Writing diary complaints and being seen by Iron Man

Chapter 269 Loki, you are the villain, and the fate of the villain is to serve as a foil

Chapter 269 Loki, you are the villain, and the villain’s destiny is to set off the protagonist

He would never admit such a ridiculous thing.

And this is not what he cannot accept the most. What he cannot accept even more is the meaning of Agent Mobius's words, that is, all the things and status he has obtained now are what he is destined to have.

And what he desires and covets is what he is destined to not get, so it is impossible to get it.

In other words, now he can't get everything he wants, including the throne that belongs to him, the opportunity for fair competition between him and his brother Thor, the recognition of his parents, everything he longs for. , everything is gone.

And all this does not require any complicated explanation, just one sentence, that is, you do not have this fate.

If that was the case, then he would rather hear him say that because you can't defeat Thor, you can't get the throne.

In that case, he could still blame himself for not working hard enough and try to find ways to work hard in other ways. But if he couldn't get it because he was destined to not get it, that would be ridiculous.

He had just finished losing his temper, and then he saw what was going on in the video and was stunned.

He saw the conversation between himself and his mother, the mother he transformed using illusion magic, just after he was locked up in the future.

Then the dark elves attacked the palace, and you thought you led them to Thor! Agent Mobius explained.

In the picture, Loki is saying to the dark elf assassin: You should take the stairs on the left!

And this dark elf assassin was the one who finally killed his mother.

But instead, you let them go...

Agent Mobius said with a bit of ridicule.

Although he did not continue talking, everyone outside the screen had seen this section. It was a great tragedy on the sacred timeline.

Especially the God of Thunder, Thor, just thinking about it was enough to make him heartache, even though that was something on the sacred timeline, not his timeline.

However, just thinking about this possibility made him find it difficult to breathe.

Of course, Loki originally wanted to guide the dark elves to kill him, but he completely ignored it. As long as his brother didn't go for his mother, even if he came for himself and wanted to die, it didn't matter.

He won't be angry about this kind of thing, otherwise he would have been angry to death. There have been too many such things since he was a child.

In the screen, Agent Mobius continued to play the video, and soon it came to the scene where Queen Frigga was killed by the leader of the dark elves.

Seeing this scene, Loki couldn't stand it anymore, and he was about to explode.

He growled: Where did you keep her, where is she?

Just now, Loki was able to maintain his basic demeanor and dignity as a god, but when it came to his mother, who had taken care of him since childhood, he suddenly exploded.

He simply couldn't accept the scene in front of him.

It is true that he has resentment towards Odin and is dissatisfied with his brother Thor, but he has no resentment at all towards his mother who has treated him as one of her own since childhood.

Can't he tell if others are treating him well or not?

Queen Frigga even taught Loki all her skills from the witches, which is a treatment that even her own son, Thor, the God of Thunder, did not have.

Therefore, whether his mother is really good to him or not, he has a clear mind in his mind.

Now that he saw that in the future his mother would be killed because he pointed the wrong way, his mental state suddenly became bad, and he strongly wanted to deny everything in front of him.

Agent Mobius said calmly: You led them to her!

I don't believe it, you're lying, it's not true!

Loki roared one after another, his eyes full of disbelief.

He never thought that one day his father would die and his mother would die. Those were family members who had been with him for more than a thousand years. In his heart, there had never been a concept of death.

Although these races of the Aesir God System do not have immortality in the true sense, unlike other gods, but no matter what, they only lived a thousand years old. In terms of their life span, they are not even adults. superior.

He wasn't at the stage yet to think about his parents dying.

So now, Loki's mentality is exploded, completely exploded!

It's true! Agent Mobius directly exposed Loki's fantasy. This is the right flow of time and it happens over and over again because that's how it's supposed to be!

It has to be this way! Agent Mobius continued. And the Temporal Variation Authority will make sure of that!

What he said was extremely certain and firm, but this also made everyone outside the screen explode. They were also exploded like Loki, completely exploded.

Although what they were thinking about was different from Loki's, they were essentially the same. Who didn't have a sad past?

For example, Captain America Rogers missed the dance with Carter Page, the death of Tony Stark's parents, the widow's sister's encounter in the red room, and when he finally got the Soul Stone, he had to sacrifice his life, and the Hulk Hulk is hunted and he doesn’t even have a girlfriend.

And Doctor Strange is destined to break up with Christine and lose all his property and hands.

Scarlet Witch Wanda is about to lose her brother, husband, and two sons. Which one is not a human tragedy?

These are all things they want to avoid and strive to do.

But now I am told that all this is destined and prescribed by others!

And it will happen over and over again, just because the Time Variation Administration wants to ensure that any future that is different from this result will be eliminated.

They won't stand a chance.

How many people will die in this process?

Thanos has only killed so many people in total, which is half of all life in the universe.

And what about this Time Variation Management Bureau?

If there is a random timeline, it may be countless times the number of lives destroyed by Thanos.

They didn't have to go through this, but for the sake of the main timeline, it had to happen.

What kind of bullshit is this!

Fuck Destiny, fuck the Temporal Variation Authority, fuck the Sacred Timeline.

Everyone was furious.

At this time, they were rarely on the same front as Loki.

The existence of this Time Variation Management Bureau is like a big mountain and a kind of oppression to them.

As for the future timeline war, the multiverse will collapse. To be honest, they can't control things that far away. Even if they calm down and are rational, they may also agree with the sacred timeline, that is The existence of the main timeline.

But now I am really pissed off, how can I care about so much.

Besides, if the sacred timeline exists reasonably, wouldn’t they become an illegal existence?

In the scene, Loki heard this, and the only thing in his mind was the death of his mother, and he said in a daze: Where is she?

Agent Mobius said with a somewhat sarcastic expression: Tell me now, do you like to hurt others?

He had no good impression at all of this guy who didn't care about human life at all.

This is the reality. If he didn't need this Loki, he wouldn't bother talking nonsense.

Do you like killing people?

I do not believe you!

I will kill you!

Loki growled lowly, like a hurt beast.

Oh, like you killed your mother? Agent Mobius sneered.

After hearing this, Loki finally became angry and furious. He grabbed a chair and threw it at the screen, but it was of no use.

The next second he was reset back to his original position by time, posing no threat to Agent Mobius at all.

Sorry, time distortion will only make you go back and forth, but furniture will not! Agent Mobius told him the fact in an understatement.

Everyone saw this scene and looked at it silently. They probably figured it out in their minds. Just as they guessed, this Mobius agent could control Loki's time by relying on the collar. Without the collar, he wouldn't be able to control Loki's time. affected.

If they have to face the Time Variation Administration in the future, they may also need these things.

But in turn, it can also reflect the horror of the Time Variation Administration.

A group of ordinary people, relying on some special props, are actually able to ask for anything from a god like Loki.

Agent Mobius said calmly: Loki, you were not born to be a king. Your existence will only cause pain, disaster, and death!

It is like this now, it was like this in the past, and it will be like this in the future!

“So that everyone can be their best selves!”

At this time, Agent Mobius had already started to play the image on the screen, and that image was the image of the Avengers.

The Avengers off-screen were silent because they understood what Agent Mobius said.

In this Marvel universe, it is artificially divided. Some people are positive characters and protagonists, while some people are negative characters and villains.

And they are the protagonists, at least most of them are supporting actors!

He's a positive character, I guess.

But Loki is different. Loki is a villain, and his existence is to promote the greatness of these protagonists.

Although their positions were completely different from Loki's, everyone instinctively showed a bit of displeasure after hearing this statement that treated people as tools.

Loki didn't believe the facts in front of him, but kept asking: What on earth is this place?

Up to now, Loki has just begun to accept this reality. Perhaps, this may really be related to the reality of the entire timeline. He may be truly exposed to the truth of this timeline, the truth of this world, and this pluralism for the first time. The truth about the universe.

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