Kang Na quickly got off Fang Mingjing's back.

  As soon as she went like this, Fang Mingjing sat up immediately, and then heard him muttering: "I'm not pretending to be dead, it's just that Kang Na is too heavy, I just accidentally lost consciousness just now."

  "Little idiot, it's very rude to say this to a girl."

  There was still no response from Kang Na, so Fang Xinwei gently hugged him.

  Fang Mingjing hummed and smiled.

  But then his attention was completely attracted by the drink, and he propped himself up in his sister's arms.

  "Is it Coke?"

  "Yes, but my sister also added blackcurrant juice and lemon."

  "Oh oh..."


  Connor had almost run out of drinks over there.

  The taste of iced cola itself is nothing to be picky about, plus the sweet and sour black currant, and the sliced ​​lemon will feel very refreshing...

  Speaking of which, it's already hot summer on this side of the earth.

  That day, the chat group talked about the location of the second party and there was still no result, and Kang Na came here to find Fang Mingjing to play.

  Although the earth is not much different from the world she originally lived in, Kang Na doesn't care about this at all, her purpose is just "wanting to play with the group owner".

  "Where do you want to go these days?"

  Fang Xinwei massaged Fang Mingjing's cheek with gentle force.

  "Hmm, the seaside?"

  "The seaside is good, but after playing for so many days last time, didn't my brother feel tired?"

  "Is there?"

  After thinking about it carefully, it turned out that I didn't seem to have any impression.

  But it's really boring to go to the beach again.

  "Or do you want to travel?"

  "Where to go?"

  "For example, from Italy?" Fang Xinwei said, and couldn't help smiling, "After all, my brother likes pizza. The pizza over there is very famous, and there is also Venice Water City to visit."

  "I don't think it's funny...it doesn't feel like much."

  "Then why don't you go to Norway? But if it's not winter, you shouldn't be able to see the aurora."

  "No, I still want to play with my sister at home!" He suddenly slammed his head into Fang Xinwu's arms.

  "Don't deliberately say such things to make my sister happy~"

  Hehe hehe

  After drinking half of the drink, Fang Mingjing went to Kang Na's side again - in fact, the two were discussing to play a game together just now.

  But not long after holding the controller and entering the game, Kona suddenly asked:

  "Am I heavy?"

  "No way..."


  Connor's tail flicking behind her was obviously lighter.

  Fang Mingjing's eyes suddenly became a little subtle - Kang Na can turn her tail into an electrical plug and insert it into the socket, and obtain physical strength and magic power by absorbing electricity.

  She just did it at home.

  Fang Mingjing curiously checked the power consumption, and found that in just three minutes, the power consumption was more than [-] degrees... In this case, Kang Na's priesthood was not full at all.

  "You two can only play for a while. After all, Kona still has a lot of summer homework to do, right?"

  "summer homework?"

  Fang Mingjing turned his head curiously.

  "I will do it." Although she is a giant dragon, Kang Na is indeed a good child who will obediently complete her homework.

  "Then what should I do with Kona's homework?"

  "Then do you want my sister to help you arrange it?"


  Fang Mingjing didn't want to find something to do for himself. While looking at the TV screen in front of him, he completed a set of neat combos through the game character on the controller, and quickly emptied half of the health of Kang Na's game character.

  Fang Xinwu just smiled.

  When the two of them were playing games, she held an apple in one hand and a knife in the other, and cut them into small pieces and fed them into their mouths.

  "The group owner bullies people."

  "After all, I'm too strong... Don't change the game?"

  "it is good."

  Time passed slowly and steadily.

  When Fang Mingjing was completely immersed in the game, what he didn't notice was that the chat group quietly changed a little without any prompts.

  [The number of active chat groups has met the trigger conditions]

  [The number of chat group crossing functions meets the triggering conditions]

  [Open special crossing function - hunting ground].

Chapter 423


  The room was lit.

  Although it was time to turn off the lights and rest, Fang Mingjing felt that it was still a little early.

  He was lying on the bed looking at his phone.

  I'm not playing games, but browsing some strange news.

  But not long after, a "line~" sound came from his mobile phone, and then it vibrated.

  You got news?

  Surprised, Fang Mingjing quickly switched to the line app.

  After paying off the money owed to everyone, he has now turned on the roaming traffic function of the chat group.

  Jinghe Ashaji: "Is Xiao Mingjing resting?"

  Fang Mingjing: "Yes~"

  Simply type two words to reply.

  In the next instant, the phone vibrated again, and the information on the opposite side was displayed in front of Fang Mingjing's eyes.

  Jinghe Ashaji: "That's great."

  Jinghe Ashaji: "Sister Ashaji also took photos and videos today, will Xiaomingjing still want to watch it?"


  Before Fang Mingjing could reply, the phone started vibrating continuously.

  Jinghe Asha Ji: "Picture 1.jpg"

  Jinghe Asha Ji: "Picture 2.jpg"

  Jinghe Asha Ji: "Picture 3.jpg"

  ...14 unread messages.

  Jinghe Asha Ji: "Video 1.mp4"


  When the picture kept swiping down, Fang Mingjing's small face was already a little hot, and when he accidentally clicked the last video file, the sound from the phone instantly made him scrambling. Mute the volume.

  so close……

  Fang Mingjing: "Wow, Sister Ashaji..."

  Little Saint Child's reply seemed particularly cramped.

  If he sent these things through the private chat window of the chat group, he probably wouldn't have such a reaction other than being shy... But, should it be said that the mobile phone is more interesting?A message sent by Jinghe A15 Shaji intentionally through a mobile phone.

  Fang Mingjing realized her thoughts from her behavior - the coquettish and dignified sister Yuma Ninja should be seducing her to play in the past.

  as predicted,

  Jinghe Ashaji: "Don't Xiao Mingjing want to come to Sister Ashaji?"

  Fang Mingjing was holding the phone and was about to reply, but at this time, the door of the room was pushed open.


  After taking a bath and changing into pajamas, Kang Na placed a small pillow next to Fang Mingjing.

  Then she came over.

  After lying down in a very well-behaved posture, Kang Na looked at the white ceiling for two or three seconds, and suddenly turned over, wrapping her hands and feet on Fang Mingjing's body.

  It looks a bit like a koala...

  Seeing how she was staring at her, and her sister had already returned to her room, Fang Mingjing had to put away her phone first.

  He gradually regained his composure.

  "Group leader, what shall we eat tomorrow morning?" Kona asked in a soft and cute voice.

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