Xueba's Black Technology Simulator

Chapter 192 Biological Academic Conference

This invitation email immediately drew countless people's attention to the Scihub website and Lu Xiao's latest paper.

You must know that during this period of time, the Eagle Country is also stepping up efforts to promote the stem cell extraction technology, which was first discovered by them, and Lu Xiao obtained the technical information through disgraceful means.

Many scientists around the world are somewhat skeptical, and many people even dare not use the X system anymore.

I am afraid that what I have researched will also be stolen by Xia Wei's technology.

In addition, many people suspect that this technology may not be created by Lu Xiao. After all, Lu Xiao is very young. Everyone knows that he may be some representative, and Xiawei Technology does not belong to Lu Xiao entirely.

This company is an enterprise owned by Xia Guoj.

Then Lu Xiao's real strength may be seen from the initial award in mathematics and physics and the papers he wrote later.

Perhaps in the fields of mathematics and physics, Lu Xiao is relatively good, and has written several papers.

But if it is said that Lu Xiao has achieved such great achievements in the field of biology in just one year, everyone will definitely remain skeptical.

Now that the invitation letter has been sent to everyone's mailbox, everyone is still ready to take a look.

Maybe this paper is a little different from the papers you previewed on the Lancet website.

During this period of time, Lu Xiaoke has not publicly responded to the questions from Eagle Country.

Yoshinori Ohsumi, who won the Nobel Prize in 2016, also received an invitation letter.

His invitation letter is a little different from others, because it also comes with a review invitation.

Ohsumi Yoshinori has no prejudice against Lu Xiao.

He was going to register on the Scihub website according to the invitation letter.

Entering the hub website, Yoshinori Ohsumi was immediately surprised.

Because on the main page, he saw his name.

And I also saw that the website gave him a score, the score is very high, in the foot basin country, his ranking has also entered the top ten.

Yoshinori Ohsumi's main research is cells.

He won the Nobel Prize that year because of his new discoveries in the mechanism of autophagy.

It can be said that his research direction is related to the direction of Lu Xiao's thesis.

It is very reasonable for him to review Lu Xiao's paper.

"I'm running out of shit!" Ohsumi Yoshinori said in surprise.

This is of course very good meaning.

He was amazed by this website, which can view countless academic papers.

Yoshinori Ohsumi tried to find the papers he wanted to research recently, and found that he could really find them on this website. If you use the SCI database, you will be charged.

In addition, after trying his own thesis, Yoshinori Ohsumi found that the website did not include it.

To be more specific, it is actually not fully recorded.

It was a paper that Yoshinori Ohsumi published in foreign journals when he was young. At that time, because of his lack of influence, the copyright was signed to the journals.

But later, his influence has grown and he has already taken back his personal copyright.

In other words, other people still cannot use his paper casually, and journals can be held accountable.

Yoshinori Ohsumi himself can publish on the website.

This is a personal act, and he himself has this right, and it is not for profit.

Yoshinori Ohsumi is also willing to share his research results.

Moreover, these things are already outdated now, and may only have some reference value for some undergraduates.

Yoshinori Ohsumi didn't even have time to review the manuscript, but was dazzled by the hub website.

After studying for an hour, Yoshinori Ohsumi remembered that his main purpose of entering this website was to become a reviewer to review Lu Xiao's papers.

So he quickly followed the registration process and became a reviewer for Lu Xiao's paper.

The paper is actually on this site.

Yoshinori Ohsumi also saw several other powerful biologists, several of whom were Nobel Prize winners.

Even if there is no one who won the Nobel Prize, they still have the strength or research results of the Nobel Prize level.

In fact, for scientists, strength is research results. If you have great results, others will recognize your strength.

In the past, everyone definitely did not recognize Lu Xiao's scientific research strength.

After all, to many people, Lu Xiao is just a little guy.

Even in the field of mathematics, other mathematicians knew that Lu Xiao had solved the postman's problem, but they still didn't take Lu Xiao seriously. It was quite common for some mathematicians to solve some problems by chance.

There are always some lucky people who have a flash of inspiration, but those who can be recognized by everyone are continuous output results.

Even someone who leads the entire field one step forward.

Lu Xiao is naturally not such a person.

Unless he discloses the principle of sonic weapons.

Of course, in the field of brain waves, Lu Xiao has been recognized by everyone. After all, this technology was developed by Lu Xiao, and he also published a paper and registered a patent.

A large number of companies around the world are cooperating with Xiawei Technology.

But it is only in the field of brainwave helmets, because only Lu Xiao has made achievements in this field so far, it is a very subdivided field, and it is not as popular as many people's research fields.

In order to study Lu Xiao's thesis, Yoshinori Ohsumi specially put on reading glasses.

He is 74 years old this year, and he is not young.

Previously, he knew something about Lu Xiao's thesis, and it collided with the research results of Deiseros in Eagle Country.

Lu Xiao is being condemned over there.

In fact, Yoshinori Ohsumi has read the research results of both sides.

What surprised him the most was that the research of the two parties was very similar to the research of Haruko Obokata, a student of Yoshiki Sasai, a friend of his who committed suicide.

The death of his good friend Yoshiki Ren Saai also hit him hard.

You must know that Yoshiki Ren Sasai was the deputy director of the Center for Comprehensive Research on Regenerative Science at that time, and he was also a disciple of John Bertrand Gordon, the Nobel Prize winner for the country on which the sun never sets.

John Bertrand Gurdon is an expert in nuclear transfer and cloning.

His research results are of great help to Yoshinori Ohsumi.

Scientific research has always been in the same line, and it is the countless studies of the predecessors that made the later scientists achieve greater results.

As Newton said back then, scientists stand on the shoulders of giants.

At that time, Yoshinori Ohsumi was also very excited by the research results of Haruko Obokata. This achievement was definitely at the Nobel Prize level. After this achievement came out, he thought that Haruko Obokata and her friends were going to win glory for the foot basin country again.

As a result, Yoshinori Ohsumi was also very surprised by the final development.

He wondered at the time that no one could reproduce the study.

Because my friend is an expert in this field, it is impossible to stand on the platform so hastily.

In 2013, he happened to research the results that won the Nobel Prize, and in 2013, Sasai was selected as the national project leader of using ES cells and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells) to treat eye diseases.

Sasai's research at that time was the first of its kind in the world!

With Sasai's technology, all blind people don't need to transplant other people's corneas or other things, but can use the method of stem cell induction to regenerate the eyes and grow new organs.

At that time, Sasai was already famous.

It's a pity that it was planted in the end.

Now seeing that the research results of Eagle Country and Lu Xiao are similar to those of the experiment back then, Yoshinori Ohsumi also has some other guesses.

Could it be that this achievement was indeed true back then, but was misled by someone with a heart and said it was fake?

He read Lu Xiao's thesis again, and this time Lu Xiao's thesis was somewhat different from the one previewed by The Lancet.

The research has gone deeper, and the paper even mentions that different organs can be induced in a targeted manner.

You must know that this is almost impossible. If this technology is successful, it means that with a single stem cell, humans can create any organ.

Rather than what some people thought in the past, humans need to be cloned, cultivate humans and then remove their organs.

There is no moral burden to grow an organ alone.

This is a very important technology.

Compared with Eagle Country's technology, Lu Xiao's thesis is more in-depth. Unfortunately, in the paper, Lu Xiao only said that the technology has been realized, but the paper is limited and will not be written in this paper.

If you are interested, you can come to Xiaguo for exchange.

Lu Xiao actually advertised in the paper!

And announced that hosted by the Hub website, a biological academic conference will be held in the five-star hotel in Xiaguo Jiangcheng in seven days. Anyone who is interested can send an email to xxx mailbox.

Lu Xiao directly posted this email address in the paper.

"Mr. Lu is really interesting. If papers were published in normal journals, such content would definitely not be published." Yoshinori Ohsumi said to himself with a smile.

He is very interested in this academic conference.

Lu Xiao actually developed a precise induction technique.

Of course, before that, Yoshinori Ohsumi decided to conduct an experiment in his own laboratory according to the experimental procedures in the paper.

Although knowing that Eagle Country is also vying for the ownership of this paper, it means that the technology must have matured.

But as a reviewer, Yoshinori Ohsumi needs to verify it himself.

Fortunately, stem cells are only induced from ordinary cells, and the time required is not very long.

Two days is enough.

Foot basin country is not far from Xia country, he has enough time to rush to attend this academic conference.

Before that, Yoshinori Ohsumi sent his application for participation to the mailbox.

I didn't expect to receive a reply right away, saying that he is welcome to participate.

The hub website will pay for all the itinerary expenses of Mr. Yoshinori Ohsumi this time, and the air tickets can be booked for you.

This made Ohsumi Yoshinori sigh again, he has seen that this free essay website has great ambitions.

There will be more and more academic conferences organized by this website in the future.

And Xia Guo must be the preferred meeting place.

Those countless scientists may shift their focus to Xia Guo in the future.

There are many scientists similar to Yoshinori Ohsumi, some are from Europe, some are from the Eagle Country, and they all decided to participate in the academic conference.

Because the technology mentioned in Lu Xiao's thesis is so attractive.

What kind of method can precisely induce the development of stem cells?

Does this mean that human beings have mastered the secret of DNA, can activate specific attributes, and cultivate them directionally.

Let's go a little deeper and imagine that maybe Lu Xiao's technology can evolve people's bodies and even make them live forever.

Mastering the secrets of human genes has always been the pursuit of countless biologists.

The Human Genome Project back then was also carried out with the goal of solving various human diseases and allowing human evolution. It has been developed for decades, and now everyone is actually about to achieve it.

Through dna comparison, paternity testing can be done, and it can also be judged whether the person has a certain hidden danger of disease.

Even some relatively evil forces can design some weapons specifically for dna.

Of course, everyone does not know that there is such a thing on the surface, but many people speculate that there may be such a genetic weapon in a certain corner of the world.

Xiaguo, Jiangcheng, inside the biological laboratory.

Lu Xiaozheng happily looked at Xiaolu's report.

More than 6 million invitations were sent out, and more than 5.8 million people chose to enter the hub website at the first time.

It can be said that the hub website is already well-known all over the world.

In addition, many powerful scientists also choose to be reviewers.

Once you choose to be a reviewer, Xiaolu will intelligently recommend some manuscripts to these people for review.

The work done by the editors-in-chief of the previous journals can now be done by the hub website.

Anyone can contribute, and according to Xiaolu's comprehensive evaluation, the manuscript will be sent to different reviewers for review.

On the hub website, there are also some format requirements, which are almost the same as the previous format, and everyone is used to this mode.

What makes Lu Xiao even more happy is that millions of people have joined the hub website, and they have started to upload their own papers spontaneously.

Many people are willing to share their research.

And everyone is more willing to know that after sharing, you can even earn a fortune from the paper.

Coupled with the fact that millions of scientists around the world can see the papers for the first time, how can anyone refuse it.

Of course, this does not mean that everyone will give up the previous journals, but that we will have one more sharing platform in the future.

The journal will still publish it, but the copyright of the paper will not be handed over to the journal for processing.

Because they also want to share on this emerging paper sharing platform.

Here, every scientist is scored fairly.

Many people are even more motivated. For example, an undergraduate student who published a thesis in his sophomore year felt that he was amazing and a genius among geniuses.

If you can't compare with a monster like Lu Xiao, then you should be considered unique in this school, right?

But after looking at the rankings, I finally found that I was ranked behind millions of contemporary scientists!

Motivation came immediately, and I wanted to rush to the front.

If you want to successfully rush to the front, there is no shortcut at all. You can only do scientific research and contribute to the scientific progress of mankind.

What Lu Xiao is more concerned about is whether or not several scientists from Eagle Country will come to the meeting.

In fact, he has no opinion of the sect.

Deseros Lu Xiao has also come into contact with in the dungeon world, this guy is also very good, especially in genetics, he is a real expert.

In essence, Deiseros did not target Lu Xiao this time, but his own results were suddenly published by Xia Guo.

Then he and the team behind him would naturally not be reconciled.

But seeing the current paper, and Lu Xiao saying that he already has the technology to induce organs, I believe they will recognize themselves.

Maybe it will come too, not necessarily.

Lu Xiao convened this conference with the pretext of sharing papers. In fact, everyone will discuss the issue of rna and b viruses. It is best to gain countless experience points from so many scientists.

In this way, he might be able to develop a solution to the collapse of genetic evolution on his own.

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