Writing diary complaints and being seen by Iron Man

Chapter 263 The day when Hulk was left with a psychological shadow

But if it's the Six-Gem Thanos, it's hard to tell! the widowed sister Natasha said.

Everyone nodded, it was hard to tell.

But both of them are heavenly father-level existences, and no one of them can fight against them.

However, what surprised everyone was that the video did not end when Asgard was destroyed and the prophecy of Ragnarok came true.

In the spaceship, Thor looked at his blind eye and saw Loki's figure behind the mirror.

Loki looked at his brother and said, You deserve it!

And Thor, the God of Thunder, finally breathed a sigh of relief and said, Sometimes I think you might not be that bad, brother!

That's not certain. Loki said with a slight smile.

Thank you. If you were by my side, I really want to hug you. Thor said. He never thought that Loki would stay here. He threw something over, but Loki caught it directly. , said: I'm here.

And then, under the gaze of everyone, Thor came to the seat in the center of the spacecraft and sat down, symbolizing his ascension to the throne and becoming the next king of Asgard.

So, King of Asgard, where should we go next? Heimdall asked.

Thor thought for a while, and then said: I can't say, do you have any suggestions?

Everyone was waiting for him to make a decision. Finally, Thor thought about it and then said: Go to Earth!

Thor, the god of thunder outside the screen, thought for a while, and sure enough, he finally decided to come to Earth. In fact, coming to Earth might be the most appropriate and most likely outcome.

Because the earth is very suitable for Asgardians to survive. Now the remaining Asgardian army has been killed by Hela's undead army. Only a few old, weak, women and children are left, and they can go anywhere in the other nine realms. Neither of them can survive. The only place that is truly suitable is to go to Earth, which is equally weak.

However, at this time, the scene was not over yet. As the spacecraft moved forward, the two brothers Thor and Loki stood on the bow of the ship and looked at the boundless scenery of the universe. Loki said: Do you really think that we are the same when we return to Earth? Is that a good idea?

Yes, that's right! Thor nodded and said.

Now the only place he can think of that can take in the Asgardians is the Earth.

Of course, people on Earth love me, and I'm particularly popular. Thor nodded naturally and then said.

When Loki heard this, he was a little speechless, and then said: Let me make it clearer, do you really think it is a good idea to bring me back to Earth?

He knew very well that the people on earth had an unforgettable memory for Loki. How many people on earth had Loki killed?

Not to mention, Loki's own existence is also dangerous to the earth. Who knows whether he will suddenly betray him. Loki is the savior for the people of Asgard, but for the people of Earth, he is uncompromising. Not a devil anymore.

Maybe not, but I'm not worried, brother! Thor said. I think everything is going to be okay.

He has already thought about how to coordinate this issue with the Avengers. As long as his thinking does not slip, there are always more solutions than difficulties.

However, as soon as Loki finished speaking, a huge spaceship arrived in front of their small immigrant spacecraft.

Everyone outside the screen gasped.

Thanos! Tony Stark blurted out. This spaceship was very unique, and he knew it very well.

Can it be unclear?

At the end of the Avengers battle against Thanos, only Captain America Rogers was left alone. Then Thanos' army appeared, and the spaceship carrying Thanos' army was this one.

After watching that scene, he had nightmares several times in the middle of the night, dreaming that after this alien spacecraft arrived, the entire earth would be completely destroyed.

At this time, everyone remembered the fear of being dominated by Thanos.

At this moment, they suddenly remembered why Lin Feng said that he wanted to fight Shanghai, a heavenly father-level boss, and at the same time, he had to face Thanos, a heavenly father-level boss.

The two terrifying Heavenly Father-level bosses are enough to destroy everything.

No, to be precise, if the flame giant Surtur at his peak is also included, there were actually three heavenly father-level bosses who appeared one after another.

How can this be fought? There is a reason why Lin Feng does not dare to intervene.

They only saw Hela just now, and they thought they could see a big battle between the two. They didn't really see it until Asgard was destroyed in the end. They thought Lin Feng was wrong. Unexpectedly, they waited until everything was over. It’s a truly terrifying scene when Thanos comes knocking.

The huge spaceship suddenly appeared in front of Asgard's immigration spacecraft, and the fear of giants suddenly came up and enveloped the Asgardians.

[Loki probably didn’t expect that his momentary greed would bring disaster to Asgard.

Hulk probably didn't expect that he would suffer a psychological shadow one day even after being beaten to death! 】

Everyone looked at the content on the barrage and were stunned. A disaster?

Momentary greed?

Is it the Cosmic Rubik's Cube?

At this time, Tony Stark was the first to react and spoke.

It reminded him that when Loki was holding the crown of the flame giant Surtur, he passed by the space gem and saw that coveted look. He would never forget it.

So if there's anything that might attract Thanos, it seems like this is the only one.

Otherwise, Asgard, which has been destroyed, only has so many old, weak, women and children, and there is no time to bring out any treasures. How can it possibly attract the attention of Thanos?

Hulk was psychologically traumatized? At this time, Bruce Banner saw this sentence and seemed to have thought of something.

Doesn’t this match the previous video?

This is the serial number of the Asgardian refugee ship. We are under attack. Repeat, we are afraid that we are under attack!

The engine is completely destroyed and the life support device has failed. We request ships in the airspace to come to the rescue quickly!

We are twenty-two miles away from Asgard. Our crew are Asgardian civilians and have almost no armed forces. We are not a battleship. Repeat, we are not a battleship!

Along with the sound of radio waves, everyone saw Thanos' spaceship attacking the Asgard refugee ship. Although the refugee ship had an energy shield device, it was not a warship after all. How could it withstand it for so long? It was breached not long after.

After seeing this scene, Thor's face was extremely ugly. There is no doubt that in the face of Thanos' army, the entire Asgard has no power to fight back.

Even at its peak, it was terrible, let alone now that all the armed forces have been killed, leaving only the old, weak, women and children.

Then they saw the wreckage of a huge spaceship, with Asgardian people staggering around and being massacred.

Heimdall, who had been so high-spirited just now, was already lying on the ground. He was seeing more air coming in and less air coming out, and he was about to die.

Although it did not show the specific scene of Asgard's refugee ship being captured, looking at what happened later, you can probably tell that a fierce battle must have occurred.

Coupled with the content of the previous cosmic broadcast, they probably already know that the engine has been completely blown out, and the life support device has been blown up, so the remaining people, even if they don't die, will not be much better. .

After all, the people in Asgard are called the Asa clan, but in fact most of them are ordinary people, and there are only a few who truly have godhood.

Only those with godhood are gods and can survive in the void of the universe, because gods themselves are incredible existences, while the remaining ordinary people can only be regarded as divine creatures, much stronger than ordinary humans, but still not It's not that otherworldly and unique.

Listen, listen, please be happy for me!

This is your supreme glory!

It is to be saved by the great Titan!

Maybe you feel that you are in pain and want to die. No, this is redemption. The balance of the universe is balanced because of your sacrifices. Smile, even if you die, you are still the subjects of Thanos!

The camera zoomed in, and the person speaking was none other than Ebony Maw, one of the five Obsidian generals under Thanos.

But the camera turned again and Loki was found among them.

Everyone was shocked. Could this matter have something to do with Loki? Loki colluded with Thanos?

This is stubbornness! Tony Stark couldn't help but say. I really can't expect too much from him.

Thunder God Thor's eyes were also full of disappointment. He was so warm just now, but he felt that his brother was not so hopeless just now, but he hit him on the spot.

Along with Loki's sight, Thanos also appeared.

I know what it feels like to fail and feel so disappointed. Even if you did nothing wrong, you still have to accept the fate of failure!

Thanos said coldly.

The whole scene portrayed him as extremely cold and powerful. He pulled a person up from the ground. When everyone took a closer look, they found that this person was none other than Thor, the God of Thunder.

Thor, the God of Thunder, who was so high-spirited just now, was now held in his hands like a dead dog.

It's scary and chilling, but I ask you, what's the use of fear? It doesn't matter whether you're afraid or escaping, fate will always come. Now fate has come, or I say, I am your fate. ! Thanos dragged Thor's body like a dead dog, and he raised the Infinity Gauntlet.

Different from the Infinity Stones that everyone saw later, Thanos had only one Infinity Stone in his hand at this time, which was the purple light emitted by the Power Stone.

You talk too much! Even in this situation, with his whole head in someone's hands, Thor still refused to admit defeat and gasped.

Cosmic Cube!

Or your brother's head?

Thanos said calmly.

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