Zero no ambassador: my harem

Zero Enchanted Demon's My Harem Chapter 167

Asya looks to Anrietta even though she is making a deal with Joseph.

Anrietta didn't know how to answer.

"Return the territory? Impossible, there are 100,000 Goliath populace there, and it's natural for me as the King of Goliath to protect them, so maintaining the occupation of that land is necessary."

"You haven't transported those populace up in floating ships?"


"His Majesty Joseph doesn't seem to want to talk, so let him resist the fire elves independently." Asya suddenly calmed down and headed towards Anrietta and Princess Iris. As three countries that had lost a third or half of their territory by Goliath in the last war, there was obviously a good reason to form an alliance. In fact, although there was no high-level meeting, the three countries actually exchanged ideas and supplies, such as grain from Torristine, timber from Kelmania, and minerals from Albion had already been exchanged, and usually the center of national defense was implicitly on Goliath.

Ellis looked to Goliath and suddenly spoke.

"If the fire elves go north, they will have to pierce through Goliath first to reach our country? If we return both my king and the southern lands, the previous disagreement between our two countries will be wiped out, and my country will have a reason to go out against the [Fire Elf] for the possible threat to the southern territories, right?"

Joseph was similarly cold in his response, "Delusional. The land lost on the battlefield, do you still want to get it back at the negotiation table?"

Alice was poked in the face, Kelmania was originally 50-50 with Goria, but Father Andrei and Duke Nirent took most of the army away to put into Romania, which was what led to Goria easily conquering southern Kelmania.

"I wonder who, in the face of my father's army, directly gave way?" Alice likewise uncovered Joseph's shortcomings.

Joseph also looked ugly, and that time he backed down, he was still ashamed of it.

"Hey, that Andre is now the human sinner who unleashed the [Fire Elf]. Is it possible that you Kelmania are on the side of the [Elf of Fire]?" Joseph cross-examined.

Alice looked strangely pale. Kelmania had been established for 300 years, unlike the 4 countries that believed in the original ancestor's stream, it believed in the fire elves. It was fine if it didn't appear as a purely spiritual belief like the original ancestor, but now that the fire elves had appeared, what was Kelmania going to do? Everything to the fire elves, or to the Emperor?

The difference between Alice and Andre is seen here.

Alice, as a pure human, although Andre was possessed by the Fire Elf, her body was still human, so the birth of Alice was human, and Alice stood in the interests of humanity, and as a princess stood to uphold the imperial power.

And Andre, who received the ring from the previous emperor [Gem of Fire] when he became emperor, was also, unsurprisingly, possessed. And and 300 years ago, he was split out of his original body and possessed the founding emperor of Kelmania, who founded the country of Kelmania from the ground up. Since then, it has continuously possessed the holder of the [Gem of Fire] which is also the successive emperors of Kelmania (If Andre does not complete the task of freeing the Fire Elf, after the throne and the [Gem of Fire] pass to Alice, Alice will also be possessed.) Compared to this Fire Elf bilocation, Andrei's consciousness was at a disadvantage and was easily consumed.

So Andre's consciousness is the consciousness of the fire elf's bilocation, standing in the position of the fire elf will not consider the death of humans, as the position of the fire elf's bilocation and once served as the emperor for 300 years, as long as it occupies the human world, the fire elf will not come out easily, he is still the substantive ruler.

"Kelmania, while believing in the Elves of Fire, has been a member of the human race since the beginning. King Joseph is cautious." Anrietta stepped forward and circumspectly spoke.

Joseph looked at Anrietta and skipped the topic as well.

As a result, none of the talks on the first daylight day were even close, which left Anrietta, who was committed to promoting the talks, exhausted.

Chapter 66 - The Four Power Talks 2 Exchanges Under the Table

When the daylight talks came to an end and the four countries returned to the urban areas where they were stationed, it did not mean that the four countries stopped their activities. On the contrary, each country sent men and horses to the other countries' garrisons, bringing with them conditions that would not have been offered on the table.

It was these under-the-table conditions that were the main driving force behind the proceedings.

For example, Torristine offered Goliath the terms of a 30-year lease to the south of Torristine, providing Goliath with enough food to feed 100,000 troops for a month. In exchange for Goliath's strong support and troop contribution on the issue of the [Elves of Fire].

The condition offered by the aggressive Asya at the meeting was that Goliath return the occupied royal capital instead of all the northern territories. In exchange, Albion would commit 20,000 troops in Goliath to help resist the [Fire Elf]'s move north.

Aerith, who rarely spoke at the meeting, also offered to have Goria return the royal capital, and the territory did not need to be all of the south, just half of the southwest first. In exchange, Kelmania would commit 30,000 troops in Goliath.

And a secret pact was exchanged between the three nations of Torristine, Kelmania, and Albion, whereby in the event of an invasion of any of these nations by Goliath, the three nations were to resist together and maintain the integrity of their existing territories. The covenant did not apply to the retaking of lands already occupied by Goliath.

Anrietta, Asya, and Iris have no objection to this. The covenant between the countries was made by strength and interest, and nowadays, one strong and three weak, if the three countries did not unite, they would probably be annexed by Goliath one by one. And if the strength of the countries changed dramatically, the binding force of this covenant would be null and void.

Goliath was tough in the daytime meeting though, not allowing a single bit of land to be given away. But faced with the threat of the [Fire Elf] [Earth Elf], Joseph chose to compromise. However, instead of returning the countries' original lands, he intended to divide the southern part of Goria among the three countries as a bargaining chip. The land in the southwest corner of Albion Goria, an area in the center of southern Torristine Goria, and a large strip of territory in Kelmania from the eastern side of the original southern Kelmania down to the southeastern part of Goria.

The lands Joseph gave out were all very large, which made the three countries of Torristine, Albion, and Kelmania move. Unaware of the news that [Spirit of Earth] was about to awaken, the three countries still believed that there was only the threat of [Spirit of Fire], and as long as they beat back [Spirit of Fire], these lands could be inhabited and developed.

After four or five Potter envoys back and forth, Goliath convinced Albion and Kelmania on the condition of additional royal capitals and southern lands.

The former, as a floating island nation, had always longed for a piece of land on the mainland, and at first House and other families would be encouraged by Joseph to attack Torristine for the same reason, and as a floating island nation, using floating ships to travel between the mainland and the floating islands, there was no concern that the territories were not adjacent.

The latter lost a lot of land a year ago, but the population is still over 2 million, and with the land in the north is hard to provide for. Now that Goliath was offering such a big pie, Alice, who didn't know the inside story, fell for it.

And Torristine still hadn't agreed. Golia's southern central location land area is large, but it doesn't border with Torristine, as an enclave do you want to establish a duchy in that area? So Anrietta and Joseph bargained for the land adjacent to Torristine.

Josephus makes a trap and grants Torristine the western part of the now physically occupied southern Kelmania of the Fingolian lands. If Torristine accepted, then Torristine and Kelmania would be in territorial dispute, and the alliance between the three nations would be cracked.

At the time, Hao was in a coma, and Anrietta was so intent on brokering peace talks that she actually ghostly agreed to do so. After Anrietta also nodded, Goliath and the three countries are negotiated, for 1 year ago Goliath occupied the land of the countries, the countries have tacitly agreed to the occupation of Goliath, and Goliath will also be the actual occupation of land, southern land to the three countries in exchange for the military assistance of the three countries.

This practice of dividing the land like a cake cutting was not to be known by the people, but the leaders of the countries did so, and then the problem was quickly resolved.

At the next day's meeting, the leaders of the countries screened out the negotiators, leaving only four people. Anrietta, Joseph, Willus, and Alice, signed a document drawn up with the contents of last night's Concordat, in four copies, to be kept by each of the four countries. Whichever nation violates the Concordat, the other three nations have the right to jointly attack the offending nation.

After negotiating the amount of land to be divided and the number of troops to be assisted, today's meeting came to an end. Not only did they negotiate a joint response to the threat of the [Fire Elves], but they also settled the legacy of the war a year ago not so well.

After the signing of the Concordat, Anrietta held an open-air banquet in the city, allowing the soldiers and top brass of the four countries that came to the city to participate together. This was to celebrate the signing of the Concordat and to hopefully harmonize relations between the four countries.

Anrietta had a heartfelt joy that a civil war between humans had been avoided thanks to her efforts. Even though the "Fire Spirits" were so terrifying to Hao Tian, Anrietta believed that if the four countries united, they could beat them back. 6000 years ago, the ancestors defeated the "Fire Spirits" as well, so the ancestors and the late king would protect me.

That night's revelry also had nothing to do with the unconscious Hao Tian.

On the morning of the third day, when the people from each country returned to their countries, Tabatha came to see Hao Tian one last time. With a soft kiss on the forehead of the unconscious Hao Tian, she left the place and returned to Goliath with Joseph.

The city, which had been driven to construction because of the four-nation talks, was empty a day later. The four nations returned to their respective capitals, administrative centers, and soon began to implement the concordat.

Goliath withdrew the population and soldiers who had ceded the land, and the other three countries moved their populations over and sent soldiers to maintain law and order. Then it was time to send troops to the southeast of Goria to prepare for the northward movement of the [Elves of Fire].

Hao Tian woke up on the evening of the third day of his unconsciousness, when the Concordat had already been signed. Without Hao Tian being able to give his opinion, Torristine had his future direction decided by Anrietta. This angered Hao Tian somewhat, but it was over, and his proposed occupation of Albion Floating Island was no longer advisable, and he could only continue to operate from the present day.

After Hao Tian wakes up, Anrietta once again gives Hao Tian the lead on Torristine. Hao Tian proposed that Torristine send 50,000 soldiers to the war, while the relative Goliath was to give Torristine command of the allied forces.

Goliath naturally disagreed with this, Joseph was prepared to mobilize an army of 100,000, and the other three nations combined were only 100,000. Naturally, he was reluctant to hand over command.

Hao Tian assured him that there would be no difference of 10% between the battle losses of Torristine and Goliath, and if it was more than that, he would hand over the command to Goliath. Only then did Joseph agree to surrender the command of the allied forces.

After receiving the command of the allied forces, Hao Tian left the capital of Torristine and took 25,000 each of the Valier and Gramont legions south, crossing the border of Goliath and arriving at the southeastern front of Goliath.

After one month after another, the 20,000 soldiers led by Albion Verus, 30,000 soldiers led by Kelmania Alice, and 100,000 soldiers led by Goliath Sheffield converged on the southeast Goliath front against the [Elves of Fire]. Right now, here, 200,000 troops from 4 human countries converged to fight against the natural disaster incarnation of the [Elf of Fire].

And Hao Tian was the commander of these 200,000 troops. He couldn't wait to implement his ideas.

Chapter 67 - Sweeping Romania

This was probably the largest force of humanity today, 200,000 troops, 6,000 sets of possessed armor, and 5 [Quadrilateral Rank] magicians. Hao Tian now commanded this force, with the aim of resisting the [Fire Elf] to the north, and with the strategy of taking the initiative to march south, the battle line was drawn diagonally south from the southeast of Goria.

The small triangle in the Goria region was not alien, and the battle line easily advanced to the former Romania-Goria border region. After a slight rest, the next day the army continued south into the Romanian area.

Before the First World War, the Romanian region was a small territory, with the smallest population and few species, so although 200,000 troops found flame-changing beasts, with the help of the fire-resistant cloaks and water magicians prepared by the advance troops, they eliminated these flame-changing rats, wild cats, roe deer, and gophers after paying some casualties.

Once these flaming demons were exterminated, the temperature in that area subsided slowly.

The troops continued southward, occasionally finding flaming wild horses, tigers, leopards, and other large beasts, either sending powerful magicians of the triangle level or higher, or elite troops equipped with fire-resistant cloaks, to kill them one by one.

After three days of slow marching, the flaming beasts in the northern part of the Romanian region had been wiped out. If there was no threat, it was possible for the migrating population to come over and reclaim the land.

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