Zero no ambassador: my harem

Zero Demon Envoy - My Harem Chapter 157

Later that evening, Nirent received a letter from the Emperor of Kelmania requesting that he travel north to cooperate with the Emperor's army to fight through the obstruction of the King of Goliath's army. Nirent begged to stay in Rumania, which was already difficult to win, and was instead harassed by the singing of water demons.

Early the next morning, Nirent's entire army left Romania and returned north across the border.

Romania then regained the cities once occupied by Nirent, while the water siren song moved by water to the northernmost land of Romania, and then all ashore, 20,000 landed sailors and 6,000 local troops chased Nirent's army of 33,000.

Romania did not dabble in the battle between the two great powers, and the Pope grasped at the right to gather the whole country and enforce his will. The general population, who had only taken agricultural implements and prayed all day for the blessing of the patriarchs, took up arms and armor at the will of the Pope, and became an ecclesiastical army. Every day, the number of Romanian troops grew, but of course it's hard to say how much fighting power those faithful troops had.

To the east of Goria, Nirent had last lent his passage, leaving less or more than a few hundred vigilante troops in each city and village. Returning north at this time, all those scattered troops were retrieved, and by the time they moved to the central location area of eastern Goliath, the strength rose to 35,000.

The water demon song, led by the locals, soon caught up with them. By enlisting the soldiers and family soldiers of the nobles along the way, they also gathered about 3,000 men and now had a troop strength of 29,000.

The two sides encountered each other in the field in the central eastern part of Goliath.

The water demon singing voice commanded by Joseph who had received his orders did not hesitate to launch an attack.

Nirent was forced to respond, and both sides attacked and defended the plains with over 60,000 men.

The average level of soldiers on the Siren's Voice side was low, as most of them were navy soldiers and 3,000 noble soldiers were weak. In the skirmish, they were at a disadvantage, and the ratio of loss was 1.5:1 because of the small number of soldiers. The Water Demon Singing side lost over 6,000 men, while the Nerent side only lost 4,000 men.

The commander saw the situation was not good and sent out 2,000 elites equipped with demon armor.

One by one, wearing aqua-blue armor, God finished, after seeping spiritual energy towards the possessed armor, the blue armor emitted light. The blue light drifted up in stars and collected towards the rear of the two Kelmania sides in the fight, the blue light growing larger and larger.

Nirent couldn't help but narrow his eyes to stare at the blue light in the sky.

Measured purely in terms of magical power, it had far surpassed the [Quadrilateral], but was the resulting destructive power on par with fourth-grade magic?

With the collection of 2000 [Water Bombs], dark clouds came from nowhere in the sky, and the air became stagnant and cloudy, as the rain lightly hit the soldiers of Kelmania's side, getting heavier and heavier.

In the midst of the rain, the movement of Kelmania's soldiers was somewhat restricted, but they were still filling in soldiers towards the front, suppressing the soldiers on Goliath's side.

But, amidst the rain, suddenly thunder!


A dazzling lightning bolt fell from the dark cloud, electrocuting more than ten soldiers near the landing spot into charred black carcasses still smelling of meat. The speed that was difficult to dodge, coupled with the fact that the ground was full of stagnant water from the falling rain, was suitable for the lightning to power up.


The black rain cloud was like a god of thunder hiding behind it, raining down a thunderbolt that harvested the Kelmanian soldiers beneath the cloud. The random, aimless, and irresistible force of the thunder and lightning collapsed the Kelmanian soldiers, and they stopped rushing forward, desperately pushing you and me backwards to escape from the area covered by the black cloud.

The lightning fell only one at a time, each one affecting ten or so people, and now it only fell thirty or forty times, killing about 500 people. But the tremendous sound of the thunder falling, and the irresistible, as if at the mercy of God, fear overwhelmed the soldiers fighting the front lines, and they began to flee.

Nirent looked blackened and clenched his fists.

By the time all the Kelmanian soldiers were dead or had fled from the black clouded area, the soldiers on both sides of Goliath and Kelmania were separated. The energy stored in the black cloud was also depleted and gradually dissipated.

No more than 1,000 people were directly killed in the lightning, but more than 3,000 fell in the push of their own men, paralyzed by the currents running through the stagnant water and dying under the tread, and more than 1,000 were also killed by Goliath soldiers as they retreated to surrender their backs. More importantly, those who fled back looked in the direction of the Goliath soldiers, especially the blue-armored ones with fear in their eyes.

Nirent had no choice but to retreat, alerting Goliath for possible pursuit while slowly retreating back to the nearby Kelmanian-controlled city. Twenty-five thousand of the army remained.

The 2,000 rounds of enchanted armor had already been used up, and the quality of his own side's troops was not as good as his opponent's, so continuing to chase would be unpleasant. He led his troops back to the nearby city recovered by Goliath. The remaining army was 23,000 men.

Chapter 56 - Passing by.

Emperor Kelmania led his army southward from Nirent after opening a direct passage to Romania and before occupying the eastern part of Goria; while King Joseph of Goria was dispatched from the royal capital after the fall of the eastern part of Goria, so Emperor Kelmania arrived at the border a day earlier.

The 30,000 defenders of [Hank] welcomed the Emperor into the city, and gave a reception to the 100,000 Fire Elf legions.

Like the Infernal Dragon Legion, the armor of the Fire Elf Legion members was dyed red, and there were strange runes on the armor, most of the general soldiers only had one or two runes; and the runes on the armor of the small captain level would increase until the corps leader in charge of 10,000 people already had a complete sentence of runes on his armor. As for the commander of the Fire Elf Corps, the emperor's armor had runes engraved on more than half of his body, and when no one was wearing it, it was filled with heat that distorted the air.

After taking over the command of the 30,000 defenders here, the emperor paused briefly and continued south with a combined army of 130,000.

Within three hours, the city of [Hans] was seen, and 20,000 garrison troops also converged into the Emperor's command.

Already in the evening, the Emperor did not continue his march, allowing his entire army to rest for the night and set out on the following day.

The emperor led 150,000 troops south and abandoned the city.

The Goliath garrison that got the news of the city of [Jacques] [Jas] quickly captured and regained the defenseless city of [Hank] [Hanse]. So far 10 Goliath-Kelmania border cities fell into Goliath's hands, but in order to guard them, as few as 1,000 and as many as 3,000 to 5,000, Goliath was left with 20,000 troops to guard the 10 border cities.

The northern part of eastern Goria was still under the control of Kelmania, and the Emperor's 150,000 troops came down smoothly. The Duke of Nerent, who had remained in the central eastern position with 25,000 men, received the Emperor's order to withdraw and return to the northern part of eastern Goliath to join the Emperor's army.

The Water Demon Singing Commander took advantage of the situation to reclaim the central part of eastern Goria.

At this time, the tiny northern part of eastern Goria, only about one-fifth the size of Torristine, gathered the 175,000 strong army of nearly the entire country of Kelmania.

King Joseph of Goria, with 50,000 Earth Bears, arrived in the eastern part of central Goria, no more than 30 kilometers from the area actually controlled by Kelmania. The king of Gloria, Joseph, who was the commander of the Gorgonian army, said: "The king of Gloria, the king of the Gorgonian army, has not yet decided to withdraw his troops from Gloria.

Joseph stopped his army and gathered all the troops he could dispatch. The remaining 50,000 men on the northern borderline, except for those guarding the city, converged south to Joseph's banner, while the 23,000 men of the Water Demon Singing Legion in the central east also converged to Joseph's banner, for a total of 123,000 men. Although still outnumbered by fewer than Kelmania's 175,000, the ratio of 50,000 to 175,000 was already a battle-worthy 2:3 ratio of troops.

Joseph converged his forces and continued eastward.

The Kelmanian emperor had reoccupied the central part of eastern Goliath and met up with Josephus, who was advancing eastward. The Kelmanian army was inside the city and Joseph's army was outside.

Joseph used wind magic to amplify his voice and shouted into the city.

"Andrei Kelmania, what do you want to do? This is my Goliath's territory."

Andrei Kelmania, the 16th Emperor of Kelmania in the 300th year of its founding, was powerful and ambitious. He walked to the wall, surrounded also by wind magic making amplified shouts.

"Joseph Goria, I have no interest in your lands. I want Romania to the south, so get out of my way if you know what's good for you, or we'll have a fight."

In the meantime, Joseph's brow was baffled. Romania had so little land, so few mines, and was separated from Kelmania proper by Goria, what was there to make a fuss about in Kelmania?

"Andrei Kelmania, Romania is one of the four countries handed down by the Patriarchs, and are you not afraid that the Patriarchs will descend upon you if you thus seek to overthrow it?"

"Hahaha, the originator Primir? You believe in this man, but we believe in the Djinn of Fire. Mankind will die, but the spirits will live forever. It is funny that that dead man should surrender to me. If you dare to oppose us, the day the fire elves break the seal will be the day you perish."

"Are you mad? That's the beginning seal, do you know the consequences of releasing it?" Joseph had experienced the memories of his ancestors through the [Ancestor's Censer] and had a deep impression of the continent where the four elves roamed the heavens and earth and natural disasters were constant. He took the initiative to launch a foreign war, also because the [Earth Elf] awakening caused a huge increase in the frequency of earthquakes in Goliath, and new lands were desperately needed.

Andre revealed a smirk, of course he knew the consequences of the Fire Elf breaking the seal. However, it was an extinction for humans, but for him it was eternal power and strength.

"Joseph, I'll count to ten, either you get out of the way or we soldier on."

Andre gave a final notice.

"Ten!!! ---9--8--"

Outside the city Joseph's face was as cold as iron, and he clenched his fists thinking about the consequences of confrontation and non-confrontation. He was the king who carried the fate of a country and one of the virtual heirs chosen by the first ancestor, so he couldn't be rashly emotional.


Outside the city Goliath's army created a commotion, and Andrei's words were so powerful and conquering that one was sure he would start a war after the count of ten.



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