Zero no ambassador: my harem

Zero Demon Envoy's My Harem Chapter 175.

Now, Ani Coconutus returned to report to Hao Tian.

Hao Tian lightly nodded his head, praising Ani Coconutz's work ability.

"Good job, have the soldiers keep an eye on the 4 people of Vidashar, I don't trust the general soldiers, let's transfer 4 of the Wizard Knights over. Also, where did they buy their horses, where did they first show up, how did they get to Torristine, you need to find out all of that."

"Under my orders." Ani Coconut turned in a breeze and left. She was more than happy to go out on business than to live as a head maid serving Hao Tian, the Queen and the others in the chambers, preferably with a battle bar.

Hao Tian got up and left the hall, extinguishing the oil lamp.

Vaidashar, I hope you're not a relative Tifa disadvantage. Otherwise-.

The next morning, after breakfast, Hao Tian was in his study reviewing the government affairs.

Around 10:00 a.m., Katria, who was the commander of the city's defense forces, came running all the way over.

"No, it's not good, Hao Tian. My sister and those lovers of yours have been captured."

"Huh?" Hao Tian was at first startled, then frowned, then angry.

"Tell me slowly, who have been taken away? Who did it?"

"That Jessica-san and Shesta-san and Carino-san, I was almost caught too, if it wasn't for the many soldiers in the city guard. The guy who caught them has long pointy ears, is he a goblin?"

"Vedachar!!! How dare you." Hao Tian put down his government affairs and left the study.

First, he and Katria returned to the chambers, where Anrietta, Louise, and other women were gathered.

Anrietta, Louise, Tiffania, Alia, and Fouquet who were staying in the palace were fine, while Katria, Eleanor, and Jessica and Shesta who didn't live in the palace who left the palace area during the day were attacked? These goblins, they actually dared to do it.

"Where are the Magic Knights? I'm not transferring them to spy on Vedachar and the others."

Hao Tian sent someone to get William.

When Hao Tian used to hold the position of captain of the Griffins, William was his second-in-command. Later, when Hao Tian became the Secretary of State, he made William the leader of the Magic Knights. Hao Tian trusted him a lot.

The tall and skinny William came to the bedchamber and first apologized for being careless and light-hearted, not sending out some of the strongest people in the group and underestimating his opponent's strength before allowing him to easily get rid of the Magic Knights' surveillance.

"Where is the surveillance?"

"They were all defeated, and their opponents were also wizards, using strange magic. The walls and streets around them squirmed like worms and imprisoned those [Line Level] team members. Shortly after getting rid of the surveillance, those kidnappings happened."

"Well, it's also due to my carelessness, I thought they wouldn't dare to do anything. This time, send out the elite bar within the regiment, search the entire city and catch them for me."


"Katria will also mobilize the city guard to operate with the Magic Knights."

"Of course, sister Eleanor can still have them."

"You guys shouldn't leave the palace for the next two days." Hao Tian said again to Anrietta, Louise and the other women.

"Don't worry, I can protect myself." Louise was somewhat confident, after gradually mastering the power of [Void], although her magic power hadn't reached the [Quadrilateral Level] yet, without using [Fourth Level Magic], even Hao Tian and Osman would have to be careful when facing [Void] magic.

"Got it, we'll be careful."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's all because of me." Tiffania actually took the fault on herself.

"It has nothing to do with you, it's those goblins who had the audacity to do it. Don't think about it too much, stay in the palace and don't go anywhere, they're after you, I'm not handing you over."

"Well." Tiffania echoed somewhat sullenly.

Chapter 6: The Mirror of Srepnir

Hao Tian didn't look very good. Ever since Eleanor 3 had been kidnapped, he had ordered the city gates to be blocked and the entire city to be greatly claimed. But now that 3 days had passed, the city defense forces and the Magic Knights had almost turned over the inside and outside of the King City, and there was no sign of those goblins. The initiative completely fell on the side of the goblins.

This morning, a letter was sent to the King City by a carrier pigeon. After the city guard intercepted it, they read the contents and reported it to their superiors, and then Katria knew about it, and Hao Tian knew about it.

Mr. Secretary of State, we just want to welcome back Miss Tiffania. Out of necessity, hijacked your women, if you don't want to make things painful for both sides, please let Miss Tifa alone to our designated location and exchange your 3 women.

Location: a plain 10 miles south of the King's City. Time: 3pm today.

PS: Only Miss Tiffania will be allowed to come alone.

Hao Tian held the letter, his anger raging.

"Hao Tian, this?" Katria was tempted to get Hao Tian to agree to the goblin's terms, but sensing Hao Tian's anger, she didn't persuade him.

"Don't tell Tiffania about this."

"Katria, is there anyone in the King's Capital who specializes in disguise, or is there any magic that can be disguised?"

"This kind of magic that isn't the four elements is rare. Wait, I remember the Magic Academy having such a disguise magic item. It's a mirror that reads people's thoughts and disguises them using the one used at [Srepnir's Ball]."

"Well, I'm going to use this mirror to disguise as Tifa to go to the appointment. Don't tell Louise, Anrietta and the others to worry about it yet. Katelia."

"It's okay, those goblins are dangerous people who defeated the Magic Knights and escaped from the blockaded royal city."

"Believe me, under the guidance of the Water Spirit, I'm probably the strongest among humans today." Hao Tian showed a confident smile.

"Please be sure to bring sister Eleanor and the others back."

"Mm, leave it to me."

Hao Tian left the office study and entrusted the government affairs to Anrietta before heading to the Magic Academy.

Magic Academy, Dean's Room.

"Tuk Tuk."

"Yes, please come in."

Horton pushed the door in.

Osman slouched back in his recliner, teasing the ratty enabler.

"Aww, if it isn't our Secretary of State. What are you doing here with me when you're not at the palace dealing with governmental affairs?" Osman asked with some surprise.

"Academy Leader Osman, I heard that you have a mirror here that can be disguised, and I would like to borrow it."

"[Mirror of Sleipnir]? Indeed there is, but it's not time for a masquerade ball yet."

"It's not to participate in the ball, I have other purposes, and as for the reason, please let me keep it a secret."

"Since you've come to that point, fine, follow me."

The two left the Headmaster's office and made their way to the treasure room, with Osman using his wand to disarm the multiple protective boundaries along the way.

Hao Tian looked around a bit and found not only magical items from this world, but also many weapons from Earth's past, pistols, grenades, Japanese knives, etc., as well as adult magazines, soaps, and other clutter.

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