Zero no ambassador: my harem

Zero Demon Envoy's My Harem Chapter 144.

Hao Tian also felt his breath a bit heavier and slowed down a bit, saying softly, "Well, you beat her anyway, so get your breath out. Quickly undo that magic."

Louise started off on the wrong side of her head and naively said, "I won't."

"What?!" Horton was surprised.

"I won't." Louise lowered her head, like a child who had made a mistake facing the class teacher.

"That's a problem." Hoshi was annoyed.

Looking at Alia again, she was already trembling, holding her legs in place.

"Ah, Aaliyah?" Hao Tian walked over towards her.

Alia saw the long sword in Hao Tian's waist, and screamed, "Ah land" and backed up on the grass. When Hao Tian stopped, Alia also stopped, still looking at him in fear.

Hao Tian thought about it and untied his waist dever and threw it on the ground.

The fear in Alia's eyes faded slightly.

Hao Tian walked into Alia again.

Alia shuddered and didn't hide anymore.

"I'm sorry, Lois overdid it. We'll do everything we can to help you recover."

Hoshi sat down and looked into Aaliyah's now panicked eyes and said softly.

Aaliyah opened her mouth and finally whispered, "Yeah."

The battle ended in a victory for Louise, but Louise instead got the cold shoulder, Lady Karina scolded her for being dizzy, and even Eleanor and Katria accused her of not using magic that tampered with people's hearts.

Louise's mouth deflated in aggravation.

Temporarily leaving Alia in the care of the maids, Anrietta and Hao Tian and the others left the chambers to walk around in their respective departments before starting work under Anrietta's leadership.

William integrates the Magic Knights, and Tabatha and Churuk return to the Academy of Magic to recruit people.

Katelia takes over the City Guard and revises the discipline, divides the defense zones, and clarifies the duties of the City Guard.

Eleanor takes over the Potions Research Institute and hits all the resources under the authorization of Hao Tian to start researching the [Water Synergy Potion].

Tiffania is buried by the piles of documents sent by the Ministry of Finance and is busy.

Hao Tian met Fu Kai in the King City [Charming Goblin Pavilion].

In the past, Hao Tian had asked her to lead some unorthodox mages to develop an intelligence agency, and then put it on hold due to his busy affairs. But Fu Kai still listened to his orders to come over, making him very pleased.

The long green-haired Fu Kai stood beside Hao Tian respectfully.

After inquiring about the current status of Fouquet's work and hearing some reports, Hao Tian nodded his head to express his satisfaction.

"Fouquet, the Queen asked me who is suitable to be the Foreign Minister, and I recommended you. You might be qualified?" Hao Tian faintly said.

Furkai was first dumbfounded, then ecstatic, kneeling down and saying, "My subordinates will definitely live up to your lordship's expectations." Furkai, who was born from a broken noble, couldn't even go to the Magic Academy and could only be reduced to a thief; now that the position of Minister of Torristine had actually landed on her head, she was overjoyed and very grateful to Hao Tian, feeling that serving Hao Tian was the right choice.

Hao Tian nodded and asked Fouquet to take her own personal letter to Anrietta.

Fouquet leaves, and a dark-haired maid enters.

"Knight of Hao Tian, Captain of Hao Tian, Secretary of State of Hao Tian. This office is getting bigger and bigger, I thought you didn't remember the little lady." Jessica was dissatisfied.

It was true that Hao Tian had forgotten, but the memories sent back by the water sprite were clear on everything, even the incident with Jessica. When Jessica's shop was embarrassed by the tax officer, after Hao Tian and Louise solved the tax officer, the grateful Jessica had sex with Hao Tian during the two days Hao Tian stayed at the [Charming Goblin Pavilion].

Hao Tian laughed bitterly, "How can I, I'm not here to see you."

Jessica glanced at him, where she couldn't see that he was lying, but lying at least proved that Hao Tian he still cared about her. Crawling around in the shop, Jessica naturally knew how to deal with it, and she didn't want to compete with those noble ladies for anything, as long as she maintained a lover's relationship with Hao Tian, she naturally had the following people to shine [Charming Goblin Pavilion].

Jessica sat in Hao Tian's arms and flirtatiously looked towards Hao Tian, grinding her buttocks.

"Lord Secretary of State, do you, may I need the special services of a small shop?"

Jessica reached out and stroked slowly down Hao Tian's neck, arousing Hao Tian's lust.

Hao Tian had known the taste of meat, and hadn't emitted fire since his resurrection, and now Jessica was teasing him, so he naturally had no reason not to respond. So he picked Jessica up, threw her onto the bed, and rolled over to press down.

Jessica smiled delicately and began to undress for him, meeting Hao Tian's demands.

After an hour or so, Jessica couldn't take it and begged for mercy.

Hao Tian frowned and looked at the bottom that was still pinned.

It was too much for Jessica to bear, but she didn't want to disappoint Hao Tian. She thought of the cousin who admired Hao Tian and whispered something in Hao Tian's ear.

Hao Tian asked, "She's like you, isn't she?" The implication was that it was only a lover's relationship and could not be taken to the stage to compete with Louise and other women.

Jessica giggled, "We small people, how dare we compete with those great nobles ah. Besides, Shesta worships you, so it's not too late to be happy to become your lover."

Hao Tian nodded his head.

Jessica reluctantly put on her pajamas and walked out of the room, returning shortly with a maid with medium black hair.

"Shesta, my cousin." "Captain Hoshi, the Secretary of State now." Jessica introduced.

"You, hello." Shesta pinched the corner of her skirt and blushed.

Hao Tian said softly, "Relax, just call me by my first name like Jessica does."

"Ah, yes, that, Hao Tian?"

"Well. Come here, Shesta." Hoshi patted himself next to her.

Shesta blushed bright red and sat next to Hao Tian as Jessica half pulled her down.

Hotaru, burning with desire, whispered a few love words in Shesta's ear and rolled over to press her down on the bed. Clothes flipped and soon she was stripped down to a ball of beautiful flesh.

Shesta's eyes were closed and her body was hot. Trembling, "That, that, I'm still the first, first time, please, please have mercy."

Hao Tian's lust grew even more at the words, and he jumped on top of Shesta and began to enjoy the little white sheep.

Jessica was at first watching the show from the side, but Shesta new melon first broken, which can not afford the expedition, quickly defeated, Hao Tian reached out to pull Jessica again involved in the battlefield.

The two sisters took turns, barely able to cope with Hao Tian's expedition.

Three hours later, the clouds rested and the rain settled, and Hao Tian sat up, refreshed. Jessica and Shesta snuggle together and fall asleep.

Hao Tian left behind a love letter-like letter and a check for 20,000 gold coins and left the [Charming Goblin Pavilion]. As the Secretary of State, his duty was to assist the Queen in governing the country, and the Secretary of State had the right to oversee any matters of the country, so he could be called the First Minister. After venting, he was going to start working.

Chapter 42 - New Officials.

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