Writing diary complaints and being seen by Iron Man

Chapter 180 What happened in Sokovia?

This battle may seem small in scale and no one died, but it is the truly devastating result for the Avengers.

At the end of the picture, Zemo was imprisoned in a well-equipped prison, showing that he was also being tried.

Secretary Ross looked at him coldly and said: Eight o'clock in the morning, dinner at five o'clock in the evening! You can go to the toilet twice a day! If you speak loudly, I will shock you! If you touch the glass, I will shock you! If you do something excessive, I will punish you. Please, give it a try!”

This guy had caused a lot of trouble for him, and he didn't want to make it easy for him for a minute.

Colonel Zemo, on the other hand, had an expressionless face and no reaction at all.

Seeing that his threats were ineffective at all, Agent Ross was also very angry. He stepped forward and said, How do you feel? You spent so much time and made so many efforts, but in the end, you failed and failed miserably!

Colonel Zemo just smiled slightly and said, Did it really fail?

Everyone outside the screen understood Colonel Zemo's smile and words.

It seems that he failed in this matter, and even he, the mastermind behind it, was caught, but has the matter really been resolved?

not at all!

Because the Avengers have been compromised from within!

The Avengers, who were so powerful that they could even defeat aliens, were disintegrated by him from within.

The scene turned again, and in the exceptionally empty Avengers headquarters, Tony Stark was helping War Machine Rhodes undergo rehabilitation training.

This is the first training, give me feedback, whatever comes to mind! Tony Stark said while supporting War Machine Rhodes. Shock absorption, lateral movement, cup holders?

At this time, War Machine Rhodes was disabled, but Tony Stark specially developed related exoskeleton armor.

Maybe we should consider installing air conditioning down there! Rhodes joked, but fell to the ground the next second.

He tried hard to get up, and after a moment, he said with a wry smile: One hundred and thirty-eight times, one hundred and thirty-eight combat missions, I flew one hundred and thirty-eight combat missions, Tony, every time There may be no return, but I still go because it is a battle that must be fought!

The same goes for the Agreement. I signed it because it was the right thing to do. This matter is indeed a very bad thing, and it is bad, but it does not change my mind. I don't think so!

At the end of the video, Mr. Stan Lee made a cameo appearance to deliver the courier, and Tony Stark also got a permanent account ban.

Tony is a big piece of shit!

This time the video is finally over, and today’s diary is finally over.

But for everyone at SHIELD, they may have never experienced such a painful thing in their lives.

Seeing that the atmosphere was getting weirder and weirder, everyone had to bite the bullet and watch it all.

After a while, it was Nick Fury who spoke first and broke the silence. He said: This incident is also a huge warning for us. When we usually save the world and perform tasks, we must pay more attention. Try not to hurt anyone, we may just hurt one person and it may destroy the hope of a family.

For every person who dies because of us, the world becomes more angry.

It’s not just us who have normal human emotions, there are also ordinary people whose accumulated anger can devour everything.

Everyone nodded after hearing this.

This time, what happened to Colonel Zemo reminded them that the common man was so angry that his blood splattered three feet.

An ordinary special forces colonel, yes, to them, such a person can only be considered ordinary, but he clearly plotted against them, directly tearing apart the Avengers on that timeline, and even directly affecting People and things on their timeline.

Even their current Avengers could be torn apart.

If they didn't know that there would be a more terrifying enemy later, and the three giants would join forces to deal with Thanos, I'm afraid the Avengers could be disbanded now, and everyone would still go back to their respective homes.

What happened in Sokovia may have been an accident. It's best to find out why it exploded... Hawkeye Barton said. I always feel weird, don't you think? The boat I boarded in the previous video doesn't seem to be a traditional boat.

Of course it's not a traditional ship, Nick Fury said. Now that it's all said and done, and there are no outsiders present, I will tell you directly that the ship was developed internally by our SHIELD. It is a floating ship that is paired with the aerospace carrier to facilitate the entry and exit of personnel. of.

Project Space Carrier? Is it the space carrier you were on when the Chitauri invaded in the previous video? Tony Stark asked.

Nick Fury nodded.

Others obviously don't have the authority to know this.

So, you are actually saying that the city we were in at that time started flying? Tony Stark immediately reacted.

Since this airship is used to transport people to and from the space carrier, its purpose is very clear.

Plus what Colonel Zemo said about blowing up Sokovia.

After a little deduction, we immediately understood that Sokovia was flying up, so they wanted to blow up Sokovia. After all, if such a big city fell from high in the sky, how serious would the consequences be? .

It would probably be like smashing a hole into the earth, and then there would be another mass extinction of life on the earth. Not to mention all extinctions, maybe 90% extinction would not be a big problem.

Everyone reacted quickly and understood that if Sokovia fell from a high altitude, the consequences would not be much less powerful than the asteroid that caused the death of the dinosaurs.

But how can a city fly up? Is this reasonable? Hawkeye Barton couldn't help but ask. Is he another super villain? But this is only a few years after the incident in Sokovia. Could it be that someone has developed science fiction technology such as anti-gravity systems in the past few years?

Everyone nodded and shared this view.

It’s hard to imagine how much energy it would take to push a city high into the sky.

If it could really be done, then why would people on earth work so hard to build rockets and spaceships?

Just build a city and then push it directly into space to make a colony.

Isn’t that easier to use than any other technology?

But no matter who it is, no matter what method is used, this is obviously a reality. Tony Stark did not want to marvel at how outrageous this technology was developed.

Haven't you seen that Nick Fury's SHIELD has developed a space carrier?

I don’t really think that it can be done with a normal engine. There must be some breakthrough in new technology.

Yes, Tony is right, no matter who it is, no matter what method is used, but obviously, now that these have happened, there is no point in continuing to struggle. Bruce Banner said. The key is, how are we going to face this kind of thing in the future? If we encounter this thing again, should we choose to blow up Sokovia? The fragments exploded by then will cause countless lives to be destroyed. Even if Doesn't it matter if we didn't hit Zemo?

Bruce Banner brings up a very important point.

What should they do if the super villain appears again?

The biggest warning to them from this incident is that the huge damage they cause in the course of their actions may even come back to bite them.

Of course, the Avengers are not like Colonel Zemo said, saving the world and returning to New York. In fact, both SHIELD and Tony Stark have follow-up processing agencies.

Tony Stark even established a related foundation for this, but let's not talk about whether the money is enough to compensate for the losses. Just talk about the people who died because of it. Can money be solved?

Thinking of this, everyone had a headache.

The best way now is to know in advance what kind of super villain caused all this. But Lin Feng is the only one who knows this, so if you want to know, you can only use circumstantial methods to see if you can Influence him and let him record it in the diary. The widowed sister Natasha said.

When everyone thought about it, this was really the only way left.

By the time Sokovia goes to heaven, it will be too late.

I think it's very likely that the opponent is in Sokovia, and he's probably a locally produced supervillain, otherwise he wouldn't have chosen Sokovia. Coulson suddenly interrupted. I wonder, could it be Hydra? After all, that's their base over there. If anyone is the most likely, it's probably them.


Captain America Rogers shook his head very firmly, and then said: Although Hydra is crazy and ambitious, their ambition is to rule the world and become a master. If according to the results of our analysis, Sokovia will fly to high altitude If falling down may lead to mass extinction of life, then who will they rule?

According to Captain America Rogers' knowledge, although it is evil, to be precise, Hydra should be regarded as an evil and lawful camp. It has the idea of ​​​​ruling the world, but it should not have the idea of ​​​​cleansing the world.

It's hard to say. For example, there are often villains like this in some novels. They start the plan to destroy the world, and then make preparations in advance, survive intact until the world is destroyed, and then collect the remaining people. Appearing as a divine savior. Hawkeye Barton shrugged and raised a possibility.

Captain America Rogers opened his mouth. He originally wanted to say it was impossible. At least in his time, there was almost no such crazy idea of ​​destroying the world and then ruling the remaining humans.

But it’s not impossible!

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