World of Warcraft Murloc City Guide

Chapter 393 Journey to the Wailing Cave

In the wailing caves filled with hot springs and waterways, Yang Yi let the giant crocodile of the dead swamp crawl at the front, while Brak and Magoffin walked behind it each holding cold light pearls.

The Death Swamp Giant Crocodile has the two specialties of "Thick Armor" and "Tough Life" to resist beating, which are most suitable for opening roads.

Steam erupts from the surrounding rock fissures from time to time, making a wailing sound, which is how the name of the Wailing Cave comes from.

The Wailing Cave is like a maze, and since there is no one to lead the way, they can only explore it on their own.

There are also many mutated beasts hidden here. They are very crazy and will rush up to bite them when they see the giant crocodile in the dead swamp.

It's a pity that what they encountered was not a good enemy. Yang Yi and the others took care of all these mutated beasts seeking death in a few seconds.

Thieving Eyes, who was walking in the middle of the team, suddenly stopped. She pointed to the side and said, "There is a purple-red flower in the crack of the stone there. Is it a [Viper Flower]?"

Yang Yi hurriedly stepped forward and took a look. Sure enough, there was a flower blooming in the crack of the stone.

This flower blooms in two layers, the upper layer is light purple, the lower layer is bright red, and there are a few green leaves holding the flower.

After checking it with the Lord's Eye, it turned out to be the [Snake Flower] that Pharmacist Zama wanted.

Yang Yi quickly picked the [Venomous Snake Flower] and put it carefully into her bag.

"If you look carefully for this kind of flower on the road, you still need to pick a few more." Yang Yi said.

After Yang Yi finished speaking, he was about to stand up when a mutated velociraptor suddenly emerged from the shadows beside him and charged towards him ferociously.

He had just been picking flowers, and he relaxed his vigilance for a moment.

Fortunately, Yang Yi was no longer an inexperienced rookie in combat. He rolled on the spot and escaped the ambushed mutant raptor.

The mutated velociraptor jumped into the air and immediately roared loudly.

All the nearby beasts were alarmed by the sound and surrounded him from all directions.

It seems that there is more than just a mutated raptor lying in wait.

"Ready to fight!"

Yang Yi shouted, and at the same time commanded the giant crocodile in the dead swamp to rush forward first.

The two fish-man beach walkers, Brak and Magoffin, joined forces to guard the rear, and the three legal professions, Jagu, Little Naga and Thief Eye, were protected in the middle.

There are all kinds of mutated beasts rushing over, including wind snakes, raptors, crocodiles, giant pythons, etc. They are all in the sky and underground.

Yang Yi didn't panic. As long as the front row could withstand it and give the three legal professions enough casting time, they could kill these mutated beasts one by one.

The huge body of the Death Swamp Giant Crocodile showed its advantage at this time. When it lay down, it blocked most of the attacks in front of it. The two murlocs, Brak and Magoffin, tried their best to intercept all the mutant beasts that came close.

The three legal professions hid behind and started the spell bombing.

Especially Jia Gu and Xiao Naga showed great power.

Jagu kept firing his water-flowing spear, punching through the mutant beasts that rushed over one by one, nailing them to the ground unable to move.

The little Naga didn't hesitate at all and used his ultimate move as soon as he came. The huge tornado rolled forward, blowing away everything in the sky, on the ground, and in the water.

Yang Yi still had time to spare. He looked around and found that there was not much defensive pressure on the front. So he took off the [Horned Eagle Longbow] and hid behind the huge body of the giant crocodile in the Dead Swamp to shoot arrows.

The targets he shot at were the mutated wind snakes flying in the air. The lightning breath of these mutant wind snakes is not only fast, but also a long-range attack, making them very threatening when gathered in large numbers.

As soon as the thief saw this situation, he concentrated on using water arrows with fast casting speed to make up for the leak, ensuring that Jagu and the little Naga would not be attacked by the mutated beasts at close range.

This was a brutal fight.

At least it was brutal against the mutated beasts that attacked.

After the fight, the corpses of mutated beasts were left on the ground.

Yang Yi and the others were more or less injured, but fortunately none of them were fatal. Wrap it with a first-aid bandage, drink a bottle of healing potion, and you'll be back on your feet in no time.

The most seriously injured one was the dead swamp crocodile, which had endured the most attacks. As a reward, Yang Yi fed it a few pieces of dried pork.

After taking a rest, the group continued on their way.

On the way, they encountered some mutant beasts, and they were all killed by the combined efforts of a few people.

During this period, some [Venomous Snake Flowers] were discovered, which were all put into Yang Yi's bag.

After wandering around in the maze-like wailing cave, several people finally came to the Dream Stone mentioned by the night elf Bo Ain.

"Lord, there is a stone platform in front of you, and there are several night elves lying on it." Brak reminded.

Yang Yi quickly stepped forward and saw that there was a large stone platform only knee high on the ground.

There were four night elves, three men and one woman, lying in a neat row on the big stone platform. Their condition was exactly the same as Boain's. They all had painful expressions on their faces, but they were all fast asleep.

Yang Yi used the Lord's Eye to check one by one and found Serfendis, the King of Venomous Fangs.

These four night elves should be the four leaders of the Fang Druids.

"Who arranged these four night elves so neatly?"

Yang Yi felt something was strange, and he glanced around.

The big stone platform is surrounded by a flat land, which is surrounded by deep pools on three sides. There is only one way in, and it is easy to see the whole picture clearly.

"There seem to be a few lying by the water."

Yang Yi found out and ran over holding the cold light pearl.

It was two tauren who fell by the pool, and their staffs fell to the ground.

Not far away there was a human lying flat on his back.

A closer look revealed that the two tauren were actually the archdruid Hamuul Runetotem and his student Nala Wildmane. The tauren in Thunder Bluff were looking for them everywhere, but they didn't expect them to be here.

And what about that human being?

Good guy, it’s Lu Xiaoming.

Judging from the situation of the two tauren druids, they seemed to be in a dream.

As for Lu Xiaoming, he seemed to be asleep, but Yang Yi knew that he was offline by looking at his peaceful and flat posture.

"What happened here?" Yang Yi was very confused.

Others were equally confused and couldn't figure out what was going on.

"Lord, what should we do next?" Brak asked.

"The wild beasts seem to be avoiding this place, so I'll wait and see here." Yang Yi said.

Now in the entire wailing cave, apart from the druids who were asleep and couldn't be woken up, there were only mutated beasts that couldn't communicate. If you wanted to ask someone, you could only wait until Lu Xiaoming came online.

After waiting like this for a long time, Lu Xiaoming's body finally moved.

On the fat face, a pair of small eyes slowly opened.

What came into view were the heads of several fishmen.

"Ah! I'm dead!"

Lu Xiaoming screamed and closed his eyes again.

Yang Yi was afraid that he would be frightened and go offline again, so he quickly shouted: "Lu Xiaoming! Get up!"


Lu Xiaoming quietly opened his eyes a little and finally recognized the fish-man in front of him.

"Ah, it's Brother Poseidon. Why are you here? I thought it was that scary fishman coming out again." Lu Xiaoming was greatly surprised.

Seeing that it was a familiar face, Lu Xiaoming jumped up and approached Yang Yitao.

Yang Yi pushed Lu Xiaoming away as he approached, "Tell me first what happened here."

"It's a long story." Lu Xiaoming said seriously. "This must have been a long time ago..."

Yang Yi glared at Lu Xiaoming with his fish-man eyes.

"Oh, I'll make a long story short." Lu Xiaoming was afraid of the fish-man mayor's eyes from the beginning, and even he himself didn't know why.

"I bravely braved the Wailing Cave with a few of my younger brothers. After an epic battle, I obtained four gems from the leader of the Fang Druid, and took them to the Elder Highlands in Thunder Bluff. Later, these two tauren He came back here with the gem, saying that he wanted to use the water here to redeem the untainted part of the fang druid's mind left in the gem, so as to awaken them. Then the two tauren not only failed, but also took their own lives. We both got in and fell asleep together," Lu Xiaoming said.

"You mean, you and a few of your younger brothers got the four gems from the leader of the Fang Druid?" Yang Yiwen asked, staring into Lu Xiaoming's eyes.

"Well, although what I said is somewhat different from the actual situation, it's more or less the same..." Lu Xiaoming's eyes drifted away.

As Yang Yi expected, this guy was bragging again.

Yang Yi gave Lu Xiaoming a look that was indeed true.

"Okay, okay. It's Mu Xiaolan who is coming to the Wailing Cave. She also asked Ouyang and his daughter Ou Chenqing to come as thugs. When I learned that they were coming, I followed them shamelessly. Oh, and there's Scarface. Ajie, there are five of us." Lu Xiaoming was aroused by Yang Yi's eyes, and he simply told the truth as if he was a dead pig.

"Of course, the really powerful ones are a group of tauren and night elf druids. Without them, Mu Xiaolan would definitely not be able to take away the four gems. She is really unlucky." Lu Xiaoming added.

"The tauren and night elf druids you mentioned are probably followers of Naralex." Yang Yi said.

"Yes, that's a mouthful of a name. Later, Mu Xiaolan followed them here and woke up the man named Nashkes. Then after he woke up, he left the Wailing Cave with his followers." Lu Xiaoming said.

Speaking of this, Yang Yi remembered the scene when he went to Thunder Bluff for the first time.

That time Yang Yi went to Thunder Bluff with Mu Xiaolan. He still remembered that Mu Xiaolan took the mutated snapjaw turtle shell to find Archdruid Hamuul Rune Totem. Later, Mu Xiaolan told him that Nala Wildmane dreamed of the four leaders of the Fang Druid lurking deep in the Wailing Cave, and needed to defeat them and retrieve the nightmare gems from them.

"Speaking of it, it was more than half a year ago. It turns out that Mu Xiaolan had already started to take action. Mu Xiaolan had been preparing for this for several months. With the help of Ouyang, a great expert, she also caught up with Naralex. Believers. According to Lu Xiaoming, Mu Xiaolan has obviously succeeded." Yang Yi thought.

"Forget it, I don't want to know this either. Please tell me in detail what happened to these two tauren after they came here, and why they also fell asleep." Yang Yi said.

"After the two tauren came here, they put four gems into the water, and then said they would use magic to purify the corrupted and polluted elements. It went smoothly at first, but failed." Lu Xiaoming As he spoke, he hesitated again.

"It's none of my business, I didn't do anything." Lu Xiaoming added.

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