With eagerness and even her eyes moistened, she gently put her hand in front of Fang Mingjing's chest.

  The feel of a child's tender skin.

  Bayi Yonglin couldn't help showing an overly beautiful smile on her delicate face. She leaned down to Fang Mingjing lying on the hospital bed, so close that Fang Mingjing could even feel the fragrant smell of her breath.

  "The temperature is normal."

  She came to this conclusion.

  Then he smiled, looked at his little face warmly, and said aloud:

  "Mingjing...Little guy, is that what you call you?"


  "The next step is to check the heart rate and relax a little bit more."


  It's not an easy request, at least for now.

  Because the distance between Bayi Yonglin and him is so close that even Fang Mingjing can smell the fragrance of her body, and the fragrance of that plump and mature body makes him a little shy for a while. .

  As I said before, Bayi Yonglin is the kind of woman with a dignified temperament, mature and beautiful.

  For a little Zhengtai like Fang Mingjing, it seems that he naturally longs for such an existence.

  "I don't seem to be able to relax."

  Feeling it with the hand on his heart, Bayi Yonglin said softly.

  But it seemed that it didn't matter to her, and slowly, she leaned down her beautiful face like poetry and painting, and put her ears on his heart.


  Fang Mingjing felt a little bit squeezed, and the temperature of the touch made Fang Mingjing a little restrained, and he couldn't help but ask with concern:

  "Master, don't you need a stethoscope?"

  "There's no such thing."


  Looking at the stethoscope hanging by the bedside, Fang Mingjing nodded for some reason.

  "Heart rate is fine."

  "Blood circulation is normal, blood pressure is maintained at normal standards... eh? Little guy, your appetite should be very small."


  Can you even hear this?

  The little saint had a frightened expression, but Bayi Yonglin smiled. She still put her ear to his heart, and gently caressed his young and delicate body with her long, white fingers. .

  "Could it be a kid with a sweet tooth?"

  It's cute just thinking about it.

  Such a lovable appearance, a childish expression, and even the feeling of her body are so comforting... For her, this is like a god-sent treasure.

  Bayi Yonglin only felt that her mind must be activated.

  "Well, I don't like sweets."

  Fang Mingjing felt very uncomfortable feeling the hand that Bayi Yonglin gently caressed her cheek.

  At first, he also thought that Yakumo Zi's claim that the other party was Zhengtai control should be slander, but now that he looked at it, it turned out to be the truth at all!

  If not, then there is really no explanation.

  After all, she is a doctor who can even refine the elixir of life. She is like a doctor in medicine. She has no reason not to be proficient in this kind of essentials. ——But now, her medical examination process is too abnormal, as if she was deliberately taking advantage of him.

  "What's the matter, little guy?" Bayi Yonglin finally raised her head, she looked at the child gently, with earnest eyes, "It seems a little too cautious."

  "...Because of the doctor's physical examination, it's a bit strange."

  "Is it because of this? Well, but most of them have already been checked. Except for the relatively high intake of lactose, your body is very healthy."

  Although he had expected such a result, Fang Mingjing couldn't help but be happy when he heard the answer. ——After all, when you are healthy, it is always worth celebrating when you know there is no problem.

  But what is lactose?

  When Little Saint Child felt doubts, Bayi Yonglin immediately gave a thoughtful answer: "It doesn't matter, as long as you eat less milk or dairy products in the future."

  Is it because of too much milk...

  Hmm, if it's because of this, then it's not impossible to understand.

  Sister's, Aunt's, and Grandma's...

  So eat at least twice a day.

  "Okay, you can rest here first, I'll go to prepare the refining medicine now."


  Ah, if you have read the old book, you will probably find this chapter very familiar. .

Chapter 353

  Bayi Yonglin refined the medicine.

  It was a few red pills with a slight aroma, and it was accompanied by a glass of water.

  After Fang Mingjing swallowed it, he soon felt that his depleted spiritual power and consciousness were gradually reacting, and it seemed that he was slowly recovering.

  However, not yet.

  Although I feel that my body is gradually starting to recover, there is still a long way to go before full recovery.

  "Because the potency of the medicine has not been completely dissolved, it is necessary to use some auxiliary means."

  Explaining in a gentle voice, Bayi Yonglin stepped forward, "Come on, turn your body over first, then lift up your clothes."

  "Eh? What are you going to do?"

  "Help you absorb the medicine."

  The sage of the moon, who said so, did not know when her hands were covered with brown, slightly transparent viscous liquid, and she moved her fingers as if wiping away the light brown liquid.

  The medicines refined by Bayi Yonglin are different from the medicinal pills in the Holy Land - the latter are generally transformed into pure medicinal power and have a rapid effect when they are taken, while Bayi Yonglin's medicine takes some time.

  "The ointment that was refined not long ago can be absorbed into the skin with massage, which can promote the rapid dissolution of the medicine."

  Huh?Does the physical examination turn into a massage?

  However, without Guan Fang Mingjing's astonished reaction, as if he couldn't wait, Bayi Yonglin's hands were already on his back.

  A little cool.

  The low temperature smeared on the back in an instant, the feeling really makes people wonder if ice water is smeared on it?

  But Bayi Yonglin was pressing very gently, her tender and slender fingers seemed to be pressing the acupuncture points with ingenious force, so Fang Mingjing soon felt her body warm.

  Incredibly comfortable.

  It can relieve fatigue and relax the spirit more than expected. In an instant, Fang Mingjing felt a little sleepy unconsciously. He put his arm on the pillow and let out a light sound with the massage.

  "...this is kinda awesome"

  "After all, massage also involves medical skills."

  It seems that no one has such an honor except Princess Kaguya of Yongting Pavilion.

  Even so, Hachi Eirin herself seemed to be satisfied.

  The feeling of touching Fang Mingjing's skin made her feel a little dazed.

  this kid...

  Makes me want to hug him...

  Maybe it will be a very happy thing, and even just thinking about it, I have already begun to feel a little uncontrollable.

  such a child.

  such a child.

  Is it really, is it a treasure given to me by God?

  Thinking like this, because of the uncontrollable excitement, my heart is too hot.

  Eight cloud purple...

  How could that disgusting guy have something to do with this kid?

  Hachi Eirin unconsciously felt jealous.

  "Little guy, turn over..."


  no response.

  Remaining on his stomach, he closed his eyes leisurely, as if he had fallen asleep?


  Couldn't help but smile.

  Perhaps at this moment, Bayi Yonglin didn't realize how gentle the smile on her face was.

  Guess even she herself doesn't know why she is like this today, right?Just because of looking at him, inexplicably became a little carried away.

  However, that's not bad either.

  At least at this time, her mood was much more active than before.


  The power is back.

  For Fang Mingjing, it seemed that it was just a matter of taking a nap.

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