Those men and women who had been talking and laughing and were very interested in the slave auction now looked at the scene on the stage, their faces turned blue, and their legs trembled in horror.

  Dragon people...

  In this auction, the noble Celestial Dragons were captured and auctioned as slaves...? !

  If it weren't for the fear that his birth would lead to some bad situation, such as being remembered by the Tianlong man who was wearing a slave collar on the stage, I can't guarantee that the screams of these guests can make the whole auction ceiling. Overturned.

  However, the auctioneer Diess didn't seem to notice this at all. He was completely immersed in the passionate performance of his auction moment.

  "Okay, let's start with the starting price of fifty Baileys!"

  "Yes, you heard it right, the starting price is fifty baileys instead of five million baileys! It's just the price of one marshmallow! This is a thank you return to this auction for your support over the years!"

  "Then, please raise your placards and bid for the auction!!!!".

Chapter 626

  At this moment, outside the population auction site, on the large screen in the center of each area of ​​the Chambord Archipelago, the screen suddenly flickered, and then a certain signal was automatically connected.

  Pedestrians looked up in surprise.

  Then, when they saw the content on the screen clearly, everyone opened their mouths in astonishment, dumbfounded.

  "A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"

  "No. 1 GR Humanity Auction, special items, Tianlongren Kama El-san is now starting the auction at the price of fifty Baileys!"

  "Yes, the starting price is only fifty Baileys!!"

  "Don't miss it! Whether it's a toilet cleaning tool or a human flesh sandbag, this Tianlong slave is absolutely first-class! Imagine, this is an honorable Tianlong slave, and you can't find a second place outside this auction house. Home?!"

  Auctioneer Disco's pitch came clearly from the screen.

  All the people who witnessed the live content on the screen were stunned, and some timid people even accidentally fell to the ground because of it.

  Even the most daring pirates are staring blankly at the screen in front of them at the moment. They can't talk to themselves, and they subconsciously think that they must be drunk and haven't woken up yet.

  Auctioning the dragon people as slave goods, this population auction, how dare they...?

  Chambord Islands.No, the moment the live broadcast of this worldwide auction appeared, the audience fell into silence.

  "really interesting."

  "I'm afraid there is chaos outside now."

  "Who knows?"

  Ignoring the chaos that may be caused by the outside world and the freezing atmosphere in the auction scene, Fang Mingjing and others are very happy.

  Ainz Ooal Gown was holding a telephony bug in his hand—it was through this strange creature that they broadcast live.

  The principle of the phone worm is actually through the use of bio-electric waves as a transmission medium, and for this carefully planned live broadcast, Aizen, who is proficient in biological research, first figured out the principle of the phone worm, and then Tony Stark developed it. A device that amplifies this radio wave and makes it hard to connect to screens around the world.

  ——Not to mention the weakest East China Sea right now, I am afraid that even the Navy Headquarters and the Holy Land Mariejoa are broadcasting the grand occasion of this Tianlong auction.

  By the way, the auctioneer Disco on the stage was actually hypnotized by Aizen with Jinghuashuiyue, otherwise he would not dare to do such a thing.

  "Kamael Saint!"

  "Auction... Disco, do you know what you are doing!?"

  "Take them down and save Kamael Saint!!"

  In the venue, many of the World Government officials who had sneaked in changed their faces when they saw that the World Nobles were actually pulled onto the auction stage.

  They immediately threatened and warned the hard-charging auctioneer Disco, and quickly rushed to the stage to save the Tianlong people.


  "Don't be a spoiler."

  The dull voice from the front seat carried a heavy feeling. In an instant, all the World Government personnel who rushed to the stage were overwhelmed. They were sweating coldly and looked at the person who spoke in disbelief. go.

  Sodros folded his arms and sat there calmly, while Hestia and the others gave him a thumbs up with a smile.

  Disco wiped the sweat from his forehead, and then he regained his professionalism:

  "Cough... Then continue on, noble dragon slave! Does anyone want to bid? It's only 50 Baileys!"

  "Aren't the guests interested in human flesh sandbags and tools for licking toilets? What about shoe licking? This product is a first-class slave even if it licks shoes!? Ah... If you don't believe it, we can demonstrate it on the battlefield!"

  When Disco said this, he immediately raised his legs and shook the shoes on his feet. Then he rudely grabbed the chain attached to the Tianlongren's neck and dragged him to the front and back.

  "Will you lick!?"

  The auctioneer shouted in a ferocious drake voice.

  Looking at the shoes that were stretched out in front of him, the bloated body shivered a bit. He quickly showed a humble and pleasing look like a dog, and hurriedly leaned over to stick out his tongue to lick the other's shoes.

· · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

  However, the auctioneer kicked him on the head and shouted angrily: "Idiot! Don't you know to take off the hood on your head!?"

  "Yes Yes!!"

  The Tianlong people hurriedly followed suit.

  From his ugly face, there was no trace of the arrogance of the past, not even the slightest human dignity. He was making funny dog ​​noises while actively licking the auctioneer's shoes.

  And this scene was not only seen by the customers in the auction house, but also broadcast live all over the world and spread within the Navy headquarters and the Holy Land Mary Joa.

0 ......  

  And the faces of the World Government personnel in the venue were extremely pale at this time...

  "It's really ugly." Jinghe Ashaji said.

  "Hmph... a few Tianlong people are all useless bastards, I didn't even officially start the torture and it became like this."

  A trace of abusive scarlet flashed in Esdes' eyes.

  When Fang Mingjing handed over a few Tianlong people to her that day, Esdes thought they were good materials, but they all collapsed in a short time.

  However, the Tianlong people were originally a pampered ethnic group, and it was a matter of course that they could not hold on to the torture of Esdes.

  To put it bluntly, Queen S's torture method is absolute pain. Her usual method is to first use drugs to increase the subject's tolerance to pain, and then torture the other party to the point of being bruised and bruised. The juice drips on the other's wound, which can make the other party feel the pain several times in an instant.

  In addition, there are more methods that she has yet to use, but these Celestial Dragons simply can't make it to that time, so Esdes is so angry.

  "...I...I want to bid, 50 Bailey...!"

  At this time, in the extremely silent venue, someone finally raised a placard.pill.

Chapter 627

  "...I...I want to bid, 50 Bailey...!"

  In the silent venue, a customer raised their sign.

  It was a man tightly wrapped in a cloak.

  The opponent's behavior of raising the card seemed to be hesitant for several times, and some flinched, but when the atmosphere in the venue had been in a particularly embarrassing silence, he finally raised the card and shouted.


  Fang Mingjing and the others turned their heads in surprise and saw the person who made the bid, the body under the cloak was shaking slightly.

  It was clearly a woman.

  Because although the other party covered her face with a cloak, her voice was not disguised, and when everyone's attention was focused on her, her subconsciously cowering action seemed particularly feminine.

  Auctioneer Disco was also stunned for a moment, but his professionalism quickly made him respond.

  "it is good!"

  "Fifty Baileys! The honorable Tianlong people slaves have already bid! Fifty Baileys, is there anyone who continues to bid!? This is a noble world noble!! This is a rare opportunity, and interested guests must not miss it. !!"

  Disco's voice resounded throughout the audience.

  However, no matter how hard he shouted, no one in the venue dared to bid... Even each of them tried their best to hold their breath and minimize their presence as much as possible.

  "If no one continues to bid, then fifty Baileys once..."

  The auctioneer took the hammer in his hand and started the final countdown to the auction confirmation.

  At this time, the previous World Government officials who had been suppressed by Sodros' momentum seemed to come back to their senses at this moment——

  "One hundred... no, one hundred million Bailey!!!"

  Some of them hurriedly shouted loudly.

  If you can't save the world nobles by means, then simply follow the auction rules... Even if you lose face, you will lose face, but the safety of world nobles must not be lost!

  "Oh! These gentlemen bid [-] million Bailey! This is absolutely worthy of the high price of the world's aristocracy, so is there anyone who will continue to bid?"

  "One hundred and fifty Baileys."

  An indifferent voice sounded from the front row of the audience.

  When the guests in the venue looked at with frightened eyes, and when Ainz Ul Gown was particularly good at turning the live broadcast of the Videophone bug to the person who spoke, everyone unconsciously slapped their feet. soft.

  The world's No. [-] swordsman, Hawkeye Joracol Mihawk...

  Everyone looked at Hawkeye sitting there with his legs crossed and extremely calm, but a huge wave turned up in his heart: This former Qiwuhai actually participated in the auction of Tianlong people, did he really plan to fight against the world government! ?

  A few days ago, after the World Government's Great Fleet's siege against Fang Mingjing ended in failure, there was no news in the newspapers - after all, this may not be the biggest defeat in the history of the World Government. In order to maintain stability, they will never Will take the initiative to expose this scandal.

  Therefore, most of the people in the sea are still not aware of this matter, they are just shocked that Hawkeye dares to provoke the existence of the world government...

  "One hundred and one hundred Baileys..."

  The woman in the cape held up the sign again.

  This time, Hawkeye didn't make any more bids, and the people from the World Government just wanted to speak out, but after Uchiha Madara glanced over, the scarlet writing wheel was running. All the opening movements froze.

  Fang Mingjing wanted to make the scene more interesting, so of course they wanted to stop the Tianlong people being bought back by the world government.

  "One hundred and one hundred and one hundred and one hundred and one hundred and one hundred and one hundred and one hundred and one hundred and one hundred and one hundred million and one hundred and one hundred million, three times!"


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