
  This Erina's figure is very nice (I hope the picture is not swallowed).

Chapter 608

  Fang Mingjing's expression suddenly became very ugly.

  He knows who the guy in front of Meng Lang is, and has a lot of understanding of his personality - Sanji, a member of the "Straw Hat Pirates", this guy is an out-and-out lecher, and he often sees beautiful women immediately. I can't walk, and my interest is to surround the beauties and show affection as a licking dog.


  Nakiri Erina was quite frightened by the overwhelming licking aura of the other party, causing her to take a step back subconsciously.

  Fang Mingjing stared at each other closely.

  "Hey, this isn't a good time, Sanji-kun—!"

  "Sanji, come back quickly!"


  The urgent cries of his companions Brook and murloc Jinping came from behind, which made Sanji turn his head impatiently when he was surprised.

  I saw that most of his companions were a little nervous at the moment.

  Sanji didn't know, but Brook, Nami, and the others knew that Fang Mingjing was a monster that could easily destroy the Four Emperor Pirates, and in the face of their companion 15, Sanji actually ran over to provoke... Although this provocation is not provocation, for some people, this situation is much more serious than provocation.

  "Sanji, you guy, at least take a look at the situation!!!"

  Nami was about to get dizzy, she and others managed to find this companion while taking advantage of the chaos, but she didn't expect that the other party would appear in a blink of an eye to ask for trouble, so she walked up and dragged the chef's In the blink of an eye, the other party, Ming Jing and Nakiri Erina, both laughed, dragging this guy with a smile, ready to reveal the matter.

  "Ah, Nami-san...!!!"

  However, Sanji, whose ears were pulled by Nami, showed his talent for shaking dogs and licking dogs, and his body trembled into waves like a nympho.

  Fang Mingjing sighed.

  When he used to watch anime, he thought how funny the other party was, and now he is speechless, and in addition to being speechless, there is also a response...

  You must know that Fang Mingjing's possessiveness has always been very strong.

  Thinking about it, when Fang Mingjing was raising his hand to do something, Luffy, who was standing at the back picking his nostrils, let out an "ah" and pointed at Fang Mingjing in surprise: "You're not the one who was in Chambord before—!"

  "Did you just react?"

  "Ahaha... I forgot before." The other party touched the back of his head with a silly look on his face.

  Strictly speaking, Fang Mingjing and the Straw Hat Pirates are quite related.

  When they were in the Chambord Islands two years ago, the Straw Hat Pirates caused a huge riot because they punched the Tianlong people at the auction, and then Fang Mingjing, who suddenly appeared, took the Tianlong people as slaves and played with them... After that Admiral Kizaru arrived, but Fang Mingjing attracted the firepower of the other party, which also allowed the Straw Hat Pirates to escape from the navy's containment.

  They probably haven't been photographed by bears and flew all over the world like the original book, but seeing them appear here at the moment, I want to go around in the plot, but in the end they didn't deviate too much.

  But all this has nothing to do with Fang Mingjing.

  "Although it won't kill you, but..."

  It also needs to be taught enough lessons.

  Thinking like this, a smile appeared on Fang Mingjing's face, and he held a delicate knife in his hand under the surprised and cautious eyes of the Straw Hat Boys.

  "Break it, Jinghua Shuiyue."

  In an instant, the world shattered like a pane of glass.

  But after it was broken, nothing happened. The opposite side was on guard for a long time. When the guard was relaxed, they looked at each other, and the straw hat boy looked left and right, and then asked stupidly: "What did you do?"

  "What did you do... It's more intuitive to ask your companions."


  Not aware of the existence of danger, several people slowly relaxed their vigilance, and Sanji, who was questioned, couldn't touch his head. He carefully felt his situation, looked around, and finally found something wrong.

  "What about Nami-san and the lovely lady just now?"

  "What are you talking about, Sanji, I'm not here..."


  Looking at the ordinary-looking woman in front of him, Sanji finally realized the seriousness of the matter, and his face suddenly turned pale.

  "Hey! What did you do to Sanji!?"

  Although he didn't know what happened, Luffy suddenly stood up when he saw Sanji's appearance.

  "Just distorted his aesthetics, the more beautiful women will become in his eyes, the more ordinary they will become, and the uglier women will become more beautiful in turn..."

  "Oh, that hasn't changed."

  "Nothing has changed!! Now the problem is serious!!?"

  Sanji jumped up and shouted, grabbing the captain's collar, while the latter laughed heartlessly.

  But Fang Mingjing had ignored them, and he continued the treasure hunt with Nakiri Erina's hand.

  Because Fang Mingjing's expression was too leisurely, it didn't look like a hostile attitude at all, so Brook and Jinpei also subconsciously gave way.

  When the two of them walked away from each other and left the noisy movement behind, Nakiri Erina suddenly couldn't help but chuckle.

  "Sister Erina?"

  "Brother Mingjing, were you jealous of Erina sister just now?"


  Fang Mingjing was stunned when he heard this question.

  He tilted his head, then smiled sullenly: "Well... I felt a little angry just now."


  Looking at his pure little face,

  For a moment, the girl felt like her heart was being stabbed hard.

  Ming Jing's younger brother is actually jealous...


  Seems to be regarded as forbidden by Ming Jing's younger brother...

  Just thinking of such a thing, she couldn't help feeling joy, and she was even overwhelmed by it. .

Chapter 609

  The two finally found Big Mom's treasure in the deepest part of the castle.

  It was a special treasure house. The spacious room with a ceiling of more than ten meters did not need any firelight. The light emitted by the mountains of gold coins and various gemstones was enough to illuminate the entire venue.

  It is quite shocking to see so many treasures at first glance.

  However, simple treasures are difficult to shake the minds of Fang Mingjing and Nakiri Erina. After stopping for a while at the entrance, the two smiled tacitly at each other - this castle exploration game has reached the end.

  "There are quite a few Devil Fruits."

  Fang Mingjing noticed a few boxes near the Gold Coin Mountain. After opening it, it turned out that it contained Devil Fruits.

  "Really... this thing looks and feels really amazing."

  A wonderful fruit with a spiral pattern in the shape of arabesque—to be honest, it’s hard to make one want to eat this kind of thing just by looking at it.

  one two Three……

  Fang Mingjing took a count and found that there were six Devil Fruits in total, and then he looked at Erina.

  "Sister Erina is interested... um, uh, it's not good, it's not good if Sister Erina eats a strange fruit."

  Holding the box, Fang Mingjing muttered softly.

  But the girl heard it really, she pursed her lips and smiled.

  "My sister doesn't want to eat this thing at all."

  "That's right..."

  Fang Ming smiled in hindsight, "Devil fruits are hard to eat, and Sister Erina has the tongue of God."

  "Hmm...if it's something particularly unpalatable, Erina-san will just pass out."

  "Well, speaking of unpalatable food, I don't know what would happen if you make a devil fruit into a dish and let people eat it? Or you can make it into a juice with a juicer〃¨."

  I'm really good at thinking weird things.

  Nakiri Erina smiled.

  When she gently twisted her golden hair, lowered her head and smiled at her lively younger brother Mingjing, that scene really had the charm of being an older sister...

  The girl leaned over and hugged him.

  Gently bumping up, Erina's slender arms supported him. This hug was the most comfortable way... Although she is a delicate young lady, she is very skilled in this movement.

  "Go out now?"


  After taking the Devil Fruit and picking out a few treasures that I thought were good, the square mirror that was full of treasures remained untouched.

  He is not interested in the treasure itself, but is interested in the game of treasure hunting itself...

  "Speaking of which, this place really doesn't take any precautionary measures. I feel like I can sneak in casually."


  What Fang Mingjing, who sighed so much, didn't know was that this treasure house was originally guarded by "Homiz" created by Auntie's Soul and Soul Fruit. However, with Auntie's death not long ago, she The created Hormiz also dissipated.

  But the news has yet to make waves.

  When I walked out of the cake castle, I found that it was already night, and the venue of the party was still lively, but there were two fewer people - Nanxiong Qimu and Nishinomiya Glass went back, the former had enough desserts and had an exam tomorrow, while the latter was pure The family is too strict.

  "How, is there anything interesting in the castle?" Shinomiya Kaguya chatted with Erina with a smile - the two of them have a really good relationship in private.

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