He smiled cutely.

  The place to go is another bay seen in the travel guide. Compared with the seaside hotel that I stayed in these two days, it is a more mature tourist development area, which brings together all kinds of interesting shops and diverse resorts and resorts. attractions.

  It should feel interesting.

  "Want to eat a plum? It's sour to refresh my mind."

  "Then I want one."

  Fang Mingjing took a green plum from Nakiri Erina, but he didn't rush to eat it after he got it, but after watching Conna also took one and put it in his mouth, he said "〃. woo" not long after. With a sound, he tightened his brows, and even his tail, which had been swaying behind him, tensed.

  It looks very sour...

  When Fang Mingjing was biting the green plum with great care, Yakumo Zi smiled, she looked at this narrowly: "The little group leader looks so unmotivated, do you mean, what did you secretly do last night? Bad thing?"


  As if he was stabbed, Fang Mingjing showed a flustered expression, which was very easy to understand.

  "Ah? What a suspicious reaction, do we really get it right?"


  He muttered, then quietly glanced at his sister next to him, and said, "It's not a bad thing."

  Yakumo Zi smiled mysteriously.

  Fang Xinwu pursed her lips and showed a gentle expression to her younger brother.

  "Speaking of which, this vehicle is really convenient, and there is also an air conditioner. Oralie doesn't have such a convenient item."

  Sitting in the passenger seat, Hestia fiddled with the air outlet of the air conditioner. She looked around curiously, and the seat belt made a particularly conspicuous mark in front of her, "Can this thing be opened?"

  She was talking about the sunroof in the car.

  "...This, I think it's best to keep a low profile."

  The person in charge of driving the car is Asaki Iwa.

  Dressed in casual clothes, she looked like a beautiful young woman when she was driving a car skillfully.

  "After all, we don't have the driver's license and identification in this world, and it will be particularly troublesome if we are found out."

  "That's right."

  Hestia nodded somewhat incomprehensibly.

  In fact, when everyone entered the hotel yesterday, they encountered some troubles because of identity issues. At that time, Yakumo Zi simply used a little trick to fool it.

  But from this point of view, it also proves that everyone has the ability to do whatever they want in this world... It's just that everyone is not interested in making a mess of other people's worlds.

  Then, after more than an hour's drive, the vehicle quickly arrived at its destination.

  Fang Mingjing ran out of the car first.

  The oncoming fresh air made him swept away the previous dullness, and the amorous feelings of the seaside in the southern country that unfolded in front of him did not live up to everyone's early expectations.

  "What shall we do?"

  "Let's take a look at the commercial street first?"

  "I haven't had breakfast yet."

  "I'm looking forward to it."

  The girls came out laughing and talking.

  Although it was still very early, the sun was obviously not too unbearable, but Fang Mingjing still had a small straw hat on his head.

  ".〃 Don't run around alone."

  "...Sister said something like an aunt would say."

  After speaking, Fang Mingjing felt the hat on the top of his head being pressed.

  Then he happily asked his sister to hold his hand.

  After Nakiri Erina noticed this, a look of disappointment flashed in her eyes. Although Fang Mingjing didn't notice it, he stopped a step and took the initiative to put his other hand on the girl's. hand.

  Nakiri Erina suddenly showed a happy expression.

  The commercial street is not far from the parking place. When you walk past, you can see that there are not many tourists in this place.

  The relatively spacious road is lined with exquisite commercial shops, and there are various styles of colorful, especially in the middle of the road (for money), there is a transparent glass plank road, and there is a continuous flowing clear river below.

  "Hmm. It seems like they're all looking at this."

  "Sure enough, it's still too conspicuous for everyone to be together, Miss Zi, you should have a solution, right?"

  Because most of the people who play in the commercial street are young people, no matter how many men and women, they can recognize one or two in this pedestrian.

  The voices of surprise and surprise kept coming.

  Although most people only thought it was Cospaly, it didn't affect their attention, and some people even took out their mobile phones to take pictures.

  Yakumo Zi raised her hand gently.

  After a cognitively impaired operation, the existence of a group of people suddenly became inconspicuous, and the movements of passers-by who were about to take pictures also stopped, and there was a bit of confusion in their eyes. .

Chapter 230

  "Pearl...isn't it a bit too tacky?"

  "But the shell bracelets here are pretty nice."

  "It feels like a good fit for you."

  "is it?"

  "Boss, we want it here."

  A corner of the shopping street.

  While the girls were negotiating prices with the store owner in a lively manner, Fang Mingjing, who was standing outside the store, ate a cola and a hamburger.

  "Ah? How does the small group owner eat this?"

  "Is it not good?"

  "It's rare to come to the beach, don't you try something you don't usually get the chance to eat?"

  "But I don't usually have the opportunity to eat McDonald's nutritious breakfast..."

  Looking at Yakumo Zi with a gentle smile, Fang Mingjing said.

  "And if you accidentally eat something delicious here, wouldn't it be troublesome to have to come over to eat it in the future?"

  "...I really can't say enough about you."



  The two stood at the door of the store waiting for the other girls to pick and choose in the store. Fang Mingjing didn't see them come out after eating the hamburger slowly, but the two of them were still very patient.

  "How about borrowing my hat?"


  Fang Mingjing 800 felt light on his head, and then Yakumo Zi took the straw hat and put it on his head.

  The beautiful woman in a dress holding an umbrella and wearing a straw hat on her head was surprisingly cute, especially when she showed a playful smile.

  "Well...it doesn't seem to match today's clothes."

  "It looks a little strange."

  "Then give it back to you."

  The two of them had a good time talking, and a few people in the store almost came out.

  Fang Mingjing noticed a string of beautiful shell bracelets on her sister's wrist.

  The other girls also had more or less things, and even there was an additional object like a small shell hairpin on the edge of Conna's pair of cute dragon horns.

  "Long wait."

  "Does my sister like shells?"

  "Does it look good?"

  "General..." Fang Mingjing drank all the Coke in the glass through the straw, and said, "I'll go back and get a lot of shells out of the sea."

  It might sound naive to passersby, but Fang Xinwei smiled and nodded.

  The girl took his little hand.

  "Can my brother still eat?"

  "You can eat it."

  "Then sister will buy you a lot of delicious food."


  Fang Mingjing's appetite has been getting bigger and bigger since he started to be breastfed.

  Because he wants to eat more every time.


  After that, everyone who had been shopping for a whole morning sat on the seats in the square to rest.

  The direct sunlight does not make people feel hot, or it should be said that the air here is circulating and the wind is always uninterrupted, so it is just right.

  "I really bought a lot of things."

  "Hey... I didn't pay much attention. When I came back to my senses, I realized that I bought too much."

  "It's basically clothes."

  "Ashaji's necklace is beautiful."

  During the break, the girls chatted and laughed according to the original pace.

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