Writing diary complaints and being seen by Iron Man

Chapter 261 The person who caused Ragnarok is Thor, the God of Thunder

But now, he finally realized, finally understood that his power came from his own bloodline and from Thor's godhead, not from Thor's hammer.

Thor, the god of thunder outside the screen, nodded with satisfaction. In the sacred timeline, he was not an idiot after all. Although he could not compare with himself who had realized the bloodline now, he was not an idiot at all.

I got a warning from my father in advance. Over the years, I have indeed relied too much on the power of Thor's Hammer, so much so that my father just sealed the power of Thor's Hammer, which was directly equivalent to blocking his power.

But he remembered that it was not like this at the beginning.

He didn't possess Thor's Hammer from the beginning. He only possessed Thor's Hammer after he became stronger. Then after he possessed Thor's Hammer, his combat power increased exponentially.

However, the problem is that the development of his own strength has stalled.

Now that he finally realized what the problem was, he no longer wanted to be teased as the Hammer God.

He is Thor! Not the Hammer God!

In particular, his sister is at the Heavenly Father level, and his old father is also at the Heavenly Father level, which shows that their family has such potential. There is no reason why they can do it, but he can't.

In the sacred timeline, I waited until my family was destroyed before I remembered this incident and thought about developing my own strength, but it was too late.

I am still very lucky.

This time, he will never make the same mistake again. He definitely doesn't need such a future.

What made him even more gratified was that his brother was still salvageable after all. Despite his usual bastard appearance, he was still very reliable at critical times.

While Thor, the God of Thunder, was still thinking about things in his mind, Thor and his younger brother Loki had also merged in the picture.

You're late! Thor said.

One of your eyes is gone! Loki was shocked and a little uncomfortable.

The Valkyrie next to them came over and said to the two brothers: It's not over yet!

The three of them had reached this point in the battle and felt exhausted, but Hela on the opposite side still didn't feel exhausted at all.

Only then did they understand that what their father, God King Odin, said that she would become more and more powerful in Asgard was not a joke, but a reality.

Power rises from the ground, and the current Hela is a typical example of power rising from the ground.

I think it's time to disband the Avengers!

Thor looked at the two of them and said helplessly.

Hit him with thunder and lightning! Loki ignored Thor's sudden words and asked Thor to attack Hela with his strongest power.

He just saw the terrifying power erupted by his brother. It was a form he had never seen before. If he had such strength, he would not have any thoughts of competing.

I just struck her with the strongest lightning ever, but she was unharmed!

Thor said with a sigh.

He had already used all his strength just now, and all the power of thunder he had just awakened was thrown at his sister Hela, but it only knocked the opponent away, but the opponent was still unharmed at all.

The opponent is too strong, a bit ridiculously strong.

If he knew the Heavenly Father level at this time, he would probably understand how big the gap between himself and the other party was.

We just need to hold her and get the people on board! said the Valkyrie.

Thor, the God of Thunder, shook his head and said, It's not that simple!

When he fought with Hela just now, he was pressed and beaten almost from beginning to end, and one of his eyes was blinded. He even unleashed his unprecedented potential and created the most terrifying lightning in history. The result was simply Nothing can be done about Hela.

It can only be said that the strength gap between the two sides is too big. Even if he suddenly explodes on the spot and breaks through to another level, he is no match for the other party.

Just now, I was not directly beaten to death by the other party. I'm afraid that the other party was really enjoying the feeling of cat catching mouse.

It was a joke and also a look down upon.

Otherwise, if the other party kills him directly, he will really be doomed.

The longer Hela stays in Asgard, the more powerful she will become!

Thor, the God of Thunder, explained helplessly.

He could completely imagine how happy Odin was when his eldest daughter was born, and how many rules and laws he used to bind Hela and Asgard together.

As long as Asgard can stay, her strength will become stronger and stronger.

Even I don't get such treatment. After all, fundamentally speaking, the other party is the eldest daughter, and I am actually the second son.

Her father must have put a lot of hope into her, but he didn't expect that in the end, the father and daughter would kill each other.

But now, all his father has left for him is a mess. How can he defeat such a sister?

There is no explanation at all as to how her father sealed her and exiled her in the first place.

I can't even imagine how powerful my father Odin is!

Odin at his peak was definitely not the kind old man he became later.

She will also keep chasing us, and we must deal with her here! Thor said.

Although he feels that there is no solution, Thor, the God of Thunder, must stop the opponent here and let his people escape. This is the responsibility that he must bear as a future king.

He has already thought of a way.

Then what are we going to do? Valkyrie asked quickly.

I don't want to scream for help again!

Loki said that he had done that thing of constantly shouting for help more than once or twice, and he would never do it again.

It seems that since the moment I started to get involved with the earth, I seem to have been shouting for help frequently and being thrown around by others. How can I look like the free and unruly evil god in the first half of my life.

Listen, Asgard is not a place, it is the people! Thor turned around and glanced at the people of Asgard who were scrambling to get on the spacecraft, and then said. Loki, instead of preventing Ragnarok, we must find a way to create Ragnarok!

Underground treasure house, Suterte's crown, this is the only way! Thor looked at Loki and explained.

So, is he going to let Ragnarok come? It turns out that the person who finally realized Ragnarok is myself? Thor, the God of Thunder, said in shock.

It can be said that he never thought that he would do everything possible to prevent the birth of Ragnarok in Asgard before he was beaten to death, but now he has to ensure that it happens.

It was also mentioned in the previous video that the way to cause Ragnarok is to place the crown of the flame giant Surtur in the eternal fire of Asgard, and then completely destroy Asgard.

At this time, he had figured out everything. Not only did he figure it out, everyone also figured out why Lin Feng mentioned it again and again in his diary that Ragnarok was unavoidable.

Because this is not a matter of knowing or not knowing. The more you know, the more you understand that Ragnarok is inevitable.

Because Odin used his own life force to seal the goddess of death Hela, and she is destined to return, and it is impossible for normal people to defeat the goddess of death Hela. To defeat her, the only way to defeat Asgard is to completely destroy Asgard.

And Hela, the goddess of death bound to Asgard, will also die together.

Therefore, Thor and the others are not only unable to prevent Ragnarok, they even have to make Ragnarok happen. Only in this way can everyone remaining in Asgard be saved.

And the person who really caused Ragnarok to happen was none other than Thor himself!

So Thor, God of Thunder, who knows this, not only cannot prevent Ragnarok, but also prepares in advance to make Ragnarok happen. For example, kill Surtur first, and then destroy the entire Asgard if necessary.

Asgard, it's the people, not the place! Thor, the God of Thunder, read these words. At this moment, he had an unprecedented understanding of the meaning behind this sentence.

There are many things that cannot be understood once you know them, otherwise there wouldn’t be so many people who know so many great principles and still not be able to live a good life.

At this time, both Thor, the inner and outer god of thunder, began to truly understand the true meaning of this sentence.

Loki in the picture was stunned for a moment, and then looked at his brother, feeling that he was admiring him, and then he said: It's a crazy idea, brother, even crazier than my idea!

However, he still didn't hesitate and turned directly towards the direction of the spacecraft.

Are you ready? Thor said.

You go first! Valkyrie said.

After saying that, the two of them joined forces to attack Hela. However, even though Thor's strength has been amazingly improved, he is still no match for Hela. To them, Hela's strength is still It was crushing, but fortunately, the two of them just wanted to delay the attack, and Hela still had a bit of a cat-and-mouse mentality, which allowed the two of them to delay the attack.

However, just as they were desperately stalling for time, the spacecraft was about to take off, but was stopped by Hela's magic and held tightly.

The entire spaceship could not fly out, and the countless undead soldiers climbed up along the black derivatives, and were about to kill all the people in the spaceship.

At this time, Loki has also arrived at the treasure house of Asgard, which is the place he usually dreams of. But at this time, he really has no time, and his only goal is the crown of the flame giant Surtur.

However, when he passed by the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, he couldn't help but stop and pocket it.

But he didn't know that this move would directly bring disaster to him, and even the entire Asgardian civilization would be destroyed because of this move.

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