what happened to the two little guys now."

Sitting alone on the turtle mount, Yang Yi was concerned about the safety of the two little guys. He thought that if it really didn't work out, he would go and get them back. Of course, he couldn't do it now, at least he couldn't get away until Mogolei's matter was over.

Before inspecting the town, Yang Yi first went to the town center to check the properties.

【Mloc Town Center】

[Medium-sized Fishman Town]

[Civilization level 5, military level 5]

[Civilization value: 20090/50000, military value: 40991/50000]

Since Ratchet Town held the Murloc Gathering, Ratchet Town's reputation among the Murlocs has skyrocketed. Ratchet Town took this opportunity to begin recruiting murlocs on a large scale. Coupled with the special effects of the town center's system to attract murlocs, groups of murlocs can now be seen coming every day wanting to join Ratchet Town.

Ratchet's population has grown exponentially.

The population of fishmen in Ratchet Town now exceeds 40,000, not counting the large number of fishmen in Ratchet Bay.

With the skyrocketing population, Ratchet Town's strength has greatly increased, and its military values ​​have also increased rapidly, and it is close to being upgraded.

After checking the properties of the town center, Yang Yi went to the library next to the square.

This two-story stone building is located next to Tide College. It has a smooth and neat stone exterior wall, which stands out among the many murloc-style buildings.

Jumping off the turtle's back, Yang Yi walked into the library.

The wooden bookshelves on the first floor are filled with miscellaneous books, mainly reference books related to fishing, agriculture, and gathering, as well as some casual books introducing tribal alliances and other large and small races.

Most of these books are popular products that are widely circulated in the market, so the contents above are very superficial, but it is enough for fishmen.

Yang Yi saw that most of the people who came to the library to read were little fish-men who were only as high as his knees. The little fish-men's big round heads were crowded in front of the bookcases, and their adopted children looked very cute as they shook their heads.

"Look at this enthusiasm for learning knowledge. Our murlocs in Ratchet Town are more promising than any other." Yang Yi was very pleased.

The first batch of Benbolba and Mojimus only knew how to fool around all day long, and they also did things such as forming gangs and bullying the weak.

The second batch of Gujigudong did better. After the nursery was built, they were all arrested and taken care of. However, they also did some mischief such as secretly drinking wine in the wine cellar, climbing trees and touching bird eggs.

This third batch is much more sensible. Most of them have been in the nursery pond since they can remember, and then they were sent to the nursery as soon as they came ashore. When they are old enough to go to school, they enter the Tide College to study.

The group of little murlocs reading in the library in front of them is the third group in Ratchet Town.

"The most important thing in cultivating a murloc is the golden stage from young murloc to pre-adulthood. If you miss this golden stage, it will be difficult to improve. Murlocs at this stage grow the fastest, just like Mojimus. This little murloc is already a level 5 murloc walker, and there is a good chance that he will reach the elite level before he reaches adulthood. Let’s not mention that brat Ben Bolba.”

Yang Yi went up to the second floor while thinking.

The second floor is where professional skill books are stored. He saw that most of the wooden bookshelves on this floor were empty.

There was no way, Ratchet Town was built from scratch, and it couldn't compare with the big players in the tribal alliance who had a complete set of skill inheritance.

Yang Yi came to one of the bookshelves, which contained skill books for combat professions. There are six rows of bookshelves in total, and each row is marked with the name of the profession from top to bottom. They are murloc beachwalker (warrior), murloc tidewalker (hunter), murloc ambusher (stalker), murloc prophet (shaman), murloc tidewalker (mage) and murloc reedweaver ( Druid).

There are more empty spaces than books on each row of shelves. There are three or five skill books on them, and only one or two on them.

When a combat profession reaches level 6, there are at least twenty skills that can be learned. In comparison, the number of skill books on the bookshelf is really meager.

Therefore, even if the murlocs in Ratchet Town increase their level, the skills they can learn are very limited, and their strength is much lower than that of the tribal alliance at the same level.

Yang Yi is also worried about this matter. He is now both a fish-man beach walker and a hunter at level 6, and is working hard to break through to the expert level of level 7 and enter the elite ranks.

But with Ratchet Town's little wealth, he wouldn't have any skills to learn even if he was promoted.

At the same time, Yang Yi was also hesitating as to which direction to work towards.

"Should we try to upgrade the murloc walkers to level 7 first, or should we upgrade the hunters first?"

"Or simply change your profession? Let's start over and practice a legal profession. After level 6, work hard to become a water whisperer. In this way, you can learn a level 7 ultimate move from Jiagu."

"But this is unreliable. Jia Gu's home is in Pandaria. He can't find his way home now. He also hasn't figured out the skills after level 7."

Yang Yi was upset when he thought of this, so he simply stopped thinking about it. The boat will naturally be straight when it reaches the bridge, let's talk about it then.

Yang Yi took out a [Guidebook - Suspended Death] from the row of fish-man tidewalkers (hunters), went to the administrator to register, and then went downstairs.

As soon as I got downstairs, I heard two little fishmen on the first floor arguing.

It turned out that two little fishmen fell in love with a fishery book at the same time. They rushed to read it and quarreled over priority.

Although the books on the first floor can be browsed freely, each one is tied with a strong aquatic rope to prevent loss.

Two little fishmen were crowded under the bookshelf, each grabbing half of the open book, spitting at each other and screaming. Neither one was willing to let go first, and they were about to tear the book apart.

The little fish people watching on the side were not surprised and started making noises, wishing they could fight.

Yang Yi smiled bitterly. Before going upstairs just now, he thought to himself that the third batch of little fish people were sensible. It seemed that he was too optimistic.

He ignored these small disputes and just looked at the two quarreling little fishmen with the eyes of the fishman lord.

"Both D qualifications are unqualified. Such qualifications will probably reach the top once they are promoted to a high level. Without qualifications of C and above, there is basically no chance of being promoted to the elite level, and they are not considered talents." Yang Yi has seen a lot now. At the hero level, the vision is getting higher and higher.

"Although the first and second batches of little fish people were small in number, they at least had talents like Ben Bolba, Mojimusi and Guji Gudong sisters. How come in the third batch, no one with C qualification appeared? The third batch of small fish people has more people. In theory, there should be more talents. Is it because of bad luck that there is no chance of finding talents? "Yang Yi didn't know what was going on, so he could only attribute this to this. Probability.

Shaking his head, Yang Yi didn't want to do this. He left the library and planned to learn the [suspended death] skill before going on the expedition.

Before leaving, Yang Yi walked over and kicked the administrator who was watching the fun, asking him to "persuade" the two quarreling fishmen.

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