The man walked over to me, leaned against my right hand, and took an incense stick from the table. Fragrance was first used as a timer, which meant that there was a time limit for the trial.

Then the man shouted, "Lights!" He then shouted, "One point of Heaven and Earth!"

Then, in the darkness directly across from me, a lamp appeared, more like a candle, its flame flaring from side to side.

"Two points of Yin and Yang!"

Another light was lit.

"Three points are very clear!"

The third light went on.

Then three lamps drifted up and settled in the upper left-hand corner of the desk. It was only then that I saw clearly that it was indeed three candles, white in color, no different from the ones we usually use. It's just that the bottom of the candles have a lamp holder, and we usually stick to the table.

"You can begin!" the man in black said.

You can start now? How to begin? There aren't any yamen runners, just the two of us? I just stood there, not knowing what to do with my first trial. I suddenly had a flash of inspiration. I'll just learn from Bao Zheng. He doesn't even need to hide a crescent moon in his brain. I still have two. "Today." I moistened my throat.

After saying that, I waited for a while. According to the usual pattern, it should be the constables mercilessly beating the fire and water sticks while shouting out 'mighty'. However, it was now very quiet. It seems like I was the one sitting alone in the vaudeville. At most, there would be one to watch the fun from the side. I turned my head to look at the man in black. Without any hint, he covered his face and revealed two eyes. The other two eyes were also pressed down by the straw hat. I wanted to go up and kick him, but I had to do it now. I whispered, "What do we do now?"

"Interrogate who!" The man in black said slowly, his voice much louder than mine. This made me feel very bad.

I slapped the wood, "I'm looking for Cao Laowu!"

The man in black moved his body and shouted, "Fifth brother Cao, appear!" This sound was especially loud, and due to being caught unprepared, it really gave me a fright.

I looked around by the light of the candle, then stood up and looked again. There was no movement, everything was still quiet, but I had a vague feeling that there were countless eyes lurking in the darkness just ahead of me. They were all staring at me.

At this moment, the three candles on the writing table suddenly flickered. The man in black clothing looked at them and said, "Old Fifth Cao is not here. We can't find him. Let's interrogate the others."

I cursed in my heart. Was he really included among the untriable perverts? What kind of trial was this? The cases were all concentrated in his hands, and if he couldn't find them, there was no way to proceed. In a moment of desperation, I shouted, "Why can't I find him? Where is he?"

"He hid himself. Three candles shone brightly on the Heaven and Earth, but we were unable to find him. I reckon that he's hiding in a place where he can't see through Yin and Yang." But if we need to, we'll keep looking. "

When I heard this, I understood that Cao Laowu was nailed to a poplar tree with glass and nailed with a nail made from a soul nail. He also said that there was no Yin and Yang. If that was the case, then in order to interrogate Cao Laoqian, he would first have to remove the Soul-Nailing Spike. However, if he removed the Soul-Nailing Spike, then they wouldn't be able to lower him, which would be troublesome.

"I know where he is!"


On the poplar tree in Song Ying's courtyard. However, it seems like I won't be able to catch him now, because the Soul-Nailing Nail hasn't been removed yet. How about this. I'll go and remove the nail at noon tomorrow. Why don't you go and capture him? But make sure you don't let him go, or there'll be a big pot!

The man in black nodded and said, "Don't worry, as long as he comes out, we won't be able to get away from the three candles!"

"Alright, then let Old Madam Zhao come up."

There's still no movement, I thought to myself. Today's judgement isn't working.

"A name!" There's more than one old lady with the surname Zhao! " The man in black said.

Name? She had been calling her Old Lady Zhao for the past two days, but she had never thought of her name. The old lady had been dead for at least thirty years, where could he find out her name! Why do you say here that she's been dead for more than thirty years? Because the famine on our side happened over six years ago, and a lot of people have starved to death. Later, of course, but not to the point of starving to death. It seemed that the first step was to find out Old Madame Zhao's name before the case could continue. However, where should he start from? Also, if the name was really that important, then Old Cao's fifth name would have to be checked out.

Forget it, I can't investigate this right now, so I'll just leave it for later. Who told me to make such a joke out of my first trial without any experience? Suddenly I thought of a question, so I asked, "I say, this brother, I'm still a college student with no job. Now that I've made the judgement, do you have a salary? "

The man seemed to see that I didn't know the old lady's name and didn't intend to reopen it. He held the stick of incense in his hand and looked at me. Then, with a flick of his finger, he extinguished the stick of incense.

As soon as the incense was extinguished, I woke up.

F * ck, it's a dream again!

The sound of an electric fan came to my ears, and I didn't bother to open my eyes. Let's go back to sleep. I scratched my forehead, rolled over, and went back to sleep.

My heart thumped in my chest. Why is my forehead so itchy? Did something happen? I opened my eyes in alarm and found myself staring at a pair of feet. They were small, triangular feet, and did not wear socks. The upper was made of black linen, and the sole was what we would call the bottom of a thousand layers. The Thousand Layers Bottom was the sole that was made of layers of cloth. At the end, there were rows and rows of stitches. The distance between each needle hole was very short, so the sole was densely packed with needle and thread. The soles of these shoes are very wear-resistant and very comfortable to wear, but they are very troublesome to make. So only the people of the past wear such shoes, and almost no one makes them now. It was clear to me that the person standing in front of me was not of our time, but a woman. The first reason was because of this sackcloth shoe, which had long since been eliminated from society. The second reason was that these feet were so small that they must have been made by a leg-wrap, which was a bad habit of the old society.

With a "weng" sound, my head exploded. I hurriedly looked up, only to discover that there was nothing there. When I looked down again, my feet were nowhere to be seen.

Why is it gone? Could it be that I just woke up because my eyes are hazy? But the itch on my forehead meant that something had been there.

I sat up and looked at the glass. He was curled up on the bed, sleeping soundly, as if oblivious to what was about to happen.

"Get up, something is going to happen!" I patted the glass, only to find that the glass's body was exceptionally hot. It was a little hot to the touch. I didn't think I was running a fever, so I slapped the glass a few times before it moved and looked back at me.

This turn of events didn't matter, but it gave me a fright. I almost kicked him out of the bed.

He saw that the glass eyes had dark circles, and his lips were purple. He was trembling non-stop, and his eyes were listless. His pupils were clearly much larger than usual.

"Glass, how are you? I asked.

"Cold..." Cold... "Cold!"

He turned his head and went back to sleep.

No, the glass must be simply feverish. In this way, the feet I had just seen were definitely not an illusion, and this person had a lot to do with the situation with the glass. The first thing I thought of was that Old Madame Zhao. He was expelled from Uncle Fu's house and had nowhere to hide, so he probably followed the glass to my house. But I also have the eight trigrams on my door, how can it not work? Could it be that only the flower leopard cat's item was the real deal? The rest were all useless trash.

"Glass, what's your name?"

Glass ignored me!

"Old Madame Zhao, what's your name?!"

Then the glass reacted, looked back at me, grinned a little, and went back to sleep.

It must be Mrs. Zhao, I thought.

I called my mother over. When she saw me, she said she bumped into me.

I'll tell you what to do in the middle of the night. It was only about two in the morning.

His mother said that he definitely couldn't give it to her anymore, so he could only give it to her. Because her mother had a lot of experience in this area, although she stopped washing up long ago, there were some things that she was more accurate than anyone else.

"How?" I asked.

"Borrowing the method to find something to subdue her. However, her family's divine position hasn't been touched for many years, so it shouldn't be of use anymore!"

Mom's words reminded me that the golden Buddha made of glass was still here. Since I had lost my head due to the glass, I didn't know if I could still use it. Let's try it first.

I took the Golden Buddha out of the car and looked around. There was indeed a crack on its neck. It was so thin that I could barely see it. I shook it with my hands and felt that it was very firm. Glass is pretty good, I thought.

Mom put the golden Buddha on top of the glass, and as soon as it was ready, I saw the glass's eyes snap open and glare at me. The moment his glasses were opened, the golden Buddha's head popped out from his neck and fell onto the bed. It was unknown whether it was because the golden Buddha was not properly glued, or because the items on the glass were too powerful.

Then the glass closed its eyes again and went to sleep.

"What should we do?" I asked.

"Based on the current situation, that thing isn't that fierce. Otherwise, it would have been a huge issue since a long time ago."

"I think it's the old lady who was originally Aunt Guihua." So I told her everything. Mom sighed and said, "If it's really that old lady, then nothing will happen to her. I think the reason she's here is to remind you to keep your promise."

Of course, I hope Mom is right. The old lady wants his grandson. But her grandson was with Cao, and Cao was too fierce, so I didn't dare to drop the nail. But in my dream, I had a deal with the man in black. At noon, I removed the nail and they arrested me. In other words, if nothing unexpected happened, everything would be settled by noon. The question now was, could this dream be accurate?

"Mom, have you ever heard of Yinsi?"

Mom looked at me without saying anything, but I could tell from her eyes that she probably did, but since she didn't want to say it, she didn't know why. She was probably worried that I knew too much and wanted to invite some trouble.

After dawn, I went to look for the leopard cat, but the leopard cat was inside the house, bolted the door, and refused to see me. He only said that no one else could interfere in this matter, and only he could deal with it.

I said that my main purpose in coming was to find out the name of Old Lady Zhao.

The leopard said you should ask.

I came to ask you.

He said you'd ask her yourself.

Ask me? How could I have the ability to talk to ghosts? If I could, I would have explained everything to them. It seems that the flower leopard really doesn't want to get involved in this matter. In that case, no matter how much I say, it's useless.

Therefore, I said, "I'll be going. I'll be borrowing the gossip in your house for a few days. I'll return it to you in a few days." I had only taken three or four steps when I heard the back door open and the leopard cat come out.

"Aiyo, Uncle Li, what happened to your face? Who bullied you? "

The leopard cat's face was swollen to the point where it turned blue, as if it had been beaten up. There was even a trace of blood at the corner of its mouth, making it look extremely miserable.

"So it was stolen by you two. No wonder I didn't sleep all night."

"Is there a need to be so distressed that you can't fall asleep?" I asked.

"Without the Eight Trigrams Manor, this place will not be peaceful. I spent the night trying to get rid of them. Bring that thing back as soon as possible, my abilities are limited, I'm afraid I won't be able to suppress it for long. " The leopard said, and turned to go back.

According to the leopard cat's meaning, that gossip really did have the function of guarding the house. Without that gossip, the leopard cat would have a lot of evil tricks up her sleeve. However, logically speaking, this was not a place to hide. How could there be so many evils? If he had to give an explanation, it would be that the flower leopard cat had driven away many ghosts and offended many spirit souls. Now that he was blind and inconvenient to move around, it was time for them to take revenge.

"Uncle Li, what was Old Madame Zhao's real name?" I asked.

"Why do you ask?" The leopard looked back at me warily.

"With my status, can't I ask?"

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