Writing diary complaints and being seen by Iron Man

Chapter 144 Captain America 3? Avengers 25? 【1050 votes】

Chapter 144 Captain America 3? (×)Avengers 5? (√)【1050 votes】

Hearing this, Captain America Rogers felt bad, because it was not that he had not thought of this, or even vaguely thought of it, but he still wanted to defend himself instinctively.

But even if he is still alive, he must be very old by now, and it is impossible for him to still be able to cause such damage. Rogers defended the US team.

But if it really has something to do with Hydra, it's hard to say. Tony Stark said. Captain, have you ever thought that you can survive to this day through freezing, and is it possible for your good friend to survive to this day through similar means?

Impossible, it's absolutely impossible for ordinary people to survive under the ice. Captain America Rogers said.

Everyone nodded.

In fact, there has always been technology to freeze it and then defrost it when technology advances in the future.

Well, yes, to be precise, there has always been technology for freezing, but there is basically no technology for surviving after thawing.

Rogers, the American team, is the only one, at least the only one on the surface.

The principle is very complicated. To put it simply, there is too much water in the human body. When it freezes, it will form ice crystals and pierce the cells. In fact, the person will be completely dead by then.

Maybe there are other technologies? Tony Stark said. I checked relevant records recently. Hydra's technology can often be called black technology. For example, the super soldier serum was developed by Hydra. Later, Dr. Erkins defected to the United States. We just brought this technology here, and the technology of energy guns is something we can’t do now, but Hydra did it seventy years ago.

Oh, and that doctor named Zola uploaded his consciousness into a primitive computer seventy years ago. Can you imagine? These are all technologies that cannot be achieved now, so we cannot look at these technologies of Hydra from a conventional perspective.

Everyone was inevitably a little silent after hearing this. Indeed, Hydra's technology cannot be judged with conventional eyes.

But if he is alive, why doesn't he come back? Captain Rogers murmured to himself.

There are many reasons, for example, being controlled or brainwashed? Tony Stark said. This is an old man who lived seventy years ago. If it fell into the hands of Hydra, Hydra must have made some kind of transformation on him to increase his combat power. Otherwise, he is just an ordinary person. In the eyes of Hydra, people are probably just consumables, so he must have undergone some kind of transformation, some kind of enhancement of combat power.

After everyone thought about it, Tony Stark's analysis was still very reasonable.

If he were just an ordinary old man, why would he keep it for seventy years? No matter how advanced Hydra's technology was, the cost would definitely be very high.

Judging from the basic cost, we know that this Bucky Barnes must not be an ordinary person.

Captain America Rogers was heartbroken when he heard this. After his friend disappeared, he fell into the hands of Hydra. He did not know how many inhuman transformations he had gone through, and he might even have undergone some kind of brainwashing, and now he is fighting for someone else. Tool of.

So, isn't the focus of this civil war? Why is Bucky, the Winter Soldier, the key to the civil war? At this time, Bruce Banner said a little doubtfully.

For the past six months, Bruce Banner has left India and came to SHIELD's headquarters to help with some research.

At the same time, he was also afraid that Hulk would suddenly go berserk, so Bruce Banner did not dare to live in crowded places, so he simply lived in SHIELD.

In this way, even if it goes crazy, there will still be enough professionals to deal with it.

And SHIELD still has enough power to cope with the military's arrest of him.

Yes, why is there a civil war? Hawkeye Barton said.

The widowed sister Natasha looked at Tony Stark and Captain America Rogers as she said something, and then said, Is it possible that it's because of you two? Since Bucky, the Winter Soldier, is Captain's good friend, then The captain must protect him, but if he is really related to the bombing of the United Nations Headquarters, Tony, what will you do? Can you not arrest him? In other words, even if you don't arrest him, Fury, if the boss puts pressure on you , will you catch me? Isn’t the result of this split coming?”

When everyone heard this, their eyes suddenly lit up. Yes, with such an explanation, there was no reason for the split.

Even Tony Stark was lost in thought. Everyone knew that as a capitalist, Tony Stark would not speak for the US government by nature.

So if he really takes the side of the US government, he is really forced and has no choice.

Now this is a situation of necessity, because this is indeed a major matter. The bombing of the United Nations Headquarters is already a world-class terrorist case.

As a semi-official organization, the Avengers, if their superiors ask them to take action, can they say no?

But even if there is such a thing, it is not what he originally wanted. He is just a brainwashed tool. He is still a hero of the country, and he fought with all his strength for the United States. He did it to fight Jiutou Fighting with snakes is why we ended up like this. Rogers, the American team, explained desperately.

I understand your feelings very well. Logically speaking, he really shouldn't be blamed, but the problem is, it's true that he did such a thing. Nick Fury said.

But Captain America Rogers said excitedly: No, you don't understand. He has made great contributions to the country and is a true national hero. He cannot be treated like this. If someone is holding a knife to kill someone, then Can you tell whether the murderer was a person or a knife?

Everyone was silent. To be honest, they understood very well that of course it was the person who killed, not the knife. This was the basic truth.

No one is going to find a knife to take revenge.

But the crux of the matter is that Bucky is not a knife, he is a person, and as a person he must bear criminal responsibility, even if he is controlled by others, especially for those big shots who are above them, they don't care about this at all, they All you want is a result.

There is no point in arguing with them.

For a moment, Tony Stark also had a headache, and he didn't know what to do.

Emotionally, he supported Rogers, but intellectually, he felt that he couldn't ignore it.

I think if this matter is really related to Bucky, then he must be arrested, but I will hire the best team of lawyers to help him fight the lawsuit, and then the judge will find him not guilty. Or a misdemeanor, wouldn't it be better? Tony Stark touched his chin and then said.

For Tony Stark, who already has a large team of lawyers, there is nothing to worry about. In the United States, the law is just a tool played by big shots.

Not to mention that Bucky, the Winter Soldier, might have been controlled by someone when he committed the crime. Even if it was a case in which he was sane, his legal team would have a hundred ways to determine that Bucky, the Winter Soldier, had a mental illness.

If he is found to have a mental illness, his culpability can be reduced. In addition, Bucky, the Winter Soldier, is also a soldier fighting for his country and was brainwashed by Hydra, which is enough to make the jury sympathetic.

Anyway, there are many manipulation methods, and he is 80% sure that the Winter Soldier will be acquitted.

This is the nature of the capitalist world.

Captain America Rogers said gratefully: Thank you, Tony.

He knew that if what they just analyzed was true, it would be impossible for his good friend to not be contaminated at all.

It's good to be able to get away with it.

The key lies with Hydra. This Hydra is really guilty of heinous crimes. Hawkeye Barton said.

Everyone nodded, especially Captain America Rogers, who now only has boundless killing intent towards Hydra.

This organization that brings harm to the world has not changed at all after so many years.

Just as deserving of a beating.

But before they could think about it, a video appeared in the diary.

【Captain America 3? (×)Avengers 5? (√), to say that the civil war between the Avengers, the scale of the two sides' sway is enough to match the last Avengers Assemblage, so it is not so much Captain America 3, but Avengers Assemble 5. This The fight lasted until the earth was shattered.

Dutch Spider also appeared for the first time in this civil war. The father-son relationship between him and Tony Stark was also established for the first time in this environment.

If you want to talk about the biggest difference between Dutch Spider, Toby Spider and Garfield Spider, it is probably that he has a godfather like Tony Stark.

What does it feel like to have a wealthy godfather? That’s probably it!

But precisely because he has such a godfather to protect him from the wind and rain, compared with Toby Spider and Garfield Spider, his maturity is far insufficient. Can you believe that after defeating Thanos, Dutch Spider actually wants to go back to work on the streets? hero?

Although this is the normal direction of Spider-Man's timeline, it is too outrageous.

He just finished defeating Thanos, he just saved the universe, and the timeline of the multiverse exploded. He went back to be a street hero, and went to fight for gold. Can you believe it?

In terms of strength, Kingpin fought back and forth with Daredevil and the like. If he fought with Spider-Man, he really had to thank Spider-Man for showing mercy. If he didn't kill Kingpin with one punch, that would probably be all. Peter Parker is really a good old guy.

Speaking of which, I have to complain about the main universe’s Amazing Spider-Man. It’s such a stinking piece of shit. The content that best fits the name of the failed man in history actually allowed MJ to cheat on Peter Parker for four years. Please go check out the next door. How about Ultimate Spider-Man on set?

They are both Spider-Man, how can they be so snowy! 】

Lin Feng's daily complaints and off-topic remarks made everyone confused.

Because Lin Feng doesn't just do this once or twice, he often goes off topic from time to time.

Fifth update, 1050 votes added!

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